What's more important is the issue of water sources. Even when summer vacation, we deliberately choose mountains close to water sources, but there are still soldiers who die every day due to lack of water. Most of them are because they can't stand hunger and thirst and have a lucky mentality. He went out to look for water and food and fell down halfway.

The natural outcome is that the body's water content quickly rewinds, and a few weeks later, mummies fall to the roadside in all kinds of strange ways.

As for the animals in the deep mountains, they instinctively look for life before the extreme heat arrives. They either hide in the deep mountains and old forests, or migrate to the snow-covered mountains in the north. They are all struggling to stay alive.

In the first month of extreme heat, most people survived except for a few who thought they were lucky and were the first batch of eliminations.

All luck was lost in the second month of extreme heat. Except for moving out for more than an hour at night to survive, most people hid underground or in caves in the mountains where the temperature was lower and reduced their activities.

Even if his thirsty lips are chapped, he just takes a small sip. Basically, those who survived this month have persevered, especially the people of Guyan. After all, it is impossible to save food for one season and add wild vegetables and grass roots to persist for one or two years. The problem is that there is water.

In the third month of extremely hot weather, some people began to get restless. Not everyone had enough water storage equipment. Although some people had stored some water, it had been three months since they saved the most water, and the amount of water was gradually reduced. In addition, the high temperature evaporates a lot of water and there is not much left.

Many people have become restless again. They have experienced this kind of despair after experiencing the darkness for a year and a half. They almost never leave each other's homes, and even activities take turns in their own yards.

March is extremely hot. Even the Yun River in Lingyun Prefecture has never dried up for a hundred years. Only those at the bottom of the river bed are left. Even these will dry up in a short time. Except for the people who live by the Yun River, there are still opportunities to fight every day. For some water, those who are far away have basically given up the possibility of fetching water, because they can’t reach the place at all, and the nearby creeks have dried up long ago, and the wells in the town or village will also be completely dry in a few days. .

Except for the occasional greenery that can be seen in the deep mountains and old forests, the rest of the plants basically withered away soon after the extreme heat arrived.

But even so, as the days went by, the desire for water finally defeated the little humanity left in the heart, and chaos began.

Even if the time they can stay outside every day is limited, more and more people are taking risks in order to survive.

It's night, even though it's late at night, the moonlight above us is as bright as a mirror, pouring down like a waterfall in the mountains. Its radiance spreads over the entire land, covering the dark night with a layer of mysterious fine sand, and there are only a few shadows. True.

From time to time, there were shadows of people moving around, and then there were desperate cries of fighting, and more people closed their doors tightly, covered their ears and hid in cellars or holes under their houses.

Wangjia Village.

This is a large village with the surname Wang. It can be said that except for the wives they have married, almost all the people in the village have the surname Wang. Almost all the people in the village are related by relatives. It is precisely because of this that we can survive in a year and a half. Most of the people who survived the dark period survived except the old and the weak who sacrificed their lives to protect Wangjia Village.

It is because of sufficient unity, mutual trust, and even more belief in Wang Dashu, the village chief of Wangjia Village, that the whole village collectively defended Wangjia Village even in the face of death.

"Uncle Village Chief..." A gentle knock on the door was followed by a deep shout.

There was no reply, but the sound of footsteps quickly came from inside.

"Datian..." "It's me, uncle village chief. I'm here to ask if our village should start taking turns to watch the night. I always feel uneasy."

Thanks to the village chief, although it is extremely hot now and several wells in the village have long since run out of water, there is really no shortage of water in their village.

This started a few months ago. Ever since I received the grain seeds and met with the Hua Village Chief of Huajia Village, after planting the grains, their village chief thought about what he said to the Hua Village Chief. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that the words were correct. Something to say.

Since reminding them to store more water does not mean that there may be a water shortage problem in the future, Wang Dashu always has an ominous premonition when looking at this hot summer and thinking about the extreme cold of the year.

So the whole village was mobilized to store water and water storage utensils. If they couldn't buy them, they made their own. There were fallen trees everywhere, and bamboos as thick as buckets were also ready-made water storage utensils.

But Wang Dashu always felt that it was not enough, so he led the villagers to dig out the deserted village and dug out many water jars and pottery pots.

Forget it, no, he then led the whole village to continue digging cellars in their own yards. It was a cellar filled with water. All the walls were made of bricks and stones picked up from other places. In order to prevent the water from infiltrating, just There are three levels of stone walls crossing each other.

There are also tarpaulins paved between the layers. There is no farmer who doesn’t have a lot of tarpaulins. Although it’s such a waste, it’s really heartbreaking. But it’s not only under the wise leadership of the village chief that their village was able to survive in the darkness for a year and a half. Did you persevere with minimal casualties?

When I think about this, even if some people think that the village chief is too cautious and even a little unfounded, what the village chief said is not completely unreasonable.

Since the extreme cold passed and the floods receded, it has been hot for several months now. Normally, the seasons should have changed long ago, and according to the month, it has already begun autumn. The temperature has dropped, but the sun is still fierce in the sky. Who can say that? The heat is not much different from the usual hot summer days, it is even a little hotter.

They didn't think it was too unusual when the village chief didn't mention it, but when the village chief mentioned it, everyone felt a little different. Thinking of floods and droughts that often go hand in hand, and combined with the current weather, they felt uneasy.

No matter what the village chief said was right or wrong, no matter whether what he did was wasted effort, it was always a waste of effort, and it was better to be prepared than not.

In addition, their trust in the village chief prevented them from saying no. After all, the village chief was working so hard for them.

As a result, almost every household dug a large water cellar in their backyard and laid a double layer of oilcloth. It took many days to fill the cellar with water. This did not include the water stored in each house's original cellar. The amount of water is almost all except food, even in the houses where we live.

Therefore, although the extreme heat has lasted for three months, there is no water shortage in Wangjiacun, but it does not dare to squander it. After all, no one knows when the extreme heat will end. In addition to the amount of water required for eating, the daily drinking water It's just a scoop for a family, but it's much better than the few mouthfuls of water that other people can drink every day.

The temperature at night is more than ten degrees lower than during the day, and now we are starting to lack water. Some middle-aged men in good health can still stay outside for more than an hour and a half. As long as they are fast enough and want to do something, it is not difficult. possible.

Thinking of the people in Wangjia Village, they couldn't help but feel angry and uneasy, so they thought it would be better to make plans early.

(End of this chapter)

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