Chapter 245 Odd and Even Changes

After confirming that the condition of the little medical fairy was stable, Xiao Xue asked Qing Lin to take care of her and went back first.

The little medical fairy will be in retreat this time, at least ten days and a half. She also has things to do, so she can't stay here forever.

And it's absolutely safe here, so just let Qing Lin pay attention.

After solving the problem of the little medical fairy, Xiao Xue returned directly.

It is estimated that after the Poison Pill and the Nether Poison Fire are completely integrated, and the affinity with the Nether Poison Fire increases, the Little Medical Fairy's strength will soar again.

It is estimated that it will not be difficult to reach Douzun in two or three years.

And after going back and staying for two more days, Xuan Yi finally came to the door.

"Aunt Xuan."

After sensing Xuan Yi's appearance in the manor, Xiao Xue came out to greet him.

Xuan Yi nodded, "You must know the purpose of my coming to you this time, so I won't talk nonsense. You can follow me to the Dan Pagoda first."

"When you pass the alchemist examination of the Dan Pagoda, you may also have a certain say in the Dan Pagoda."

Although the two of them are regarded as master and disciple outside, their status as "disciple of Xuan Yi, one of the three giants" does not provide Xiao Xue with much convenience.

It is still somewhat difficult for the Danta to protect the entire Xiao family.

And if the Dan Pagoda is unwilling to provide shelter to the Xiao family, even if the Xiao family moves to Shengdan City, it will be useless - if the Dan Pagoda does not care, the Soul Palace really wants to cause trouble, and Xuan Yi and Yao Lao alone cannot protect the Xiao family.

If the Soul Palace sends people so frantically to cause trouble in the Holy Dan City, even if the Dan Pagoda comes to settle the score with the Soul Palace afterwards, the Xiao family cannot afford such losses.

However, the eighth-grade alchemist is different.

With this kind of talent, as long as he doesn't die midway, reaching the ninth level is almost a certainty, not even the lowest level.

Even Danta cannot ignore this kind of good talent. He will try to win her over and will definitely give her some green lights.

At that time, it would be much easier for her to make some requests for Danta to provide shelter for the Xiao family.

And after knowing Danta's attitude towards the Xiao family, as long as Hun Miesheng's brain is not twitching, he will not attack the Xiao family easily.

After receiving the news from Xuan Yi, Xiao Xue went back to say goodbye to Xiao Xiao and prepared to follow Xuan Yi to the Dan Pagoda for the alchemist assessment.

As a result, Xiao Xiao expressed strong dissatisfaction with her mother's behavior of leaving home every three days.

Especially when she came to a place like Shengdan City, she actually stayed in her room for the past few days and never went out.

Shengdan City is countless times more prosperous than the Gama Imperial Capital. Xiao Xiao is still a child at heart and has long wanted to go out and play.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao hugged Xiao Xue and refused to let go, insisting that Xiao Xue take her out to play.

"Xiao Xiao, my mother has something to do. You can go and play with your mother or sister Zi Yan, okay?"

"No, no, mom, please take me out to play, okay? Mom is always with me..."

One of the two women said that mother had to go out to do business, and the other said, "I won't listen. I won't listen. I won't listen."

Medusa stood aside and said that none of the advice was appropriate. The atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

"Take this little guy with you - after the assessment is over, you can take her for a walk in Shengdan City." In the end, it was Xuan Yi who came to the rescue.

After getting Xuan Yi's approval, Xiao Xue thanked Xuan Yi and then brought Xiao Xiao with him who was cheering.

Medusa also followed - when Xiao Xue was conducting the assessment, someone had to look at Xiao Xiao.

As for the others, only Xiao Yan and Zi Yan followed.

The little medical fairy is still in seclusion, fused with the Netherworld Poison Fire and Poison Pill, and Qing Lin is protecting her, so the two of them naturally haven't come over.

Zi Yan wanted to follow Xiao Xue and the others to join in the fun, but Xuan Yi did not refuse and let her follow.

Because as one of the three giants, Xuanyi naturally knew that the Danta's Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo had some connection with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Although she didn't know that Zi Yan was a dragon princess, with her strength, she could still tell at a glance that Zi Yan's body was the Taixu ancient dragon, and her bloodline was not weak.

With this status, Zi Yan's status in Xuan Yi's mind has increased several times.

After all, the elixir pagoda has suffered from three thousand flames for a long time.

The mature body-falling heart flame of Canaan College that was taken away by Xiao Yan can at least speed up the cultivation of fighting spirit, and has a great effect on Canaan College.

However, the fact that Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo was sealed in the Star Territory did not bring much benefit to the Danta. On the contrary, it threatened the safety of the Danta to a certain extent.

Therefore, since Zi Yan is coming, Xuan Yi acquiesces - by the way, let's see if this Taixu ancient dragon cub can sense the three thousand flames, and if there is any way to deal with the three thousand flames.

Although Zi Yan has never returned to the Dragon Clan and accepted the inheritance of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, there are many things that do not need to be learned for Warcraft.

For Warcraft, many things are passed on through blood.

In other words, this Taixu Ancient Dragon, which is only at the sixth level, may really have a way to deal with the time bomb of Three Thousand Flames.

Even if not, Danta will not suffer a loss if you take Zi Yan there for a visit.

Xiao Yan was called by Xuan Yi because, after all, he was Yao Lao's disciple.Moreover, Xiao Yan has practiced Fen Jue and has refined three kinds of strange fires, and his future is also limitless.

Xuan Yi knew that Fen Jue had almost no upper limit.

As Yao Lao's disciple, Xiao Yan is also an alchemist. In the future, he will definitely have a certain status in the Dan Pagoda.

In addition, Xiao Xue planned to join the Dan Pagoda, so Xuan Yi planned to take the two brothers Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan to familiarize themselves with the environment in advance.

As for Yao Lao, he has gone into seclusion now and is refining some elixirs to restore soul power. He is temporarily idle, so he did not come with Xuan Yi.


The Alchemy Tower is located in the center of the inner domain of Shengdan City, or in other words, the "inner city" and inner domain of Shengdan City.

In the inner domain of the Holy Pill City, generally some forces or high-level alchemists related to the Pill Tower are allowed to move in.

Those who can have a residence in the inner domain are all powerful people with names.

In the center of the inner domain, a black tower nearly a hundred feet tall stands like a small mountain peak, giving people a majestic and majestic feeling.

The spire of the giant pagoda goes deep into the clouds, and at a glance, it is almost impossible to see the top, surrounded by clouds and mist, it looks extremely mysterious.

And with Xuan Yi leading the way, Xiao Xue, a group of privileged dogs, naturally did not have to slowly climb up from the first floor.

Xuanyi led several people to move directly to a lounge in the Dan Pagoda.

"Let the little guy settle here first - I will take you directly to take the assessment." Xuan Yi said.

Then, she turned to Xiao Yan, "Although the alchemist assessment is not public, because all the people participating in the assessment are acquaintances."

"So, if you are interested, you can come and watch, and take a test by the way - your alchemy skills should be at the fifth level, right?"

"Then thank you, Master." Xiao Yan replied.

After temporarily settling Medusa, Xiao Xiao and Zi Yan in the lounge, Xuan Yi took Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan straight to the top of the giant tower.

After a long time, the three of them stopped outside an extremely spacious hall.

"President Xuankong is inside. He and your teacher Yao Chen were good friends back then; President Tianleizi is also there. Your alchemy test will be conducted by them and me personally."

Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan looked at each other. The three giants were presiding over the assessment at the same time. This was quite a spectacle.

However, the two of them would not be so nervous that they could not make elixirs.

Xuan Yi was also quite satisfied with the performance of the two of them, "Let's go, I wish you all successfully passed the alchemist examination."

Then, Xuan Yi opened the door and walked in first.

Xiao Xue lifted her heels, while Xiao Yan sighed secretly.

I wish you all the best to pass the exam, which is a normal word of encouragement.

But when Xiao Yan heard it, there was always something unpleasant in his ears.

After all, he was testing a fifth-grade alchemist, and my sister was testing... an eighth-grade alchemist, at least the peak of seventh-grade!

This gap is really too big.

If it weren't for the Fen Jue that can evolve infinitely, most of the remaining diagrams of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, which ranked third on the Strange Fire List, would have been collected.

Otherwise, he might not even dare to think about chasing after his sister.

By the way, how did the little sister practice?
Not to mention her fighting spirit cultivation level, Xiao Xue almost always increased by a few stars, and Xiao Yan was already used to it.

After all, in more than a year after he refined the Fallen Heart Flame, he rose from Dou Ling to the peak of Dou Wang.

Therefore, Xiao Yan can understand that Xiao Xue's fighting spirit cultivation level has improved rapidly, and it is nothing more than some adventure.

As for soul power...

Xiao Yan feels that he is a time traveler and his soul power is relatively stronger, and this is indeed the case.

Although I don’t know what the strength of the younger generation of these medicine refining families in Zhongzhou is, at least in the northwest continent, he is already ahead of [-]% of his peers.

But my sister's soul power... let alone the Northwest Continent, I am afraid that compared with the younger generation of the medicine refining family in Zhongzhou, it is difficult to match.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no "body seizing" in Dou Qi Continent, or in other words, after the soul enters the body, the appearance will gradually be assimilated into the appearance of the soul body during life.

Otherwise, Xiao Yan would suspect that Xiao Xue had been taken away.

and many more………

A somewhat terrifying guess suddenly appeared in Xiao Yan's mind.

"Little sister, the odd and even changes will remain the same?"

Xiao Xue in front turned back with a confused look on her face: "Brother, what did you say?"

"...Ahem, it's okay, little sister, let's go in quickly, don't keep the seniors waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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