As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 177 This is the unfinished story of the previous book

Chapter 177 This is the unfinished story of the previous book
After some questioning, Xiao Qingpei also knew about the Cold-faced Demon Lord. Because he used the evil magical power "I seem to be an NPC", he knew everything comprehensively. He even knew that the Cold-faced Demon Lord had given up on Yama. bit, and then tried to pick it back up.

Xiao Qingpei guessed this, but he was sure of it.

But just like "Love is not what you want to buy, you can buy it if you want to buy it." How happy the cold-faced devil was when he abandoned the position of Yama, and how painful it was after he completely lost this position.

Therefore, Xiao Qingpei generously pardoned this group of monks and told them the matter in great detail.

And the performance of these people is also very different.

There are those who firmly don't believe it, but there are also those who believe it. Even those who chose to believe it under Xiao Qingpei's influence accounted for a large part of this group of die-hard loyalists of the cold-faced devil.

Of course, this die-hard now has to be put in double quotes, or he can be described as the original die-hard.

The loyalty of a cultivator never means completely sacrificing his or her life for the other person, like being a slave or a maid.

Immortal cultivators are the most concerned about interests.

Even if you choose your allegiance!
If the loyalty is like that of a dead soldier, then he is not a cultivator, but a puppet.Or maybe the external incarnation of a certain monk who was engraved with a mark.

Xiao Qingpei did not continue to care about this cold-faced devil, and he began to pave the way for his own way of condensing heaven.

What surprised him was that his cultivation path was very smooth.

It’s as if his secret realm profits haven’t been exhausted yet!
In just three days, that sweet or salty Fufeng pocket became a spiritual treasure. With the everlasting charm radiating out, a spiritual treasure appeared in Xiao Qingpei's hands.

At this moment, Xiao Qingpei entered the level of the Immortal Master that condenses the way of heaven.

But he failed to condense the way of heaven.

Because when Xiao Qingpei broke through, there was a demonic path of freedom that crossed the boundary. The original owner of the demonic path of freedom turned into ashes after screaming.

And this free demonic path was integrated into Xiao Qingpei's body and turned into the prototype of his free path body.

For a time, the world was filled with countless splendors.

At this moment, no matter what kind of creature they are, they all feel the joy from heaven and earth.

However, when Xiao Qingpei looked at this scene, he didn't feel any joy at all, but he didn't feel sad or heavy either. He seemed very calm.

Because he remembered.

And with the recovery of memory, countless paths of cultivation that were previously blocked became smooth in an instant.

This is the return of the Immortal King!

It’s also a closed-loop reappearance!

"I never thought that so many years have passed." He stood with his hands behind his hands and looked ahead, but he directly saw the scene outside the fairyland.

There were three people there, an old Taoist, a monk, and a strong man, saluting him from afar.

When he saw this, he returned the gesture with fists.

These are the other three stone statues among the five stone statues, and they also represent the other three Immortal Kings.

Back then, after he completed the time retreat and condensed the past and the future, he was the fifth Immortal King. However, after so many years, there are still only five Immortal Kings in this world.

As for the fourth one...oh, that's the little guy, the little girl who used to call him master, but now doesn't even call her by name.

When he thought of this, his eyes darkened.

"Stop hiding, do you think I can't see you if you cover your eyes?" The Immortal King is the real "end of the road", far from being comparable to those fakes in the deepest part of the Ancient Immortal Realm, so it's just a glance He went over and found the little guy.

At this moment, this little guy has become one.

Her memory awakened earlier than his.

Because this guy doesn't follow martial ethics, he agreed to re-travel together, but ended up going back on his word halfway, but she didn't return either. She just sealed her memory and cultivation, and then made trouble for herself.

Yes, looking for trouble to play with.This little girl is so idle that it hurts!
However, she is the Immortal King after all, so even if she seals herself, the world will still give birth to a terrifying "clone" for her that can occupy the destiny of the world.

This heaven and earth does not refer to a small world, nor does it refer to the three-dimensional "eternal heavens", but it encompasses all of them, including this ancient immortal realm.

"I'm Luo Xiaoyun, you're looking for the Immortal King who doesn't keep his word, what does it have to do with me?" The little girl's eyes were evasive, and her delicate little face was full of guilt at this time.

"Ha ha……"

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he already knew her character, so he didn't pay much attention.

After all, this wasn't the first time she had been tricked.

Counting it carefully, he didn't know how many times he had been tricked by her.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Look, hasn't the convention of the Immortal King and the Immortal King not meeting each other been broken?" The little girl argued with reason.

Of course, this is also changing the subject.

Because the two have nothing to do with each other.

The two of them could meet each other at this time, but it was because neither of them chose to completely return to their places.The other three Immortal Kings could only manifest an afterimage, saying hello and then dissipated.

"You don't have to do this, I won't blame you. However, you owe me once after all, so the work of reorganizing the world will be left to you!"

After saying that, he drifted away.

He originally thought that this messy world had nothing to do with him, but soon, this little girl came to his door and asked him to help with it.

"No help."

"You treacherous child!" Seeing him being so disrespectful, the little girl suddenly felt jealous, and then she puffed her cheeks and snorted softly.

"The person calling you mother is Xiao Qingpei. What does it have to do with me?" He naturally knew why this little girl said that. It was just that she insisted on calling him "Mom" before he recovered his memory.

"Don't talk nonsense. We are all immortal kings. This kind of cause and effect can easily lead to countless accidents." He said again seriously.

"Then I've called you so many times before!" This little girl was really angry.

"You didn't call me, what's the use of talking to me?"

"Why didn't I call you?" The little girl stared.

"I am Xiao Qingpei! You are calling a certain Immortal King. What does it have to do with me, Mr. Xiao?" Xiao Qingpei looked calm, as if he was talking about something extremely serious.

Then, Xiao Qingpei, who was afraid of being beaten, quickly added: "I already have an idea for the world to be reorganized."

They are all Immortal Kings, and no one can do anything to anyone.

"What are you thinking? Those realm tribulations are unreliable, and restricting high-level immortal cultivators is also unworkable." The little girl said. (Continuing from the previous book "I became cannon fodder in the world of female cultivators")
Just by looking at the scene in Fuyao Tianzhong, you can get a glimpse of what other places in this world are like.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Even if the Immortal King tried again and again, he could not escape reincarnation in the end.

The original enslavers and exploiters disappeared, and as soon as they turned around, new ones appeared. This was certainly the case with the immortal cultivating sect in Fuyao Tianzhong at that time.

"So, it's good if there are no restrictions." Xiao Qingpei said quietly, "Since we can't escape the cycle of reincarnation again and again, then let the immortals and gods disappear without a trace, and then use the fallen immortals as the foundation, and let the creatures in this world replace themselves! "

"Isn't that just the same as before?" When the little girl heard this, she rolled her eyes.Except for the absence of immortals and gods, there is no difference at all.

"Of course there are differences..." After Xiao Qingpei said that, he raised his hand and dropped it.

Immediately, the eternal heavens in the past, the eternal heavens in the future, the eternal heavens in the present, the ancient immortal realm, the impermanent destination, etc. all disappeared.

Then, a huge world evolved in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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