As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 103 Is there a balance between Yin and Yang?

Chapter 103 Is there a balance between Yin and Yang?
"Fellow Daoist Zhuge is finally here. Hey, I don't know this is..." Wen Poxiao stepped forward to greet Zhuge Tianlei, but his words sounded like an ordinary greeting, but in fact it was a little probing. thoughts.

Even at this time, Wen Lixiao never forgot the mission entrusted by Chunyang Taiyi Palace.Of course, it's not actually a task, because it was mentioned casually by someone in Chunyang Taiyi Palace, and Wen Poxiao kept it in mind.

"This is the little girl."

Zhuge Tianlei said with a smile, he really didn't feel guilty at all when he said this.

Because the body used by this girl is really his daughter.

Therefore, if this girl's identity were to be carefully investigated, it would be impeccable.The only thing I'm afraid of is the mysterious and supernatural means involving divine consciousness.

This is not available in Fuyaotian, but there are quite a few people in Chunyang Taiyi Palace who are proficient in this way.

And it was this girl who easily borrowed her body to come back to life, which made Zhuge Tianlei completely fall into the way of Taiyin.After all, the way of pure yang can only allow him to revive the sixth life, and it is only a theoretical sixth life.

What's more, Zhuge Tianlei also discovered that the so-called thousand-year blessing actually has problems.

"It turned out to be Ling Ai, no wonder I looked a little familiar..." Wen Poxiao was stunned, but he still remembered that Zhuge Tianlei had such a little daughter, and he was always very precious. Later he heard about this little girl. My daughter went to practice in Yunni City in Yunxiao Palace, but she has been in a state where no one knows who it is.

For this reason, it is said that the younger generation of Yunxiao Palace's disciples fought many times overtly and secretly.

"Please, please, please!" Wen Poxiao said.

And as soon as he led Zhuge Tianlei and the girl in, he found something strange, and then Yu Jingxiao's voice came: "Is this a ghost?"

Yu Jingxiao's voice was full of curiosity.

Zhuge Tianlei and the girl hurried over when they heard this.

Of course, in order not to show any flaws, the girl was led by Zhuge Tianlei all the way.

But when they reached the source of the sound, they only saw an afterimage that dissipated like green smoke.Not far away, Yu Jingxiao and several Nascent Soul Realm surrounded them.

When these few people saw Yu Jingxiao, they looked forward to Yu Jingxiao, so wherever Yu Jingxiao went, they followed.

"Fellow daoists, can you see what this is?"

Zhuge Tianlei had just arrived, so he took the initiative to ask.

"I've met Daoist Zhuge, to be honest, I've found nothing so far, and I don't understand why the ghosts in Tianren Mountain are making such a fuss!" said an ancestor of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Although he was facing Zhuge Tianlei who was in the same realm, the ancestor of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Mantra Sect seemed extremely humble.

"It's true..."

Zhuge Tianlei responded, seemingly declaring his position seriously, but in fact he was just perfunctory.And then, he didn't say anything about the solution, not even his personal opinion, because he was only here to accompany this girl.

In the end, Yu Jingxiao was interested in ghosts and stayed in Tianren Mountain, and the rest of the Nascent Soul Realm also stayed after seeing this, only Zhuge Tianlei and the girl left.

"Fairy Taiyin, can you see something?"

The girl nodded when she heard the words, and then she said thoughtfully: "There is no other, it's just that the yin and yang in Tianren Mountain are balanced."

"Isn't this a great thing?" Zhuge Tianlei couldn't help showing joy.

Because if yin and yang are really balanced, then he doesn't need to use the Taiyin blood to survive, but directly continue his life with the way of Taiyin.

"Not necessarily."

The girl shook her head. If it was a normal balance of yin and yang, then she would not show this expression. It is really the balance of yin and yang in Tianren Mountain, which is too weird, as if it was forcibly balanced by someone.

"If one fails, Tianren Mountain may be gone." The girl went on to say that after the pure Yang immortal energy filled the world, Fuyaotian's practice system has become that one must rely on the immortal test to advance, so those who have A monk with a background in relationships can do whatever he wants by relying on these backgrounds.

Of course, there are also those who directly harm people, but they monopolize certain resources to achieve the point of indirectly enslaving the world so that they can enjoy it for generations, so why not harm people?
It's nothing more than the difference between boiling water and boiling water.

However, too much is not enough, it is the fundamental principle of the operation of the heaven and the earth, and the immortal test system itself violates the fundamental of the heaven and the earth.If not, there would be no need for a Chunyang Taiyi Palace to sit in Fuyaotian.

Originally, it would be fine if there were no ghosts, but now there are ghosts in Tianren Mountain due to the balance of yin and yang, then the situation of Tianren Mountain can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Because things like ghosts are actually immortal.

The ghosts themselves have already died, and their bodies have long since ceased to exist.Therefore, what remains in the world is actually just a strand of obsession, or a strand of hatred.

And the bodies they manifest are also a method of using Terrible to manifest this ability.

This kind of ability, if used well, can even be compared to those who have attained the Tao.

If it is used poorly, it will have a realm of strength that most cultivators cannot achieve.

The ones that appear in Tianren Mountain right now are all poorly used.But it is obviously impossible to be like this forever. I don’t know how many sins Tianren Mountain has committed in the past. When all these sins appear, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no good use of the ability to manifest terror!
Maybe even those ghosts and monsters will be attracted, please give up the present and join them!
"Probably not. Wen Poxiao has a close relationship with Chunyang Taiyi Palace, and even holds Xianluyu Ruyi. Maybe he will invite people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace to help him." Zhuge Tianlei shook his head. .

"But what if...the people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace can't come?" The girl suddenly laughed.

"Why did Fairy Taiyin say that?"

"If Wen Poxiao could invite him, he would have done so long ago, why bother to invite you to help. Therefore, it is likely that he could not get in touch with Chunyang Taiyi Palace. After all, Xianluyu Ruyi means that he is Chunyang Taiyi Palace How could their own people not help themselves?" The girl's expression became a little more mocking when she said this, obviously she remembered some past events, which happened to correspond to the current situation.

"That jade ruyi actually has such a deep meaning? Hiss—this old thief!" Zhuge Tianlei was shocked when he heard this, and at the same time, he suddenly realized something.

It's no wonder that there was a problem with the competition for the overall planning of the immortal test hosted by Yunxiao Palace, and Chunyang Taiyi Palace would know so quickly that the affection of the Linwu faction in the past counts as one thing, but the most fundamental thing is that there is still a problem. The old thief said too many things.

(End of this chapter)

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