Chapter 246: Little sister opened?
After a failed attempt, Xiao Yan decisively stopped.

Of course, Xiao Yan is not so naive. Xiao Xue just completely dispels his doubts without answering his words.

After all, if you think about it carefully, every time my sister goes out for training, she always brings back good things or encounters special encounters——

Obtained two fragments of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, encountered the Innate Disaster Poison Body and the Green Snake with Three Flower Pupils, far exceeding the cultivation speed of his peers...

If these encounters were all explained by "lucky", it would be too reluctant.

Yao Lao didn't know about time travel, so he wouldn't think about it in this regard, but Xiao Yan, one of the early time travellers, was different.

At this time, he couldn't help but think more.

--something wrong.

It was as if his sister could predict the future.

But now, Xiao Yan is only slightly doubtful - the twin sisters and he are both time travellers, and this chance is lower than having Dou Emperor's ruins at his doorstep.

Moreover, even if my sister traveled through time, she could still pretend not to know even if I asked him.

However, Xiao Yan will not be wary of Xiao Xue or seek death because of this - no matter whether her sister is a time traveler or not, she is still his sister.

Moreover, Xiao Xue has been paying for the Xiao family for so many years, and he has seen it all.

After spending so many years with the Xiao family, he truly regarded Xiao Xue as his own sister.

Therefore, although there was some doubt in his heart, Xiao Yan still suppressed the surging thoughts in his heart and followed Xuan Yi and Xiao Xue into the room.

(Do you think Xiao Xue will lose his horse or not? I feel that if he loses his horse now, it will be a speed version in the future, hahaha)

Walking into the room, Xiao Yan glanced around and saw two figures standing in the hall.

On the left is an old man in white clothes, and on the right is an old man with dark skin.

Xuan Kongzi in white and Tianleizi in black skin are two of the three giants of Danta.

There was no breath coming out of the two old men. They were just like two very ordinary old men.

But when Xiao Yan used soul perception, he was shocked to find that there was nothing in front of him, as if the two old men did not exist.

Xiao Xue's soul power was released, but she couldn't sense anything either.

Although there is only two words difference between the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Realm and the Great Perfection of the Early Stage of the Spiritual Realm, the gap between them is actually larger than the gap between the mortal realm and the spiritual realm.

Xuan Kongzi and Tianleizi have already reached the peak of Douzun, and their use of soul power is also extremely strong.

Although Xiao Xue's soul power is not weak, compared with Xuan Kongzi and others, it is a small witch who meets a big witch.

"Hiss, it's actually the soul power of the spiritual realm. Xuan Yi, you have gained a good disciple."

Xuan Kongzi looked at Xiao Xue and was amazed.

"This kind of talent is stronger than that of my disciple, or even the two little girls from the Cao family and the Dan family."

"It's all because of her high talent." Xuan Yi smiled and did not refute Xuan Kongzi's words.

Since Xuan Yi and Xiao Xue were treated as master and disciple outside, Xuan Kongzi naturally thought that the two of them were master and disciple.

And Xuan Yi didn't refute, letting him make up his own mind.

"Junior Xiao Xue, I have met my senior." Xiao Xue saluted the two people in the room.

Xuan Kongzi nodded in response, and then looked at Xiao Yan.

"Haha, you are Xiao Yan, right? That old guy's vision is still as enviable as ever."

Although Xiao Yan's current soul power is much worse than Xiao Xue's.

But people like Xuan Kongzi would never judge a junior based solely on the strength of a soul.

Although for an alchemist, it is important to have a strong soul.

Even for the vast majority of alchemists, what limits their alchemy skills is the power of their souls.

But being able to be selected as a disciple by Yao Chen and practicing techniques like Fen Jue, Xiao Yan's future achievements cannot be any lower.

"Boy Xiao Yan, I have met my senior." After hearing Xuan Kongzi's words, Xiao Yan also hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Looking back and forth at Xiao Yan, Xuan Kongzi said gently: "I, Xuan Kongzi, if you don't mind, you can call me Mr. Xuan."

"I had a very close relationship with your teacher Yao Chen back then. It's not too much to call me that."

"In this case, it's better for me to be respectful than obey my orders." Hearing this, Xiao Yan was also so happy, he cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"This is President Tianleizi," Xuan Kongzi turned his eyes to the old man with dark skin and an unusually cold and stern face.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue naturally saluted Tianleizi, and Tianleizi nodded towards them, which was regarded as saying hello.

Seeing this, Xuan Yi smiled and said, "Haha, don't be afraid, this old guy has been like this all his life."

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue nodded to express their understanding.

Unlike Xuanyi and Xuankongzi who were so approachable, Tianleizi had a message written all over his face to keep strangers away.For the strong, this is the demeanor of a master.

Of course, if you are a novice...are you pretending to be crazy? !

Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan, after greeting Xuan Kongzi and others, stopped talking and started the alchemist assessment directly.

After all, today is for the assessment. Reminiscing about old times or chatting can be done after the assessment is over.

Xuan Kongzi went to preside over the assessment for Xiao Yan, while Xuan Yi presided over Xiao Xue's assessment.

As for Tianleizi...he heard that there was a water-attribute alchemist whose soul power reached the eighth level, so he was a little curious and couldn't help but come over to take a look.

Since Xiao Xue's soul power had reached the spiritual realm, Xuan Yi started directly and went through the eighth-grade alchemist assessment process.

Although Xiao Xue had never taken the seventh-grade exam before, Xuan Yi was not that pedantic. He did not say that he could only take the eighth-grade exam after passing the seventh grade, thus eliminating the unnecessary process.

"Is it okay to directly assess the eighth-grade low-level alchemist?" Xuan Yi looked at Xiao Xue and said with a smile.

"It's not a big problem. It's just that Dan Lei. I need the teacher's help." Xiao Xue responded with the same smile.

Although she has never refined an eighth-grade elixir, the difference between the eighth-grade and the seventh-grade peak is just the aura.

Xiao Xue realized that the power of her soul had not just broken through the spiritual realm, but had already reached the Great Perfection of the early stage of the spiritual realm.

Empowering the elixir with spirit and attracting a two-color elixir to reach the minimum standard of an eighth-grade alchemist shouldn't be a big problem.

"Haha, that's natural." Xuan Yi laughed.

"However, don't be in a hurry to make alchemy. The assessment for an eighth-grade alchemist is no lower than that of a lower-level pharmacist. You need to take some other tests first..."


Only Danta can preside over the assessment of the eighth-grade alchemist.

After all, the condition for becoming an eighth-grade alchemist is to refine an eighth-grade elixir that can attract at least two colors of pill thunder.

Not to mention anything else, it is difficult for the alchemist guilds in other places to resist this elixir alone.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, the elixirs and medicinal materials used in this examination are provided by the "examination room".

Just like when the Alchemist Guild provided elixir recipes and medicinal materials during the assessment.

However, ordinary places cannot afford eighth-grade elixirs and medicinal materials.

Even the elixir pagoda does not give you an eighth-level elixir recipe and three elixirs for you to refine during the assessment of an eighth-level alchemist.

Otherwise, regardless of whether the assessment is successful or not, the recipe for the eighth-grade elixir must have been leaked, and one to three ingredients for refining the eighth-grade elixir will be lost.

Even if the Dan Pagoda is wealthy, it cannot afford to build it like this.

What's more, the eighth-grade elixir recipe is definitely not something that can be taken out casually and shown to others.

Therefore, during the elixir assessment, the candidates are usually allowed to express themselves freely and prepare their own elixirs and medicinal materials.

For those who are preparing to take the exam as an eighth-level alchemist, elixirs and medicinal materials for advanced seventh-level and peak seventh-level alchemists are still available.

And endowing the seventh-grade peak elixir with spirit can also make it reach the eighth grade.

Therefore, if this can be achieved, the conditions are also met.

Generally, after an alchemist reaches the seventh level, he will join the Alchemy Pagoda and leave a record in the Alchemy Pagoda.

After the soul power reaches the eighth level, they will definitely return it to the Danta again. This is the "quasi-eighth level" alchemist.

Most of the quasi-eighth-level alchemists, after feeling confident, will come to the Dan Pagoda to complete the alchemy and spiritual infusion.

As long as he can attract the two-color elixir, he will be "regularized" directly and become an eighth-grade alchemist without the need for a second assessment.

However, although Xiao Xue's soul power is strong, no one has ever seen her refine elixirs.

Forget it if she has fire and wood attributes. If her soul power reaches this level, she can definitely refine ordinary eighth-grade elixirs.

What's more, Xiao Xue also has Yao Lao as a guarantee, so he can get the certificate without taking the test.

But she happens to be a water attribute, so even Yao Lao's one-sided words are not very effective.

Only by passing the assessment and attracting at least two colors of Dan Lei can she be recognized.

Moreover, she still needs to take some other tests before officially starting to refine the alchemy.

The alchemist assessment in Danta is much stricter than that in the Northwest Continent or other places, and the process is also more complicated.

For example, a pharmacist can barely refine a sixth-grade elixir, and the quality of the elixir is not high.

Then, even if he can refine a sixth-grade finished product, Danta will only award him the rank badge of a fifth-grade alchemist.

After a series of rather tedious tests, it was finally time to make the elixir.

Xiao Xue plans to refine an eighth-grade elixir for Ahri - Ahri is now a Nine-Star Douzong, but if he wants to return to Douzong, he may not be able to do it without an eighth-grade elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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