Chapter 152
Strictly speaking, Zhang He didn't value the eight generals under Han Sui's command except Yang Qiu.

The problem is that Liu Bei's subordinates can also add some second- and third-tier generals.

Yan Xing was one of the main culprits, and he was sent directly to Luoyang, which was Liu Bei's insistence.

Ma Chao was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he was eager to save his father, so he was tolerated by Liu Bei.

When this matter came to Luoyang, there was a high probability that Ma Chao would be exonerated to a certain extent, as it is in this era.

"The imperial court intends to transfer Dong Zhuo to Luoyang!" At the beginning of October, Liu Bei said with a residence report.

Dong Zhuo has made great achievements in begging the thieves, and the imperial court has issued an order to appoint Dong Zhuo as the young mansion.

This is one of the nine nobles, and he is still a fat man!
The problem is also very big. First of all, the royal property is basically gone, and it has been occupied by aristocratic and powerful families by various means.

Secondly, Dong Zhuo lost his military power when he took over the official position.

"Dong Zhuo probably won't accept this transfer order." Zhang He shook his head.

As long as Dong Zhuo is not stupid, he knows that his foundation is military power.

Giving up military power, if you take up the post of Shaofu today, you may be dismissed or even imprisoned tomorrow.

The one who really cares is Huangfusong. Historically, in 189 years, the rebels even entered Youfufeng, and the imperial court used Huangfusong again.

But now that the rebellion in Liangzhou was easily quelled, it would not be easy for Huangfusong to use it again.

"Yes, Dong Zhuo will not give up his military power as a man." Liu Bei was thoughtful.

The problem is that Dong Zhuo returned from his class and is now stationed in Ji County. It has been a long time, and I am afraid that there will be some conflicts.

Thanks to the fact that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have been transferred to guard Jincheng, otherwise there would be a commotion.

On the contrary, Tai Shici and Zhang Yun have been transferred back to Ji County.

Counting Zhang He, Le Jin, Zhou Sheng, Xu Huang, Tian Yu and Qianzhaobu, they are not afraid of him.

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo refused to hand over his military power on the grounds that his subordinates Huangzhong Yicong and Wuhuan Tuqi were reluctant to leave him.

"Joke!" Liu Bei was a little annoyed.

It should be said that Huang Zhongyi started from Deng Xun, the captain of Naihu Qiang, and the army recruited by Huang Zhongyi from Hu Zhong, had been under Dong Zhuo's command for a long time, and it is normal to be reluctant to bear him.

The question is how long has it been since the Wuhuan Tuqi handed over the command to Dong Zhuo, will you be reluctant to part with him?

What's even more ridiculous is that Beigong Boyu was born in Huangzhong Yiconghu. You and Huang Zhongyicong have such a good relationship, so you surrendered yourself?

Zhang He is clear that Huang Zhong Yi Cong Hu does not mean Huang Zhong Yi Cong.

Once there was a family of the Yue clan who surrendered to the Han and settled in Huangzhong. There were even hundreds of households in Zhangye named Yi Conghu.

Huangzhong Yicong, the main source of soldiers came from Yiconghu, but the rebellion of Unyielding Hu Beigong Boyu had little to do with Huangzhong Yicong.

It feels so familiar, isn't this Wuhuan Tuqi is Wuhuan Tuqi, and Qiu Liju is Qiu Liju?

This piece of pure was probably inspired by Beigong Boyu's rebellion.

"How about finding a chance to take down Dong Zhuo?" Zhang He suggested.

Anyway, for some people, without Dong Zhuo, there might be Zhao Zhuo, Qian Zhuo, Sun Zhuo, Li Zhuo or something.

But to ruin his four or five years of preparation in one go, it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

"Is it possible?" Liu Bei was a little moved and looked at Jushou.

It's not that Huangfusong is so jealous, let alone unhappy with Dong Zhuo for a long time.

If Gongsun Zan hadn't fought Dong Zhuo and lost his military power, he would have planned to fight Dong Zhuo.

"Maybe General Dong is waiting for us to make a move?" Ju Shou was thoughtful.

"How do you say that?" Liu Bei frowned.

"Liangzhou is his root, but it can make you more and more popular here, which has already made Dong Zhuo feel threatened. He deliberately stationed in Ji County, I am afraid that he is waiting for the emperor to pick things up." Jushou replied.

If you want to be transferred, you can do something to him. According to the court's habit, there is a high probability that Liu Bei will be transferred.

Where it can be adjusted, there is no guarantee.

If you are unlucky, you may be removed from military power.

"It's fine as long as we don't do it, right?" Zhang He was thoughtful.

If Dong Zhuo made the first move, then Liu Bei would be justified.

Even if the imperial court pulls a sideways frame, if they die, they will each hit [-] boards.

"Is there a way?" Liu Bei sounded reasonable.

"Always try, anyway, they must be the first to pick things up!" Zhang He replied.

He has never been afraid of thinking about thinking. Once the gamification is started and the logical problems are solved, then any problems will not be a problem.

No nonsense, just speak your mind.

Liu Bei looked at Ju Shou, who nodded.

Risky, but try it!
Zhang He's idea was also simple, to pull out all the good horse kings from the horse farm, and run a few laps outside Dong Zhuo's camp.

Normally, they have to run every day at this level, otherwise they will be abolished.

"Run!" Zhang He rode Heiyun and galloped past with all the horses.

These horses are so magnificent that even ordinary Xiliang horses would pale in comparison, let alone Wuhuan Tu riding those Wuhuan horses.

"What a horse!" Dong Zhuo was overjoyed when he saw Lie Xin, let alone his subordinates, his eyes were about to shine.

If Dong Zhuo was born in Xiliang, if you have to say what hobbies he has, apart from dancing knives and guns, he is probably a good horse.

Qiang sent many good horses as gifts, and Zou once planned to use Jueying as a gift to befriend Dong Zhuo.

"Where did Liu Bei get these horses? The king of horses has at least three horses!" General Li Jue was a little jealous.

The horse king is said to be the leader of the horse group, but there are actually three, six or nine grades. Among the wild horses in the small group, the horse king may be a good horse.

According to this logic, these are horse kings!
"It's so weird, Liu Bei probably doesn't have any channels for this..." Dong Zhuo was a little puzzled.

Especially when he remembered that when he first came, Liu Bei didn't have these horses in his hands.

However, there were some white horses inside, and Dong Zhuo suspected that they were sent by Baima Qiang and Shen Lang Qiang from Wudu.

There is no special geographical environment in Qiang land, so the Qiang people there are relatively docile.If they really want to start a war with the big man, they can't fight.

Thinking that Dong Zhuo was somewhat upset here, Liu Bei has only been here for a long time, and he has already subdued some Qianghu.

Even the most docile, he has a feeling of being betrayed.

"How about..." Guo Bang stepped forward, "Take these horses? They are obviously run away from us!"

"Troubleshooting?" Dong Zhuo thought for a while after hearing this, and looked at Li Ru.

"No, no matter what the reason is, if there is a commotion, the court may be dissatisfied." Li Ru shook his head.

Especially when Dong Zhuo just refused to be appointed by the imperial court, the imperial court had something to say about it.

"Hmph!" Dong Zhuo was dissatisfied, but Li Ru never said anything wrong, so he could only give up.

After two or three days like this, Zhang He passed by their camp every day on horseback.Dong Zhuo didn't care about it at all, he didn't see it.

But he turned a blind eye, waiting for the court's new decree, the people below can't help it.

They were already restless, and when they sat down, there were few good horses, let alone horse kings.With so many good horses in front of him, how could he bear it?

"I found out, these horses are usually kept in the racecourse outside the city, and no one is looking after them." Guo Si came back and found Li Jue.

Also present were Fan Chou, Niu Fu and Zhang Ji.

It happened that Zhang Ji was unhappy with Zhang He, so he had to add fuel to the flames.

"Sneak over tonight, grab it and leave!" Li Jue looked at Niu Fu, "Even if they ask, they will say that it was our side that ran out, why don't you?"

"It's done!" Niu Fu couldn't bear Li Jue's instigation, and Zhang Ji's encouragement, so he made a decision immediately.

Mainly, he also knows that his father-in-law has coveted these horses for a long time!

In the middle of the night, the five hundred flying bear army gathered quickly, and Kui Ye moved towards the racecourse...

 Sometimes I really don’t understand, the emperor in the last period, you said that the ancestors of Lao Tzu ruled the world, and I ended up running a little industry to subsidize the family, but one or two of you said 'compete with the people'.Is this world Lao Tzu's world, or your world?
  Not to mention not only the industry, the Royal Forest Garden, that is, the fields belonging to the royal family, are also distributed to refugees by various means, and there is a high probability that they will be embezzled by the rich.In other words, after leaving the tombs and palaces in various places, the emperor may have nothing left, and daily expenses may become a problem. What is the point of being an emperor...

  The Shaodang Qiang was active in the Jincheng generation, and the Baima Qiang and Shenlang Qiang were to the west of Wudu.The terrain there is not as convenient as that of Shaodang Qiang, so it is relatively mild, and they will even settle down for farming.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!
  Stop talking, another half hour wasted...


(End of this chapter)

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