Chapter 446 Undeclared War
Yi Ji's outlook on life has been severely impacted these days. Compared with him, Zhou Yu's adaptability is obviously higher.

For example, since you want to choose to accompany the army on an expedition outside the region, you naturally need to know who your Highness is.

Zhou Yu had done enough homework before coming, so he wouldn't be surprised whatever happened.

But Yiji obviously didn't do enough in this regard.

Maybe I have done it, but all I know are superficial things.

In addition, as a Confucian scholar, it was inevitable that he would be somewhat excluded, and some internal information was not heard.

In fact, some people don't understand why a Confucian scholar should be included in the team.

Zhang He, however, felt that it was good to have a Confucian scholar who could educate foreigners. Besides, it was not good for a country's culture to be too homogeneous.

Several Confucians will give them a fight, so that they can have a slight sense of crisis.

It is worth mentioning that in the past few days, an unexpected guest came to the army, and that was Jia Xu...

"Wen He, are you chasing me all the way?" Zhang He looked at Jia Xu.

He left Jia Xu in China because he wanted to help Liu Bei form an organization similar to Jinyiwei to serve as the eyes and ears of the court.

The fact that he appears here is somewhat intriguing.

"The framework of Jinyiwei has been established, and my subordinates are now back to resume their duties." Jia Xu replied.

"Wen He, you are 51 this year." Zhang He looked at him, "That's why I plan to let you stay in Dahan and enjoy your life."

"But I feel that your Highness is the safest by your side. Only by ensuring safety can you enjoy happiness." Jia Xu replied, "Besides, my two sons have stayed in the imperial court, and this old subordinate Bones, just follow His Highness!"

Jinyiwei is very offending, after all, it also includes the behavior of spying on the ministers.

As the "big villain" who helped Liu Bei establish the Jinyiwei, Jia Xu was remembered by various factions and held grudges.

In his opinion, China was no longer safe, so it was better to follow Zhang He.

I wrote a letter of resignation all night, and then took my youngest son with me and chased him all night long.Thanks to Zhang He staying in Dawan for a few days, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to catch up.

"Okay then!" Zhang He looked at Jia Xu, "It just so happens that the army is short of a chief military advisor, and the others don't have high experience."

"Wei!" Jia Xu took the order.

After all, he had never killed Zhang He's son or anything. Although Jia Xu was low-key, he was not completely unsocial.

Coupled with his resume, everyone was convinced of him, so Jia Xu took office smoothly.

In contrast, in history, Jia Xu was a lonely minister in Cao Wei. Cao Pi promoted him to Taiwei because he supported him.

But as mentioned before, at the level of Sangong, the test is no longer personal ability, but interpersonal relationships and behavior.

So Jia Xu was appointed to Cao Pi's southern expedition, which ended in failure.

Jia Xu advised Cao Pi to rest and recuperate for ten years.

It should be said that Cao Wei does need to recuperate, and in ten years, he can almost beg for his body or die of illness.

Seeing that Cao Pi did not listen to the advice, he realized that he was young and energetic and needed military exploits to consolidate his position.

Jia Xu knew that he deserved to die, so he died in August of the same year at the age of 77.

As for the Jia Xu in front of him, even if he becomes a Taiwei in the future, it should not be a problem.

In less than two days, the army left Dawan and came to the border between Dawan and Kangju. Naturally, an army from Kangju was also stationed here, and now it was on alert.

"No need to talk nonsense with them, kill them all!" Zhang He ordered.

The population of Kangju State is actually not large, Zhang He only learned about it when he was in Dawan.

This country is mainly composed of three forces. The suzerain state is Kangju State. In the far south, the southwest capital is adjacent to Parthian State.

The Amcai Kingdom and Yan Kingdom in the north were subordinate to Kangju Kingdom.

It gave Zhang He the feeling that it was an enhanced version of Britain. If I had to describe it, it was the United Kingdom of Kangju, Amancai and Yan.

Having said that, how many people in modern times still remember that the full name of the United Kingdom is the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'?
It’s such an island country, and it used to be divided into England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to fight back and forth...

Kangju was at its strongest when Ban Chao was envoy to the Western Regions, but now Kangju has declined.

Even so, gathering an army of tens of thousands is not a big problem. It is also possible to mobilize three countries to gather an army of 15.Considering that the army will go to Kushan via Kangju and finally enter the Parthian Empire, the number of people accompanying the army on his side has exceeded [-].

According to Zhang He's plan, he robbed Kangju, then traded with Kushan, then robbed Anxi, destroyed Armenia and started to build a country.

Make good friends with Daqin and Guishang, first destroy Parthia, then attack Daqin, and finally, depending on the situation, go south to attack Egypt, and gradually annex Africa.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to occupy Europe and Africa.

However, I am afraid that this may not be possible in our own generation, as the population cannot keep up, but we must give future generations a direction to work towards.

The only pity is that it didn’t catch up with Cleopatra’s era (about 30 BC), otherwise I would have to go back and have a look.

However, destroying Parthia is definitely politically correct, and at least it can make one religion completely disappear from the world.

On the matter of unifying religions, neither China nor the West is really qualified to say anything.

No matter what civilization it is, there has always been such a thing as a religious unification war.

Of course, according to some people's peeing habits, you are allowed to do that yourself, but others are not allowed to do the same.

Anyway, what they do is spreading civilization, and what others do is barbaric and inhumane.

As soon as the words were spoken, Zhao Yun, Zhang Xiu and Ma Chao had already killed them.

Relying on the rudimentary defense measures at the border, the opponent's 3000 to [-] people had been dispersed in just one encounter.

But these are just the soldiers on duty. The opponent's regular army should still be behind.

"Kill us!" Zhang He shouted and personally led his troops forward.

The troops stationed at the border have probably been at peace for too long, and are now resting in the camp.

In terms of sense of crisis, they are indeed not good at it. The cavalry has begun to approach them, and they have not yet reacted.

When the army arrived 100 meters away, the soldiers on guard discovered that the armor of the intruder was not from their side.

At this time, they realized that the enemy attack was coming and that the enemy was fighting without declaring it.

Nonsense, does Zhang He still want to send someone to declare war in the capital of Kangju and only attack after getting approval?
The situation of declaring war is an unspoken rule formed between countries with territorial borders in order to avoid undeclared war causing civilian casualties.

But how could Zhang and his army get any kind of land?

Even if Kang Ju fights eastward, Dawan will be the unlucky country first.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" the entire camp was shouting. Of course they were using the local language, but the meaning was probably this.

This is also the reason why Zhang He started the war undeclared. After all, he didn't understand the language and was too lazy to find a translator who could speak the local language.

Among the people who came from Dawan Kingdom, there was someone who could speak the Mandarin dialect of Kangju, but he couldn't speak Chinese.

This requires a Dawan person who can speak Chinese to tell Zhang He's words to the Dawan person who can speak Kangju dialect, and then he can pass on the message, and vice versa.

This process is too complicated, and there may be translation errors, so just try it.

"What's the fuss about? It's so noisy!" Ma Chao led his troops and fought in.

It's understandable that the military camp is a mess, but a bunch of guys talking in unintelligible words made it very noisy.

It felt like there were tens of thousands of crows cawing there. God knows what they were crowing, but it was so noisy!
"Suddenly I understand why His Highness called directly and couldn't understand what they were talking about!" Zhang Xiu joked.

"Hmm..." Zhao Yun nodded.

 After writing the book for so long, I finally felt that at the level of the Three Officials, personal ability is no longer so important, what matters is connections and interests.

  If you are the leader of the party and lead everyone to make a fortune together, then everyone will obey you.But if you don't help anyone, then I can't say that I don't agree with you. I just need to be flexible when doing things.

  Misinterpret the content of the policy, and you will take the blame if something goes wrong.Therefore, Gu Chen is really not suitable to be the Third Duke.

  But Cao Pi made Jia Xu a Taiwei, but he refused to listen to him, so Jia Xu had no choice but to die, otherwise Cao Wei might be doomed.

  Of course, the above is my personal guess and there is no need to publish a paper.Whether it makes sense or not, just laugh it off.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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