Chapter 104

Zhuge Tianlei blamed all the problems on the old thief he said. After all, as a person from Chunyang Taiyi Palace, it is very reasonable to report to Chunyang Taiyi Palace about the situation in Fuyao Tianxiu Immortal Realm.

As for the fact or not, Zhuge Tianlei didn't care, anyway, even if he guessed wrong, Wen Poxiao guessed that he would sell this Fuyaotian's cultivating sect.

Zhuge Tianlei came to an end temporarily, and Tianren Mountain has not yet come to an end, but there is no such thing as the girl said, so that ghosts who are very good at using the ability to manifest fear appear.


At this time, outside the flying sky, there was a mirror hanging upside down.

This is Kongtong mirror.

It is an extremely rare complete set of Lingbao.

The phrase "the moon sets in the sky, and the time wheel moves towards the heavens and the earth" refers to this spiritual treasure. It is said that it was once the treasure of enlightenment of a "big dream fairy" in ancient times.

Later, the "Big Dream Immortal Lord" disappeared, and this set of spiritual treasures was also spread. After several twists and turns, it was collected by Taiyi Immortal Lord, and then led back to time, borrowing the power of millions of immortals in the past to refine it. "Taiyi Heavenly Way".

The "Taiyi Heavenly Dao" is [-]%, this set of Kongtong mirror not only restores all the power of the past in the hands of the "Great Dream Immortal Lord", but also has the ability to lead to the past!

And this Fuyaotian was in the past!
In this world, although time is flowing normally and life is also undergoing changes, in fact, time will always stay in the past.

When this period of time comes to an end, it will re-enter the initial time.

As for the creatures that have appeared in the past, those with strong strength can stay. The ancient cultivators of the Dao of Taiyin who are currently lingering in Fuyaotian can be regarded as this kind.

However, it was also the appearance of these ancient cultivators of the Dao of Taiyin that made the people of the Chunyang Taiyi Palace feel the hidden dangers, and thus the pure Yang immortal energy filled the world.

This matter is a long story, so I won't mention it for now.

The Chunyang Taiyi Palace is not only responsible for suppressing Fuyaotian, but also responsible for opening the Kongtong mirror for those who hold the "Taiyi Dao Token", and then sending the opponent to a period of time in the past to practice.

Of course, it's not going to be sent to Fuyaotian.

Although the upper limit of Fuyaotian is the Nascent Soul Realm, unless it is a sword cultivator from the "Ancient Sword Fairyland", otherwise, one of them is not enough to look at.

That is to say, pure yang immortal energy filled the heaven and earth, leaving only the way of pure yang in Fuyaotian. Otherwise, even the sword cultivator of Yuanying realm in "Ancient Sword Fairyland" would not be enough to see.

Some of them have cultivated the Taiyin Dao Nascent Soul Realm with the Taiyin Blood Body, which caused headaches for the principals of the Chunyang Taiyi Palace back then.

At this time, in the Chunyang Taiyi Palace, there was a monk with a serious expression.

But they were not for the death of the previous "Young Palace Master".

The words of the dao protector who was fishing for fish came true, and the occasional death of a "young palace master" is really not a big deal.

After all, the position of the lord of the Chunyang Taiyi Palace has a term of 500 years.

During the years when Chunyang Taiyi Palace suppressed Fuyaotian, the palace master alone had changed hundreds of times, let alone the "young palace master"?

Therefore, the reason these people looked so serious at this time was because they noticed something was wrong with Fu Yaotian.

"Who dares to attack Tianren Mountain?"

Someone couldn't help but say this, and of course he wasn't complaining about Tianren Mountain, but was responding to that sentence - beating a dog depends on the owner.

And as the person spoke, other people immediately wanted to respond.

But at this time, there is a mighty power coming!
There are thousands of streams of light and splendor, and there are ancient characters, which have been transformed into the name "Taiyi".Indistinctly, there are even more praises coming.

This is the exclamation of Gu Xian.

Throughout the ages, it is extremely rare to have this honor.And this can be owned only because this is the Taiyi Dao Order!
And it's not an ordinary Taiyi Dao Order, this is a Dao Order issued by the Taiyi Immortal Lord himself.

"Meet Immortal Lord Taiyi!"

In Chunyang Taiyi Palace, a group of monks hurriedly saluted.

"Excuse me, you don't have to worry about the matter of Renshan that day, that person has his own discretion. Tianrenshan unintentionally ruined Ji Qiu's plan, and it was even implicated in the catastrophe set by an existence. Such cause and effect must be It's over." Youyou's voice sounded, and that voice seemed to contain the Supreme Dao, but when the sound came, there were strands of Dao marks manifesting.


A group of people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace heard the words and responded quickly.

Among them, the face of the one who knew the name of "Ji Qiu" changed drastically.

Because that is the most beloved young disciple of Taoist Master Taiyi.

As for which existence set up a catastrophe, it became the least important right now.

Therefore, after Taiyi Dao Ling left, these people changed their tone one after another: "There is no need for Tianren Mountain to exist. Judging from the current situation, Tianren Mountain can still be preserved in the end, but it is such a big mistake. It’s just that such a simple punishment is still too light.”

"In the final analysis, Fairy Ji Qiu is too kind." Someone followed suit.

"Fairy Ji Qiu is kind and doesn't bear severe punishment. If that's the case, then let us do this!"

"Are you planning to pour the immortal energy of Taiyin into Fuyaotian?"

"Exactly, although this move will temporarily balance Fuyaotian's yin and yang, in Tianren Mountain, it will pervade its yin energy, and even ignite its yin fire. At that time, it would not be possible to use the terrifying manifestation Ghosts with this ability will become extremely ferocious and can hurt the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"That's a good move, seconded."

"I agree too."

"Since you have agreed, then there is no need to notify the Palace Master, just start feeding back!"

"I'm going to fetch the Taiyin Immortal Vase."

Because the "Fairy Ji Qiu" was involved, these people were extremely active.

And even if he didn't know the identity of "Ji Qiu" at first, now seeing his colleagues say so, they all guessed it with a tacit understanding.

After all, don't look at the appearance of all these people being intimidating, but outside, the people here, no matter who they are, are qualified to let others be intimidating!

He even wished he could kill his parents to please him!

It is obvious that the reason for these people to have such an attitude is that the other party has a lot of background.


In Fuyaotian, Wen Lixiao, who is loyal to Chunyang Taiyi Palace, has no idea that he has been sold. This Yuanyingjing patriarch is still trying to solve the situation in Tianren Mountain.

After all, one of his Wen family counts as one, and those below the Golden Core level are now haunted by ghosts.

Tianren Mountain, one of the three major sects, is crumbling. Xiao, who is still practicing in the Immortal Mansion, naturally does not know about this.

However, when the immortal energy of Taiyin poured into Fuyaotian, he reacted immediately.

"What's going on? Why did my cultivation speed increase out of thin air?" Xiao Qingpei was surprised, and it was very similar to when he practiced the formula of the Way of Pure Yang, God chased after him to feed him.

(End of this chapter)

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