Three Kingdoms: Everything Can Be Gamified

Chapter 445 So poor that only money is left

Chapter 445 So poor that only money is left
The army has a long march plan, so there is no need to waste time on some effects.

Kang Juguo may also have plans to plunder. After all, the land is vast and sparsely populated, so it would be exciting to rob and run away.

Dawan's land area is much smaller, so it is okay to rob it, but China is a country of etiquette and will definitely not take the initiative to rob it.

Zhang He believes that a person must have a bottom line and not snatch something away from someone else.

After getting used to it, what's the difference between you and those barbarians?
As a country of etiquette, at least we should not take the initiative to rob others!
"Dear distinguished guests from the Han Dynasty, if you have any orders, please feel free to say so!" the king said quickly.

Zhang He thought highly of this guy, but he didn't expect that he would be so sensible after just one word.

It can be seen that this current king is not a waste.

"We need enough water, and we also need to buy and sell some supplies here. I wonder if the sweaty BMWs of the past are still there?" Zhang He asked.

When talking about Dawan, one naturally thinks of the famous Dawan horses, and the masterpiece of Dawan horses is the sweat-blooded horse.

The Liangzhou horse, which is very famous in China, is actually the Dawan horse breed, and the most famous one is naturally the Chixu.

"There are two thousand Dawan horses that have been cultivated in the country and can still be sold today." The king replied. In a sense, Dawan horses are also an important source of finance for Dawan.

After a pause, he continued: "As for the sweat horse, the ancestors left instructions that they can only be given to friends and not sold... However, the wine we have here is still very good. Please appreciate it and taste it!"

"Dahan and Dawan can be considered old friends, but not friends?" Zhang He asked back.

"Of course, of course they are friends!" Ju Yan hesitated for a moment, then immediately smiled.

10,000+ people come to your country. They better be friends, otherwise it will be unthinkable.

In fact, Ju Yan knew very well that big men care more about face.

Since we are friends, we won't rob you.

He actually did it on purpose before. As long as the other party said this, Dawan would be safe.

"Well, there is also a blacksmith shop here. We may have to stay here for three to five days." Zhang He said.

"Yes, yes, there is the best blacksmith shop here!" Ju Yan said immediately.

Not long after, he personally saw that the commander of the Chinese army took over the blacksmith shop with a large number of collected weapons and a group of craftsmen, and then began to immerse himself in forging.

Armor-piercing arrows need to be replenished, armor weapons need to be replenished, saddles, horseshoes and stirrups need to be replenished...

It is purely handmade and can be done while taking a break, but the forging of armor pieces and weapons requires the use of special tools.

In addition, a large amount of scrap copper and iron was seized, and I took advantage of this period to recast it.

There is enough food and grass. If it is not enough, the food in the prisoner camp will be reduced. Three meals a day is too luxurious. Two meals or even one meal is enough.

If there is no pressure, how can we improve the speed of their Chineseization?

"Your Highness, we have sold the treasures we seized here. After all, they were used and the price was lower." In the evening of the next day, Yi Ji came over to report.

"You guys are not thick-skinned enough..." Zhang He lamented, "Obviously, other people's kings are afraid of us. Even if we sell them at the normal price, the other people's kings will help us pay for the difference..."

"Your Highness is right, my subordinates are stupid." Yi Ji really didn't expect that Zhang He could be so shameless.

The problem is that with his upbringing, he really can't do this kind of thing.

"Remember, even if Dawan is a small country, it is still a foreign country. People who are not of my race must have different hearts. Not to mention those who are far away, Banchen Man, Huangzhong Yi Conghu, Nan Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuhuan, who were not in the past? Surrender to the Han, and later invade and plunder the Han if conditions permit. Therefore, for such foreign countries, we must either continue to weaken them or completely Chineseize them, otherwise they will always be a hidden danger to us." Zhang He reminded.

After all, he noticed that even after so much experience, these civil servants still had some pride in going to the country.

At the same time, there is a certain lack of vigilance against these foreign countries.

"You should be taught a lesson!" Yi Ji saluted quickly, obviously realizing that he had done or said something wrong.

Compared with Yiji, Zhang Song actively communicated with the leader of Juyan and saved some prisoners who were old, weak and sick.

On the other hand, find a way to poach some technical personnel such as craftsmen in Dawan.

Since we want to build a country outside the territory, it is natural to prepare more craftsmen... His Majesty will always be a hardliner towards foreigners, so just maintain basic etiquette. What really needs to be done is to maximize the benefits.

It can be said that except for Iraqis, most other civil servants act in accordance with this principle.

So on the fifth day, Ju Yan became a little scared.

This group of Han people are obviously not robbers, but why do they feel more ruthless than robbers?

In two days, Dawan may not have anything left except money, and he will really be "so poor that only money is left."

Normally, this behavior can be curbed through privileges.

But considering the situation of the other party, if it offends the other party, will the Dawan Kingdom be destroyed?

Lord Juyan realized for the first time how painful it was to lose his privileges.

You can tolerate poaching our craftsmen and buying up all our supplies, but what the hell is it like to be a matchmaker for our Dawan girl to find her husband?

If this continues, Dawan may lose even a single young woman.

"Hey, hey, you guys have gone too far, haven't you?" Ju Yan came to the door in person, and after telling these things tactfully, Zhang He became embarrassed and came back to summon everyone to reprimand him.

"There's nothing wrong with it, right?" Zhang Song said with a smile, "Everything is done on a voluntary basis!"

So there really isn't anything wrong with it. Let's just say that those women were all the military officers who came to protect the matchmakers. Then they got along with the soldiers or the common people, and they fell in love with each other, and then they completed the marriage.

How did the two parties who didn't understand each other understand each other?

That is naturally better treatment and a better life!
Just like a village girl who naturally yearns to marry in the city, Cinderella wants to find a prince but does not consider whether she is a good match at all.

The situation of these girls is similar. The conditions here are obviously better, so the country bumpkins in Dawan will look down upon them.

Language problems can be learned slowly in the future, but if you miss this opportunity, there may not be a next time...

Both men and women were consensual. It was hard for Zhang Kazuma to say anything. In fact, he knew about this and secretly praised these guys.

But if the head of the country comes to complain, he will naturally have to show off.

Anyway, the nail plates were almost finished, so he slept for an hour in the past few days.

The rest of the weaving and other things can be left to the craftsmen accompanying the army.

Seeing that there was nothing left, the army began to move westward.

Seeing these plague gods leave, Ju Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, there is bad news and good news!" The minister came over to report.

"Let me tell you the good news first!" Ju Yan said casually.

"In five or six days, we earn the equivalent of five years' worth of taxes," the minister replied.

"Where's the bad news?" Ju Yan looked very calm.

"We are so poor that all we have left is money!" the minister replied.

"Sure enough..." Ju Yan replied calmly.

 I still remember that 20 years ago, a lot of women were fooled by matchmaking agencies who said they could marry in Japan.It was only in the past that I found out that it was in rural Japan, but I could indeed get a household registration there.Even though they don't understand the language, the men are also chauvinistic and hit them when they are unhappy. The main point is still poverty.

  If 20 years ago I still yearned for developed countries, then in the past ten years I feel that my brain is not full.

  A few Internet celebrities praised how wonderful XX was, but then they foolishly went over and died...

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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