Chapter 214 Brother Gossip
Zhang He really did not forget the Chinese New Year, there is still...

Oh, tomorrow is the sealing ceremony, and the day after tomorrow will be the Chinese New Year.

Probably due to the influence of the anime in the later generations of the island country, every time the seal is sealed at the end of the year, it sounds weird...

"Hey, this thing is really dangerous!" Zhang Fei tried to play with the adult Gun Gun, but almost got slapped.

Although they have turned into vegetarianism, they have been wild for too long, and they are still very aggressive.

"Three or four months ago, they were even wild in the Qinling Mountains." Zhang He replied, "It's best not to try to get close to them until they are familiar with them. In addition, it's best not to touch their cubs."

Especially since the four newest cubs have just been born, mother Gun Gun is the time to protect the cubs the most.

They are not like those kept in zoos for a long time. Knowing that someone will take care of them, the instinct to protect their cubs is weakening.

"So how did you tame them?" Zhang Fei was really curious, "Teach me how!"

"I feed them every day, take them out to play, clean up their excrement, and give them a hot bath... In the end, it is similar to horse training. If you want the horse to be obedient, you can't rely on the groom to work hard." Zhang He thought for a while and replied.

However, after the initial taming, it can be gradually handed over to a few helpers.

I am indeed cheating through gamification. The problem is that my behavior is 'normal' in the eyes of others, but the feedback results are not normal.

"If it's really that simple, then give me a cub and take it to Hangu Pass to raise." Zhang Fei was thoughtful.

"Why do you want to raise this thing?" Zhang He was a little curious, "I always raise bees to pass the time when raising bees. After all, I have caught all the bees. The main thing is that I don't know if their meat is good or not."

"I ate bear meat once, it was delicious!" Zhang Fei looked disgusted, "They are not the same as bears, but the taste should be similar."

Zhang He was taken aback when he heard the words, and then understood.

The old Zhang family was in the wine and meat business, and almost all the hunters around brought the meat and sold it.

Bears and tigers are rare things, but if they appear in a certain place, the government will issue a reward, and then a group of rangers will go together to kill the tigers and bears.

"The one you said was put on display for a long time, and then dismantled. It's no wonder it doesn't smell good!" Zhang He teased.

"No, I was on guard at Hangu Pass. I encountered it when I was bored hunting, and I killed it on the spot. I hadn't eaten it before, so I disassembled it and roasted it on the spot. As a result, the taste was really unbearable." Zhang Fei said face disgusted.

Oh, I killed it myself, that's fine...

No, why don't you call me if you eat alone? !
"Why don't you send me the front paws?" Zhang He complained, "Those bears beat the honeycomb with their paws and licked the honey. The sweetness soaked into the palms. After removing the mutton, it was braised in soy sauce. The taste is absolutely amazing!"

"It's okay, I'll send it to you when I call next time!" Zhang Fei laughed, "I'll send it to you myself!"

Then grab a meal by the way?

Zhang He shook his head and said, "Okay, there is nothing to do here, their nests have been built, and the frost protection of the honeycomb has been prevented..."

Speaking of what came to mind here, I went to recruit, took out a few bamboo tubes, and handed Zhang Fei two tubes: "This is the honey produced by the bees I raised. After all, it is going to spend the winter. I didn't pick much, just five tubes. , I'll give you two barrels!"

"You kid is really good, the bees have been domesticated, will there be a steady stream of honey to eat in the future?" Zhang Fei laughed.

"If it is promoted, the price of honey will be lowered within five years, mainly because the price of candles will also be lowered." Zhang He thought deeply.

However, paraffin has to be fractionated from petroleum, otherwise it will further reduce the price of candles.

No matter how popular bee breeding becomes, beeswax candles are certainly not cheap.

At least those big families can buy more spares.

I still remember that at the beginning of the seventh year of Guanghe, when I went out at night and lit a lantern, I had to dig and search.

But there is no way to light it, the torch cannot be lit in the wind and snow.

"As for the cubs, I still have to domesticate them for a while. Anyway, I don't think there is much to do next year." Seeing Zhang Fei walking towards the cubs, Zhang He said angrily, "If my brother is very idle, help me in Qinling. Grab this panda and come here."

"It's fine to raise a few for fun, but what's the point of raising so many?" Zhang Fei didn't understand.

"Bring them up to the point where they can ride people. I heard that they were Chi You's mounts in ancient times, and they were called iron-eating beasts." Zhang He said.

"Chi You's mount?" Zhang Fei looked back, being so stupid, he didn't believe anything he said.

"I want to train one that can ride and see how it works. If it's not bad, form a cavalry army like this. If it doesn't work, train ten or eight, put on heavy armor, and put them on the battlefield as war beasts It should be very effective." Zhang He said seriously.

"You're just idle, so you can treat this thing as a pet at most." Zhang Fei complained, "If you really want to tame something, I'll catch you a tiger some other day. Isn't it awe-inspiring to tame a tiger cavalry?"

"I managed to make them vegetarian, just to reduce the cost of feeding. Do you raise a tiger ride?" Zhang He looked at Zhang Fei.

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Fei immediately played a rogue, "But if you can afford one, why don't you tame one?"

"A white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes is not as big as a human being can ride..." Zhang He shook his head.

"You're inconsistent now, aren't you?" Zhang Fei snapped back, "The size of a panda is about the same size as a tiger. You can raise them to the point where they can ride a man, so what's the point of raising a tiger that's about the same size for me?" ?”

"That's the result of several generations of breeding. How many tigers do you have to catch for me to breed to that level?" Zhang He said angrily, "Come on, just keep these as pets! When those cubs grow up, I'll send you another one."

"That's a deal!" Zhang Fei laughed loudly, "Go, I heard that a batch of Wuliangjiu has been listed in the firm recently, come with me to buy!"

"Elder brother is also a shareholder of the firm, and many of the managers in it belong to our Zhang family. Does this still require me to follow?" Zhang He retorted.

"Of course I want you to go with me. I don't think the Wuliangjiu is strong enough, so help me steam it up." Zhang Fei said.

Zhang He had distilled wine before, and the distilled wine was much stronger than before. Zhang Fei liked the taste very much.

"It's just that you like the freshly steamed ones. Normally, they are stored for half a year, and you can drink them when the anger subsides." Zhang He said angrily, because he wanted to be a tool for himself.

"Take one jar to drink, and store the others in the cellar, and take it out to drink in half a year!" Zhang Fei laughed.

It's your fault for saying that you are going to buy goods instead of buying a batch.

According to what he meant, this can't be done on a large scale...

Zhang He is really worried, Zhang Fei's dividends from last year will not be used to buy wine, right?
"Brother spends money like this, does sister-in-law know?" Zhang He snapped back.

"All the salary is given to her, how can I spend the dividends on her?" Zhang Fei was upset.

The question is, your one dividend is enough to cover your salary for two years...

As far as Zou's progress in making money is concerned, he has already extended his hand to the mines in Guanzhong, and a large-scale monopoly group is quietly growing.

Not to mention that the horse business is basically a monopoly.

It's just the grain business, and I haven't gotten involved too much. The main thing is that Liu Bei is also a big landlord in Guanzhong now.

I bought a lot of land in Liangzhou before, and now it is used to replace it with the fields in Guanzhong.

With so many fields, the annual output is very impressive.

After all, who is not crazy about buying land after making a fortune?
It is better to say that many officials just bought too much land during their tenure and were reluctant to sell it, so they left a line of children here to watch.

Going forward, Jushou, Tian Feng, Zhen Yi and others all have such a group of children to settle down in Liangzhou or Guanzhong.

It's quite contradictory. He clearly said that he wanted to serve the country and the people, but he bought all the good fields in a blink of an eye.

That is to say, the resources have not been allocated, otherwise the people below will most likely have no land to cultivate, and they will obediently become tenants for those powerful people.

 If you have money, you want to buy property. For people in this era, buying land is the right thing to do.If you have no land, you can buy mountains, and if you can plant trees, you can make money.

  So Liu Bei loves the people so much, as long as he has money and wants to buy property, he will also become a big landlord. This is an irreversible process.

  On the contrary, the Tian family, the Zhen family, and the Ju family may leave such descendants in Guanzhong or even Liangzhou in the future.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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