Chapter 153
To say that Le Jin originally had 1000 people stationed around the racecourse, but in order to deal with Dong Zhuo, he deliberately created the appearance of a reduced number of troops, but in fact they were loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

As far as the secret whistle on the periphery is concerned, there are three in total.

"Is Dong Zhuo that patient?" Zhang He turned over. It was the third night, and Dong Zhuo hadn't acted yet.

After three days of baiting, five days at most, if it doesn't work, forget it.

People are clearly on guard, so they can only find another way.

Suddenly, the sound of crickets came from outside, looming.

The corner of Zhang He's mouth lifted slightly, the fish took the bait!

It sounds like a cricket, but it is actually a specially made whistle.

It is specially held for the secret whistle, and it will be blown immediately when the enemy is coming.

Then the second and third secret whistles followed closely, delivering the news.

The racecourse immediately went on alert, and Zhang He got up immediately, and took the Hualongqingtian halberd beside him.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 500 people rushed into the racecourse, trying to loot the horses
These 500 soldiers were Feixiong soldiers, strange people recruited by Dong Zhuo, and they were the most elite troops under his command.

Not to mention riding a horse, who in the northwest can't ride a horse?
"Enemy attack!" The soldiers on duty immediately sounded a gong to warn.

In Li Jue Guo Si's view, this is a very normal thing.

But when the army arrived, they had already galloped away, who could stop them?
But I never thought that not long after the gong was struck, enemy troops rushed out in all directions, at least thousands of people.

The specially made Ming Dy was fired into the night sky, and the sound could be heard clearly from three to five miles away.

The ambush soldiers waiting near the city gate immediately opened the gate and rushed out, and 3000 people marched towards the racecourse in mighty force.

"No, we've been tricked!" Li Jue shouted, "Get on the horse and kill!"

"General, the horse is gone!" The soldiers below came back and said.

There are enemy troops in the stables, and there are no horses in the stables!
In fact, Zhang He would take the horse out for a walk during the day, but he would move to another place before evening.

Since it was a bait, and this was a horse farm, wouldn't he be worried that the thieves would snatch the horses and leave?

Zhang He put the bait to fish, but he couldn't do anything, let the fish run away a lot, and took the bait and the fishing rod away, right?
"Damn it, they did it on purpose!" Li Jue was furious, it turned out that it was a trap from beginning to end.

"Of course it was intentional, but if you are not greedy, how could you fall into the trap?" Zhang He walked out, "Let me take them down!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Li Jue shouted, "Follow me to kill!"

In the environment of the racecourse, there are messy things everywhere, without bows and crossbows to restrain them, it is beneficial to them.

Regardless of the number of people on the other side, Li Jue is really not afraid.

Not to mention, he is the number one general under Dong Zhuo's command!

"Arrogant? Hate them!" Seeing that they were still planning to resist, Zhang He shouted.

Hundreds of soldiers picked up the sling, and even held a stone, and threw it fiercely at the opponent.

The distance between the two sides was just that small, and thousands of stones fell over like rain.

Especially with the sling used by hundreds of people, the power of the stone is greatly improved.

Li Jue has never seen this kind of battle, you think it's a child fighting, and such a big person is still playing with rocks?
But they had to be convinced. They didn't wear heavy armor when they came here to avoid revealing their identities.

As a result, so many stones hit me, not to mention hitting the head, but also hurting the hands and feet!

Instead, two people suddenly picked up the stone on the ground and threw it at Zhang He.

The speed at which the stone flew out could catch up with the sling. It can be seen that the strength of the two people's arms is really not a joke.

The stone smashed towards Zhang He, who had a 360° view, so he avoided it anyway.

The stone almost passed close to his face, and the feeling of howling away, if it was hit, there was a high probability that his head would explode.

Looking at the opponent's army, the two throwing stones looked like ordinary pawns, and they looked like barbarians.

But as far as their skills are concerned, being a pawn is obviously inferior.

The blood and pain finally awakened the hostility of these people, and a large number of soldiers rushed towards the headquarters.

The fighting methods were messy, but in terms of single-round personal force, these soldiers completely defeated Zhang He's personal guards.

Obviously, to a certain extent, Zhang and the soldiers under his command are digitized to a certain extent.

That is to say, it is impossible to die before the blood bar is deducted.

In this way, it is not surprising that the opponent easily killed the enemy. The opponent dared to attack the racecourse with 500 people.

"Follow me in!" Outside the racecourse, Zhang Yun shouted, and led his army in.

On the outside, Tai Shici's crossbowmen were ready to shoot and kill the enemy soldiers at any time.

"Surrender, or die!" Zhang He looked at each other, Le Jin, Zhang He and Tai Shici had already killed, and 4000 people surrounded five hundred of them.

"Follow me to kill!" Li Jue's fierceness was fully aroused, and he shouted and led his army to kill outside the racecourse.

The Flying Bear Army is the Flying Bear Army, especially in a relatively crowded environment, the lethality they erupt is even more terrifying.

Especially those two soldiers who threw stones at Zhang He were even more powerful.

One easily pulled the spearman over, and the other smashed him to death, and the cooperation was smooth and smooth.

With a sound of "嗖", an arrow shot and killed one of them, but it was Tai Shici who shot.

Among the chaotic army, there is also him who can hit the target with such precision.

The main reason is that the Flying Bear Army is rapidly advancing towards the periphery, and has already entered the range of fire.

The surrounding soldiers quickly moved away, and the strong crossbowmen under Tai Shici's command quickly shot arrows, and hundreds of people fell to the ground quickly.

Also because the army moved out of the way, the Feixiong army advanced further, moved more than ten meters in a blink of an eye, and was about to rush out of the racecourse.

"Kill!" Le Jin shouted, leading the headquarters to kill quickly, blocking the opponent's way with sword and shield soldiers, and then quickly harvesting with spearmen.

The surrounding soldiers also quickly surrounded and attacked their rear army.

Tai Shici shoots an arrow from time to time, which can basically kill an enemy army, the probability is an officer.

"What's the situation, what's the situation?" A cavalry came over, and it was Dong Zhuo himself who led the army.

"Why is General Dong here? It's nothing serious, just a group of thieves sneaking into the racecourse. Could it be that the general intends to help us?" Zhang He took the initiative to come forward, and at this moment he had already ridden on the black cloud.

"You..." Dong Zhuo grimaced.

Any fool can see that this is a trap set up against him, but there are still people who foolishly send it to their door!
The same is true for Li Jue. You should tell him that when thousands of people come to kill together, how many people are on the other side, and can you stop them?
They all want to make meritorious deeds, so this is a good time, and people will be held accountable!
"How are you doing?" Dong Zhuo looked at the other party, but he was thinking about whether he could bite back.

"General, the general took our horse, we came here to argue, but they would bite back!" Guo Bang was not stupid, and immediately shouted to catch the thief.

"Oh, so there is still this trick? After that, I lose my horse every day. Can I go to General Dong's camp to ask for it?" Zhang He asked back.

"If that's the case, welcome to come over and argue!" Dong Zhuo sneered.

Afraid of you, love will not come!
"Then what you said, I lost a horse called Chizu in the past two days, and someone heard that it appeared in the general's camp. Can you allow me to go there and get it back?" Zhang Hena was not polite.

"You!" Dong Zhuo was furious, are you still hitting a snake with a stick?
But as for the red rabbit, he is very precious, and he is not easy to ride.

Outsiders don't know its existence at all, how does he know?
 Sometimes the so-called evidence is useless to scoundrels. After all, these years Dong Zhuo tested the bottom line of the court, but because he had soldiers in his hand, the court couldn't really make sure or even take him down.

  After checking, Dong Zhuo was even recruited into Luoyang by He Jin in April, when Emperor Ling died, but he later regretted it.But Dong Zhuo was only stationed around Luoyang, and didn't go to Bingzhou at all.

  He even tried to enter Luoyang several times, but he was only repelled, but the court couldn't do anything to him...

  So even if the thief is caught and the stolen goods are caught, this product can probably still bite back.

  With this kind of person, I really can't reason with him.

  As for what method to use, see you next time...

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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