Chapter 253 General Operations
Although Xiao Xue didn't let Xinlan follow, she still left something for Xinlan, or the Ye family - "Zhen Nong Yan Jue".

If you want to make a profit, you must invest first, and Xiao Xue never makes a loss-making business.

The "Zhen-Nongyan Jue", which can create fake strange fires, is of high value, but it is of little use to her.

Even for Xiao Yan, who already has three kinds of strange fires, this thing is a bit useless.

But if it is handed over to the Ye family, it will bring benefits to the alliance several times its value.

The Ye family has a special altar called the Yanghuo Ancient Altar, in which a special flame called Yanghuo will be born.

Yang Fire is extremely peaceful and not as violent as other flames. Because without that kind of violence, its attack power may not be particularly strong.

But it is extremely suitable to use this kind of flame to refine elixirs.

Because of its better control, it can bring greater increases in refining medicinal materials and condensing elixirs than the violent beast fire.

Therefore, this Yang Fire is even more valuable to the alchemist than most animal fires.

The Ye family, which has the strongest seventh-grade alchemist, can occupy a place among the five major families in Danta, and it has a lot to do with Yang Huo.

A few years ago, for unknown reasons, Yanghuo suddenly disappeared.

The younger members of the Ye family have not refined other beast fires and the like, and have been waiting for Yang Fire to reappear.

After all, not everyone can refine a variety of flames like Xiao Yan.

And if the beast fire is stripped away, it will cause considerable backlash to ordinary people.

Therefore, the younger generation of the Ye family is basically using ordinary fighting spirit flames and using exercises to support the consumption of alchemy.

When will the Yang Fire, which is beneficial to alchemy, recover, and then refine the Yang Fire.

Because without the benefits brought by the flames, the alchemy skills of the younger generation of the Ye family will also be affected to a certain extent.

Although some geniuses such as Cao Ying and Dan Chen do not have strange fire, it is not difficult to create an eighth-level beast fire.

Xinlan's software talent was not as good as theirs, and now he couldn't even keep up with the hardware conditions. Naturally, it was impossible to compete with those geniuses.

Although, I am afraid that after refining the beast fire, Xinlan may not be able to reach the fifth level now.

However, with "Zhen Nong Yan Jue", these are not problems.

The younger members of the Ye family can first refine a beast fire for use, and then add the sun fire after it comes out to create a "fake strange fire".

And this can also become a sign of the Tianfu Alliance in the future - Xiao Xue now counts the Ye family as part of the Tianfu Alliance.

The Ye family is nothing more than the Tianfu Alliance and the predecessor of the Alchemy Hall.

And this kind of "fake strange fire" created by adding Yang Fire is of great benefit to the alchemist.

I am afraid that this "fake strange fire" will be the most suitable flame for refining medicine besides strange fire.

As long as it can develop, I am afraid that alchemists across the entire continent will try their best to ask for a flower to create fire.

The Ye family will definitely not be able to hold on to this big cake and can only rely on the alliance.

At that time, the Tianfu Alliance can easily gather a large group of alchemists.

Even after Xiao Yan reaches the level of Dou Sheng, he can separate a child fire from the fallen heart flame.

As long as Xiao Yan's cultivation level is strong enough, even a small fire can bring benefits to the powerful people below Dou Zun.

If this can really be achieved, the Tianfu Alliance will become a holy place in everyone's heart.

It is not impossible to develop into a palace, a tower and an alliance with the Fighting Saints holding down the formation.

Of course, it will take a long time to reach this level.

However, Xiao Xue has [-]% confidence in this.

After solving the Ye family's affairs, Xiao Xue followed Xuan Yi and returned to the Dan Realm through the space wormhole.

When Xiao Xue came back with Xuan Yi, Xiao Yan was busy learning alchemy from Yao Lao.

Although the soul power has broken through, it still requires a certain amount of practice to officially enter the sixth level.

In addition to refining elixirs, Xiao Yan also practiced the five rounds of fire separation method under the guidance of Lord Tianhuo.

Lord Tianhuo is now also a high-level Douzong.

However, unlike Yao Lao, he wanted to be resurrected as soon as possible.

But resurrecting and refining the body requires the continuous burning of three different fires.

Although Xiao Yan now has three kinds of strange fire, his strength is not enough to support him and roast the Lord Tianhuo for so long.

The rejuvenation pill is useless, if you can't hold it down, you can't hold it down.

Even if the fighting spirit can be replenished, Xiao Yan's soul power is not enough.

It's like you keep replenishing energy to a person, but his spirit can't keep up.

When he is exhausted to a certain level, even if he has enough physical strength to blow up the earth with one punch, he will fall down and fall asleep.

If during the resurrection process, Xiao Yan turned off the fire in the middle of baking, the Fire Lord would have been hanging there that day.Therefore, in order to be resurrected as soon as possible, Lord Tianhuo also began to be Xiao Yan's teacher and guide him in his cultivation.

Using the five-wheel fire-living method to improve the control of flames is better than Xiao Yan's slow exploration on his own.

The Five-Wheel Fire Technique, a high-level earth-level skill, was the famous fighting skill of Lord Tianhuo back then.

But this was a long time ago, and even Yao Lao had never heard of it - before the establishment of Canaan College, Lord Tianhuo was buried underneath.

Then, there was the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower on top.

So in terms of seniority, Lord Tianhuo is really not young.

However, he didn't want to worry about seniority with Yao Lao and the others.

It is not accurate to say that the Five Wheels of Fire Lifting Technique is a fighting skill. This thing is more like a fire control technique.

The law is divided into five levels, which can be distinguished according to the shape of animals, such as wolf, leopard, lion, tiger and dragon. Each level has its own fire spirit.

The magic formula is perfect, the five beasts gather together to form a five-wheeled fire formation, which has the great power to steam the sea and burn the sky.

If three of the five beasts are condensed by strange fire, their power will be invincible to those on the earth level. If four of them are condensed by strange fire, their power will be comparable to that of the heavenly level.

If all the fire spirits are condensed by strange fire, their power may be comparable to some low-level fighting skills at the heaven level.

Of course, this kind of "fire spirit" is undoubtedly very different from the meowing, intelligent fire spirit possessed by the Little Medical Fairy.

However, compared to using flames directly, this is already a very subtle method.

After reading the detailed introduction of the five rounds of fire-living method, Yao Lao said that he was already used to it.

Normal operations are normal operations.

For Xiao Yan, this thing is not too suitable.

It can also improve the proficiency in controlling flames, and its power is not bad. It can be used to hit people when necessary.

Moreover, who among the ordinary people is going to get a few strange fires?Enjoy it if you can have one!

But there was one place that Yao Lao didn't quite understand, so he directly asked the Lord Tianhuo next door.

Lord Tianhuo said that it was not about using several different fires - after all, he almost killed himself when he refined the second Fallen Heart Flame.

As for refining three, four, or even five flowers, that is even more impossible.

The difficulty of the Five-Wagon Lifting Fire Technique, in addition to condensing the perfect fire spirit, is to learn to split the alien fire into two and two into four, and to multi-task and control several groups of alien fire at the same time.

The introduction to the Five Wheels of Fire Technique is to learn to condense the five types of fire into different fire spirits.

As for the Xiaocheng realm, it is to reduce the number of fire types and practice to perfection, so that one kind of fire can be used as five kinds of things.

In other words, as long as there is a kind of strange fire and the Five Wheels of Lihuo method is practiced to perfection, then the power of this method will be equivalent to the heaven-level fighting skills.

If there is no strange fire, it is a high-level earth level.

Back then, Lord Tianhuo was unable to split the fifth path because of the Fallen Heart Flame, so he took the risk and absorbed the second Fallen Heart Flame, but he almost stopped.

That's why he has such a detailed understanding of the power of the five rounds of fire-living techniques.

When he was at his peak, he used the Fallen Heart Flame to condense the first four fire spirits, and then used animal fire to make up for one more.

However, for Xiao Yan, as long as he learns to condense the beast form, he can directly exert the power of the advanced earth level without practicing splitting flames.

If he can obtain two more types of strange fire, it means that he now has a trump card for heaven-level fighting skills.

Even if he doesn't refine other strange fires, given some time, he can bring the power of the Five Wheels of Lihuo to its limit.

Of course, Douhuang cannot afford heaven-level fighting skills at all, and his fighting spirit is simply not enough.

If you use it forcefully, you will only kill yourself.

Therefore, Xiao Yan just used the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire to practice condensing fire beasts - the invisible fire python of the Fallen Heart Flame and the wind and fire yellow dragon of the Wind Fury Dragon Flame were both ready-made.

Although there are no snakes or dragons in the Five Wheels of Fire Method, it does not mean that it cannot be used.

As long as there are five fire beasts, they can exert their power. They don't have to be exactly the same.

Even if the wind-furious dragon flames were used to condense other beast forms, the power would not be as powerful as the original dragon. Naturally, he would not do such a thankless thing.

After Xiao Xue returned to the Dan Realm, she saw Xiao Yan busy practicing, so she didn't bother him much.

Although Xiao Yan's words "the odd and even remain unchanged" made Xiao Xue a little worried that she had fallen off the horse.

But since Xiao Yan no longer pursues the case, it means that the problem is not big, and she will not go over and blow herself up.

Anyway, with Xiao Yan's character, he always made things clear and clear, and would not stab her in the back.

After returning to the Dan Realm, Xiao Xue first picked a place for the Xiao family.

The little medical fairy has arranged with Xuan Yi to take the wormhole back to the northwest continent to pick up people. The Xiao family will come over in two or three months at most.

There are not many people in the Xiao family, and most of them can be accommodated in two manors in Danyu.

(End of this chapter)

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