Chapter 252: Draw a pie for the Ye family first

When the head of the Ye family heard this, he was slightly startled, then turned his head and looked at Xiao Xue beside Xuan Yi.

Xiao Xue smiled slightly, and then directly released her soul power.

After noticing Xiao Xue's soul power in the spiritual realm, the head of the Ye family was also shocked.

Judging from Xiao's face, she is estimated to be around 20 years old, but she has already reached the eighth level of soul power.

Are Xuanyi's disciples so perverted? !

In addition, Ye Zhong was a little frightened by the faint aura coming from Xiao Xue's body.

"You guys chat, just call me when you're done." Xuan Yi turned back to look at Xiao Xue and said to her.

Naturally, this kind of thing doesn't need to be dealt with personally by a giant like her, Xiao Xue can handle it by herself.

Moreover, if she keeps watching, the Ye family will feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Xue nodded and smiled, "Good teacher."

Then, Xuan Yi dodged and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Ahem... I don't know what to call my little friend?" The head of the Ye family looked at Xiao Xue who landed from the sky.

"Xiao Xue, our eighth-grade alchemist, has a deal to discuss with your Ye family. Please lead the way."

Hearing this, Master Ye naturally did not dare to neglect, "Little friend Xiao Xue, please come with me."

In fact, Xiao Xue is now the elder of Danta, but the head of the Ye family and others do not know this news, so naturally they call her "little friend".

Xiao Xue didn't care about these titles, nodded casually, and followed the footsteps of the Ye family leader.


Ye family meeting room.

The head of the Ye family, the elders, and other high-level officials gathered here.

"Little friend Xiao Xue, are you serious about this?!"

Xiao Xue nodded, raised the tea cup and took a sip:
"I will help your Ye family stabilize the status of the five major families. You can lead the Ye family to join the Tianfu Alliance."

"The Tianfu Alliance is a loose force, and I will not interfere in the affairs of the Ye family. I will only ask the Ye family to take action when necessary."

"Other times, the Ye family only needs to provide a certain amount of elixirs to the alliance."

Although Xiao Xue herself is an alchemist, she is only one person after all, and she has her own things to do.

Therefore, she was unable to supply pills to the Xiao family and the alliance on a large scale.

But the Ye family is different.

As one of the five major alchemy families, the Ye family does not have an eighth-level alchemist—the head of the Ye family is only a seventh-level alchemist.

But there are many low-level alchemists in the Ye family, who can completely supply the current Xiao family and other forces in the alliance.

It is perfectly appropriate to use the Ye family as the alliance's "dan hall" to assist in the development of the alliance.

"These are my conditions. It's up to you whether you agree or not."

The head of the Ye family and several elders looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

After all, Xiao Xue is Xuan Yi's disciple.

With this background, the credibility of what she says will be extremely high.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the Ye family being taken advantage of and eventually being annexed.

Just by joining a relatively loose alliance and providing some elixirs, the Ye family's position among the five major families can be maintained.

This is a completely profitable business for the Ye family.

"Ahem, little friend, please wait a moment, let us old guys discuss it, and then give you an answer, how about that?"

After a short silence, the head of the Ye family looked at Xiao Xue and said.Xiao Xue naturally would not refuse this. She followed an elder and left the meeting hall first, waiting in a quiet room.

Soon, the senior leaders of the Ye family came to a conclusion and agreed to join the Tianfu Alliance.

Xiao Xue took out a jade token from the ring, handed it to the head of the Ye family, and then said:

"I can help you pass the Danta test, but only so that you can keep your status among the five major families."

"The most important thing is to improve your own alchemy skills - otherwise, your Ye family will continue to compete with the Qiu family for the second to last position sooner or later."

Hearing this, all the senior members of the Ye family were a little embarrassed.

However, Xiao Xue was telling the truth and they could not refute it.

Even if Xiao Xue helps the Ye family and maintains its status as one of the five major families, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Xiao Xue cannot help time and time again.

Moreover, they don't have the face to ask Xiao Xue to take action every time they are assessed.

The last word is to be strong in one's own strength.

"Call the talented juniors from your Ye family. If there is someone with good talent, I can also accept her as a disciple and give you some guidance." Xiao Xue arrived slowly.

Anyway, she has already accepted three disciples. Since the first three places have been used, she will be freer to accept more disciples in the future.

And she originally planned to develop the Ye family as the "Alchemy Hall" of the Tianfu Alliance, so there is nothing wrong with giving them some benefits now.

Anyway, these investments now will be returned tenfold or a hundredfold in the future.

Hearing this, everyone in the Ye family looked ecstatic.

Although Xiao Xue is only a teenager and her words sound a bit bullying, she is an eighth-grade alchemist.

Moreover, she is also a disciple of Xuan Yi, one of the three giants.

If any junior can be favored by Xiao Xue, it will really reach the sky in one step.

After that junior joins the army, he can continue to stabilize the Ye family's position.

The head and elders of the Ye family naturally called over some talented juniors from the Ye family, and Xiao Xue chose them.

However, at a glance, Xiao Xue saw that the young people of the Ye family were really making money one by one.

Even among the younger generations of the Ye family, there is no one named "Ye Chen" or "Ye Aotian".

Therefore, Xiao Xue naturally has no interest in these juniors who enjoy the Ye family's alchemy resources but are not even as good as the alchemists of the Northwest Continent.

"Leader Xiao, look..." The head of the Ye family was also a little embarrassed. He didn't know if these juniors could catch Xiao Xue's eyes.

"Just her." Xiao Xue pointed at a girl in blue, who turned out to be Ye Xinlan.

Since Xiao Xue came to Zhongzhou in advance, Xin Lan is not at Canaan College now, which saves her some things.

Compared with a person whom you meet for the first time and don't understand at all, a supporting role that has appeared in this kind of plot is naturally more suitable.

"Xinlan, why don't you come and meet the teacher quickly!" The head of the Ye family saw Xiao Xue nodding and said to Xinlan quickly.

"Xin Lan has met the teacher." Xin Lan took a step forward and saluted Xiao Xue.

Before entering the meeting hall, she knew Xiao Xue's strength and identity from the elders.

Xinlan was also very excited to be spotted by this alliance leader who was similar to her in age but was already in the eighth rank.

After letting Xinlan become a disciple, Xiao Xue said goodbye, contacted Xuanyi, and left Yecheng.

She doesn't have much time now, nor is she interested in staying to teach a third-grade alchemist.

In the Ye family, Xin Lan can reach around the seventh level by accepting the guidance of her elders. It won't be too late for her to take over when the time comes.

(The Ye family, like the Miter family, works for the Xiao family, and Xinlan doesn’t accept it. After all, this is not a stallion novel)

(End of this chapter)

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