Chapter 21 Holy Spear, Pull the Anchor!
The color on Abigail's body gradually faded, and the key-shaped notch on her forehead disappeared, turning back into a small, smooth forehead.

The bubble-colored skin also turned back to white, and the restless tentacles returned to the door. She has calmed down, and she can no longer be so self-willed.

"I'm sorry for causing such a big trouble, the leader must think Abby is a bad boy, right?"

Abby lowered his head and leaned against Xia Li's chest, as if he had found a shelter from the wind, his petite body curled up.

Feeling the warm body temperature of Lolita in his arms, Xia Li gently patted her on the back, and the top of the black skirt came back at some point.

"It's okay, let's leave it to the leader to solve it."

"Well, I believe in the leader."

Abby's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he leaned on Xia Li's chest and closed his eyes.

Xia Li lowered his head and couldn't see Abi's expression now, he could only see a head of soft golden hair, but he knew that Abi was very sad now, because he was sad about the upcoming parting.

After all, the power of the Outer Gods couldn't integrate with this place. In order to maintain Salem's barrier, she had opened the gate of time and space for too long, and now it is considered to be closed.

The earth, branded by the Outer Gods, is destined to be connected with the Outer Territory, and there will still be indescribable monsters constantly gushing out.

Now only if she disappears on her own initiative, and the body of Yog-Sothoth disappears, those monsters that keep coming will lose their anchor and will no longer enter this place of the universe.

Since the head of the group is unwilling to leave with Abi, she doesn't want to bring trouble to the life of the head of the group.

The two hugged each other like this for a long time. After an unknown amount of time passed, when Xia Li came to his senses, the blond girl in his arms had disappeared, leaving only traces of his chest wet with tears.

A silver cross key also appeared in his hand. It is said that it was made by mainland magicians during the Ice Age more than 1 years ago. It was finally called the key because its appearance resembled the cultural relics unearthed from Roman ruins.

This thing is probably the demon god Zhu Raum, and the time jump can also be called the spiritual transfer from 1 years ago.

I don't know where it was fished from, and for this it was scolded by its immediate boss, the General Administration Bureau Getia.

Later, it was handed over to Abi in its Outer Gods Research Descending Plan, and used as a holy relic for summoning Outer Gods.

Now it's in his hands, but unlike the Demon God Zhu Raum who is obsessed with Outer Gods, he didn't intend to use this thing to call Outer Gods.

But now this silver key is already bound equipment, even if it is really summoned, probably only Yog-Sothoth's family members or monsters will appear.

As for Abigail, if he hadn't summoned him personally, he probably wouldn't have responded to the summons, but would have summoned the tentacles to kill the person who took the key. After all, this thing was for her captain.

"See you later, Abby."

Seeing this, Xia Li smiled knowingly, and Abi didn't really leave to find out if there was no news, but left him a means of contact and an opportunity to reunite.

Moreover, Abby actually called him the leader, which is really strange. He knew that Yog-Sothoth was called "the one who lives all things and all things return to one" in the Cthulhu Mythos.

It is regarded as the supreme outer god existence second only to Azathoth (Azathoth), omniscient and omniscient.

And Abigail, who has the power of Yog-Sothoth, naturally also has a full-seeing perspective to know many things, just like the clairvoyant trio.

So Abby is already in the second episode, but he himself hasn't even played the first episode? ?

"The next step is to deal with the pollution left by the Outer God."

Clenching the silver key in his hand, Xia Li's expression became serious, and he looked up at the hole connecting the outer domain to the sky again.

After losing the support of Abigail's existence, the hole collapsed and the enchantment around Salem began to disappear, once the pollution of the outer gods accumulated here poured out without reservation.

It will definitely affect the stability of human reason. If such a big thing happened, why didn't the dead man of suppression force send thugs to solve the problem? !
He knows that restraint is very stingy, and generally solving problems will only send out just enough force to overwhelm the incident, 51% vs 49%, not even one point more.

Does Restraint think that even if Heroic Spirits are not dispatched, the matter in Salem can be resolved smoothly?

Xia Li suddenly looked at the holy gun of Rungomigniad, which he had inserted into the ground and was hanging aside, and he suddenly realized that his grandma's feelings made me become a thug of restraint!
Without Abby, with the 100% synchronization rate between him and Holy Gun Explosion, it is indeed easy to solve the Salem matter.

Thinking about Mordred's call in this way, the director and El-Melloi II who were suddenly involved might have been suppressed.

The foreshadowing of all this is to deliver the Holy Lance to him, but the premise of all this is that he can really achieve 100% synchronization with the Holy Lance.

It took thousands of years for the hero of the end of the Age of Gods to synchronize with the Holy Lance, who possesses the factor of the dragon. How can the restraining power think that he can achieve synchronization with the Holy Lance in such a short time?

"What a strange thing..."

Xia Li walked back to the Holy Lance and took it out and held it in his hand, muttering in confusion with a slight frown.

Even after he got the holy gun, he still couldn't see through it, as if something was like an eraser, erasing a part of the matter on the white paper.

However, the calculation of restraint has nothing to do with him. Even if there is no restraint, he still intends to solve it by himself.

Even if it is for the director who died in vain, he must solve the Salem matter, but before that, Salem's barrier cannot disappear for the time being.

Once the barrier disappears, the director's death will be confirmed as a fact, and even if he has the holy gun, he will not be able to save him.

Once a person dies in the Xingyue world, it is almost impossible to resurrect, but in the mysterious existence of magic, runes, servants, and gods.

It's really not easy to really die. Fortunately, the director is a person living in the 21st century. In the simulated Salem in 1692, her death fell into a paradox with reality.

How can a man living in the 21st century die in 1692?

The director is now locked in Schrödinger's box, in a superimposed state of life and death, but once the barrier disappears, there will be no external interference, in order to maintain the stability of humanity and time and space.

The director will definitely be determined to be dead by revision, but the cause of death will change if he died from the tentacles of the Outer God, or maybe he just stepped on a banana peel and fell to his death in a very funny way.

So he had to use the holy spear to fix the barrier, not only to clean up the remaining contamination from the outer gods, but also to buy some time for the director.

"Come on! Show your true form here, Rungomigniad! The anchor of the storm that anchors the laws of the world!"

Xia Li held up the holy gun shining in the light in his hand, and shouted loudly for the holy gun body at the end of the world.

"It is your duty to lock the stars, but fix the falsehood at this moment, and turn this place into a singularity that hinders human history! Buy me some time!"

"Down! Glory to the Spear of Reach! (Rhongomyniad!)"

Following Xia Li's rebellious chanting of his real name, a storm from the end of the world suddenly appeared behind him.

And what appeared in the white storm was a white tower that shot straight into the sky, like a needle that fixed the sea, and fixed Salem, who was about to collapse in space.

(End of this chapter)

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