Chapter 187 "Meet the Parents"

When Xiao Yan and others came back, Xiao Xue was still in the desert, summoning Dan Lei to strike Medusa.

After being struck by lightning for several days, Medusa has become quite skilled at resisting lightning.

After Xiao Yan and others returned to the Xiao family, they also used the communication jade token to contact Xiao Xue.

In this regard, Xiao Xue's approach is to read it and cannot read it back.

If it was just Xiao Yan and the others, then forget it.

But Xiao Yan still carries a Yao Lao with him.

It would be interesting if she went back now and let Yao Lao see something.

Eating melon is a very happy thing, but if you are a melon, the taste of the melon is not so beautiful.

However, hiding all the time is not an issue.

Who knows how long it will take to rebuild a mature body.

After all, this time, the little sky-swallowing python directly condensed into a body that could transform into a seventh-level body.

It is equivalent to requiring all the energy of a strong Douzong warrior, or even more.

So, to put it bluntly, maybe everyone from Danta came over, but she still had a snake in her arms.

After such a long time, anomalies will inevitably be discovered, it's just a matter of time before they are discovered.

What should be faced must be faced one day.

How about... a direct showdown? !
It's just a sequelae of bloodline fusion!It’s not something that can’t be said!

Xiao Xue even wanted to ask Yao Lao if he had any solutions.

But now, she can't open her mouth yet.

Xiao Xue was very annoyed, so... she beat Medusa again.

Then, she took a seventh-grade elixir and was fully prepared to take Medusa back to the Xiao family.

Forget it, let’s not say it for now until we can’t hide it anymore.

The main thing is that Xiao Xue doesn't know how to tell this to her family now.

Therefore, she subconsciously wanted to escape reality.

The power of the seventh-grade elixir is extremely powerful, and even a small sky-swallowing python that wants to reshape its body can absorb it for a long time.

With plenty of energy, it should stay stable and not jump out to cause trouble.

And her soul power is actually not weaker than the current Yao Lao.

As long as you are careful, you may not be discovered.

Otherwise, it would be fun if, after she returned to the Xiao family, the soul of the little sky-swallowing python was exposed to everyone because of "not having enough to eat".

If this wave can survive, then after the recent drama is over, she will directly "retreat" to Danta and send someone over.

During the "retreat", she could take more medicine, absorb more energy, "ripen" the little sky-swallowing python as soon as possible, and then find an opportunity to separate.

In this way, the Xiao family did not know about this matter at all, so she threw the sky-swallowing python directly to Medusa and ignored it.

What happens to the little sky-swallowing python in the future has nothing to do with her.

Perhaps after the little sky-swallowing python matures and its connection with her is severed, she can use the system to separate it directly.

It is impossible to separate them directly now. The connection between the two is too close and cannot be separated at all.

If it is forcibly peeled off, the soul of the little sky-swallowing python will die, and she will also suffer backlash and her soul will be affected.

If he could peel off or annihilate the soul of the little sky-swallowing python, Xiao Xue would do it directly from the very beginning.

Xiao Xiao: When I was a child, my mother wanted to beat me, but she didn’t.

Of course, if you really can't hide it and the Xiao family finds out - just tell the truth and that's it.

Speaking of which, Medusa has been to Xiao Mansion several times, but she has never shown her face.

So this time, when she heard that Xiao Xue was going to take her to the door, Medusa was extremely nervous.

"What, are you afraid?"

Xiao Xue looked at Medusa and sneered, "So the Queen is also afraid?"

Although Medusa's expression was still indifferent, Xiao Xue was very sure.

At that moment just now, I saw the confusion in her eyes!
However, Xiao Xue didn't care what she did, and pulled Medusa back.

Just kidding, how could she let Medusa stay behind at this time?

It would be fine if he hadn't been discovered, but if he had been discovered, the two of them would be better off than just one person.

At Medusa's speed, it wouldn't even take a day to return from the desert to Xiao Mansion.

Even Xiao Xue, the fighting king, would only take a few days to return.As a result, the two spent nearly a week on the road.

Naturally, Xiao Xue would not choose to fly by herself, but would let Medusa carry her with her fighting spirit.

Xiao Xue naturally discovered that Medusa was slacking off, but she gave her a symbolic reminder.

After Medusa agreed, she continued to fish, and Xiao Xue didn't care anymore. The two of them just rushed to Xiao's mansion slowly.

As a result, by the time the two of them arrived at Xiao Mansion, the alchemist conference had already begun.

Of course, we have just begun, the initial test.

After the test, a batch of unqualified ones will be screened out, and then the preliminary test will begin.

There is still a certain amount of time before the re-examination and finals.

However, the most intuitive impact of the Alchemist Conference on Xiao Xue is that Xiao Yan and Yao Lao are not at home now.

The Little Medical Fairy also went to attend the Alchemist Conference, and her junior sister Qing Lin followed to cheer for the Little Medical Fairy.

Even Zi Yan couldn't bear the loneliness and followed Qing Lin and the others to the Alchemist Conference to watch the excitement.

As for Xiao Xue, Medusa saw the problem at first glance because she didn't cover it up at all.

As long as she pays more attention, with Xiao Xue's current soul power, it is possible that only Yao Lao can see something strange about her.

So now, even though she has returned to Xiao Mansion, she does not need to worry about being exposed for the time being.

In front of the Xiao Mansion Hall, Medusa took Xiao Xue and landed from high altitude.

Medusa, the most powerful person in the alliance, came back with Xiao Xue, which naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Xiao Mansion.

For a time, many people gathered around.

Most of them were looking at Medusa curiously.

After all, Medusa is considered a first-rate celebrity in the Northwest Continent.

The residents of the northwest continent may not know Gu Yuan or the Soul Emperor, but they must know Medusa.

Moreover, it is no secret that Medusa has joined the alliance.

Therefore, many people have various speculations about Medusa's appearance in Xiao Mansion.

Medusa ignored the curious people around her and stood quietly with her hands down.

Xiao Xue's soul power swept away and she found that her cheap father Xiao Zhan and others were in the hall.

"Let's go."

After saying that, Xiao Xue walked into the hall first, followed by Medusa.

"Haha, Xue'er..."

Seeing Xiao Xue coming back, Xiao Zhan and some other elders of the Xiao family in the hall naturally had a lot to say.

As a result, after seeing Medusa behind her, Xiao Zhan and several elders subconsciously kept silent.

Although they had never seen Medusa in person before, they had seen the portrait.

Moreover, the aura of Medusa cannot be faked.

An emperor may be able to play the role of a commoner, but a commoner can never play the role of an emperor.

That kind of temperament cannot be faked by anyone who has not experienced it.

"It's okay, father, the three elders, let's talk about our own affairs and don't worry about her."

Xiao Xue said, casually pulled up a chair and sat down, then pointed to the seat of the guests and said to Medusa, "Sit down."

Xiao Zhan and others are still worried that although Xiao Xue is the leader of the alliance, it is a bit rude to treat Medusa, a Douzong, in this way.

After all, to them now, Medusa is still super powerful.

As a result, before they could say anything, Xiao Zhan and others saw that Medusa nodded and silently walked to the guest seats and sat down.

She didn't even cross her legs. She unconsciously brought her legs together slightly and her knees together.

——It seems to be a stable horse, but in fact it is a panic.

Except for Xiao Xue who is the Dou Wang, the others in this hall are only talented Dou Lings.

However, facing these humans who are not as strong as themselves and who are much younger than themselves.

In Medusa's heart, a kind of... nervousness arose in Medusa's heart, like a junior meeting an elder.

She is very worried now if Xiao Xue is found to have any abnormality.

Will the Xiao family crush some jade medal or something in a rage and call a super strong person to roast her and stew her in soup...

On the other side, Xiao Yan, who was preparing for the test at the Alchemist Conference, suddenly sneezed.

(End of this chapter)

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