Chapter 444 Visiting Dawan
"Are we bullying people a little bit?" Zhang He thought for a while, but looking at the approximately [-] to [-] prisoners behind him, he felt that it would be good to bully others occasionally.

People are always born, old, sick and die. When you are old and sick, you will bully the weak and you will be bullied severely in the end.

As long as there is no possibility of being bullied back in this world, there is basically no need for morality or even law to exist.

Their existence is not so much a protective umbrella for the weak as it is a reminder for the strong.

Remind them that no matter how strong they are now, they will one day be weak.

"They took action first, but now, let's treat it as atonement..." Zhang Song thought for a while and felt that this was a better explanation.

"Didn't they come to us on their own initiative and hope that we can help them complete their Chineseization and join the big family of China?" Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said with a smile.

Kong Ming, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person. No, little Kong Ming is probably a bad learner!

Zhang He couldn't help but sigh that Zhuge Liang is still young now, and his life has been relatively stable since coming to Chang'an, and his temper is much more cheerful than in history.

As soon as Zhuge Liang said this, the people around him immediately agreed, obviously more agreeing with this statement.

"If that's the case, then let's take some trouble and help them realize this wish." Zhang He said with a smile.

After a pause, he solemnly announced: "From now on, any force that dares to provoke us will follow these rules!"

"Wei!" Everyone responded one after another, mainly because they felt confident.

After this battle, three thousand pairs of armor of various types have been distributed, and Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu finally started to wear armor.

At the same time, a large number of war horses were captured, so not only did Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu's troops expand to 1000 men, but Ma Chao was finally able to command a thousand cavalry.

In terms of infantry, there were two thousand personal guards, commanded by Wei Yi and Wu Yi. Huang Xu, Pang De and Sun Yi each commanded one thousand infantry.

Three thousand young men were selected from among the captives, and 1000 were assigned to Zhao Yun, Zhang Xiu, and Ma Chao's troops.

Another 2000 people were incorporated as infantry into the Zhang Xiu and Xiahou Lan tribes.

The number of soldiers has increased from the initial 5000 to the current 1, doubling the combat strength.

Zhang He is not a good person either. He deliberately seeks special treatment.

The Wusun people who surrendered voluntarily and had a good attitude were directly incorporated into the fighting order, and their families were also incorporated into the civilian camp.

Those who did not surrender voluntarily, or surrendered late, were put into prisoner camps and were responsible for the dirtiest and heaviest work.

When will you be able to speak Chinese and when will you forget that you are a Wusun person? You can only change your treatment after passing the assessment.

Through different treatments, the Wusun people who took the initiative to surrender cherished their current treatment.

As for those who do not surrender, kill all men and women. If you say the country will be destroyed, the country will be destroyed. It is not ambiguous at all.

Through this brutal method, we will intimidate the countries in the Western Region and let them know what they can and cannot do.

The most unjust ones are the few small countries that were held hostage by Wusun.

Of course Zhang He would not let them go, so he spent about two days destroying all these small countries.

Fortunately, the vast majority of people in these small countries surrendered.

It would be better to say that they discovered that surrendering voluntarily could avoid death, so the devil would resist to the end...

The 'Treasury' was naturally confiscated. The gold and silver were fine, but those big items were directly sent to several other countries to be sold at low prices.

As for who will inherit these subsequent countries, Zhang He doesn't care. It's okay to let the Western Regions make trouble.

This will probably make them miss the existence of the Western Region Protectorate.

After all, if there is such a thing, if everyone makes a fuss, they can go to the Protectorate for a ruling.

But without the Western Region Protectorate, no one would care about them whether they were alive or dead.

Big countries will like this, but small countries have no sense of security at all, let alone there are no big countries in the Western Region.

But now, after annexing the territories of these small countries, it can be considered a big country.

If you don't consider it, there is no population at all.

Yes, there is no population at all. After all, they were all taken away by Zhang and his prisoners...

"So for us, a new problem has formed..." Zhang Song reminded, "We now have 16 people, and our daily food expenses are not a fraction."

"It's okay. When we get to Kangju and Kuishang, we will plunder the places to replenish supplies." Zhang He announced.

According to the current marching speed, it only takes one day to reach Dawan Kingdom, and another day, it may not take even one day to enter the territory of Kangju Kingdom.Strictly speaking, I am now considered to be abroad.

It's not that entering the Western Region means leaving the country, but this place now is Almaty in future generations, the largest city in Kazakhstan.

Using this as a landmark, Dawan is in Kyrgyzstan, and Kangju includes western Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

A large area to the south, including the Bati area, was the Kushan Empire.

Continue south into the Indian plains, where there are four or five countries.

Casteism prevailed, Brahmanism as the main sect, and Hinduism as a branch of Brahmanism had begun to sprout.

As far as Kangju and even the Kushan Empire were concerned, the farther west they became, the drier they became, and many places were unsuitable for survival.

Many times when the Chinese expeditionary force came here, the farther they went, the less they wanted to be stable, so they gradually gave up on their westward march.

Maybe they were not far from Da Qin, but they didn't see the pleasant climate on the other side of the Mediterranean.

This time going west, in order to calm people's hearts, we must reach Daqin before winter, as long as we reach Turkey.

As they saw that the further west they went, the better the climate became, and morale stabilized.

To do this, we have to approach 8000 kilometers, which is a distance of more than [-] miles.

Based on an average speed of seventy miles per day, it would take four months.

It's only early March now, so we can definitely arrive before October.

There is no need to go there and walk [-] kilometers. The climate will be about the same. Let them see that there is hope, and they can gradually settle down and start building a country.

Fortunately, ancient times are different from modern times. The climate is not that bad, the place is not really so barren, and desertification is not that serious.

Just from entering the Kangju Empire, camels needed to be collected in large numbers.

"Everyone, do you understand?" Zhang He looked at everyone. He had already explained the information from outside the territory in detail.

"If everything is as His Highness said, then we have no objection!" everyone replied.

After all, they were completely blind to matters outside the territory. They could only listen to what Zhang He said.

I don't doubt what Zhang He said. The immortals said that, so it must be like that.

Your Highness is the same, you have no intention of hiding it at all or something?
Just say that you, an illegitimate child who has never left Zhuo County, how can you know so many things outside the territory...

Even for people like myself, many of their families are very knowledgeable and know nothing about outsiders.

Being able to know the situation in the Western Regions is already considered a well-educated family.

The army entered Dawan, and the king personally came out to greet them. His trembling look was a bit cute.

It is said that Dawan has a population of more than 30 and an army of more than [-].

After the oppression of Wusun and Kangju, it may have declined slightly, but it is not that scary.

After all, there are only a few people on our side, but the combat troops are only about [-]. Overall, it is [-]. After destroying so many effects, is it normal to add [-] additional auxiliary troops?
"Dear distinguished guests from the Han Dynasty, do you know why you came to Dawan this time?" the leader of the country, Ju Yan, asked carefully.

He had received news in advance that this army destroyed Wusun's country because Wusun attacked them.

Several small countries that were coerced by Wusun also suffered their wrath and were destroyed.

Such a ferocious team came to Dawan and had to be dealt with carefully. If possible, I really don't want to start a fight.

"We are just passing by here without any malice. Our attitude will be determined by your performance!" Zhang He said with a smile.

 The Kushan Empire currently covers the area of ​​Bati, and further south are several small Indian countries.

  In theory, you can fight through it, but it's not necessary. After all, going south is too close to the Indochina Peninsula.

  The most popular religion in ancient India was Brahmanism. Around the second century, Hinduism was born and became the mainstream sect.

  I didn’t find that Buddhism was very popular. After looking at it, it seems that it gradually started to rise in the sixth century.

  In other words, it is not a mainstream denomination today.

  This can be introduced into China and carried forward. In a sense, it is really the manifestation of Buddha.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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