Chapter 188 Conference Test

On the other side, Xiao Yan, who was preparing for the test at the Alchemist Conference, suddenly sneezed.

"Strange, what's going on..."

Xiao Yan rubbed his nose and murmured softly.

After all, he is now a fighting spirit, and he still has two kinds of strange fires in his body, so it is impossible to catch a cold.

Even if we throw him on the ice field, as long as his fighting spirit is not exhausted, nothing will happen to him.

Not understanding what was going on, Xiao Yan gave up and continued to listen carefully to Fa Ma's introduction to the rules of the test.

"Refining medicinal materials? This test question is a bit interesting." Yao Lao's voice sounded in Xiao Yan's ears.

"Refining medicinal materials is not only a necessary measure when refining medicine, but also requires the ability to control the heat."

"This small item can roughly measure some of the abilities of these candidates."

Xiao Yan nodded silently, obviously agreeing with what Yao Lao said.

Then, after hesitating for a moment, Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask in his heart:
"Teacher, when will I be able to refine seventh-grade elixirs?"

Xiao Yan naturally understands Xiao Xue's character, and also knows that she will not act aimlessly.

Therefore, after returning to the Jia Ma Empire, "my sister can refine seventh-grade elixirs" has always been a knot in Xiao Yan's heart.

His sister's water attribute is already at level seven!

If you ask him to be your elder brother, who is of fire attribute, and who has refined two kinds of strange fires to reach the fourth level, where can you put your face? !
Of course, Xiao Yan is not jealous of Xiao Xue, but more like a feeling that I am dissatisfied and about to open the book.

"You brat!" Yao Lao scolded with a smile, "Why, you want to fly before you learn how to run?"

"Is your current soul power level enough? You just want to refine seventh-grade elixirs?"

How could he not know what Xiao Yan was thinking.

Xiao Yan chuckled and did not refute.

"Teacher, since soul power has realms, it should also have cultivation techniques, right?"

"The skills that can cultivate soul power are truly rare. They are just as good as, or even better than, heaven-level skills and fighting skills." Yao Lao answered.

"However, as long as you win the championship of the Dan Pagoda held by the Dan Pagoda, you can get a volume of techniques for cultivating soul power collected by the Dan Pagoda."

"It seems that this technique is quite easy to obtain." Xiao Yan said.

"...If you want to win the Alchemy Club Championship, you must at least refine the seventh-grade peak elixir."

"If you encounter a real evildoer, you may even need to refine an eighth-grade elixir."

"That is to say, I have to reach the seventh level or even the eighth level first, and then I can get the soul cultivation technique?" Xiao Yan spread his hands.

Yao Lao: "..."

It seems right.

For a moment, both of them fell silent.

By the way, how did Xiao Xue cultivate her soul power?
After a pause, Yao Lao continued:

"I also relied on winning the championship of an alchemy competition to obtain a volume of soul cultivation techniques."

"However, the effects of exercises vary from person to person. The exercises I acquired back then may not be suitable for you."

"I naturally hope that you can also win the Dan Club Championship and choose a volume of exercises that suits you."

"Now, you can further practice your fire control ability and medicine refining skills."

"After all, the elixirs before refining to the eighth level can be compensated with these two."

"Furthermore, although there are also soul skills that can be performed with soul power, in the Dou Qi Continent, Dou Qi is the mainstream after all."

"I will teach you when your soul strength and fighting spirit are enough to support you in refining seventh-grade elixirs."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded.

Although Xiao Yan is a freak, his soul power has been stronger than ordinary people since he was born, but it is not strong enough to reach the seventh level now.

Therefore, if you want to refine the seventh-grade elixir, you will probably have to wait a few years.

"...Those who fail the test will be disqualified from participating."

On the high platform, Fa Ma finally finished the test requirements.

Hearing such a severe punishment for failure, the young people below looked at each other.

Except for a few people, the expressions of the other testers all changed slightly.

"Since there are no problems, now, the test... begins!" Fa Ma announced on the stage.

After hearing the initial words, Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy next to him looked at each other.

Xiao Yan showed an encouraging smile, while the little medical fairy blinked his eyes playfully.

Then, the two of them turned around and walked into the testing cubicles respectively.

As for Liu Ling, the little princess and others, they naturally would not despise Xiao Yan like in the original work.

There is even one more competitor among them, who is at least a fourth-grade little medical fairy.Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Immortal have both passed the fourth-grade alchemist examination and are considered the favorites to win this time.

After all, in the original work, Liu Ling and the little princess were only in the third level at the Alchemist Conference.

The two of them don't have any habit of hiding their clumsiness. If they can take the fourth grade test, they can take the test directly.

In the finals of the original work, they refined the fourth-grade elixir, which was considered an extraordinary performance.

Therefore, even Furukawa gave Liu Ling a lot of training and guidance.

When it comes to refining medicine, he, Xiao Yan and the Little Fairy Doctor are definitely far behind. The same goes for the little princess.

Therefore, the pressure brought by Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy on them is not small.

You know, if Liu Ling loses, then the bet between Furukawa and Xiao Xue will also be lost.

Therefore, although there was little hope, Liu Ling still wanted to save it.

Because the little princess represents the royal family, she doesn't want to be ranked too low and embarrass the royal family.

Although there are two perverts, they are really incomparable, but she still has to be the third one, right? !

Liu Ling, the little princess and others, after briefly looking at each other, immediately walked into the cubicle and started the test.


Xiao Mansion, in the hall.

"...Xue'er, where have you been these days?"

Seeing Medusa sitting down, Xiao Zhan and others didn't say much and started chatting with Xiao Xue.

Of course, they are still slightly unnatural.

Xiao Xue didn't pay attention. This was a very normal reaction. She said calmly, "Something happened on the road and I was delayed for a few days."

It was normal for Xiao Zhan and others to care about her when she came back so slowly.

Seeing that Xiao Xue was unwilling to say more, Xiao Zhan didn't ask any more questions.

As children grow older, they should also have some secrets of their own.

"Young Patriarch, are you now able to refine seventh-grade elixirs?"

On the other side, the great elder couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yu also followed Xiao Yan and others back from Canaan College.

With Xuan level advanced skills, Xiao Yu has now broken through the Great Dou Master.

Originally, the eldest elder thought that his granddaughter was already very good, but the third young master, Xiao Yan, was already a fighting spirit.

Even if Xiao Xue is a high-level fighting king, news has been spread to the outside world that after the alchemist conference is over, the seventh-grade elixir will be refined in public.

If you can refine seventh-grade elixirs, even Douzong and even Douzun experts will regard alchemists of this level as precious treasures.

Compared with the third young master and the fourth young lady, Xiao Yu's talent seems to be just that.

Hearing this question, almost everyone looked at Xiao Xue.

After all, they were just as curious about it.

Although she knew that, since Xiao Xue dared to spread the news, she should be confident.

However, for something that sounds outrageous, it is more reliable to be recognized by the person himself.

Xiao Xue nodded lightly and said calmly:

"It is now possible to refine seventh-grade high-grade ones. I haven't tried the seventh-grade peak ones yet, so I'm not sure."

"Hiss~" *N

Xiao Zhan and the others naturally know Xiao Xue's character. As long as she dares to say something, she will definitely do it.

A 17-year-old seventh-grade senior alchemist!
It’s a big step higher than Dan Wang Furukawa!
No wonder Xueer didn't go to the Alchemist Conference.

If she went there, it wouldn't be to compete at all, but purely to hit people.

She was there to crush other people's pride.

What's the point of playing house with children?
"Hahahaha, a 17-year-old seventh-grade senior alchemist!"

"My son Xiao Xue has the qualifications to become a saint!"

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Xue with a heartfelt smile on his face.

This child can always inadvertently give people great surprises, even... frights!
If we talk about it before, Xiao Zhan felt that Xiao Xue could only reach Dou Huang Dou Zong.

So now, Xiao Zhan feels that it is not a bad idea for Xiao Xue to break through the Dou Sheng.

At the same time, everyone in the Xiao family also felt a sense of pride.

Xue'er is only the Dou Wang now, but she is probably the strongest among the younger generation in the entire northwest continent!
Even, he is No. 1 among the young generation in the whole continent!
And don't forget, Xiao Xue is still very young now.

In her hands, the Xiao family may develop to an unprecedented height!
Xiao Zhan and several elders couldn't help but look forward to it.

What will the Xiao family look like in a few decades?
(End of this chapter)

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