I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 104 Yuanmeng Prince Asura King [3 more 1 thousand 2]

Chapter 104 Yuanmeng Prince Asura King

He didn't meet anyone else for a few days, and Jiang Che didn't expect to meet them here suddenly.

One of them, there is a fate.

The four of them quickly approached the temple building.

At the same time, they all looked at each other.

"Hey, it's you."

Looking at Jiang Che, Linglong's eyes lit up, and he and another Tianyue Palace disciple quickly came in front of him.

"Meet two fellow Taoists."

Jiang Che nodded his head as a greeting.


On the shoulder, Chaos Tengu also barked, looked at the two of them, and blinked.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's been a few days, and I thought I wouldn't meet anyone else."

Linglong looked at him and said with a smile.

"I also didn't expect to meet fellow daoist here."

Jiang Che spoke.

"Is this your spirit beast?"

Linglong looked at the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, and asked curiously.


Jiang Che nodded.

"It's so cute, can I touch it?" Linglong stared at Chaos Tengu and asked.


Chaos Tengu seemed to understand what she said, and instantly bared his teeth, showing vigilance.

"Ahem, it's a little scared of strangers." Jiang Che coughed.

"What's your name?" Linglong blinked and looked at him.

"Little black."

Jiang Che casually said a name.

"Wang Wang~"

Hearing this name, Chaos Tengu barked twice in dissatisfaction.

Seeing the appearance of Chaos Tengu, the two girls suddenly smiled.

On the other side, two Yuanmeng people also came not far away.

"Aku, Arisi, Lula Kuka..."

Among them, the young man in brocade clothes looked at them and said a few words in Yuan Mongolian, but Jiang Che didn't understand what they meant.

And the female disciple of Tianyue Palace beside Linglong frowned when she heard this, and looked at the two people from Yuanmeng Kingdom with a stern expression.

"Senior Sister Yuan, what's wrong?"

Linglong caught the expression on her face and asked in confusion.

Jiang Che also looked at her curiously.

He doesn't know the language of Yuan Meng, and he doesn't know what these two people are talking about.

"This guy said he wanted to get to know us." Senior Sister Yuan said with disgust.

Hearing this, Linglong's expression darkened.

But at this moment, the young man in Jin Yi and the strong man behind him stepped forward, the young man in Jin Yi glanced at the strong man again, the strong man instantly understood what he meant, stepped forward, looked at Linglong and Senior Sister Yuan, and said, "You two girls, my eldest son wants to meet you."

"Not interested." Senior Sister Yuan said coldly.

The strong man's expression was fixed, then he looked at the young man in brocade clothes beside him, and translated the words to him.

"Lula Caruso..."

The young man in brocade clothes pointed at the two of them with one hand, and spoke Yuanmeng language again, with a haughty expression on his face.

Jiang Che stood aside, listening in a daze.

And the disgust on Senior Sister Yuan's face deepened.

The strong man on the side also spoke up, saying: "My family's eldest son is the son of Prince Tu, and he will inherit the throne of King Tu in the future. I hope you two will not lose such a good opportunity."

"I told you, I'm not interested." Senior Sister Yuan's face darkened.

If it weren't for the lack of strength, she might have to do it right away.

"I'm looking for a woman from Tianyue Palace. I'm afraid this guy doesn't know the situation and has taken the wrong medicine..."

On the side, Jiang Che looked at this scene and felt disgusted in his heart.

The strong man's face changed, and he translated the words to the prince again.

While listening to the strong man's translation, the young man in brocade clothes instantly showed displeasure. His gaze suddenly turned to Jiang Che who was at the side, and he spoke a few words in Yuan Meng again.

Although Jiang Che couldn't understand, he could understand that these few words should be aimed at him.

In an instant, Jiang Che looked at Senior Sister Yuan beside Linglong.

"What did he mean?"

Senior Sister Yuan looked at Jiang Che, then at the young man in brocade clothes, looked at him again, and said, "Forget it, it's nothing, one thing more is worse than one thing less."


Jiang Che frowned, and looked at the young man in brocade clothes.

Seeing Jiang Che looking at him, the young man in brocade uttered a few words in Yuan Mongolian again.

Jiang Che looked calm, looked at Senior Sister Yuan, and said, "What does he mean? You don't need to hide it. I have a good attitude and can accept it."

Senior Sister Yuan showed embarrassment, looked at Jiang Che, and finally said, "He... said you should watch again, so he gouged out your eyes and told you to go away immediately."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, and a ray of cold light bloomed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the big man next to the young man in brocade clothes looked at Jiang Che and said, "Boy, I advise you not to go against the prince, otherwise..."


Before he finished speaking, the next breath, there was a crisp slap on the strong man's face.


He slapped the young man in brocade clothes directly on the face again.

It's nothing to do with himself, Jiang Che doesn't want to cause trouble, but since he is offended, if he wants to use him to pick up girls, then he can't bear it.

The extremely fast speed made the strong men in the late stage of Jindan unable to react in time.

These two slaps made the world spin.

The bright red palm prints appeared directly on the faces of the two of them.

Linglong and Senior Sister Yuan were taken aback by Jiang Che's brazen attack.


The brawny man was furious instantly, a layer of light bloomed, the air shook, and a powerful energy rushed towards Jiang Che in an instant.


Jiang Che shot without hesitation, and punched directly in front of him. He launched the Fudo King Fist and counterattacked with one punch.


At this moment, the young man in brocade clothes suddenly made a move, and a bloody light rushed towards Jiang Che, but in the next breath, the chaotic dog opened his mouth and directly swallowed the attack of the young man in brocade clothes.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the young man in Jinyi shrank.


Jiang Che's figure flickered, and with the next breath, before the strong man and the young man in brocade clothes could react, he punched the young man in brocade clothes.


The body of the young man in brocade slammed into the statue, smashing the statue violently, and landed heavily, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


The brawny man was startled for a moment, he didn't care to attack Jiang Che, and immediately came in front of the young man in brocade clothes.

"Kill... oh, kill him!"

The young man in brocade clothes spat out a blunt dry phrase.

A murderous look flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

But just as he was about to do it, suddenly, a sense of danger erupted from his heart.

In the sky, a dark cloud of demon energy emerged, and in the tumbling cloud, a tall monster appeared in the eyes of several people.

The horrible breath was released, the muscles all over his body were knotted, and his shape was tall, just like the Rakshasa King he had killed.

But his skin is black.

He was still holding a steel fork in his hand, and the demonic energy surged, and the aura instantly dropped the surrounding temperature a lot.


Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and his mind instantly tensed up.

This is one of the most powerful monsters among the ancient ruins.

It is three points more terrifying than the original Rakshasa King.

Although he has not set foot in Yuanshen, it is far beyond Jindan.

Asura, like blood Shura, is said to be a special race created by the demons.

It's just that, outside, Asura is rare, and the number of Asura is even smaller than that of Blood Shura.

But the strength is very terrifying, and the physical body is even stronger.

This Asura is just an Asura King.

"Is this the territory of Asura?"

A thought appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

Asura, as one of the most powerful monsters in the time and space of the ancient ruins, is very rare.

Such a powerful King Asura is even rarer.

On the shoulder, Chaos Tengu also became vigilant.

The prince and the strong man beside him also showed strong fear, and the faces of Senior Sister Yuan and Linglong also darkened.

"This is an Asura king. If we fight together, we may block one or two."

Senior Sister Yuan said.

The young man in brocade clothes and the strong man didn't speak, Senior Sister Yuan's face became even uglier, and she cast her eyes on Jiang Che.

This Taoist disciple was even more terrifying than she had imagined. Even a strong man in the late stage of Jindan was slapped. Perhaps, he has the strength to fight against it.

"Jiang Daoyou..."

Senior Sister Yuan opened her mouth, Jiang Che glanced at her, but didn't speak.

The magic cloud rolled, and King Asura stepped on the magic cloud and appeared, just like the world-destroying demon god.

Horrible breath.

Even Jiang Che is not absolutely sure that he can kill it.

However, he finally met such an Asura king, so he would definitely not miss it.

Big prizes are not so easy to come by.

Killing this Asura King will give you more rewards than the accumulative killing of monsters before.


"Here it is again, very good. I haven't eaten people for a long time. Today, I'll take you."

Stepping on the magic cloud, King Asura flashed bloodthirsty brutality.

In the next breath, with a wave of the steel fork in his hand, black light bloomed, and he rushed towards several people in an instant.


Shrinking the ground into an inch exploded in an instant, and Jiang Che disappeared in place with one step.

The reactions of several people were equally quick, and they immediately disappeared in place.


The temple exploded, gravel splashed, and terrifying air waves swept around.

The surrounding idols were also instantly destroyed with one blow.

King Asura's blow made it impossible for them to face up.

"Heavenly Sword Slash!"

Jiang Che took the lead, and thousands of sword qi erupted. The terrifying sword qi turned into a divine sword, shattered the void, and instantly slashed towards King Asura.


King Asura let out a roar, and with the next breath, swung the steel fork in his hand, and the black light flashed, colliding with Jiang Che's powerful blow.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Excalibur shattered, the airflow destroyed the void like a storm, and the powerful shock wave directly shattered the temple and the statue building.

Jiang Che quickly backed away, and in the next breath, two silver rays of light rushed towards King Ashura.

Linglong and Senior Sister Yuan also shot at the same time.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Disdain appeared in King Asura's eyes, and a black light flashed with a punch, sweeping out, blasting the attacks of the two people, roaring with energy, their defenses were instantly destroyed, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and they were shocked back hundreds of meters.


The Chaos Tengu's figure flashed, and a breath of Chaos rushed directly towards King Ashura.


With one hit, the magic cloud under King Ashura's feet dissipated instantly, and bloody wounds appeared on his body.

"What kind of dog is this?!"

Seeing this scene, Linglong and Senior Sister Yuan's pupils trembled.

Their joint attack was not as fierce as Jiang Che's dog.

It directly hurt King Asura.

It's alright for this Taoist disciple to be perverted, but his dog is so terrifying? !

"Damn beast!"

King Asura was instantly furious, but just as he started, a dragon roar shook the world, and a terrifying dragon turned into a golden seal, crushing the void, and blasted at King Asura with overwhelming power.

As a last resort, King Asura had no choice but to give up attacking the Chaos Tengu, black light flashed all over his body, surging demonic energy surged, and he punched the sky, blasting towards the incoming golden seal.

"My lord, let's go."

At this moment, seeing this, the strong man hurriedly opened his mouth, and the prince nodded in a panic. The two gave up besieging King Ashura and chose to run away.

With the three of Jiang Che blocking them, as long as they hold off for a while, they will be safe.

The two ran away, Linglong and Senior Sister Yuan were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

In the next breath, the two of them made a tactic with one hand, and the moonlight bloomed, forming a joint blow and rushing towards King Asura.

They also want to run away, but now, the most sensible choice is to join hands with Jiang Che to fight King Ashura.

Although Jiang Che only had the cultivation base of the late stage of the true state of mind, his strength was much more terrifying than them, enough to head-to-head with King Asura.

What's more, there is a terrifying dog.

Although I don't know why this Taoist disciple is so perverted.But now is not the time to discuss this issue, killing King Asura is the top priority.


The two teamed up to strike, although it didn't hurt King Ashura, it had an impact on King Ashura.


The Lightning Ben Lei Fist was launched, and the sky thunder was rubbed with bare hands, and terrifying lightning bolts descended from the void, continuously bombarding King Asura.

Three people and one dog instantly surrounded and bombarded King Asura.

The power of Chaos Tengu's Chaos Breath is very terrifying, no less than Jiang Che's powerful blow.

Although it was only a few days after its birth, the divine beast was a divine beast, and its strength did not disappoint Jiang Che.

King Asura retreated steadily, and more than half of the temple complex was destroyed.

Jiang Che's zhenqi was consumed crazily, but he had a large amount of magic pills, and he was not stingy at all. With his desperate fighting style and powerful supernatural power, he blasted King Ashura one after another.

The magic seal of Tianlong Town blasted out, and Jiang Che swallowed the magic pill again to restore his true energy.


Golden Buddha light bloomed from his body, and with the next breath, a holy Buddha appeared behind Jiang Che.

The golden light intertwined, and when the holy Buddha raised his hand, the aura of heaven and earth exploded instantly, the magic energy was discharged, and the void exploded. A golden bergamot hand as huge as a mountain fell from the sky and locked King Asura.

Great day Tathagata printed!
Although he didn't comprehend the peak, he had reached the stage of entering the room.

The infuriating energy was consumed crazily, and it was directly drained.

The terrifying Tathagata Yinsheng blasted at King Ashura.

Covered by light, the bergamot fell to the ground.

A huge Buddhist handprint several feet long appeared on the ground.

The Gobi Desert trembled for more than ten miles, the temple buildings collapsed, and the statues of gods were shattered.

King Asura was severely injured in an instant and was dying.


While swallowing the divine elixir to recover his true energy, Jiang Che unleashed the final blow, the Sky Demon Life Blade.

"Tao artifact!!!"

The pupils of the two shrank, looking at the Sky Demon Life Blade in Jiang Che's hand.

The power of the middle-grade Taoist weapon bloomed, and the terrifying sword energy instantly made the world darken.

When the knife fell, long ravines appeared on the Gobi Desert.

It was as if the earth had been split open.

The saber aura shrouded it, and no one could approach it.

The demon book vibrated, and the dark characters instantly appeared in his eyes.

The demon book gave an evaluation reward: the eighth grade of Zhou Zi!
In my mind, a purple reward light cluster bloomed.

Jiang Che also breathed a sigh of relief.

The true energy was exhausted, and he fell to the ground in an instant. The Chaos Tengu flashed and came in front of Jiang Che in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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