Chapter 213 Rolling
What Jia Xu said was not quite correct. Up to this point, Zhang He is not very against Mu Shou. The premise is that Liu Bei will not get too hot-headed and say that he wants to attack somewhere...

The four counties in Guanzhong were looted by Dong Zhuo last year, and Liu Bei began to occupy them at the beginning of this year.

People's livelihood is not in decline, but money, food and materials are indeed lacking. Fortunately, there are wheat seeds provided by myself.

After harvesting a season, most of the people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, let alone the wheat produced in Liangzhou.

On the Luoyang side, Liu Bei provided some weapons and armor, as well as wheat seeds, but basically did not give any support, and could not afford it.

On the contrary, when the Kwantung heroes heard that Huangfusong and Zhu Jun had taken over, they sent a lot of supplies.

"As a result, if it weren't for the new batch of wheat harvested, I'm afraid the two-line support would become a problem..." Zhang He teased.

Normally, the entire Guanzhong will enter a state of distress after the discussion of Dong.

The autumn harvest will inevitably reduce production, or even no harvest.

This situation will probably affect the next autumn harvest...

As a result, the situation was not that difficult because of his cheating.

The food problem will be basically solved this year, and we will see the situation next year.

After all, this high-yielding wheat is high-yielding and early-maturing, and it absorbs nutrients faster than ordinary wheat.

After one season of planting, if it is not maintained properly, the land will be thin.

Makes sense, after all you have to give for what you want to get.

"Then..." Zhang He came to the animal cage, which contained four wild animals, "What price will I have to pay to tame you?"

This thing is black and white, the size of a bear, with a bit of a silly look, it is just rolling.

God knows what happened, when they were marching in Xiegu, they suddenly rushed out of the family.

One male and one female are fine, and there are two cubs, which seem to mean a collective escape.

At that time, Huang Zhong also said that he would kill them, but Zhang He came forward to subdue them, and then temporarily detained them.

Beast taming gamification, medium difficulty!
Zhang He murmured in his heart that he looked down on low-difficulty gamification recently.

It’s okay to make something in large quantities, or use it to fix bugs, but fine work is obviously not enough.

Fortunately, animal taming and domestication count as the same game, otherwise, if domestication and domestication count as two games, it would be too much effort.

"Come on, this is the tender bamboo I ordered..." Zhang He handed them the bamboo, "I know you are omnivorous, but I can't give you any meat, at most I will add a few handfuls of beans to you. "

If they are to be domesticated, they must be completely transformed into vegetarian food, so as to prevent them from hurting people, and the main thing is to reduce the cost of feeding.

To be honest, he didn't even think about what to do with it after domestication. Except for the pets that helped fight the war, would it be appropriate to use it for riding?
Zhang He thought that if their IQs could reach a certain level, they could be used as war beasts if they were replaced with full-body armor and claws with iron claws.

Riding is not a big problem, but the size is relatively small, and the speed is not as fast as that of a war horse.

Of course, it is possible to select and optimize the targeted species by yourself, and it may be possible to breed individuals who only eat vegetarian food, have a larger body, and have a higher speed.

But if this is the case, what about Heiyun?
It's very smart, knowing that its master doesn't want will probably be so happy that it will grow itself into a fat horse.

After all, I can finally show off at the racecourse without restraint and enjoy the days of early retirement.

"Form a bear cavalry?" Zhang He thought for a while, the Three Kingdoms series has the concept of a bear cavalry.

Looking back at the family of four, I felt that it would be really difficult to rely on them to form such an army.

"If it doesn't work, let's keep it as a pet!" Zhang He doesn't care, anyway, it doesn't matter what the result is.

Anyway, domestication of bears is also domestication, and domestication of bees is also domestication. The two come together to whatever extent.

So the soldiers on the outskirts were surprised to find that the relationship between Zhang He, the bee colony, and the four strange bears was getting better and better...

From shock to numbness, only about ten days passed.

After all, after initially gaining the friendship of these creatures, the bees and Gun Gun would not take the initiative to attack Zhang He.

At this point, Zhang He was even able to take the initiative to release the four of them.

During this process, he found that the cubs were easier to domesticate than the adult Gun Gun, after all, they were not completely wild.

In a captive breeding environment, they have no shortage of food or drink, and their perception of danger is weak, so they are naturally closer to people.

Compared with rolling, the bees only need to put some honey water regularly to help the queen bee through the early stage, and then they will be tamed by default.

Maybe the IQ of bugs is really low, so they are easier to tame?
There may be some regular things involved in this, and Zhang He is not sure.

After all, how and who made the "everything can be gamified" plug-in is a complete mystery.

"How to improve the level of bees?" Zhang He didn't know much about beekeeping.

I only know that the upper limit of the bees in front of me is 20 levels, and now they are level 5, but I really don't know how to increase the level.

We can only move the bees to places where there are more flowers, and this is the problem. Now it is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Fortunately, sweet-scented osmanthus and chrysanthemums still have many flowers that only bloom in autumn, so they won't have no place to gather honey.

Facts have proved that when honey is harvested to a certain extent, their level will be slightly improved.

Zhang He probably understands that after the nutrition keeps up, the physique of the queen bee is improved, the number of eggs laid and the physique of the next generation can be improved.

On the contrary, rolling training is easier, eat and drink, take it out for a few laps, and even train with weights.

Depending on the size and intensity of your training, experience will increase, and levels will increase at that point.

So delicious and delicious, the result is that the mother bear is pregnant...

With no worries about food and clothing, the instinct of biological reproduction will begin to appear, but Zhang He knows very well that now is not the season for reproduction.

Probably a side effect of the gamification of domestication. After all, the game doesn't say that animals can only breed in spring.

Before winter, farmers in Guanzhong planted alfalfa in their fields.

They probably don't care whether they can harvest or not, the main thing is to fertilize the fields.

The previously harvested soybeans and plants were also dried and burned, then mixed with plant ash and manure, and sprinkled on the fields to fertilize the fields.

Although everyone doesn't know what's going on with this early-maturing and high-yielding wheat seed, experienced farmers know very well that it hurts the field.

If the fields are not brought back in time, the fields will be abandoned after two or three seasons.

Fortunately, in these years, no one would say that one or two seasons of wheat would be planted continuously, and no fertilizer would be used at all.

"Four at a stretch? So nutritious? I didn't feed you meat..." Zhang He said with emotion. After more than two months, the female panda gave birth to four cubs.

For the normal one or two, and a few three pandas, four is outrageous.

The initial level of newborn cubs is only level 2. Zhang He knows that this level is a bit low, and there is still a price for four cubs in one litter.

However, their highest level is higher than the other two half-grown cubs, a full level of 40.

And this family, originally the highest level is around level 35.

The female bear has the lowest level, only 31.

Is it because of the influence of gamification, or the relationship between the breeding environment, I don't know!

Zhang He never thinks that he is a scientific researcher, he just turns everything into a game.

If you can explain it, you can explain it, and if you can't, it can be regarded as the magical effect of gamification.

Especially after two or three months, when the two cubs reach a certain level, there is a high probability that they will evolve.

It would be strange to explain how it grew from a cub to an adult overnight!

"This is what you've been raising recently? This black and white bear is interesting, but it feels so stupid." A voice came from behind.

Zhang He turned his head, and for a moment he felt that there was an extra Roll, and then he realized: "When did brother come back?"

"It's almost Chinese New Year, come back for a few days... No, you won't forget it, right?" Zhang Fei asked back.

 Who said pandas before...

  I originally planned to watch the fourth watch, but I was called by my mother to help with things. I might have to go to bed today.

  Sometimes I suddenly discovered that when I desperately wanted to write more, it turned out that I basically spent the day eating, sleeping and typing. I rarely left the computer and rarely interacted with my family.

  It can't be like this all the time, so you still have to accompany you if you can, of course, without affecting the codeword.

  This day, the three chapters are starting to skip orders and keep books. If I do less or more, I am afraid that I will eat dirt.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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