Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 273 The little fighting emperor is ridiculous

Chapter 273 The little fighting emperor is ridiculous
After returning to the ground, Xiao Xue asked the Sky Demon Puppet to simply bury the pit here, and then left directly with Medusa.

It is not necessary to completely restore it, and it cannot be restored. We can only let these traces disappear with the passage of time.

However, it doesn't matter even if it leaves traces and is discovered.

After the formation underneath is lifted, it will be an ordinary underground cave. Even if it is discovered, no one will care.

Moreover, the things inside have nothing to do with Burning Flame Valley.

Therefore, Xiao Xue took it without any psychological pressure.

As for the inheritance of the Tianhu clan, the inheritance of one of the four peak Warcraft races is definitely worth a lot of money.

Xiao Xue is not worried that the inheritance will be intercepted in advance, because if the inheritance has been obtained, the "treasure map" will be automatically destroyed——

It would be a good thing if the people of the Fox Clan gained the inheritance.

Then, there is no need to let others obtain this "treasure map" to prevent others from "deciphering" the location of the inheritance and causing trouble.

If it is obtained by others, the one who can forcefully enter the inheritance place will be at least a super strong person at the high-level Fighting Saint level.

It’s better not to provoke such a strong person easily.

Therefore, it is better to focus on self-protection. If the inheritance is lost, it is lost. It is better than letting the remaining clan members stupidly send it away.

And now, the "treasure map" is still lying intact in the Najie, which means that no one has entered the inheritance place yet.

What's more, if you want to enter the land of inheritance, you must be a pure-blooded fox.

Because the methods of the inheritance land are left behind by the fighting saints of the Fox clan, even if they are discovered, there are not many people who have the strength to break through.

Only pure-blooded Sky Fox could easily enter it - even those with Sky Fox bloodline might not be able to do it, and she would have to rely on Ahri to guide her.

After all, it would be ridiculous if someone stole the Tianhu bloodline and then accepted the Tianhu inheritance.

And even she will have to rely on Ahri to get this wave of benefits in the future, and forget about others.

Therefore, no one can take away what is hers.

Although as a "mongrel" fox, she could only obtain a small part of the inheritance - after all, there were some things that only pure-blood Sky Fox could use, and the bloodline was not strong enough, so she could get it in vain.

But even if it's just a fraction, I'm afraid it's still a huge fortune for Dou Zun.

Even if the inheritance of Tianhu can be obtained, the Tianhu race may appear again in the future.

Just find the lower-level tribe of Tianhu, select a group of them, let their blood return to their ancestors, and give them enough time.

As they reproduce from generation to generation, new ethnic groups can definitely spread.

The only problem is that since it is a Tianhu whose bloodline has returned to its ancestors, the bloodline concentration of the descendants may be affected.

But this is unavoidable unless we find another pure-blooded sky fox to pair with Ahri.

The possibility of this is not to say zero, it can only be said to be almost non-existent. It is better to let Ahli be the only one to be beautiful.

However, it’s too early to think about this at this time——

With Xiao Xue's current strength, she definitely can't win it. At least she has to wait until she reaches the realm of Dou Zun.

Moreover, I’m afraid it’s not enough for a newbie Dou Zun.

That is the Dou Sheng ruins, even among the Dou Sheng ruins, it is considered high-level.

Although there is Ahri, she should not be in any danger in the place of inheritance, but she has to be able to get in first, right? !

If she wants to go to the place of inheritance, not to mention the nine-star Dou Zun, she must have six, seven, seven or eight star strength, right?
Xiao Xue made a calculation in her mind while flying out with Medusa.

She found that even if all the experience points were used to upgrade, it would only be enough for her to barely reach level [-], and she had just reached Dou Zun.

Moreover, you can only upgrade, and you don’t dare to buy anything else.

Advanced gadgets like soul power are out of the question.

… Damn it, let’s make money… let’s make experience points!
Now there are piles of opportunities waiting for her to take advantage of them. Now she is feeling itchy, but she finds that she can't harden up.

Tell me how uncomfortable this is.

"It seems that we won't be able to get attribute points in a short time. Let's break through the Douzong as soon as possible," Xiao Xue thought to herself.

Although, if she has higher basic data, she can get a greater increase when breaking through the Douzong.

But if it's the same as now, I keep delaying the breakthrough because I don't know when I can get the attribute points.So, it was she who suffered in the end.

In fact, this is a trade-off problem with no optimal solution, and Xiao Xue can only maximize the advantages as much as possible.

Therefore, it is better to break through Douzong as soon as possible, and then take the known opportunities before making other plans.

Moreover, once she has squeezed out all the known opportunities, she might be able to encounter a new copy if she takes Xiao Yan, the humanoid koi, out for a walk.

By clearing two more dungeons, the strength can still be improved, but it is no better than waiting for the chance.

But now, it doesn't matter if she doesn't add points. Anyway, all her data are beyond the standard.

Soul power > Physical fitness > Fighting Qi cultivation, this kind of person is actually the most terrifying.

Because, Xiao Xue's upper limit depends on her soul power.

When most people meet Xiao Xue, there is no need to fight him.

Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for her to level up. There is no need to slow down her progress in pursuit of so-called "perfection."

"Tsk, you can't be too greedy."

Xiao Xue shook her head and made up her mind to break through the Douzong briefly first.

If you didn't break through before, in addition to being greedy for attribute points, you also had problems with your own bloodline.

Now, she has almost integrated the various bloodlines in her body and can completely break through.

Therefore, let’s just break through directly in Burning Flame Valley and brush up the reputation before leaving.

——She knows how to shear wool.

While thinking, Xiao Xue and Medusa had already arrived in front of the space barrier. Xiao Xue took out the jade token given to her by Tang Zhen and opened the space barrier.

Then, Xiao Xue quickly received a message from Tang Zhen, saying that he wanted to discuss the transaction with Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue went happily. Tang Zhen said that he could lend the Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire to Xiao Xue, or Xiao Xue's brother, but she asked her brother to come and get it himself.

And when the time comes, Xiao Yan will have to pass the test of Burning Flame Valley to take away the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire.

Xiao Xue naturally had no objection to this, and it was impossible for her to pack the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire for Xiao Yan and take it back.

Because the fire attribute energy of Burning Flame Valley is so rich, Xiao Yan can refine the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire here, no matter how hard it is, Xiao Yan can gain a few stars of strength.

But if she brought the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire back to Xiao Yan, then Xiao Yan would probably be able to evolve the Burning Jue technique.

Therefore, she will definitely not do these thankless things.

As for the test, Xiao Xue had expected it.

After all, among the family forces on Dou Qi Continent, except for the Soul Emperor of the Soul Clan, he can do whatever the clan says.

In other families, the words of the elders are not taken lightly.

The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is the inherited fire of the Burning Flame Valley.

Xiao Xue would find it strange if those pedantic old things could be given away easily.

If it were other things, maybe the elders would be willing to give them to her for free in order to befriend Xiao Xue, an eighth-grade alchemist.

But if it is Jiulong Lei Ganghuo, even if Xiao Xue gives "Nong Yan Jue" which is equally valuable, some assessments and so on are inevitable.

Although Xiao Xue is an eighth-grade alchemist, his status is equal to that of Dou Zun, and even higher than some Dou Zun.

They Douzong elders are not qualified to assess Xiao Xue, but Xiao Xue and her brother are not necessarily qualified.

Moreover, this strange fire is what Xiao Yan wants to use, so if you evaluate Xiao Yan, you can't say there is anything wrong with what he did.

But for her brother Xiao Yan, the so-called assessment is just an opportunity to show off.

When the time comes, those elders will only be convinced and let Xiao Yan take away the strange fire.

After discussing the deal, Xiao Xue handed "Zhen Nong Yan Jue" directly to Tang Zhen, saying that in a few years, Xiao Yan would come and take away the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire.

Tang Zhen was very touched that Xiao Xue trusted him so much, and highly praised Xiao Xue's character.

Xiao Xue took advantage of the situation and told Tang Zhen that she wanted to stay in Fenyan Valley for two more days to break through Douzong.

(End of this chapter)

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