Chapter 201: Drawing a Piece on the Doctor
a few days later.

Nalan Yanran is still in the gate of life and death.

Xiao Xue is still secretly feeding the little Sky-Swallowing Python every day.

Xiao Yan was preparing for the three-year agreement while waiting for when Medusa and the people he sent out to find out the news would come back.

After they come back, it's better to find out what my sister has done in the past two years, and then make plans.

As a result, before the three-year agreement was up, Medusa had already returned from the Black Corner Territory.

Then, before Xiao Yan could find Medusa, Xiao Xue took the initiative to contact Xiao Yan and Yao Lao.

You know, Yue Mei also contacted Medusa and told Xiao Yan that she was looking for her.

As for Medusa, she naturally had a lot of things in mind.

Then, she immediately contacted Xiao Xue to discuss how to deal with it and unified their approach.

Xiao Xue naturally does not want to be exposed now.

If Xiao Yan knew about it, there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

If Xiao Yan didn't burn off two layers of Medusa's skin, it would be light.

And in a year's time, they will march into Central Continent.

This year, there are a lot of things that need to be done.

How to properly handle the affairs of the Black Corner Domain and the Soul Palace was enough to make her anxious.

Moreover, even if Yao Lao gets upper body, the current Xiao Yan cannot defeat Medusa of the Eight Star Douzong.

So now is definitely not the time for the alliance to engage in internal strife.

So, Xiao Xue finally gave Medusa a move.

Anyway, to be honest now, just cut off the evolution part.

After the Xiao family is within the Danta's sphere of influence and has no worries anymore, they can settle these matters slowly.

Then, after Medusa returned from the Black Corner Territory, Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan borrowed Yao Lao's ring.

Medusa, on the other hand, went to see Xiao Yan, planning to fool her future brother-in-law first.

——It is better to take the initiative than to defend passively.

In Xiao Xue's small courtyard, Xiao Xue and Yao Lao were sitting opposite each other.

On the table in front of Yao Lao, there is also a cup of fifth-grade soul-nourishing saliva.

For the soul body, drinking this kind of thing while talking can be said to be quite luxurious.

Although this thing is only Grade [-] or [-], in the Northwest Continent, except for the Xiao family, who can drink Grade [-] spiritual liquid as tea.

"Mr. Yao Lao, this junior has something to tell you."

"Mr. Yao, please stay calm next time."

Seeing Xiao Xue's solemn expression, Yao Lao also became serious, "Say it, little doll."

Then, Xiao Xue went straight to the point without leaving any ink:

"A few days ago, I asked Medusa to go to the Black Corner Territory to look for medicinal materials."

"In the Black Corner Domain, she met an alchemist who claimed to be the disciple of Lord Medicine, Medicine King Han Feng..."

Xiao Xue did not continue speaking. At this time, Yao Lao's expression was extremely gloomy.

Many of Yao Lao's friends at that time had doubts about Han Feng.

But at that time, they had no evidence after all, and it was not easy to take action against Master Yao, the only apprentice.

In addition, Han Feng had already left Zhongzhou and ran to who knows where, so he escaped.

However, Yao Lao, as the person involved, naturally knew that Han Feng stabbed him in the back.

After a long time, Yao Lao sighed, took a sip of the soul nourishing saliva on the table, and said slowly:
"When you told me about this, it seems that you had some guesses about what happened back then."

"I guess my traitor has also been dealt with by Medusa, right?"

In response, Xiao Xue smiled without answering and waved her hand.

A jade bottle containing the soul appeared on the stone table in front of the two of them.

"Han Feng's soul is here. How to deal with it depends on Mr. Yao."

Hearing this, Yao Lao's old face was slightly startled, and then he looked at the jade bottle with complex eyes, a little sad in his eyes.

No matter what, he once regarded Han Feng as his biological son.

He personally raised Han Feng from an abandoned orphan to adulthood and taught him all his skills.

In the end, Han Feng's plot caused this old man, who had been abandoned by his race, to suffer great harm.

I'm afraid that the pain of betrayal is dozens of times more intense for Yao Lao than losing his body.

Yao Lao hesitated for a moment, then opened the jade bottle.

The moment the jade bottle was opened, Han Feng's soul tried to escape, but was easily caught by Yao Lao.

In front of Yao Lao, who has recovered to the Douzong level and has the blessing of bone spirit cold fire.

Han Feng, who lost his body and was not as strong as before, naturally could not escape.


Han Feng had already figured out when he saw Yao Lao that he might have sent it today if it fell into Yao Lao's hands.No, Han Feng still tried to play the emotional card.

Han Feng's illusory soul looked at Yao Lao and cried bitterly:
"Teacher, I was really just confused for a moment. I am willing to abandon my cultivation, stop practicing Fen Jue, and stay with the teacher to atone for my sins."

"Oh, atonement, or give you a chance to betray me again?" Yao Lao sneered.

"Are you still doing this little trick in front of me?"

As he spoke, Yao Lao raised his hand and shook it towards the left front.

But seeing Yao Lao's actions, Han Feng's expression suddenly changed.

The next moment, an extremely small piece of soul power was caught in Yao Lao's hand.

Xiao Xue glanced at Han Feng with interest.

This Han Feng is also a decisive person, and he is actually willing to abandon most of his soul power, leaving only a trace to escape.

Such a small trace of soul energy is difficult for even an ordinary Douzong to detect.

If there is a ray of soul that can successfully escape, Han Feng may not be able to survive.

After all, this seemingly small soul contains almost all of Han Feng's consciousness and memory.

The soul body playing the emotional card with Yao Lao can only be regarded as a soul clone with some memories.

If it had been anyone else, Han Feng might have really run away.

As a result, the last time he met was Medusa, who was nearly a level higher than him, and now he met Yao Lao again.

Therefore, no matter how Han Feng acted, he could not escape even a ray of soul.

The invisible soul power struggled desperately in Yao Lao's hands, but it could never escape the restraints of that palm.

An angry and vicious roar could be heard faintly from Yao Lao's hands.

"Yao Chen, why don't you let me practice Fen Jue? If you hadn't forcibly restricted my future, how could I have betrayed you!"

As if he had a premonition that there was no hope of escape, Han Feng's face twisted and he cursed, even skipping the process of begging for mercy.

"You have practiced Fen Jue, and now you are only at the peak of Dou Huang?" Xiao Xue said coldly at the side.


Han Feng froze for a moment, and then his voice became even more ferocious:
"If I hadn't obtained the incomplete Fen Jue, how could I have been stuck at the peak of Dou Huang for so many years!"

Xiao Xue watched Han Feng barking from the side. It was up to Yao Lao to decide how to deal with Han Feng, and it was not easy for her to intervene.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother in the first place?"

Yao Lao sighed softly, and a ball of bone spirit cold fire directly enveloped Han Feng's soul.

After a burst of screams, the soul of Han Feng, the famous Medicine King in the Black Horn Territory, was annihilated, and he could not die anymore.


Yao Lao sighed, with a complex expression on his face.

His face showed not only anger, but also disappointment, confusion, and many other emotions.

In the end, everything turned into a sigh.

"Little doll, thank you." Yao Lao turned to Xiao Xue and said.

Seeing that Yao Lao was not in a high mood, Xiao Xue comforted him:

"Mr. Yao Lao, I have an idea."

"I hope that you can reach the level of Fighting Saint and become Medicine Saint."

"From now on, when my brother and I walk in Zhongzhou, we can use our nostrils to see people."

"Oh, little doll, you know what nonsense you are talking about now."

"It's not easy to break through the Dou Sheng."

Yao Lao glared at Xiao Xue angrily, but his mood improved a lot.

"Mr. Yao Lao, I'm serious," Xiao Xue began to paint cakes for Yao Lao.

In the original work, Yao Lao was resurrected as a semi-saint.

Now with her help in cheating, it is not impossible to become a Dou Sheng from the beginning.

Moreover, a ninth-grade alchemist at the Fighting Saint level is a rare talent among ancient races.

Therefore, investing in Yaolao will definitely not make you lose money.

"Mr. Yao Lao, look, I am already at the seventh level of peak soul power. I estimate that I will already be at the eighth level by the time I get to Zhongzhou."

"With my talent, it is almost certain that I will invest in the Ninth Grade, Danta and Ancient Races in the future?"

"When the time comes, it's not impossible for us to get all the elixirs, elixirs, etc. that can restore your soul power from the Dan Pagoda, or some secret realm in Zhongzhou, to help you restore your soul power to the heavenly realm, right?"

"Let's collect more World of Warcraft essence and blood, buy a better skeleton of a strong man, and then let my brother take the fallen heart flames from Canaan College and fuse it with a stronger strange fire."

"With this set of rules, I will resurrect you and you will become a fighting saint. Isn't it simple?"

Although he knew that Xiao Xue was drawing cakes, the more Yao Lao heard about it, the more interesting he became.

"Besides, when you become the Medicine Saint, Mr. Yao, you will be able to give us more resources and protection," Xiao Xue continued to persuade.

(End of this chapter)

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