Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 274 Dou Zong's strong men are so terrifying

Chapter 274 Dou Zong's strong men are so terrifying

"You want to break through Douzong?" Tang Zhen couldn't hide his surprise.

A Seven-Star Dou Huang said that he wanted to go into seclusion and directly attack Douzong?Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

However, when he thought that Xiao Xue was an eighth-grade alchemist, Tang Zhen understood.

The sixth-grade high-grade Huangji Pill can increase the strength of a Dou Huang by at least one star and at most two stars.

Each person in the Douhuang stage can take two Huangji Pills without conflicting properties.

In other words, Xiao Xue can definitely take two Huangji Pills, and in any case, he can reach the nine-star Douhuang level.

With the addition of a sixth-grade peak breaking sect pill, it was really not difficult for her to break through the Dou sect in a short time.

To an eighth-grade alchemist, a sixth-grade elixir is simply worthless.

This is the difference between alchemists and other cultivators, and it is also why the profession of alchemists is highly respected.

For a senior alchemist, if you want Dou Huang Dou Zong or someone at a lower level to improve their strength, it shouldn't be too easy.

Moreover, not only does the improvement in the early stage occur quickly, the advantage of a senior alchemist in the later stages of practice will only become greater.

When you reach the Douzong and Douzun levels, the value of elixirs has increased exponentially. You don't know how much you have to pay for one elixir.

Looking at other people's faces, it's not as good as your own ability.

He, Tang Zhen, a five-star Dou Zun, practices earth-level exercises and fire-control techniques. Since his innate fighting energy does not have the wood attribute, it is very difficult to refine medicine.

In order to make a seventh-grade elixir for his daughter, he asked alchemists everywhere for help.

As a result, Xiao Xue, a young man in his teens and an eighth-level alchemist, basically achieved freedom from elixirs.

"Alas..." Tang Zhen sighed, stood up and said, "Come with me, I will arrange a place for you."

Although I don't know why Xiao Xue wanted to break through Douzong in Burning Flame Valley - there is very little water energy here.

Since a large amount of heaven and earth energy is needed to achieve a breakthrough, this is not a good place for water attributes to achieve a breakthrough.

Normally, if Xiao Xue wasn't really overwhelmed by the pressure, she should break through in an environment with relatively abundant water attribute energy.

And Xiao Xue is only a Seven-Star Dou Huang now, so there is no situation where she cannot keep up the level and needs to break through immediately.

Therefore, it seems a little strange that she is busy breaking through Douzong now.

But Tang Zhen was just curious about this and wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Then thank you Valley Master." Xiao Xue stood up with a smile.

At the same time, she clicked several upgrades on the system interface, bringing her level down half a step to Douzong.

Well, it's almost overflowing for Dou Huang.

Tang Zhen stopped walking away and looked back at Xiao Xue - Xiao Xue did not use her soul power to cover her aura, so Tang Zhen naturally noticed her change.

" have been suppressing your cultivation?!"

Tang Zhen was a little confused. After all, Xiao Xue's soul power was stronger than his, so it was normal for him to suppress his cultivation without being discovered by him.

But this kind of breakthrough without even the need to adjust the breath and meditate, and directly break through several stars, is a bit too much!

"Yeah." Xiao Xue nodded.

Saving experience and suppressing cultivation bases are actually about the same.

"...As expected of that person's descendant." Tang Zhen could only comment in his heart.

"You have a very solid foundation. You are the most solid person I have ever seen in my life."

Tang Zhen lowered his eyes and looked at Xiao Xue, "I'm afraid once you break through, you will be number one in the mainland under Dou Zun."

Tang Zhen, who had seen Xiao Xue's sword intention take shape, knew that Xiao Xue's strength was far more than her superficial level.

Moreover, Xiao Xue's soul power is her greatest killer move.

The power of her soul can kill souls!

Once Xiao Xue enters the realm of Douzong, even the second elder at the peak of Douzong is no match for Xiao Xue!

"Senior is so complimentary." Xiao Xue replied.

"After you break through Douzong, are you interested in competing with me?" Tang Zhen said suddenly.

It was also the first time for Tang Zhen to see such a defiant junior, and he was also a person who cherished his talents, so he felt a little itchy for a while.

But he rushed to give Xiao Xue some advice. Although the other person was a genius, he was still a Valley Master, and he couldn't bear to look like this.

However, the relationship between the two families is so good anyway. Is it okay for him to use the discussion to give guidance to the younger generation?

Xiao Xue was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Then thank the Valley Master in advance for his guidance."

Isn't this the [reputation value] delivered to your door? Shangdao.

After hearing Xiao Xue's answer, Tang Zhen smiled generously, obviously quite satisfied with Xiao Xue's answer.

"My friend, please come this way."————

Xiao Xue spent three days in the quiet room arranged for her by Tang Zhen to break through to the Douzong level.

For Dou Huang to reach the peak of Dou Zong, this time is simply ridiculously short.

For the past three days, light clouds have been gathering over that area.

The clouds were not thick, but raindrops kept falling, evaporating, then gathering into the clouds, and the cycle continued.

And this vision naturally attracted the attention of almost everyone in Burning Flame Valley.

When Xiao Xue's sword intention took shape previously, the light rain only lasted a few minutes.

Since the rain was not widespread and there were relatively few people in the place where she retreated, it did not attract much attention.

But this time it was different - it had rained for three days in a row in Fenyan Valley, and the clouds were not very thick. The rain was so heavy that even a fool would notice something was wrong.

Then, almost everyone knew that there was a genius named Xiao Xue who was breaking through the Douzong.

Moreover, after she broke through the Douzong, she actually wanted to challenge Tang Zhen, the owner of the Burning Flame Valley!
Of course, this was a discussion, not a challenge. These news were secretly spread by Xiao Xue.

For her whose soul power has reached the spiritual realm, it is not easy to reveal one or two pieces of information.

Moreover, she also performed a certain artistic treatment.

Is it for the sake of reputation? Don’t make excuses.

She only needs to leak this news to a few disciples in Burning Flame Valley, and then they will spread the word from word to mouth - eating melons is the essence of human beings.

In particular, the melons that have been processed by Xiao Xue's art have a stronger impact.

A discussion with a huge difference in strength will default to one party giving guidance to the other.

But the meaning of the challenge is completely different!

Some disciples from Fenyan Valley had watched the competition between Tang Huoer and Xiao Xue.

They knew that Xiao Xue was very strong and could instantly kill Tang Huoer, the leader of the younger generation in Fenyan Valley.

Moreover, not only did he break through the Douzong and reach a higher level of strength, he was also able to induce such a level of heaven and earth phenomena in the Burning Flame Valley.

This guy looks awesome, but he should actually be awesome.

But Valley Master Tang, that’s a five-star Dou Zun!
Everyone's first thought when hearing this sentence is: "No way? Is it fake?"

Entering Douzong for the first time, challenging the five-star Douzun, the difference is more than one big step!
"What does she want to do!"

"How dare she!"

But doubts are doubts, and the reputation value is real.

Before the competition even started, a large amount of reputation points had been gained, and Xiao Xue was very satisfied with this.

As for the remarks that were spread by unknown parties, Tang Zhen or Chen Qing did not pursue them because he did not bother to explain them.

——It doesn't matter.

At their level, they are rarely affected by outsiders' gossip. They basically listen and then do what they should do.

——[The onlookers clapped their hands and laughed wildly.So why not be sparse, so why not be crazy! 】

Therefore, Xiao Xue has gained a lot of reputation points these days.

After breaking through Douzong, Xiao Xue stretched out in the quiet room, stood up slowly, and retracted his seven fox tails.

Then, she waved her hand and tore apart the restriction, stepped forward, and appeared directly in the air of the trial ground.

Walk through the air, the strong of the Douzong!
This time, Xiao Xue did not use the [Power of Water] to control the water film to drag herself under her feet, but stood directly in the void.

The next moment, Tang Zhen also appeared in everyone's sight.

"Holy crap, no, are you serious?!"

"Is this... is this really going to happen?"

Xiao Xue looked not far away and saw a group of curious Fenyan Valley disciples, who had not seen them for a long time and twisted their mouths.

In fact, Tang Zhen might have wanted to find a place with few people to give her guidance, but she chose this place, and Tang Zhen didn't refuse.

Xiao Xue is doing it for the reputation, and Tang Zhen can also let the disciples of Burning Flame Valley see the moves of the masters and the gap between them and the geniuses, a win-win situation.

And since the opponent is Dou Zun, Xiao Xue will naturally go all out without using soul power to take tricks.

Therefore, without much hesitation, Xiao Xue directly activated the Three Mysterious Changes of Sky Fire.

"Three profound transformations of sky fire, dry blue transformation, heart flame transformation, and bone spirit transformation!"

Xiao Xue's aura surged instantly, reaching the level of a high-level Douzong!
The onlookers were in an uproar. The powerful Douzong man was so terrifying!
Xiao Xue let out a breath of cold air, then looked at Tang Zhen, held the sword in one hand, held it horizontally in front of her, and made a very standard sword salute.

"Xiao Clan, Xiao Xue, please give me some advice from the Valley Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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