Chapter 200
The Alchemist Conference ended perfectly, and Xiao Yan was busy again, preparing for the three-year appointment.

So Xiao Xue has been living peacefully in the past few days.

Every day when you should eat and drink, when you should practice, take the time to secretly feed the little sky-swallowing python.

Then, it’s a matter of contacting and “guiding” Medusa.

On the other side, thousands of miles away, is the Black Angle Domain.

After Medusa came to the Black Horn Territory, she first went to the Black Emperor Sect according to the coordinates given by Xiao Xue.

Mo Tianxing, the leader of the Black Emperor Sect, found out that an Eight-Star Dou Sect who could kill him with one slap had arrived, so he hurried out to greet him in person.

The reason why Medusa did not directly destroy the Black Emperor Sect and then search for medicinal materials was because of Xiao Xue's instructions.

As for why, I’ll explain it later.

Mo Tianxing was very polite to Medusa.

After hearing about Medusa and wanting to see the inventory of the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing immediately waved his hand and took out several volumes of earth-level exercises and fighting skills, as well as some heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

As for the mummy of the Warcraft, Mo Tianxing didn't take it out at all——

He didn't think it was a good thing, and planned to test it first. If nothing was found, he would put it in the auction house to trick people.

And he didn't take out the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva.

I don’t know if I haven’t got it yet, but I still can’t bear to give it to Medusa.

But thinking about it, it should be the former.

You know, there is news about Bodhi's body saliva, although it seems to be very confidential.

But in the original book, there are many people who know about it in the Black Corner Domain.

Back then, Xiao Yan just randomly bought some medicinal materials from a medicine shop in the Black Corner Region.

Then, he just casually asked the owner of the medicine shop and got the news about Bodhi's body saliva.

The owner of any medicine shop knows this, which means that the popularity of Bodhi Incarnation Saliva is quite high.

The matter of Bodhichitta and Bodhicitta's transformation is spread everywhere.

Bodhi Transformation Body Saliva, if taken, has the effect of completely reborn and improving some of the physiques of ordinary people.

As for bodhicitta, it can truly be called a spiritual creature of heaven and earth conceived by the aura of heaven and earth.

It is said that if someone takes bodhicitta, it can continuously nourish the soul, thereby making the soul gradually stronger.

This is an irresistible temptation for anyone, not to mention the alchemist.

The bodhicitta body saliva is some miraculous things secreted from the surface of this bodhicitta.

Therefore, if you obtain the Bodhi Transformation Body saliva.

Maybe you can get some information about bodhicitta.

You know, it is said that this bodhicitta has the ability to make people become saints.

Regardless of whether this news is true or false, the attraction of Dou Sheng is really too terrifying.

Even if there is only one thousandth percent truth in this, it will probably attract the jealousy of countless people.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about selling the Bodhi body.

If he got the saliva of Bodhisattva, Mo Tianxing would definitely publicize it so that he could sell it at a good price.

So now, you can see the head at a glance.

The body of Bodhi is not yet in the Black Emperor Sect.

After all, it is several years earlier than the original book, the auction of Bodhi's body saliva.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that the Black Emperor Sect did not obtain Bodhi's body saliva.

In this case, it naturally cannot be destroyed directly.

Instead of searching all over the continent, it is easier to just sit back and wait.

You know, this kind of waiting for the rabbit, the possibility of it being caught is quite high.

Maybe after two years, the Bodhisattva will be delivered to your door by itself.

That's why Xiao Xue didn't let Medusa come to the door and dismantle the Black Emperor Sect.

After discovering that there was no Bodhi incarnation saliva, Medusa picked through the things that Mo Tianxing took out, and finally packed them all.

Then, Medusa finally proposed the true purpose of her trip——

From today on, you, the Black Emperor Sect, will change your surname to Xiao.

After a year and a half, someone will come and take over.Just run the Black Emperor Sect well now. In the future, the benefits will be yours.

At the beginning, when Medusa looted the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing felt physical pain.

But at any rate, they didn't come directly to take action.

In the Black Angle Realm, it makes sense to have a big fist.

Medusa from the Eight-Star Douzong killed them all and then robbed them of their things, but there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, even though Medusa took away some of the valuable things from the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing could still accept it.

If you don't kill people in the Black Corner Territory, you just want money, so you are quite a nice person.

Then, Mo Tianxing, who thought Medusa was a good person just now, was stunned after hearing Medusa's words.

Good guy, it doesn’t matter if you emptied my family’s fortune, you still want me to work for you?
As a result, he couldn't defeat Medusa, the Eight-Star Dou Sect, and he didn't even have the courage to refuse.

Medusa gave Mo Tianxing a communication jade token and asked him to chat with Alliance Leader Xiao in person.

Soul communication jade tablets can only be made by level [-] or higher alchemists.

As for Mo Tianxing being able to secure a place in the Black Corner Territory, he is naturally not an inexperienced person and knows what it is.

Therefore, thinking that the other party is at least a sixth-grade alchemist and has an Eight-Star Douzong as his subordinate...

And I am afraid that even the sixth-grade peak alchemist cannot instigate the Eight-Star Douzong.

The Eight-Star Douzong respects the sixth-grade alchemist at most. He can do you a favor, but it is impossible to obey him like this.

After looking at Medusa's strength and the unfathomable strength and background of the "alliance leader", Mo Tianxing decisively surrendered.

Moreover, working under such a force is not necessarily a bad thing.

Although Mo Tianxing is a four-star Dou Sect, there are many who are stronger than him in the Black Angle Domain.

And with this alliance as a backer, even though he is working under someone else's hands.

But their status may not be reduced, and they may even fare better.

For Xiao Xue, the Xiao family, or the alliance, has not yet entered the Black Corner Territory.

Therefore, there is naturally no "Xiao Clan" in the original work.

In the Black Corner Domain, the position of the "Xiao Clan" is nothing more than making money and opportunities.

Therefore, Mo Tianxing and his Black Emperor Sect may also take advantage of it.

When it's no longer valuable, just throw it away.

After annexing the Black Emperor Sect, Medusa and Mo Tianxing asked for the "worthless" Warcraft mummy, and received the same ring.

Next, she followed Xiao Xue's instructions and went directly to Han Feng.

As for Han Feng, it's much simpler.

Because he knew Han Feng, he had collusion with the Soul Palace.

So Xiao Xue asked Medusa to put on a black robe, and then walked over with a "Jie Jie Jie" smile.

Han Feng did not doubt that he was there, and treated Medusa as the protector of the Soul Palace, but was slapped down by Medusa.

After all, Han Feng was an alchemist. If he was beaten to death, he would most likely abandon his body and his soul would escape.

Therefore, Medusa drew out Han Feng's soul according to the method given by Xiao Xue.

After peeling off Hai Xinyan, Han Feng's soul was sealed in a jade bottle.

Although Medusa is not an alchemist, she is an Eight-Star Dou Sect after all.

Her soul power is not bad among strong people at the same level.

And Han Feng was originally at the peak of a fighting emperor, but after losing his body, his strength dropped again.

Although he had the No. 15 Hai Xinyan body protection, he still lost to Medusa and was clearly arranged by Medusa.

Medusa cleaned up all Han Feng's inventory, and then packed his body, soul and Hai Xinyan separately.

After dealing with Han Feng, Medusa set off and returned to the Garma Empire.

When the time comes, Xiao Xue directly hands Han Feng's soul to Yao Lao for processing.

As for Hai Xinyan, she simply accepted it with a smile.


After the three-year appointment, the plot of Xiao Xiao's "falling off" will begin. Don't worry, after all, the plot of the three-year appointment is also a must.

(End of this chapter)

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