Chapter 22 The Peeping Bad Old Man

When the body of the Holy Lance Lungominiad was summoned here by Xia Li's anchor, the laws of physics fixed on the surface of the earth also experienced subtle vibrations.

Fortunately, the anchor that fixes the physical laws of reality is not limited to the Holy Lance Lungominiad. Under the stability of the other anchors, this slight and undetectable vibration quickly disappeared.

At least with the current level of human technology, it is completely impossible to observe what happened. Even the people in the Clock Tower of the Magic Association who can detect the changes are very few and almost none.

In the center of a spherical room filled with vast colors of the night sky, a wooden chair floats, resembling Thanos' beloved toilet throne.

Sitting upright on a wooden chair, exuding an extremely powerful and dignified aura... a bad old man!
Although the face looks very old, it doesn't look like an old man is getting old. Instead, he is full of energy and tirelessly peeping and chasing dramas.

The bad old man's character is so complicated that it's a little bad, at least none of his apprentices think so, but because of the other party's noble status (strength), they don't dare to chew the tongue, at most they secretly complain in their hearts.

The white beard started from both sides of the cheeks and surrounded the entire chin. With his slightly raised white hair, his head looked like a white lion.

The bad old man's favorite thing is to use his unique observation ability to spy on parallel worlds or chase dramas, or to plagiarize the creative magic tricks of geniuses in other worlds.

As long as he thinks of such a happy thing, only he can enjoy it alone, even if he is very elusive in the eyes of outsiders, he will feel very happy.

Sitting on a floating wooden chair, the old man was wearing a dark magic robe, even from the perspective of a traditionally conservative magician, this look was a bit old.

The bad old man stretched out his index finger and moved slightly. He made a magic dress book specially used for peeping, and immediately began to flip through the pages, and countless information flickered in it.

Even the famous Marshal of Demonic Dao is a bit behind the times, and the tools used for peeping are still in the shape of ancient books.

According to his ability, it is not impossible to create the appearance of a tablet computer, but under the habits he has cultivated over the years, he is still more suitable for the appearance of books.

"This axis is wrong..."

"Is this line also completely destroyed..."

"No, it's terrible. The big spider is about to wake up, and it's far from being able to deal with it..."

After looking around, the parallel world is the end of the daily total destruction. The bad old man really wants to roll his eyes at the so-called fate, since he obtained this ability to observe.

Parallel worlds exploded almost every moment, and at the beginning he was worried and his hair turned gray, but after waiting for so long, the reality was still unbelievably calm.

He has already dealt with the fact that the parallel world will explode, and he can treat it calmly without changing his face.

It is basically a small theater for after-dinner tea talks, but only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without it.

Although the parallel world will come to an end, the ways of destruction are also different. Among them, the ridiculous and funny ending of destruction made even the old man spit out water in shock.

But it is precisely because of this that he has been able to maintain his interest in voyeuristic parallel worlds. After all, there is so much fun, which attracts him much more than the static and boring Magic Association.

Parallel worlds that can survive forever are very few in his observations, and most of them suddenly explode into a dead end every time a point passes and are cut off by the world.

"Sure enough, no matter how the situation develops, it will not be a good ending for the association."

"But the old man doesn't have enough reason to intervene, well, there is absolutely nothing to do."

Although the old man said it was a pity, he couldn't see any thoughts of redemption on his expression, and he put the matter behind him in a blink of an eye.

However, in the real world, Xia Li's action of unplugging the anchor suddenly gave him a jump, and the shock from the physical laws of the earth's surface was clearly transmitted here.

His grandma's!Who demolished the load-bearing walls of the house? ? ? ?

The bad old man feels like a happy person who surfs the Internet all day long, watching the video of car accidents, fires, and explosions while laughing and accumulating merit.

But suddenly one day, these unlucky things happened to him!

The pillar of light that anchors the laws of geophysics, let alone seeing that thing, even if it is barely condensed into the appearance of a treasure that humans can see, no one can fully exert its power.

Not to mention pulling up the pillar of light that fixes the stars from the anchor point like now.

Although the bad old man has urgently confirmed, the sudden action of pulling the anchor just now will hardly affect the real world.

But it still made him very interested, just like Merlin who hid in the tower of Paradise all day and peeped with clairvoyance, he also likes to watch the excitement the most.

Just do what you say, the old man is a little excited to operate the book-shaped magic dress, follow the source of the shock just now, and start searching on the earth.

There are only a few pillars of light anchoring the laws of physics in the world, and the old man found it with almost no effort.

"It's actually next door to the association?"

The bad old man was a little surprised, although he knew that Britain was the last relic of the Age of Gods and the navel of the planet.

But these things have long since dissipated with the prosperity of human beings. Britain's mysterious decline is now severe. How did the holy gun, which is almost the highest level of mystery, appear?
"No, although the location is near the association, there is a certain degree of confusion in space and time. Is it actually North America? Or is it 1692?"

The bad old man quickly saw Xia Li holding the holy gun exuding a spiral DNA shape through the enchantment fixed by the holy gun, before he could search his mind for who this kid was.

Xia Li seemed to be aware of the peeking at him, he suddenly looked in the direction of the bad old man, the emerald green sacred and inviolable pupils made him subconsciously think of gods.

"Irreverent magician, do you want to try the divine punishment of the Holy Lance!"

Xia Li knew that someone was spying on him, although his face was indifferent, but his tone was aggravated, and the meaning of warning was self-evident.

In order to express his determination, he slightly turned the holy spear in his hand, and the holy spear also responded to the light of his tip flickering slightly. Behind him, the tower of light at the end of the world, where the storm has subsided, once again accumulated shocking magic power.

Faced with the threat of Xia Li's nuclear weapons, the bad old man suddenly fell silent, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he simply closed his peeping of Xia Li.

"It's completely a god-level magical reaction, and the temper is the same as that of a god."

But the bad old man who had already become interested did not give up so easily. Since Xia Li hated his voyeurism very much, then it would be fine for him to find someone else to peep. Not everyone could detect that he was peeping like Xia Li.

(End of this chapter)

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