Different from the remoteness of Huajia Village, there are several neighboring villages around Wangjia Village, which are not too far away. In the past, a normal walk would only take a cup of tea at most, but now, even if it is slower, it would not take enough time to burn a stick of incense.

But this is also what worries them. Not everyone has prepared enough for their village. There is no need to worry about food. The most worrying thing is water.

Whether it is lack of food or water, no one can feel comfortable.

Especially when the men who went out to investigate the situation yesterday brought back news, the whole village became faintly more uneasy.

Although the village chief said yesterday that he was waiting and watching, several men in Datian and the village were always uneasy. As soon as the temperature dropped, they hurried over to find the village chief.

Village Chief Wang looked at the men at the door and opened the door completely and said, "Come in."

To be honest, he was feeling uneasy. It seemed that he needed to discuss it carefully and at least start patrolling.

"Auntie, brothers Yi Chun, Yi Xia, Yi Qiu..." As soon as the children entered the yard, they saw the village chief's wife and several sons of the village chief's family standing at the door of the hall and called for help.

"We're all here, come into the house quickly." The village chief's wife smiled brightly and signaled her son to move the stool quickly. She also went to the back room to move the boiling water jug ​​out. A man found the water at the bottom of the bowl and said, "Drink some first." The water moisturizes the throat, I’ll tell you if you have any questions.”

"No, no, aunt, we have already moistened our throats when we came out. This water is so precious, put it away quickly."

Although several men also felt thirsty, they actually drank some water when they came out. They came here empty-handed, so they had no nerve to drink water from the village chief's house, not to mention that the village chief's house had more people than them. Quite a lot of water was consumed. As he spoke, Datian quickly poured the water from several bowls together, and poured it back into the jar without any explanation. He didn't touch his mouth, so he didn't mind it.

"Look at your child, you are still polite to my aunt." Even so, Ms. Liu did not fall back again.

As Datian said, the water now is indeed very precious. To be precise, people are not very short of food now. As early as when the floods receded and the plants grew wildly, everyone was deliberately saving food. In addition, this season's food, especially sweet potatoes, The output is really gratifying, and every family can still sustain it for at least one or two years.

Relatively speaking, water is indeed very scarce. Even if her family still has a lot of water left, Ms. Liu would not be willing to part with it.

If it weren't for the fact that these men were some of the most capable men in the village, Ms. Liu wouldn't be willing to pour water, and her family would have to wait. She only took a sip or two when she was really thirsty and couldn't bear it.

"Hehe... You're welcome, Auntie, we really drank." Da Tian chuckled.

"Okay, since you're not polite, I'll take it back, and you guys can talk about it." Madam Liu didn't show any pretense, and quickly took the water jar back to the house and put it away.

But after putting it away, I was not in the room but came to the yard to see the light. Although it was moonlight, it was better than no light.

In order to prevent consumption and sweating during the day, I almost always sleep in the cellar. It is really dark in the cellar. As for candles and oil lamps, I don’t even think about them. Even if I have them, they are all used up in that year and a half. At night, His vision was even more blurry.

After staying in a dark space for a long time, my eyesight has deteriorated, and my eyes feel stinging when I come out.

That's why when it's hot outside, Ms. Liu will take her family out for some activities to let their eyes adapt. During the day, they will also stand at the entrance of the cellar for a while to let their eyes see the light.

Following her came out several daughters-in-law, grandchildren, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, nephews, and nieces.

Village Chief Wang glanced at the old woman and children in the yard and looked away. There was usually no danger if the door to the house was closed, but Yi Chun still gave the newest Yi Dong a worried look, asking him to pay attention at all times. The situation in the yard.

"Uncle...there has been chaos in the villages next door. Our village is living a slightly better life. This is something that all the surrounding villages know. We are worried that the village may not be safe. Uncle, just tell us. Let's do it, we will listen to you." Datian looked at Village Chief Wang impatiently.

The villagers who went out to find out the news in the past two days came back with disturbing news. In several surrounding villages, something happened to someone every night. Villages with more families were better united, but villages with fewer people or scattered people were no longer dead. Nothing new.

There are many people in Wangjia Village, but every family has a wife and children, so the men are still quite nervous. Village Chief Wang also frowned and looked at Datian: "Have the people who left come back?"

"No." Da Tian shook his head, "But it should be about the same."

It's time to go out and burn incense. The only people who can leave the village to explore the news are the strong and agile men in the village. Although the warm-up process is not slow, the time is almost there.

"Then wait a little longer," Village Chief Wang said in a low voice.

There wasn't much time left, so Da Tian waited for a few men to nod.

Indeed, not long after Mrs. Liu returned to her room with her children, the men who had gone out to find out the news had already returned.

As for the result, it was clear from their expressions, and Village Chief Wang's expression became more solemn.

After a while, Village Chief Wang spoke: "Dataan..."

"Village Chief, you said..."

"Arrange patrols. There are about [-] strong men in the village. Every thirty people will patrol for half an hour. The remaining people in the village should also be more alert."

Half an hour is within the range they can bear, but the load will be too much.

"Yes, I understand, I will make arrangements now..."

"Yichun, please come with me..."

If the eldest son followed the villagers, they would know what he meant.

Just hope it's not as bad as they fear.

Village Chief Wang cherishes everyone in the village, and he feels very sorry for anyone no matter who is hurt.

Wang Datian and Wang Yichun went door-to-door to notify the village chief's decision as soon as they left. Then the first round of patrols appeared in the four directions of the village, southeast, northwest, and every half hour. Change, until no one can stay outside anymore.

Wangjia Village was peaceful that night, and nothing happened that they were worried about. However, Zhaogouzi, less than three miles away from them, was not so lucky.

After the heat of the night subsided, a group of people pushed a wooden cart into Zhaogouzi Village.

This is a small village of more than a dozen families. The village chief is no longer there, having died in the extreme cold. The total number of adults and children in the village is less than [-]. Although he survived to the end, he lived cautiously. The frightened bird has long lost trust in human nature, even for people in a village.

There are more than a dozen families who all live their own lives. They hide in the cellars of their homes in the middle of the night and come out for activities at night.

However, since I couldn't find water at all, my frequency of activities has also decreased, because I can hold on for a while without being thirsty if I stay still, but the feeling of dry mouth and tongue whenever I move is really uncomfortable, at best. Just move your hands and feet in the cellar or hole, so that your hands and feet won't get weak from sitting and lying down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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