I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 103 Chaos Breath Temple Architecture

Chapter 103 Chaos Breath Temple Architecture

"It's just a little bit ordinary."

Looking at this "Chaos Tengu", Jiang Che calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

With one thought, the next breath, the little black dog appeared in front of Jiang Che.


Looking at Jiang Che, the little black dog wagged its tail and looked excited.

Jiang Che could also sense the excitement of the little black dog through the soul imprint.

Touching it with his hands, he could feel a terrifying life energy from Chaos Tengu's body.

Compared with the Martial Saint, it is not much better!

Although it doesn't look very good, but...Jiang Che feels that this Chaos Tengu should not be too bad.

Jiang Che touched it, Chaos Tengu became even more excited, licked the back of his hand with his tongue, breathed out, and felt pain.

Jiang Che quickly withdrew his hand, looking at the back of his hand, there was a red mark on it.

In his physical body, this little black dog just licked it and this happened.

If he licked it a few more times, the back of his hand might bleed.

"so smart?!"

Looking at the Chaos Tengu in front of him, Jiang Che was stunned.

this looks...

It's not easy!

"Wang Wang~"

The four eyes met, the little black dog barked twice again, and Jiang Che completely recovered.

Looking at Jiang Che, the little black dog suddenly opened its mouth, and all of a sudden, Jiang Che understood that it was hungry.


Taking out a piece of jerky, Jiang Che handed it over, opened his mouth, and instantly swallowed a piece of jerky, but the next second, the little black dog looked at him again.

Jiang Che took out a bigger piece of jerky again.

But the result was the same, the little black dog swallowed again.

"Just born, have such a big appetite?"

Looking at the little black dog who was still staring at him pitifully, Jiang Che took out all the jerky and piled it up in front of him.

Chaos Tengu's eyes lit up instantly, and he pounced on him.

With one mouthful, a suction force came from its mouth, and with the next breath, all the dried meat fell into the stomach in a second.


Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's eyes widened.

Swallow it in one gulp!

With such a large pile of jerky, your appetite is too strong, right? !

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

And at this moment, Chaos Tengu turned his head, looked at Jiang Che, and blinked.

"Do you still want to eat?"

Jiang Che spoke subconsciously.

Chaos Tengu nodded, as if he understood what he said.


"I'm gone, that's all."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Wang Wang~"

The Chaos Tengu barked, expressing its hunger again.

Jiang Che: "..."

Looking at Chaos Tengu, the corner of his mouth twitched, but suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"By the way, can it eat the corpse of a monster?"

A thought appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

He remembered the introduction in the message that the Chaos Tengu would eat everything. Ordinary dried meat did not contain much energy. What about the corpses of monsters?

"Try it, if you can't eat it, then feed some pill..."

The thought was fixed in his heart, and in the next breath, Jiang Che took out the corpse of the hell three-headed dog.

Compared with the size of Chaos Tengu, there is a huge contrast.

Looking at the corpse of the three-headed dog in front of him, Chaos Tengu stepped forward, turned to look at him again, and blinked.

That means it seems to say, can I eat?

Jiang Che understood what it meant and nodded, and Chaos Tengu shook its tail excitedly.

It opened its mouth, and its mouth was like a black hole. A terrifying suction force came out, and in the next breath, the three-headed hellhound as huge as a bull was swallowed directly.


After swallowing the hell three-headed dog, the chaotic tengu's black hair exuded a powerful wave of life energy.

The light lasted for a few breaths before returning to normal.

Small in size, but swallowed the huge three-headed hellhound like a bull in one gulp.

The life essence in the body becomes stronger.

This scene also made Jiang Che tense, his eyes fixed on Chaos Tengu.

The monster's corpse contained demonic energy, and he didn't know if the Chaos Tengu would be corroded by the demonic energy.

But in the next second, Chaos Tengu turned his head, looked at him excitedly, and wagged his tail.

"It seems to be fine."

Seeing this, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, he also felt a little terrified.

The appetite of this product is too great.


At this time, Chaos Tengu barked again, pulling Jiang Che back from his thoughts.


Jiang Che stared at Chaos Tengu with a look of astonishment.

"Wang Wang!!"

Chaos Tengu nodded again and sent a signal.

Jiang Che: "..."

"What the hell... is it gluttonous?!"

Looking at the Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che wondered if this guy would support him to death.

Is there a black hole in its body?

But seeing the little guy looking at him pitifully, Jiang Che could only take out the monster's corpse and throw it in front of it again.

In the same way, he opened his mouth, and there was a faint light from its mouth. With the next breath, this huge demon bird was eaten up.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Che again, and he instantly understood the look in his eyes.

still hungry...

One end, two ends...

After eating the corpses of ten monsters before and after, the Chaos Tengu was satisfied.

Then, with her feet loose, she happily came to Jiang Che, lay down beside him, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Jiang Che: "..."

Looking at the Chaos Tengu resting in his dream, his heart was overwhelmed.

The corpses of ten monsters were all eaten by it.

He couldn't even imagine this appetite.

The size has not changed, and it still looks petite and exquisite, but the vitality of the body is much stronger than when it was born.

The life essence of Chaos Tengu is three points more terrifying than that of a martial saint.

Looking at the corpses of three or four monsters left in the storage bag, Jiang Che looked at the Chaos Tengu beside him.

If you don't do more, it may be difficult to maintain its appetite.

"I hope that the future combat power will not disappoint me..."

Muttering to himself, Jiang Che stroked Chaos Tengu's hair, then sat cross-legged to adjust his breath.


All night.

It passed peacefully.

The red sun rose into the sky, and Jiang Che got up from his cultivation.

As soon as he moved, the Chaos Tengu beside him woke up, looked at Jiang Che, and shook his tail excitedly.


In the next second, the little black dog appeared on Jiang Che's shoulder in a flash.


"So fast!"

Looking at the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, Jiang Che's heart trembled.

The speed of this little guy is comparable to his shrinking to an inch!
And, faster.

"It seems that it is indeed extraordinary..."

Looking at the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with joy.

Born so fast, although his appetite has grown a bit, but this little guy also gave him a surprise.

Looking at the red sun rising in the sky, Jiang Che suddenly felt better.

Appetite is big, but as long as it is strong, it is worth it!


With a flash of his figure, Jiang Che disappeared into the cave.

Extremely fast, but the little guy stood firmly on his shoulders.

Jiang Che did not include it in the Mountain and River Map for the time being.

Show off the paper figurine clone, and continue to act with the fishing method.

The paper figurine was flying in the void, while Jiang Che was walking close to the ground with the Chaos Tengu.

One person and one dog quickly disappeared on the vast Gobi Desert.



A black shadow came from the sky, and a huge magic bird rushed towards the paper figurine clone.

Just when Jiang Che was about to take action, suddenly, the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder flickered, took a breath, jumped into the sky, and appeared on the body of the magic bird.


A terrifying roar erupted, and in the next second, under Jiang Che's shocking eyes, the Chaos Tengu spat out a silver light, which instantly pierced through the head of the demon bird.


One blow destroyed the vitality of the demon bird, and the huge corpse smashed hard on the Gobi Desert like a boulder.

The Chaos Tengu stood on the corpse of the demon bird, looking at Jiang Che excitedly, wagging its tail, showing off its spoils.

Jiang Che was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Instantly kill the demon bird.

This demonic bird is comparable to a great master, even an ordinary golden core, it is not so easy to kill.

But this little guy gave it a second in one bite.

This combat power is simply shocking.

"This is the strength of Chaos Tengu...!"

Looking at the Chaos Tengu standing on top of the magic bird, Jiang Che's heart was surging.

Kill in one bite.

It's so terrifying at birth, how strong does it have to be when it grows up?
Swallowing the sun and the moon, I am afraid it is not a legend.

When it grows to the peak, it is definitely an existence that sweeps and invincible.

"The thing that was used just now, could it be its innate supernatural power, the breath of chaos?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and went straight to the dead magic bird.

He can be sure that he must have read right just now.

The Chaos Tengu did indeed spit out a silver light beam.

This reminded him of the inherited supernatural power introduced in the message, Chaos Breath.

This is the unique inheritance of Chaos Tengu.

Contains enormous lethality.

One blow completely kills the demon bird.

"Wow woof~!"

Looking at Jiang Che, Chaos Tengu called out excitedly.

Jiang Che also completely recovered.

Break open the demon bird's body, take out the blood essence, and then put the demon bird's body into the storage bag.

The Chaos Tengu flashed and appeared on Jiang Che's shoulder again.

"It's a good job, but next time, hold your breath, I'm going to kill myself!"

Looking at the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, Jiang Che said.

Chaos Tengu tilted his head, blinked his eyes, seemed to understand what he meant, nodded and barked.

With the imprint of the soul, it is not difficult for Chaos Tengu to understand what he said. The spiritual wisdom of the ancient beasts is also extraordinary.

It's just that the current Chaos Tengu is still unable to speak.

Communication is not a big problem, you can communicate easily.

"Go, keep moving."

Jiang Che was in a good mood, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


Time passed little by little.

For three days, Jiang Che hadn't stepped out of the Gobi Desert of Death.

And he didn't see anyone else, so he threw some of the corpses away.

Not surprisingly, he should have died tragically under the monster.

People who entered the time and space of the ancient ruins were strong and weak, and they died before finding the opportunity.

For three days, Jiang Che still used the fishing method to lure monsters into the bait.

Chaos Tengu was in charge of heavy damage, while Jiang Che was in charge of the final make-up.

In three days, hundreds of monsters were hunted and killed, and the rewards were as many as those above the fifth rank of Hong Zi and below the first rank of Huang Zi.

Extracting all of them also gave Jiang Che a lot.

Action during the day, rest at night.

There were more than 100 monsters, and more than half of them were eaten by Chaos Tengu.

Eat one meal a day, but one meal is the start of ten monsters.

Big appetite!

Jiang Che was not stingy either, and let Chaos Tengu eat it.

The more you eat, the stronger it becomes.

There is no need to practice, as long as you sleep and digest, you can improve.

This is also the unique practice method of the ancient gods and beasts.

In the past few days, Jiang Che did not encounter too powerful monsters, but he was not discouraged either.

It's just the fourth day, and the remaining time is still very long.

The scope of the Death Gobi Desert is huge, but it is estimated that he will soon leave the scope of the Gobi Desert.


While walking, Jiang Che suddenly stopped and looked at a group of buildings in the distance.

There are not one temple-like buildings, but more than a dozen temples, and some tall statues.

Some buildings are crumbling, but a few temples are still intact.

After traveling for four days, Jiang Che encountered these temple buildings for the first time.

Subconsciously, he raised his vigilance.

The temple building in the ancient ruins was left by the demons, and an unknown number of years have passed since now.

And in this kind of place, it is easier to meet some powerful monsters.

The Gobi Desert of Death was deserted, and for a few days, Jiang Che hadn't seen anyone other than the corpses of some people.

Looking at this group of temple buildings, Jiang Che stayed for a while. With his powerful perception, he could perceive that there was a powerful devilish energy in this temple building, which was more terrifying than the devilish energy in other places.

"The sky is almost dark, go and have a look first, if there is no problem, I will stay here for one night today."

Looking up at the sky, Jiang Che had a certain thought in his mind, and in the next breath, he headed towards the temple complex.

Soon, Jiang Che came to the temple complex.

A statue of a god several feet high stood up, and the temple building was filled with some dust.

It seems that no one has set foot in it for a long time.

Approaching these temple buildings, Jiang Che could more and more feel the terrifying devilish energy pervading here.

Very strong!

It made him very uncomfortable, but the Chaos Tengu was safe and sound, and it seemed that these demonic energy could not cause any harm to him.

Jiang Che glanced at those god statues, all of them portrayed the images of demons.

With six arms and a ferocious face, it seemed as if he would be resurrected at any moment.

"Wow woof~!"

Suddenly, the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder barked, and Jiang Che became vigilant for a moment, looking not far away.

"someone is coming!"

In his vision, on the Gobi Desert not far away, two figures appeared in his eyes.

two women.

"is her!"

When looking at the face of one of the women, Jiang Che recognized her appearance at a glance.

Tianyue Palace, Linglong!

Beside him was a tall figure who was also another female disciple of Tianyue Palace.

The two appeared on the Gobi Desert, and they were also approaching the temple building at a very fast speed.

Jiang Che looked at the two, and suddenly his expression changed, and his eyes turned to another place.

Another two figures appeared in his eyes.

One of the young men was dressed in brocade clothes and had bronze skin, but judging from his hair style, he did not look like a man of high rank.

The other person also wore the same hairstyle as the young man in brocade clothes, and he was a tall and strong man.

Muscles all over his body, full of a sense of strength, with terrifying energy and blood, he is a peak-level existence of a great master.

Moreover, they are cultivators of immortality, and both of them are Jindan cultivators.

Jin Yi's young man was at the middle stage of Golden Core, while the strong man was at the late Golden Core stage.

"These two people should not be Dagan people, they should be from Yuanmeng Kingdom."

Soon, Jiang Che recognized their origins, but the specific identities were unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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