As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 93 The "Outlaw" Madman Xiao Mou Was Exposed

Chapter 93 The "Outlaw" Madman Xiao Mou Was Exposed
Fuyaotian, for those who have not attained the Tao, is undoubtedly very big, even if it is the Nascent Soul Realm that can change between virtual and real, gather and disperse freely, and travel thousands of miles away with a single thought, this piece of heaven and earth is very big.

But for those who have attained the Tao, the world here is infinitely narrow.

It could even be called a cage!
Because Tao is limited.

This is how one of the "prisoners" in the name of the ancient place of abandoning prisoners and demons came into being.

However, except for the incomparably mysterious Chunyang Taiyi Palace, which is always high above the sky for monk Fuyaotian, there is no one who has attained the Tao in this piece of heaven and earth.

As for a little guy who can come in and out of Fuyaotian at will, she can come in and out at will, so naturally she can't be counted in Fuyaotian.

At this time, the three sects of Fuyaotian, Yunxiao Palace, Xianyao Mansion, and Tianren Mountain, the ancestors of Yuanyingjing of these three sects secretly met without telling the people of each sect.

The ancestor of Yuanying Realm in Yunxiao Palace, named Zhuge Tianlei, was originally a sword cultivator, but because of his mediocre talent in swordsmanship, he had to switch to Lei Dao, but because of this, he entered Yuanying Realm. "Xianya" is what he left behind in his first life, when he was still in the Golden Core Realm.

Zhuge Tianlei has lived two lifetimes. Although his beard and hair are frosty and white, his face does not look old. It is obvious that the third lifetime is about to start.

The Yuanying Realm Patriarch of Tianren Mountain, named Wen Poxiao, is proficient in ventilation, thunder, and fire, and has a natural ability to kill and attack. He was already famous in the Golden Core Realm, which made many Golden Core Realms frightened.

Later, he stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, but he has been restrained since then, and now he has lived two lives, but this second life is only middle-aged.

The ancestor of the Yuanying Realm in Xianyao Mansion, who looks like a teenager, has a handsome face, but his eyes are full of vicissitudes. His name is Yu Jingxiao.

At this time, whether it was Zhuge Tianlei, the ancestor of Yuanying Realm in Yunxiao Palace, or Wen Lixiao, the ancestor of Yuanying Realm in Tianren Mountain, they all looked at Yu Jingxiao without saying a word.

"What do you two want me to do?" Yu Jingxiao said a little puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, let's get to the point and ask you to hand over Xiao Qingpei." Zhuge Tianlei said flatly.

"Xiao Qingpei?"

Yu Jingxiao was stunned for a moment, but as a Nascent Soul Realm, he naturally had an extraordinary memory, so he quickly remembered who it was, but this made him even more puzzled: "Isn't that someone from your Yunxiao Palace? He died a few years ago, his talent is amazing, he seems to have set foot in the ancient sword fairyland, it would be a pity to die."

However, although Yu Jingxiao rarely said a lot, both Zhuge Tianlei and Wen Poxiao fell into silence.

"Why are you two like this?" Yu Jingxiao asked proactively.

"Xiao Qingpei, this kid should not be dead, but since Fellow Daoist Yu didn't hide him, then the matter will be serious..." Wen Poxiao frowned slightly.

"Not dead?" Yu Jingxiao was surprised. Over the years, because he felt that something was wrong with his cultivation realm, he had been looking for countermeasures for this, and he even went to look for traces of ghosts as a living horse doctor.Because of this, most of the big and small things in the world of cultivating immortals are not very clear to Yu Jingxiao.

"The Young Palace Master of Chunyang Taiyi Palace came down to earth two years ago." Zhuge Tianlei said.

"The Young Palace Master? What is he doing here?" Yu Jingxiao frowned instantly, but she didn't have a good impression of his Young Palace Master.

"The people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace didn't say anything, but what is certain now is that the Young Palace Master should be dead." Wen Poxiao sighed.

"Isn't he in the Ancient Sword Fairyland? I've seen him in the Nascent Soul Realm, not to mention taking the elixir from Chunyang Taiyi Palace. It's impossible to attack him. Who else can kill him?" Yu Jing Akatsuki was even more surprised now.

Once the realm of swordsmanship reaches the ancient sword fairyland, if one enters the threshold of Taoism, even a great monk of the golden core realm will only be cut off by a sword when encountering a sword cultivator of the ancient sword fairyland.

"So people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace suspect that it was Xiao Qingpei's hand..." Zhuge Tianlei paused, and then added: "The only one who can kill Ancient Sword Fairyland is another Ancient Sword Fairyland."

"But, why Xiao Qingpei? And what Xiao Qingpei showed before was only suspected of touching the threshold of the ancient sword fairyland."

"Because the people from Chunyang Taiyi Palace came two years ago, apparently for the sake of the Immortal Examination, but actually for the Linwu faction. That kid Xiao Qingpei used a simple method among mortals to trick Lin Wu in the Immortal Examination. Sending one, so that the Linwu faction was almost expelled." Zhuge Tianlei said what they later investigated.

"If that's the case, it makes sense. However, a person who comes from a casual cultivator who can kill Chunyang Taiyi Palace is also the Young Palace Master of the Ancient Sword Immortal Realm. This is somewhat... a joke, right?" Yu Jingxiao couldn't help but said.

Because the gap between the two is really too big!It was so old that even a cold-tempered person like Yu Jingxiao felt like complaining.

This is even more outrageous than a beggar servant among mortals beating the emperor to death!

"Originally, if that was the case, we wouldn't doubt him, and we didn't even realize that he was still alive. Until recently, some monks saw the moon-watching Tianluan from the Xu family."

"The spirit bird that has been pre-ordained by a Taoist from Chunyang Taiyi Palace as his demon pet?"

"Exactly, when the spirit bird disappeared without a trace, we all thought it was a ghost killing us together."

"Is that all?"

"If that's all it is, then naturally it's not enough. However, in addition to the fact that I used secret techniques to find Xiao Qingpei's traces, and even performed secret techniques together with Wen Daoyou, I could only barely sense its general direction. I think it was enough." Zhuge Tianlei said.

"This Xiao Qingpei's really unique in all ages." Yu Jingxiao was silent, then nodded slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, where did you find this Xiao Qingpei?" Wen Poxiao asked, as long as it is a monk of Fuyaotian, they all know that Xiao Qingpei was sent to Yunxiao Palace by Yu Jingxiao.

"There is a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Realm in Xianyao Mansion. When he passed Rujin County in the Dayao Dynasty, he said that it was haunted by ghosts. I went to have a look. I happened to sense a sharp sword light, and then I found Xiao Qingpei."

"Are you just looking for someone to prevaricate the old man?" Zhuge Tianlei lived two lifetimes, and he couldn't hear the hidden meaning of these words.

"Just say it's amazing enough?" Yu Jingxiao said without raising her eyes.

It's a fact that he just picked one at random, but it's also a fact that Xiao Qingpei's amazing talent is unparalleled in all ages!
Zhuge Tianlei had nothing to say.

At this time, Wen Poxiao suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly a light curtain manifested, and there was a figure familiar to Xiao Qingpei, who was Wen Tianyu's elder brother!

Wen Tianyu's eldest brother said a few words to Wen Poxiao, but no sound came out, but Wen Poxiao heard it clearly.

This is because of the secret method.

"Come to me for such a trivial matter? You were deceived, so you can't figure out a solution by yourself?" Wen Poxiao said, but shook her head: "Forget it, forget it, let me help you find it, save the trouble You're like a headless chicken."

Then, Wen Poxiao did not avoid Zhuge Tianlei and Yu Jingxiao, and immediately started casting spells.

However, just a moment later, Wen Poxiao, who frowned suddenly, turned cold instantly, and whispered a name: "Xiao Qingpei!"

Because according to the information provided by his grandson, when he used the secret method to find it, he could only sense its general direction.

And so far, he has only encountered such a situation when he was looking for Xiao Qingpei.

(End of this chapter)

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