As a passer-by, I have loaded the female master's cultivation system

Chapter 94 He Has Become a "Variable"

Chapter 94 He Has Become a "Variable"

After being "silent" for two years, the name Xiao Qingpei directly spread throughout Fuyaotian's world of cultivating immortals in just a few days.

But this time, it was not just mentioned in passing as it was two years ago!
This time, Xiao Qingpei directly became the protagonist.

First beheaded the monks of Chunyang Taiyi Palace, and then used despicable means to defraud the immortal roots of grass and trees from the hands of the eldest son of the Wen family... and other deeds kept spreading to the ears of the cultivators.

"A monk from Chunyang Taiyi Palace? Is this Xiao Qingpei able to kill? Are you joking?"

"Fellow Daoists don't know, this Xiao Qingpei is really worthy of the name of Tianjiao. Not long after leaving Tianlong City, he stepped into the ancient sword fairyland of the way of sword cultivation!"

"Ancient Sword Fairyland? I seem to have heard people say that this is a realm of sword cultivation that is even more profound and unpredictable than the sword heart! No wonder, Xiao Qingpei's talent is really terrifying!"

"Hehe, so terrifying? There is no need for it. No matter how talented he is, Xiao Qingpei, Yun Donglai, who is as famous as him, has already entered the Upper Golden Core Realm. Xiao Qingpei, I'm afraid he is only at the Foundation Establishment Realm right now? Leave Yunxiao Palace, without the quota for immortal examination, how can he advance to Jindan?"

"Then you don't know, this Xiao Qingpei went to Wen's house, and the cultivation he showed is the Golden Core Realm!"

"How did he get the quota for the immortal exam? People from Chunyang Taiyi Palace actually allowed him to pass?"

"Could it be that your excellency forgot that there are two kinds of immortal exams, besides the sect immortal exams under Chunyang Taiyi Palace, there is also the heaven and earth immortal exams!"

"What? Heaven and Earth Immortal Test!"


Such news kept spreading in Fuyaotian, and it was the disciples of Yunxiao Palace, Xianyao Mansion and Tianren Mountain who first spread the news.

This is what they did on purpose.

After all, Chunyang Taiyi Palace lost a young palace master!Now that Palace Master's 500-year tenure is about to come to an end, otherwise, the movement of Chunyang Taiyi Palace would definitely not be as small as it is now.

When the new palace lord takes office, it is likely that the new official will have three fires to take office, and at that time, their three sects will inevitably be implicated.

But now as long as this matter is thoroughly confirmed and Xiao Qingpei's ability is continuously lenient, then by then, Xiao Qingpei will only be the one who is unlucky!
However, the disciples of the three sects who worked hard to spread the news didn't know that they thought they were lenient on Xiao Qingpei's ability, but they actually underestimated it.

"Master, master, you also like to hear rumors about the world of cultivating immortals?" There was a little girl next to Xiao Qingpei, blinking a pair of beautiful big eyes, and her delicate face was full of surprise.

But at this time, Xiao Qingpei, who picked up a cup of tea as a cover, was seriously listening to the monks at the table next to him.

Xiao Qingpei glanced at the little girl, but said nothing.

How could he not care about such matters that concern him?And what this little girl heard before, he knew it was false rumors as soon as he heard it, so why would he care?

However, he couldn't just say that he was that Xiao Qingpei, so Xiao Qingpei responded lightly.

While responding to this little girl, he was also full of puzzlement, why all of a sudden, rumors about him were spreading everywhere?

"Speaking of which, the man and woman I met two years ago turned out to be from the Chunyang Taiyi Palace? No wonder they are so arrogant, and they regard it as a great gift to let someone be their servant."

It was also at this time that Xiao Qingpei realized the origin of the man and woman who made him use the "Great Five Elements Sword Heaven" two years ago.

But immediately, he didn't care about it.

"In this way, there is a reasonable explanation for my news to spread so widely all of a sudden." Xiao Qingpei was stunned.

Although he didn't know how the other party knew about him, it was obvious that someone from Chunyang Taiyi Palace was looking for trouble if he did it so deliberately, so he wanted to push out someone who would vent his anger on Chunyang Taiyi Palace.

With this in mind, Xiao Qingpei decided to add some spirituality to that Immortal Mansion.

Because he has clearly felt recently that Immortal Mansion has not reached its limit. Although the will to seek spirituality is gone, Immortal Mansion still needs spirituality.

Originally Xiao Qingpei was still a little hesitant, but with this potential danger, naturally there was nothing to hesitate.

"Other than that, I have to shatter the pill into a baby as soon as possible!"

Xiao Qingpei's eyes flickered slightly.

"Master, where are we going next?" At this moment, Luo Xiaoyun supported her small face with her small hands, and asked Xiao Qingpei with blinking eyes.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but the more she looks at her master, the more she thinks her master is good-looking.

"Go to someone and buy some celestial roots." Xiao Qingpei said without thinking.

Now that people have "planted" the defrauding of the roots of the Wen family's plants and trees on his head, of course he has to take advantage of this limelight to do more!

Although it was indeed him who did this, Xiao Qingpei thought that he did not show any flaws in what he did, so he preconceived it, and he took it as someone who wanted to tarnish his name!
But he didn't know that the reason why this matter was discovered was really a coincidence.

First, the Yuanyingjing of the Wen family from Tianren Mountain searched for him without success, and then Wen Tianyu's elder brother found his grandfather and asked him to help him find it.

Then, the results of the two searches were exactly the same.

Nascent Soul Realm performs this kind of secret method, and when it is rare to make mistakes, even if it cannot be found, there can be an approximate range.But like Xiao Qingpei, there is only a vague direction, and there is no specific direction at all, which can be said to be unprecedented.

This is instantly recognizable.

It can only be said that the success is also the ability of the Immortal Mansion, and the failure is also the ability of the Immortal Mansion.


And just when Xiao Qingpei was planning to "commit crimes against the wind" with the idea of ​​being dark under the lamp, there was a young girl in the Great Zhou Dynasty who was already in a state of doubting her life.

This girl is Zhou Porridge, the updated "first heroine".

At the same time, she was also part of the catastrophe set for Xiao Qingpei under the intervention of a certain existence!

The reason why the young girl responded like this at this time was because she had already heard about those things about Xiao Qingpei.And these things, in her "before rebirth" memory, did not exist at all!
"Xiao Qingpei is very powerful, I know it, but at that time Xiao Qingpei was obviously in a state of seclusion, and he couldn't see anyone at all in the early and mid-term, why did Xiao Qingpei's name become so popular after I was reborn?"

Zhou Congee was in doubt.

After all, the emergence of this kind of change is not a good thing for a person like her who has "foresight".Because that means, there will be countless changes, and then they will start to appear!
And her "foresight" will become even more dispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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