I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 108 Wu Dynasty Kingdom

Chapter 108 Wu Dynasty Kingdom

Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Wind and sunshine.

Suddenly, the clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and the entire Little Qiong Peak was filled with a terrifying atmosphere.


From Qiongfeng Hall, a figure stepped out, looking towards the void with a gloomy expression.

A terrifying aura emanated from the Xuanmiaoyin in white clothes, and the diffused aura changed even the celestial phenomena.

Up and down the Little Qiongfeng, it instantly changed from a sunny and sunny world to a world like a icy hell.

In the dark clouds, there are even traces of thunder and lightning shuttle, just like the scene of annihilation.


Looking at the sky, Xuan Miaoyin's eyes were sharp, as if she could penetrate thousands of time and space, looking into the depths of the void.

Stretching out her slender hand, she pinched it again with one hand, and in an instant, her face softened instantly.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

"The vitality suddenly disappeared, is it all right?"

Muttering to herself, Xuan Miaoyin repeatedly pinched a few times to make sure it was all right, and the expression on her face was completely relaxed.

In the dark Xiaoqiong Peak, the dark clouds receded in an instant, returning to the sunny and sunny scene.

"It should be some kind of danger, but life is fine..."

Xuan Miaoyin muttered to herself, then she turned around and stepped into Qiongfeng Hall.



With a muffled groan, Jiang Che regained consciousness from the darkness.

Opening his eyes, he saw a dilapidated house.

At the moment, he is lying on a bed.


With a light movement, Jiang Che instantly felt a strong pain.

The soul, the body, are all very painful.

It was as if thousands of needles were piercing his flesh and blood.

Excruciating pain!

Heart-piercing feeling.

At the same time, a strong sense of powerlessness swept over.

At this moment, it was as if he had returned to the state when he was reborn, extremely weak.

The spirit is also very tired.

After practicing, this is the first time I am so imaginary!

"What is this place?"

Looking at the furnishing environment in this room, Jiang Che didn't know why.

Judging from the furnishings in the room, this should be a house for ordinary people.

"When I was resurrected by the substitute doll, I was pulled into the turbulent space, as if... the real demon also entered the turbulent space."

Jiang Che recalled the situation carefully.

He clearly remembered that he was in a life-and-death battle with the demons. In the end, he was defeated and killed by the demons. Fortunately, his substitute doll played a role, so he was able to come back to life.

But just after he was resurrected, he was pulled into the turbulent flow of space.

Then, he vaguely saw that the real demon was also pulled into the turbulent space. As for what happened afterwards, he didn't remember it at all.

The violent power of time and space in the space turbulence caused him to lose consciousness quickly.

If it wasn't for the sanctification of his physical body, he might be strangled to pieces by the terrifying power of time and space.

And just as Jiang Che was thinking, a petite figure appeared at the door.

It was a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old. Although she was dressed in plain clothes, her appearance was not bad. She looked like a beauty.

Wearing ordinary rough linen clothes, a pair of big eyes are very bright.

Jiang Che looked at the little girl, and at the same time, the little girl also looked at him.

The four eyes met, and the air instantly became quiet.


"Grandpa, big brother is awake!"

Just as Jiang Che was about to speak, the little girl turned around and ran away, shouting as she ran.

Jiang Che: "..."

Feeling weak, Jiang Che lay helplessly on the bed.

Closing his eyes, he began to examine the injuries on his body.

Qi and blood are weak, and life essence drops.

But as long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can also return to his peak.

Wu Sheng's physical body, that's not bragging.

Although he was dealt huge damage by the space turbulence, it didn't cause any fatal damage to him that was difficult to recover.

However, a certain amount of nutrition is needed, and there is still enough time to recover.

In the dantian, there is not a single drop of true energy left.

Forcibly using the Heavenly Demon Life Blade and the Five Spirit Banner, even if he swallowed a large amount of spiritual knives and miraculous medicines at that time, they were completely drained.

The stand-in doll only has the effect of resurrecting the dead, and has no ability to restore him to his peak.

Among the dantians, the Mountains and Rivers Map, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade, and the Five Spirits Banner, only these three treasures are suspended.

The rest, Xuanhuang Sword Qi, Demon Refining Cauldron, and the storage bag that he carried with him, have all vanished into thin air.

In the storage bag, there are some of his savings.

Spirit stones, pills, spells, magic weapons...all vanished into thin air!
But fortunately, Jiang Che has a habit, and there are a lot of recovery pills, some charms, etc. in the map of mountains and rivers.

The three Dao artifacts are still there, and the other treasures are lost. Although Jiang Che is heartbroken, as long as his life is still alive, then he can get everything back.

The demon book is quietly suspended in the depths of the soul, motionless.

After checking his whole body, the biggest damage is his soul!
The physical damage is not the biggest, the biggest is the damage to the soul.

When fighting with the real demon, his soul was pierced by the real demon's magic circle attack.

However, the stand-in doll has recovered, and the damage was caused by the power of space turbulence.

Compared with physical damage, it takes a long time for him to recover from soul damage.

The soul is not like the body.

Moreover, in the map of mountains and rivers, there is no panacea for soul recovery.

Only by returning to the sect can he exchange his merits for the divine elixir and quickly recover from the damage to his soul.

Consciousness penetrated into the map of mountains and rivers, and Jiang Che saw Chaos Tengu curled up beside Yuan Ling.

Seemingly aware of Jiang Che's invisible consciousness, Chaos Tengu opened his eyes all of a sudden.

"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

In an instant, Chaos Tengu got up and barked twice.

Flicking his tail, his face showed human concern.

Divine beast psychic.

The Chaos Tengu was very worried about Jiang Che's safety, and when it sensed Jiang Che's invisible spiritual consciousness, it suddenly became extremely excited.

"I'm fine. I'm just injured. Stay here obediently. When you recover a bit, you're coming out."

Jiang Che spoke to Chaos Tengu through the soul imprint, and the invisible spiritual thoughts turned into fluctuations.

After understanding Jiang Che's meaning, Chaos Tengu calmed down instantly, nodded his head, and obediently lay beside Yuan Ling.

A smile also appeared in Jiang Che's heart. Just as he was about to take the elixir to recover, he suddenly withdrew from the consciousness of the map of mountains and rivers, opened his eyes instantly, and looked towards the door of the house.

The little girl who left before returned again, and there was an old man in rough clothes beside her.

His head is full of white hair, his face is full of ravines, and his figure is stooped, but his spirit seems to be very strong.

Jiang Che didn't notice any aura of cultivation in the old man. This is an ordinary old man, but he knows some ways to cultivate his body, and he seems to be in good spirits.

The little girl followed the old man to the bed, and the old man looked at Jiang Che with a smile on his face: "Young man, you finally woke up, what a blessing!"

"That's because of Grandpa Ni's excellent medical skills."

The little girl added from the side.

Hearing the words of the old and the young, how could Jiang Che not understand that the old man in front of him saved him, otherwise, if he was in some barren mountains, he might be torn to pieces by some ferocious beast.

"Thank you old man."

Jiang Che opened his mouth slowly.

"Young man, don't move, this old man will take your pulse first." Looking at Jiang Che, the old man said.

Jiang Che nodded silently, and slowly stretched out his hand.

The old man stretched out a hand, landed on his pulse, closed his eyes, opened them after a while, withdrew his hands, and looked at Jiang Che with a smile: "Young man, your qi and blood are slowly recovering. After a few days of recuperation, there will be no major problems."

"Thank you."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Where is this place?"

Jiang Che looked at the old man and asked.

"This place is Wu Dynasty Kingdom, Panlong Mountain, and Taoyuan Village."

The old man spoke slowly.

"Wu Dynasty?"

There was a trace of bewilderment in Jiang Che's eyes.

After searching through the memories in his mind, Jiang Che stared instantly with a look of astonishment and disbelief.

Fuck - this has spread too far!
From the memory in his mind, he knew that Wu Chao Kingdom, this country, was a subsidiary country of Dagan.

It's not very strong, but among the hundreds of countries in the Eastern Desolation, it can be regarded as an upper-middle country.

The border area is only about the size of two Jingzhous!
Not too small.

Across thousands of miles!
The Dagan affiliated country also uses the Dagan Mandarin.

Of course, they also have their own language, but in order to show their loyalty to Dagan, the Wu Dynasty switched to Dagan language and circulated the whole country a long time ago.

In fact, in the territory of Donghuang, basically everyone has the influence of Daqian.

In the Eastern Wasteland, there is no country that can go head-to-head with Dagan!
Even the Yuanmeng Kingdom, which belongs to the strongest level among the hundred countries, bowed its head to Dagan!

Daqian Taizu Emperor, that is completely indestructible with fists!
And after Dagan founded the country, it almost destroyed the Yuanmeng Kingdom.

Although he didn't do anything in the end, Yuan Meng was frightened and surrendered.

The First Dynasty of the Eastern Wasteland!

The overall national strength is also number one in the Eastern Wilderness!

The military strength is also well deserved!
There are tens of millions of soldiers in the armed forces!

Among all the countries in the Eastern Desolation, no country has such a terrifying military power.

It would be awesome to have millions of troops!
With tens of millions of troops, only the Daqian Dynasty, the first country in the Eastern Desolation, had it.

Although Daqian did not unify the Eastern Wasteland, its influence is well-deserved.

Hundred nations surrender!

Before the Daqian, there was no unified dynasty.

The entire Eastern Wasteland is known as a myriad of nations!
It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's generally true.

Starting from the east and west, sweeping across the countries, and establishing a unified dynasty!

A hundred countries surrendered and became a subordinate state of Dagan, offering sacrifices to Dagan every year.

If you don't want to, then Daqian will not be merciful and directly send troops to destroy the country.

Unite in war, unite in war!
Such is the wheel of history!
From Jingzhou to Wu Chaoguo all at once? !
Jiang Che's heart twitched, and his heart was overwhelmed.

Fortunately, I have a lot of knowledge, and I have read some history about the Wu Dynasty, otherwise, I don't know where it is.

He doesn't know all the Eastern Desolation and Hundred Kingdoms.

Although he knew Wu Chaoguo, he didn't know about the Panlong Mountain and Taoyuan Village that the old man said.

He only knows the capital of the Wu Dynasty, Wujing City!
Seeing the shock, astonishment, and inconceivability on Jiang Che's face, a strange look flashed in the old man's eyes.

Looking back at the little girl beside her, she said, "Nan Nan, you go out first."


The little girl glanced at Jiang Che, nodded her head, then turned and left the room.

The old man's eyes fell on Jiang Che, and he said, "Young man, are you a son of a nobleman?"

"Um...well, little nobleman." Jiang Che nodded.

The old man smiled, looked at him, and said: "The old man has also practiced some facial features. Seeing the aura of dragon and tiger rising between your brows, you must be a real dragon in the world, and you have an extraordinary temperament, so you must not be an ordinary person like this old man."

Jiang Che: "..."

The spirit of the dragon and the tiger, the real dragon in the world...

I almost believe what you said.

"The old man has won the prize, but I can't be called a real dragon in the world."

Jiang Che shook his head and smiled.

The old man looked at him seriously, and said, "I'm not mistaken, you must be a real dragon in the world, and you will surely fly to the sky in the future."


"Old man, what's your name?"

Jiang Che changed the subject and asked.

That's all, he has embarrassment.

"The old man's single name is Xu, and his full name is Xu Bo. That little guy is the old man's granddaughter, Xu Nan, whose nickname is Nan Nan."

The old man spoke slowly.

"My surname is Jiang, and my name is Jiang Che."

Jiang Che also said his name.

"Jiang Che...a good name, then I will call you Mr. Jiang."

The old man smiled.

Immediately, he spoke again: "Young Master Jiang, were you chased by someone? Or by some monster? A few days ago, the old man went to the mountain to gather medicine and found that you were seriously injured. If it weren't for your amazing physique and deep fortune, you might be in danger."

"I met a monster, fortunately, it was resolved, but I was also injured, so I passed out."

Jiang Che spoke nonsense.

"In that case, Mr. Jiang is also a practitioner, no wonder he recovered so quickly." The old man nodded.

"Probably." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, Jiang Che looked at the old man and said, "Old man, how long have I been in a coma?"

"When this old man finds out your son, counting today, it should be half a month."

Uncle Xu said.

"Half Moon..."

"Have you been in a coma for so long... It seems that the power of this spatial turbulence cannot be underestimated!"

Jiang Che felt awe-inspiring.

He hadn't expected to be in a coma for so long.

"Mr. Jiang, you have a good rest. In the evening, the old man asked Nan Nan to bring you some food, but they are all simple and light meals. I hope you will forgive me."

Looking at Jiang Che, Uncle Xu spoke.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "You're being polite, I don't even have time to thank you."

"Then you rest first, the old man won't bother you." Uncle Xu smiled, then turned and left the room.

Watching Uncle Xu leave, Jiang Che looked at Fang Liang and fell into deep thought.

Wu Dynasty...

"It seems that I'm afraid I won't even think about going back to the sect for a while."

Jiang Che let out a breath.

"Recover your true energy first."

With a thought, Jiang Che took out the panacea and began to practice swallowing.

During the coma, Yuan Ling's feedback seemed to be cut off by the power of time and space, so he didn't get any feedback, but fortunately, he is awake now, and his contact is restored, so he can give feedback.


When night fell, the little girl came to him with a bowl of steaming porridge.

After swallowing the elixir, Jiang Che's complexion improved a lot.

The true qi has recovered a little, and the qi and blood are slowly recovering.

"Big brother, let's eat."

The little girl looked at him and said timidly.

"Thank you." Jiang Che smiled, and then he was not polite. He took a breath of porridge and drank it in one gulp.

"...Big brother, don't you feel your mouth is burning?" The little girl blinked.

"It's okay." Jiang Che smiled.

"Grandpa said that you are a cultivator. Practitioners are not afraid of heat. You can drink hot porridge in one sip. It's amazing."

The little girl asked curiously.

Jiang Che: "..."

After chatting with the little girl for a few words, watching the little girl leave, Jiang Che continued to take out the elixir and started to recover.


Time flies, five days passed.

Jiang Che's body had fully recovered, and his qi and blood had reached its peak with the few remaining panaceas.

True Qi has also recovered more than half of it under the feedback of Yuan Ling and the improvement of the elixir.

However, the damage to the soul is still profound.

The strength recovery is almost [-]% to [-]%.

However, with martial arts cultivation base, even if you encounter danger, it is enough to deal with it.

For five days, Jiang Che also went out to take a look at Taoyuan Village.

As the name suggests, all peach trees are planted in the village.

In a few days, Jiang Che also learned a lot about the situation in this village.

Taoyuan Village is not big, with only about 20 households.

The distance to the nearest town is about a hundred miles.

Taoyuan Village is a small village under the jurisdiction of Jiangshui City.

In general, he has basically mastered it.

However, it is far away from the capital of Wujing City. Uncle Xu has only walked through a few towns, and if it is farther away, he has never been there.

The range of an ordinary person is basically that big.


six days.

Early in the morning, Jiang Che got up early.

With more than [-]% of his true energy recovered, he felt that it was almost time to leave.

Pushing open the door, he saw Uncle Xu in the yard.

"Xiao Jiang, wake up so early!"

Seeing Jiang Che going out, Uncle Xu said with a smile.

Jiang Che stepped forward, looked at Uncle Xu, and said, "I got up early today, and I'm going to leave. Thank you for taking care of me these few days."

"Ah, are you leaving?"

Hearing these words, Uncle Xu was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Che nodded, and said, "I should leave now, there are still some things to deal with, so we can't delay too long."

"Oh, that's fine."

Uncle Xu nodded.

"Brother Jiang, don't go, Nan Nan still wants to hear your story about Journey to the West."

The little girl appeared at some point, heard the conversation, immediately stepped forward, grabbed his sleeve, and said pitifully.

"Xiao Nannan, be good, brother will definitely come back to see you when he has time."

Looking at the little girl, Jiang Che reached out and touched her head and said.

Hearing this, the little girl suddenly looked lonely.

On the side, Uncle Xu said: "Nan Nan, brother Jiang has something to do, don't stop him."


The little girl pouted, and let go of her little hand reluctantly.

Seeing this, Jiang Che smiled.

Spreading his hand, two golden panaceas appeared in his hands. Jiang Che handed them to Uncle Xu, saying, "Master, I have taken care of you these past few days, and I can't repay you. These two panaceas are my repayment. Taking this panacea can prolong your life and improve your physique. It's a small act of kindness, not respect."

"This...how can this be done, it's not allowed, it's too expensive."

Uncle Xu looked at the elixir and immediately shook his head.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "Please accept it, sir, otherwise, I will have mental disorders in my cultivation, so what if it's for me?"

"This... that's fine." Uncle Xu nodded, carefully accepting the two spirit pills.

Immediately, Jiang Che took out another magic talisman and handed it to Uncle Xu: "Please accept this talisman too, it can keep Nan Nan safe all her life."


"It's not a valuable thing, it's just a small thing." Seeing the hesitation on Uncle Xu's face, Jiang Che said with a smile.

"That's fine." Uncle Xu nodded.

"Okay, I'll take my leave. If there is a fate in the future, I will definitely come back to see you."

Jiang Che said seriously.

"Young Master, take care." Uncle Xu also looked serious.

The little girl looked at him reluctantly and bit her lip.

Jiang Che smiled, then turned around, and disappeared in front of the old and the young with a stride.

Seeing Jiang Che disappear in his eyes, Uncle Xu heaved a long sigh.

But suddenly, he found a small bag and a book on the ground.

When he stepped forward to pick it up, Jiang Che's voice rang in Uncle Xu's ear.

"Here is a book on how to practice. I read Nannan's roots, and I can practice. Uncle Xu can consider whether to let Nannan practice. There are some spiritual stones in the bag. Don't let outsiders know about it, just leave it!"

The voice seemed to be speaking in his mind, and after a while, Uncle Xu came back to his senses.

Looking at the book in his hand, looking at the small bag, he looked at the direction where Jiang Che disappeared, and said, "May my son ascend to the nine heavens..."

"Grandpa, what is this?"

Nan Nan stepped forward, looked at the book and the small bag in Grandpa's hand, and blinked curiously.

Uncle Xu lowered his head and pondered for a while, finally, he gritted his teeth, looked at Nan Nan, and said, "Nan Nan, do you want to practice?"


"Is it like becoming a big brother?"

The little girl tilted her head and looked at her grandfather curiously.

Uncle Xu nodded silently.

Stars appeared in the little girl's eyes.

"I am willing."

Nan Nan opened the mouth and said.

Uncle Xu nodded and said, "Come on, let's go into the house. Grandpa will show you."

The little girl nodded, and then the old and the young stepped into the house.


After stepping out of Taoyuan Village, a faint light flashed on Jiang Che's shoulder, and the Chaos Tengu appeared on his shoulder in an instant.

It is safer to bring the Chaos Tengu with you. Once you enter the city, you can put it in the Mountain and River Map.

There are also monsters rampant in the Wu Dynasty, so he still has to be careful.

"Wang Wang~"

The Chaos Tengu stood on his shoulder and barked twice excitedly.

"You little guy..."

Jiang Che stroked Chaos Tengu's head with a smile on his face.

Chaos Tengu also showed a look of enjoyment.

"Go, it's time to go back."

Jiang Che opened his mouth, and with one breath, he shrunk to an inch and exploded, disappearing into the mountain road in an instant.


all the way.

Until night fell, Jiang Che came outside a city.

Passing by the Jiangshui city mentioned by Uncle Xu during the day, Jiang Che didn't stop too much. He inquired about the direction of Wujing City, bought a map of the whole country, bought some clothes, and continued to leave.

Looking at the city in front of him, Jiang Che quietly opened his eyes.

The fire of the world of mortals is burning in the void, which proves that the popularity of this city is strong.


Looking carefully, Jiang Che seemed to see the spirit of a demon in the flames of the world of mortals.

A wisp of black demonic aura is entrenched in the fire of the world of mortals, and it is easy to ignore if you don't look carefully.

"There are monsters in the city..."

"Dare to lurk in the city so boldly, it seems that you are not an ordinary little monster."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, his eyes flashed.

There are demons, that's fine.

He didn't mind beheading demons on the way, so maybe before returning to Daozong, he would be able to fully recover from all his injuries.

"Enter the city first."

After closing the Sky Eye, Jiang Che stepped into the city.

I chose an inn in the city and stayed there.

(End of this chapter)

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