I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 107 The true devil is born in a life-and-death confrontation 【6k subscription】

Chapter 107 The true devil is born in a life-and-death confrontation 【6k subscription】

Jiang Che carefully watched the devilish energy coming out from the entrance.

"Pure than the outside..."

Although the color is the same, the feeling is different.

Very pure magic energy.

"Finally cracked, let's go!"

In the crowd, one person opened his mouth, and with the next breath, several figures rushed towards the entrance. The figures were submerged in the pitch-black devilish energy, and quickly disappeared completely.

The others also came to their senses, and they all followed into the entrance.

Jiang Che frowned, looking at the entrance that looked like an abyss, he had a faint premonition in his heart.

On a whim!

But think about it, this is the place leading to the Demon Race's underground palace. It's dangerous, but it's normal. If it's not dangerous, then it's hell.

Jiang Che didn't act rashly, but just looked at the figures stepping onto the entrance steps one by one.

In a short time, hundreds of people entered it.

Only a few of them remain.

"Jiang Daoyou, what's wrong?"

On the side, Senior Sister Yuan suddenly spoke, seeing Jiang Che's pensive look, a trace of surprise appeared on her face.

"It's okay, let's go in and have a look."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Several people nodded, and then headed towards the entrance of the steps.

Jiang Che was at the end, and when he stepped onto the steps leading to the entrance of the underground palace, several talismans quietly appeared under the Taoist robe.

in case!

If there is a bad situation, you can also respond in time.

Hundreds of people entered, even if it was really dangerous, with his own strength, he would have no problem ensuring safety.

Unless you encounter some great horror!

The magic energy rolled, and he couldn't see his fingers.

The steps do not go straight down, but meander.

The speed of the few people was not fast, and they went down slowly.

Although it is very dark, but with their strength, this does not have much impact.

However, the devilish energy here is pure and thick, and one needs to protect the body with true energy.

Breakthrough Martial Saint, with his body's energy and blood, it is difficult for these demonic energy to invade his body.

Jiang Che was the most relaxed one.


"It's very deep!"

For a quarter of an hour, Jiang Che and his party were still walking down the steps.

He estimated the straight-line distance, and it was almost a thousand feet from the current position to the floor of the canyon.

Thousands of meters deep!

But at such a distance, they still haven't reached the Demon Clan's underground palace.

The further down, the purer and thicker the magic energy.

Strong magic energy surged.

It's like an endless abyss.

Jiang Che calmly took out several high-level offensive charms again.

Once things happen here, it's hard to deal with.

But all the way down, I didn't meet any demons or the screams in front.

Devil energy blocks perception, even Jiang Che can only perceive a range of more than ten meters.

More than ten meters away, you can't feel it at all.

Consciousness completely failed.

Can only rely on the extraordinary perception of the physical body.

Moving forward in the strong magic energy is equivalent to moving forward in the dark.


For a moment, a ray of light appeared in the dark demonic energy.

In the next breath, several people stepped out of the steps, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a huge underground space.

That is, the underground palace of the demons.

Others also appeared in the underground palace.

The dark demon energy here dissipated, as if it was blocked by a mysterious force.

In the underground palace, there are several stone chambers.

But it seems that the people who entered before have scoured everything, and there is nothing left.

At the four corners of the underground palace, there is a thick stone pillar supporting the underground palace.

On the stone pillar, engraved with the statue of the demon god, it is extremely ferocious, as if it will be resurrected from nothingness at any time.

In the center of the underground palace, there is a tall square platform.

On the square platform, there is a bronze coffin.

Someone came to the stage to check, but the bronze coffin was empty.


In this devil's underground palace, there is no treasure as they said.

"This Sifangtai..."

"Looks like there's a ghost!"

Jiang Che looked at the square platform in the center of the underground palace.

For some reason, he felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the Sifangtai.

"Hey, it's been such a long time wasted, just such a broken copper coffin, wow!"

On the Sifang platform, a strong man cursed and slapped the bronze coffin flying in a rage.

Others also showed disappointment.

I thought there was a treasure, but I found that there was nothing here.

The only item was this ordinary bronze coffin.

It's like scrap copper and rotten iron.

There is no attractive value for these people.


The bronze coffin hit the ground heavily, making a hole.

But at this moment, on the Sifang Platform, a ray of light bloomed, and a golden lotus flower suddenly rose from the Sifang Platform.

It grows rapidly and grows to be as tall as a person.

The lotus is in bud, and it exudes a powerful spiritual power. In addition to the spiritual power, there is also a sense of Taoism.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to this golden lotus.

"This is the Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus, the Spiritual Treasure of Heaven and Earth!"

Someone recognized it at a glance, and the voice sounded in the underground palace.

"Red Treasure Golden Lotus!"

The gazes of the people on the high platform were fiery.

The spiritual treasure of heaven and earth, this scarlet treasure golden lotus, is of extraordinary value!

"Red Treasure Golden Lotus..."

Jiang Che's eyes also lit up.

This heaven, material and earth treasure, he knew, was an extremely rare heaven and earth treasure.

The lotus flower contains natural Dao rhyme, which greatly improves the cultivation base.

Moreover, using the lotus seeds of the Red Treasure Golden Lotus to refine alchemy, one can even develop powerful alchemy.

But red treasure golden lotus is hard to see.

It was also the first time he saw this kind of treasure with his own eyes.


In the next breath, one of them stepped forward and grabbed the Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus with one hand.


Seeing this, several other people on the high platform showed anger, and immediately stepped forward, ready to snatch it.


But at this moment, the mutation suddenly increased.

A painful scream sounded, and the big man who was the first to touch the Chibaojinlian uttered a miserable scream.

And the next scene was even more creepy. After the big man screamed, his body seemed to be swallowed by something, and he shriveled up visibly with the naked eye.

The flesh and blood of the body was swallowed up in an instant, turning into nothing.

The time before and after is only one or two breaths.

Several other people were terrified, but they had already encountered the Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus, and the same scene happened.

There was a scream, and the flesh and blood of the body was quickly swallowed.

The seven people were all swallowed up by the Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus in an instant.

After devouring the flesh and blood of the seven people, the Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus quickly transformed into a blood-colored lotus, from which surging devilish energy bloomed.

Everyone was pale.

Jiang Che also looked shocked.

The Scarlet Treasure Golden Lotus, which had turned into a blood-colored lotus, was filled with demonic energy, and there were no signs of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.


The Sifang Platform vibrated, and in the next breath, a crack sounded, and the Sifang Platform exploded instantly.

A terrifying figure appeared in the midair of the underground palace.

The devilish energy pervaded the area, and it was three points more terrifying than any monster's devilish energy.

This is real magic!

Really devil!

It looks like a human, but it is different.

The tall body is very strong, as if cast from fine steel.

It exudes a dark light, a pair of dark pupils, like an abyss, filled with demonic energy, and the breath is very terrifying.

Behind him, there is a pair of black wings.

No feathers, like wings made of black iron.


The voice of the real devil sounded, cold and ruthless.

A bloodthirsty light glowed in those dark pupils.


In the next breath, the demon moved and flashed at a speed that surpassed everything.

"Puff puff!!!"

Bloody light bloomed, and a dozen monks and warriors were instantly killed.

As soon as he raised his hand, a terrifying magic light bloomed, and the flesh and blood of the dozens of monks and warriors who were killed were instantly swallowed.

A powerful magic light bloomed from the body of this demon, and his aura became even more terrifying.

The shot was so fast that everyone couldn't react in time.

Instantly killed.

Among them, there is also a golden core monk and a great master warrior.

But in the face of this terrifying demon clan, there is no way to fight back.

Instantly killed.


"Kill this bastard!"

One roared, and with the next breath, a divine light rushed towards the true demon.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of rays of light blasted towards the demon clan.


When the wings behind the Demon Race moved, a layer of magic light enveloped the whole body, and in the next breath, all attacks were blocked by the magic light, and they couldn't hurt at all.

"The humble ants dare to try to attack this king. Today, I will die!"

An icy voice sounded in the underground palace, and with the next breath, the wings moved, and the demon disappeared instantly.


One punch pierced through the body of a martial artist, blood spurted out, and with the next breath, the magic light bloomed, sucking his flesh and blood essence.

The breath of the demon race rose rapidly.


Within a few breaths, more than a dozen people were killed by the demons again.

Facing this terrifying demon clan, they were powerless to fight back.

Among them, even the existence of the peak Jindan was easily killed in seconds.

"Come on!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and before the demons came, he hurriedly turned around.

But in the next breath, a terrifying devilish energy charged directly at Jiang Che.


Raising his hand and punching, all the power erupted instantly, the artistic conception merged, and Jiang Che smashed the demonic energy with one punch.

Taking advantage of the short time, Qin Ya and the others quickly rushed into the passage and fled towards the outside.


Seeing that Jiang Che was not dead, a strange look flashed in the Mozu's eyes.

But without thinking too much, he shot again, the demonic energy surged, and his figure was like a ghost, killing more than a dozen people in an instant, and quickly devoured them all.

Jiang Che didn't stop either, Qin Ya and the others just ran into the passage, and he followed closely behind.

This demon race is too terrifying, even Jiang Che is no match for them.

And the more people killed, the more terrifying the strength of this demon clan.

It is the wisest choice to run away first before it reaches the level of being irresistible.

Jiang Che also basically understood that if he didn't move the bronze coffin, this true demon might not be born.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

The real devil has been born, running away is the most important thing.

It's very slow to come down, but go out and move forward at full speed, and other people will also swarm in.

Just now hundreds of people teamed up and couldn't hurt this demon. They already knew that it was irresistible.

If you run away earlier, you can still survive.

If it is too late, it will be completely dead.



In the Moyuan Grand Canyon, several figures galloped out, turning into streaks of divine light and rushing towards the sky above the canyon.

Through the magic energy, Jiang Che and his party appeared on the vast plain.

A shrill scream came from the thick magic fog.

This true demon also left the underground magic palace.

Inhuman massacre.

Jiang Che reckoned that this should not be the full strength of a true demon. After being sealed for such a long time, it would probably take a lot of life energy to recover to its peak.

"call out--!"

A group of people fled quickly and flew over the vast plain.

At this moment, they are not afraid of any monsters, the only thing they are afraid of is the real demon in the underground magic palace.


The Moyuan Grand Canyon exploded, and hundreds of figures fled in haste.

The figure of the real demon also rushed out of the Moyuan Grand Canyon, looking at the fleeing figures in all directions, a bloodthirsty laugh appeared on his face.

"Puff puff--!!!"

The devilish energy surged all over his body, and a mouthful of the devil's knife pierced through the air, quickly killing a large number of people.

Before the corpse hit the ground, it was captured and swallowed by the distance, not even a single wreckage remained, completely reduced to nothing.

This terrifying scene challenged everyone's nerves. Some people rose up to resist, but they lost in the end and were instantly killed.


In the void, the speed of Jiang Che and his party exploded to the extreme peak.

Run as far as possible.

When the time and space of the ancient ruins are opened, they will be able to truly escape.

Confrontation, Jiang Che knew that it would be difficult for him to contend with this true demon.

The strength is too terrifying.

To say the least, it is also the same cultivation strength as the primordial spirit, and it is not an ordinary primordial spirit.

The blood of the flesh is even more terrifying than a martial saint.

He is crushed in all aspects, even if he has a powerful Taoist weapon, he cannot exert its full power.

The cultivation base is too low.

Right now, he's not even at the peak of his true state of mind.

Although the practice is as fast as a dragon, the time is too short.


The air burst, and in the void, a terrifying figure of devilish energy descended.

It's the real devil.

caught up.

The faces of Jiang Che and his group paled instantly.

"No, this guy locked me!"

Jiang Che stopped suddenly. His speed couldn't surpass this real demon. If he continued to run, he would definitely be caught up by this demon.

Shrinking the ground to an inch can only move in a short period of time, and it cannot last.

If the true energy is exhausted, then he can only sit and wait for death?
With one thought, Jiang Che directly pulled the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder into the map of mountains and rivers.

"Senior Sister Qin, you run first, I will block this guy."

Jiang Che opened his mouth quickly, looking at the true demon descending from a distance.

Alone, he can still have no scruples, but if he pulls Qin Ya and the others, it will be unstoppable.

The strength of the real devil is enough to kill them easily.

"No, let's go together, or fight together." Senior Sister Qin shook her head with a determined face.

"Get out, don't get out, I will kill you now!"

Jiang Che spoke directly, rushing out with a violent aura in an instant, and the Sky Demon Life Blade appeared in his hand in an instant.

The heavenly power of the middle-grade Taoist weapon instantly spread, and the void shook.

After being yelled by Jiang Che suddenly, Senior Sister Qin froze for a moment.

But in the next breath, Jiang Che landed on her body with one hand, and the majestic true energy quickly knocked her into the air.

"Go away!"

Jiang Che's voice came.

And at this moment, Mikami Youya and the others glanced at Jiang Che, but the girls didn't speak, they fled quickly with a surge of true energy.

Facing the real demon, they simply cannot resist.

To stay is a burden.

Jiang Che's strength is strong, and they all know that, maybe so, there is still a glimmer of life.

Otherwise, they might have to die together.

Qin Ya's eyes were flushed, she glanced at Jiang Che, and left quickly.

And at this moment, the Demon Race has arrived.

Looking at Jiang Che, a light flashed in his eyes.

The life spirit of the human being in front of him is too attractive to him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Che rushed towards the true demon with hundreds of magic talismans.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky trembled, thunder and lightning swept across the void for hundreds of miles.

Instantly submerged the body of this true demon.

But even the powerful offensive talisman could not harm this demon.

The magic energy defense is too strong, and ordinary attacks are useless at all.


The Heavenly Demon Spiritual Blade erupted rapidly, and the heaven-shaking blade energy made the world tremble.

The face of the demon clan changed, and the demon energy around him surged, and he quickly defended.


The air exploded, and the high-pressure shock wave shattered the void clouds with an all-destroying force.

There are cracks in time and space.

The violent power of time and space emerged.


Demonic blood spewed from the mouth of the real demon, and the demonic energy in his body was turbulent, and the blow force of the middle-grade Taoist weapon really hit him hard.

There was a crack in the demon body.


In the next breath, a five-color divine flag appeared, and the sky and the earth changed color in an instant.


The five divine lights were activated, and the five-spirit flag burst into light instantly, thunder and lightning flickered, and a super thunder array appeared.

The five thunders blasted the formation!


A violent five-color divine thunder descended and quickly blasted towards the true demon.

The thunder light engulfed the real demon's demon body, and the violent lightning once again enlarged the space-time crack.

Jiang Che's face also became very pale.

One by one, the divine pills were swallowed frantically, quickly recovering the true energy consumed in his body.

Continuously activating two middle-grade Taoist weapons made him consume a lot.

As a last resort, Jiang Che could only put away the Five Spirits Flag.


At this time, a roar exploded, and the real demon broke through the thunder light, his body was covered with scars, and the demon energy was turbulent in the void.

"Human, you can hurt this king, very good, today, you must die!"

The voice of the demon clan sounded, and in the next breath, his body changed instantly, directly turning into a three-headed and six-armed appearance.

The main body form of the demons, with three heads and six arms!

It is also the strongest form.

The devilish energy surged wildly, and with the next breath, as soon as he raised his hand, the heaven and earth devilish energy was aroused, turning into a huge devil's hand and rushing towards Jiang Che.


The Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand exploded with unsurpassed power, and the berserk saber energy gathered, turned into a divine sword, and quickly slashed towards the Void Devil's Claw.


With a collision, a huge mushroom cloud instantly rose in the sky.

The power of the violent shock wave directly destroyed the plain land, and it was a mess for a hundred miles.


Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body hit the ground like a boulder.

The space is distorted, and the more violent power of time and space ravages the void.

"call out--!"

At this moment, a magic knife fell from the sky, Jiang Che had no time to recover, and the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand was instantly cut out.

The saber energy tore through the void and collided with the magic knife, barely blocking this terrifying blow.

Jiang Che also took the opportunity to disappear in place.

Swallow a large amount of magic pills to restore the true energy in the body.


But before he had a chance to catch his breath, the demons attacked again.

Jiang Che raised his hand and punched, the light of energy and blood all over his body erupted, blending with the artistic conception, and the Fudo King Fist instantly blasted out.

The void exploded directly, and the majestic force shattered everything.


A punch collided, and the internal organs suffered a severe impact instantly. With a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out instantly.

A shattering blow also injured him again.

Fortunately, the various pills he swallowed were powerful enough, not to the point where he could die.

With a movement of the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand, it was activated again, and it was quickly slashed out.

"call out--!"

At the same time, the Xuanhuang Sword Qi was released and rushed towards the real demon.


The saber energy shattered the defense, and the black and yellow sword energy instantly penetrated the demon body.

Drops of magic blood fell from the void.


But at this moment, one of the heads of the real demon spit out a flame of magic, and the void was burned and distorted. In an instant, Jiang Che smelled the breath of death.


The Sky Demon Life Blade trembled violently, and Jiang Che forcibly delivered another terrifying blow.


The shocking sword energy collided with the magic flame and shattered directly.

A powerful air wave swept through the void, and the cracks in space became even bigger.


With one movement of the real demon's body, and with the next breath, a demonic hand descended.


The magic hand penetrated his body, and a bright red heart was dug out.

Jiang Che's consciousness instantly became trance.


Crushing his heart with one hand, his vitality fell like a cliff.

The heart was obliterated, but the powerful soul power and the life essence of Wu Sheng had not completely killed him.


With a wave of the real devil's hand, a magic formation manifested, and in the next second, thousands of lights of magic energy burst out from the magic formation, rushing towards Jiang Che.

Seeing tens of thousands of demonic energy attacking, Jiang Che exhausted his last breath, and the Sky Demon Life Blade slashed out.


The rays of light collided, and the air waves hit the void like a tsunami, shattering directly.

With the final blow, all Jiang Che's true energy was completely drained.

Jiang Che's body became riddled with holes in an instant, and his vitality was rapidly drained.

The soul has also suffered unprecedented damage.

The darkness is coming, even with the tenacious and perverted vitality of the Martial Saint, now, it is the end of the road.

His consciousness gradually slackened.

But at the last moment of sinking, in the Divine Sea of ​​Heaven, an extreme ray of light bloomed instantly, and his body reappeared.

The stand-in doll activates.

The battered body recovered instantly, the broken heart and sinking soul recovered instantly.

Consciousness revived again!

Narrow escape!

However, the power in his body has been completely exhausted, and his true energy has been completely squeezed out, leaving nothing behind.

The resurrectable position happened to be right in front of the space crack, and an irresistible suction instantly enveloped his body.

Unable to stop the violent space power around him, he was quickly absorbed by the cracks in time and space, and fell into the violent space turbulence.


The real devil let out a roar, the devilish energy surged, and he stretched out his hand.

But in the next breath, the power of violent spatial turbulence swept across the demons.

"not good!"

Sensing the crisis, the face of the Mozu changed instantly, and the whole body was filled with devilish energy.

I just wanted to quit, but it's too late now.

Even true demons cannot resist the violent space turbulence.

His body was also pulled into the crack of time and space.

The figure of one person and one demon disappeared over the plain.

When the fluctuations subsided completely, only a messy battlefield remained.

Both Jiang Che and the demons disappeared.

The power of space overflowed, and the void lasted for a long time before gradually recovering.

The emptiness and silence are terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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