As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 178 Why did the immortal friends fall into the mortal world?

Chapter 178 Why did the immortal friends fall into the mortal world?
When the heaven and the earth were first divided, there were five heavenly pillars as supports, just like a gigantic giant spreading out his hand and holding up the sky with his five fingers!And all the souls in this world only live in the palm of that giant.

Therefore, according to old legend, the closer the location is to the palm, the more fertile the land will be and the more abundant products will be.

However, this legend is just a legend after all.

How exactly, no one can confirm!

Because there are no immortals in this world!

Even the theory of immortals and gods has become empty talk known to everyone, and no one believes in the existence of demons, ghosts, immortals and gods.

Naturally, I sneered at the talk of retribution!
Therefore, those who have power only want to exercise power; and those who have wealth indulge in pleasure and indulgence; finally, those who have no power, no power, no wealth, good people keep their peace, and honest and disciplined people work hard, but there are also those who are born evil He became a pawn of power...

It is generally believed that once a person has no conscience, he will make more money.

No matter what you do, money always comes first.

All this was stopped until someone really became an immortal!

Even this containment situation did not last long. This was because there were not many immortals, not to mention immortals.

And the number of these immortals and gods... is extremely rare!
All added up, there are only three!

The first and second ones are very mysterious. When someone really becomes an immortal, they discover that there were two people who became immortals before him!
However, there has never been any news about who the first and second people who became immortals are.

As for the third one who became an immortal, his name was Yu Jingxiao.

A person who is somewhat familiar, but also very strange.

This Yu Jingxiao was born to be a god. Things that would be ineffective for ordinary people could become the power of his cultivation in Yu Jingxiao's hands!
Ordinary people drink water when they are thirsty, rest when they are sleepy, and eat when they are hungry. Perhaps they are just adjusting their mood and cultivating their moral character.

But Yu Jingxiao relied on these ordinary things to directly embark on the path of cultivation!

Therefore, Yu Jingxiao not only created his own realm of cultivation, but also grew lotuses step by step. With divine help, this cultivation speed did not begin to slow down until he became an immortal.

However, Yu Jingxiao didn't care much about this.

At this time, this legendary immortal looked down at the earth with a gloomy look on his face.

Finally, he made up his mind!
So, Yu Jingxiao went to a suspended island.

When he first became an immortal, it was here that he met the two people who had become immortals before him!
However, this time, Yu Jingxiao did not see those two people.

"Why aren't those two immortal friends here?"

Yu Jingxiao thought for a while, and then suddenly thought that although he became an immortal, his lifespan was limited, and he thought he had figured it out.

Therefore, Yu Jingxiao couldn't help but lament.

Originally, he wanted to find two helpers to preach to the world with him, establish a fairy court, and reorganize the moral order in the world, but now it seems that he can only be alone!

Immediately, Yu Jingxiao returned to the world and began to preach and preach!
But as soon as Yu Jingxiao left, two figures suddenly appeared on this suspended island with steaming clouds and wonderful scenery everywhere.One is tall and one is short, one is male and one is female.

Just listen to the slender man say: "Reincarnation has begun."

Then, another petite figure muttered in his mouth: "You mean, let him be your first string puppet?" "What string puppet? Nonsense! I, Xiao, can walk and sit upright, How could you do such a boring thing as the mastermind behind the scenes? I said it was the reincarnation of heaven and earth, so it is the reincarnation of heaven and earth, just watch it!"

Someone said this, and a certain little girl looked at it seriously.

Then, in the eyes of this little girl, she saw Yu Jingxiao's hard work in preaching, and finally the number of immortals and gods gradually increased. And because of Yu Jingxiao's special status in preaching, and because he was the first to become an immortal, in He has gone the farthest on the immortal road, and he is therefore elected as the Immortal Emperor!
At this point, the Immortal Court System has also been formed.

But at this time, the Immortal Court was still very leisurely and free. People who became immortals from all walks of life punished good and eliminated evil according to Yu Jingxiao's rules and maintained the balance in various places.

At this time, everything was still beautiful, but slowly, as time passed, some things began to change.

Some immortals began to become impatient, thinking that they had practiced hard and became immortals, so they should be high and enjoy themselves. Why should they work for those mortals who don't live longer than a hundred years?

There are also immortals who think the rules set by Yu Jingxiao are not very good and want to make changes.

So, slowly, some immortals began to accept offerings from mortals, and gave some benefits to these mortals who respected them.

At first it was a minority, but soon it became a majority.

The immortals in the Immortal Court define this as advancing with the times and following the heavens!Times have changed and they can no longer be the same!
Thus, the fairy clan was born.

Immortal cultivating families attached to the Immortal Clan appeared soon after.

These forces, linked by family blood, control [-]% of the world's resources.In order to enjoy and control better, these immortal cultivating families began to use the power of immortals to enslave the world.

Divide people into three, six or nine levels, so that the world can form a common understanding - those who have no money should respect the rich, while the rich should respect the powerful, and the powerful... must please those with greater power!
Once upon a time, Yu Jingxiao preached to the world and established the Immortal Court for this purpose, but after going round and round, he actually returned to the original place!

Of course, there are some differences between now and then.

Back then, I was not afraid of karma, so I did everything I could and was excited to eradicate the root cause!But now, we have the means to deal with karma, so we still do everything we can!
And Yu Jingxiao didn't know all this. Because he was worried that he would become the new source of all evil, he had already resigned from his position as the Immortal Emperor of Immortal Court and found a place to practice in seclusion.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that his immortal life is coming to an end.

people will die.

And immortals will die too.

No matter how long you live, you can only live forever, not live forever.

Therefore, this death has become the fairest place.No matter how much you rely on your power to extend your life, in the end, you still have to close your eyes.

Yu Jingxiao has gray hair and has long lost his immortal posture because he has aged to the extreme.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that his vitality had extended a lot.

At the same time, he felt that it was because of someone's arrival that he gained another few hundred years of life, so Yu Jingxiao quickly opened his eyes.

Then, he saw two people who surprised him greatly.

"The two immortal friends are still alive..." Yu Jingxiao was amazed, because the people who appeared in front of him at this time were the same two people he met after becoming an immortal.

The first immortal and the second immortal in heaven and earth!
Then, Yu Jingxiao said quickly: "Please two immortal friends to save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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