Chapter 189 I can only do it thirteen times

Alchemist Conference, testing ground.

As Xiao Yan and others lifted up the black cloth and walked into the cubicle, the layout naturally came into view.

The compartment is not spacious, but it is quite elegant and clean. There is a bluestone platform against the wall.

On the bluestone platform, there is an hourglass and pieces of black charcoal-like medicinal materials.

Xiao Yan glanced at the medicinal materials that were like pieces of black coal, and there was a clear flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Tsk, it turns out to be iron wood leaf. It takes a lot of effort to refine this thing."

"These old guys are really worrying."

Temu Ling leaf, a low-level medicinal material commonly used in refining second-grade healing elixirs, is very resistant to burning.

To refine it, it requires strong fire control ability and precise control of the fire.

For a third-grade alchemist, it is not an easy task to refine it to a certain degree of purity.

However, for Xiao Yan, who possesses strange fire and has reached the fourth level of alchemy skills, this test is not difficult at all.

No matter what medicinal materials you use, once the strange fire comes out, they must be refined obediently.

Xiao Yan did not use beast fire, but directly used fusion fire.

After all, in the original work, he can also use the Purple Fire Pill to create a ray of purple fire.

But now, Xiao Yan naturally does not have the Purple Fire Pill.

The beast fire he initially refined had long been swallowed up by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

In other words, Xiao Yan currently only has Qinglian Earth Core Fire and Wind Fury Dragon Flame in his body.

If he wanted to refine the Three Marks Green Spirit Pill, he would have to go to Yao Lao and borrow a ray of cold bone spirit fire.

Otherwise, even if his alchemy skills are much better than those in the original work, he can only refine the second-line Qingling Pill at most.

Throwing the iron wood leaf and strange fire into the medicine cauldron, Xiao Yan started this rather simple and boring refining.

Under the high temperature of the strange fire, almost instantly, the hard outer layer of the iron wood leaf began to twist and fall off.

With his fingers beating flexibly in front of him, Xiao Yan gradually closed his eyes, relying entirely on his senses to control the flames.

On the other side, the little medical fairy summoned Meow, and asked Meow to swallow the iron wood leaf in one gulp.

Then, the useless residue was spit out easily by Meow.

For Miao Ao, whatever he can absorb is good stuff and he should keep it.

If you can't absorb it, just spit it out.

With the existence of the fire spirit Meow Ao, the little medical fairy can refine the medicinal materials much faster than the ordinary alchemist.

And the purity she extracted is also terrifyingly high.

Refining medicinal materials is nothing more than burning them with flames to remove thermal decomposition, and then removing impurities many times to obtain high-purity medicinal materials.

But no matter what, it is impossible to obtain 100% medicinal substances through refining.

Even Xiao Yan and even Yao Lao are constantly removing ingredients from medicinal materials and purifying medicinal materials.

How far it can be refined depends entirely on one's fire control ability.

If the fire control ability is not enough, after reaching the limit, no matter how many times you continue to refine it, you will be doing useless work.

The purity of the refined product will not continue to improve.

However, with Miao Ao's presence, as long as it can decompose the medicinal materials, the purity can be increased to nearly [-]%.

——This is a good cat that can help refine medicine.

After the refining was completed, Miao Ao secretly kept part of it for himself to eat, and gave the rest to the little medical fairy.

Naturally, the little medical fairy also noticed the little meowing movements, but she didn't mind.

From the same medicinal material, with Miao Ao's presence, she can extract more medicinal materials than others.

It's okay to give Miao Ao a little, and it won't affect her refining the medicine.

Moreover, as long as it absorbs enough energy, Meow Ao's strength will become stronger and stronger.

The current Meow Ao is only comparable to Dou Huang, and with its toxins, it may be able to threaten Dou Zong.

No one knows how far it will grow over time.

However, since it is a strange fire, its upper limit will not be low.

After all, even the lowest-ranked Xuanhuang Yan can burn Dou Sheng to death if it is in Gu Yuan's hands.

There is the Little Medical Fairy, the owner of the disaster poison body, and he also has spiritual intelligence.

The future Nether Poison Fire may not be able to possess the power of a fighting saint.

Therefore, the little medical fairy is not stingy when it comes to training Meow.

Of course, if necessary, she will also stop Meow Ao from stealing food.

After the refining was completed, the little medical fairy put the refined white powder into a jade bottle.

She did not go out immediately, but petted the cat for a while. It was estimated that the time was almost up, then she called Meow back and walked out.

She may not be able to hide the fact that she possesses strange fire.

But of course, the fewer people who know about the existence of Meow, the better.

On the other side, Xiao Yan just opened the black curtain and walked out.

The hall was empty. Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy were the first to complete the refining.

In fact, given Xiao Yan's temperament, he originally planned to wait for a while until the others came out before coming out.

However, Yao Lao said that Xiao Yan's so-called "hidden clumsiness" was completely meaningless.

After all, when the purity of the medicinal materials is tested, even if Xiao Yan is standing at the back, he will become the focus of the crowd.In this case, it is better to come out directly.

"It's a good thing for young people to understand that hiding their edge is a good thing, but when it's time to be sharp, you should still be more showy."

"The identity of an alchemist brings you great convenience and can help you solve many things."

"Could it be that you learned how to make medicine once just to make medicine for yourself?"

"In this regard, your sister is much better than you." Yao Lao said.

Xiao Yan's current approach, in Yao Lao's words, is "You can use alchemy to make a living, but you have to rely on your fists."

The alchemist's network of contacts is so huge that he can easily call on a lot of helpers of the same level or even stronger than himself.

Those who are worse than myself will be as many as they want.

Although Xiao Yan is only at the fourth level now, in the northwest continent, a talented alchemist like him is enough to attract everyone's attention.

Not to mention, the Xiao family is an important member of the alliance. There are countless people paying attention to the Xiao family, so there is no point in hiding it.

As a result, Xiao Yan never knew how to use his own advantages. He just wanted to be a silent and handsome man at the back of the crowd.

But now Xiao Yan, among such a group of people, stands out wherever he stands, so it is better to stand up openly.

Xiao Yan finally accepted Yao Lao's suggestion.

Therefore, Xiao Yan turned over and roasted the iron wood leaf more than a dozen times, and then refined it to the ultimate purity that he could, and then came out directly.

At the same time, the little medical fairy also happened to walk out of the cubicle.

The two of them looked at each other, smiled at each other, then walked to the center of the hall and waited quietly.

Naturally, there was no surprise at all that the first ones to come out were Xiao Yan, Little Medical Fairy, Fa Ma and others.

After all, among this batch of testers, only two of them have reached the fourth level.

The calm attitude of the two also made Defa Ma and the others nod in admiration.

Soon, time passed by minute by minute.

Ten minutes later, Liu Ling was the first to come out.

He first looked around and saw Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy already standing in the hall, and sighed helplessly.

It's not that the disciples don't work hard, it's that the opponents are too awesome.

Another two or three minutes passed, and soon after Liu Ling came out, a light and graceful figure quickly jumped out from the black curtain.

The little princess who was waiting looked at Liu Ling who was standing in the hall that morning, and a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on her face.

Even if she was slower than those two perverts, she was actually not as fast as Liu Ling.

She slowly came to the center of the hall and muttered: "Brother Liu, I didn't expect you to be so fast."

"Haha, the little princess is not slow either." Liu Ling responded with a dry smile.

Following Liu Ling's gaze, she saw Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy at the front, and the little princess stopped talking.

As long as I don't compare myself with perverts, perverts won't hit me.

The little princess is very open-minded. Although I am only the fourth one to come out, as long as the purity I refine is higher than Liu Ling's, that's fine.

Soon, one after another, alchemists who had finished refining came out.

After the time was over and everyone came out, Fa Ma walked to an instrument in the center and said:

"This is a purity measuring instrument built by our Alchemist Guild and invited by some famous casters. It can accurately test the purity of the materials you refine."

He pointed to a groove and said: "This is the place where the test materials are placed, and the system is divided into ten points."

"Ten points are the highest, one point is the lowest, and four points are passing. Please tell me how many times you have refined it."

"Little guy, who of you comes first?" Fa Ma looked at Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy.

He was also very curious about how far these two fourth-level alchemists could refine the iron wood leaf.

"You come first." The little medical fairy took a step back and motioned for Xiao Yan to go first.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded and calmly came to the testing machine under the gaze of everyone.

Then, he took out a jade bottle from the Najie, poured out some powder, and put it into the groove.

Xiao Yan turned his head and smiled at Fa Ma: "This junior has limited strength and can only refine it thirteen times."

"Hiss~" *N
You know, Xiao Xue does not have any position in the Alchemist Guild.

Therefore, the Alchemist Guild still has the same members, with the president Fa Ma being at the fifth level and the vice president at the fourth level.

And with the strength of the vice-president, he can only refine the iron wood leaf ten times.

Any more would be a wasted effort.

And Xiao Yan can now refine it thirteen times?

The next moment, a dazzling golden light erupted from the screen, and a huge [ten] appeared on the screen.


Nearly [-]% pure!
In other words, although Xiao Yan's alchemy skills are now at the fourth level.

But his control over flames may have reached the fifth level.

This fire control ability is quite amazing.

As a result, before everyone could recover from the shock, the little medical fairy stepped forward and put the refined powder into the machine.

Then, she saluted Fa Ma and said, "Master President, this junior can only refine it thirteen times."

As the golden light lit up again, there was silence in the hall for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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