I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 109 Human Immortal Skeleton Ultimate Taoist Artifact Yin Yang 2 Qi 【Subscription】

Chapter 109 Human Immortal Skeleton Ultimate Taoist Artifact Yin Yang Two Qi 【Subscription】

Late at night, midnight.

The sky is like ink, and the moon is as cool as water.

The city was quiet.


There was a knocking sound.

One day later, Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the night outside the window, and slowly got up.

Standing in front of the window, Jiang Che looked far away, looking in a direction far away.

"It's almost time."

Muttering to himself, with the next breath, Jiang Che made a tactic with one hand, a flash of spiritual light bloomed, and with the next breath, the aura in his whole body was completely hidden.


With a leap, Jiang Che's figure disappeared into the pitch-black night like a bird.

Moving around the houses, Jiang Che soon came to an ancient temple in the south of the city.

Jing'an Temple!
Looking at the name of the ancient temple, Jiang Che didn't stop, and jumped over the two-foot-high courtyard wall in an instant.

The temple is very quiet, only a little bit of light shines.

Through powerful perception, Jiang Che quickly understood the situation of the monastery.

This is a monastery with only a dozen monks.

The temple is not big.

The front yard, the main hall, the back yard and several side guest yards.

Moving forward like a ghost in the darkness, Jiang Che soon came to the back of the temple.

His gaze fell on an ancient well in the backyard.

The evil spirit of demons diffused from the ancient well.


In a flash, Jiang Che came to this ancient well, looked at the well water in the well, a spiritual light bloomed in his hand, and an enchantment talisman appeared instantly.


With a thought, the enchantment talisman instantly burst into a dark light, covering the ancient well.

Formed an enchantment, completely imprisoned one side of the world.

Even if the ancient well is turned upside down, no one will notice it from outside.

The enchantment talisman covered the ancient well, and at the next breath, Jiang Che made a tactic with one hand, and the water-avoiding tactic flowed all over his body. With a leap, Jiang Che silently dived into the ancient well.

The icy well water was very bitter, but with the water avoidance formula, Jiang Che didn't feel any discomfort.

The water in the well is very deep, even after diving [-] meters, it still hasn't bottomed out.

Jiang Che didn't reach the bottom of the ancient well until about 150 meters away.

The water of the ancient well goes directly to the river outside the city, with a wide range.

At the bottom of the ancient well, Jiang Che saw some bones.

human skeleton.

He couldn't see his fingers in the dark well water, but it didn't affect him.

Even without looking, with his extraordinary perception, he can perceive the surrounding situation.

Looking around, Jiang Che's eyes locked on a hole on the left side at the bottom of the ancient well.

The hole is not big, about the size of a normal dog hole.

The evil spirit of the demon spread out from this hole.


Jiang Che's breath was released, and powerful Qi and blood instantly spread out.

Use your own qi and blood to attract demons to take the bait.

Sure enough, the moment his qi and blood were released, there was movement in the dark cave.

Blisters emerge, followed by a long, smooth shadow.

It is a black snake.

The ferocious snake head poked out of the hole, and its eyes locked on Jiang Che's body.

"Black Water Mysterious Snake!"

Looking at the black snake, Jiang Che recognized it at a glance.

"It's still an ancient alien species..."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

And in the next breath, the black water black snake in the cave suddenly sprang out, revealing the body of the snake two feet long and thick as a bucket, and the terrifying evil spirit of demons filled the air.

It is comparable to the existence of Jindan in the later stage.

Moving freely in the water, he rushed towards Jiang Che all at once, and a black poisonous water arrow spewed out from the ferocious snake mouth, locking onto his figure.


Although his strength in the water was limited to a certain extent, the impact was not great, otherwise, he would not have dived into the water rashly.

With a flash of dim light, Jiang Che quickly dodged the attack of the poisonous water arrow.

But in the next second, a thick tail drew over directly.

The water swayed away, Jiang Che didn't dodge or dodge, stretched out with one hand, and grabbed the tail of the black water snake.


The water flow was turbulent, and a terrifying power erupted. Jiang Che slammed the black water snake directly onto the rock wall.

The Black Water Snake was furious, and opened its bloody mouth wide, and the black air stream flowed through its mouth, and several poisonous water arrows spewed out again.


With a sprint, Jiang Che quickly disappeared in place, and in the next breath, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade appeared in his hand.


Dao rhyme permeated the blade, and a faint light bloomed. When the blade fell, it cut off the head of the Black Water Profound Snake very smoothly.

The ferocious snake's head fell to the ground.

However, he didn't die completely. A false and real shadow sprang out from the snake's body. Jiang Che exploded with all the power of Qi and blood. A punch containing the artistic conception of a martial saint landed on the shadow. The sun-like Qi and blood instantly shattered the shadow.

The Black Water Profound Snake was completely out of his wits.

The demon book vibrated, and the characters appeared in the eyes.

Hong Zi Bapin!

On the ground, the body of the decapitated Blackwater Profound Snake was still squirming instinctively. With a thought, Jiang Che quickly put the body of the Blackwater Profound Snake into the map of mountains and rivers.

The snakehead didn't let it go, and earned it in the Shanhetu space.

The monsters under Jing'an Temple were quickly wiped out.

But Jiang Che didn't leave, but looked towards the pitch-black cave entrance.

There was still demonic aura left in the cave, but besides the demonic aura, he seemed to sense another special aura.

He checked with his spiritual sense, and there seemed to be an enchantment covering the cave, blocking his spiritual sense.

This scene aroused his curiosity even more.

The black water snake is dead.

He can be sure that there are no other monsters in the cave, but what is that special breath?
Jiang Che was very suspicious.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, he felt that the invisible breath seemed to be stronger.

"Could it be..."

"What else is weird here?"

A thought came to mind, and Jiang Che didn't dare to be careless.

Holding the Sky Demon Life Blade in his hand, he bent over and entered the cave.

The hole is not big, but you can enter it by bending over.

Entering the cave, it was still pitch black.

Jiang Che bent forward and walked almost a hundred meters away. In the dark cave, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

"Sure enough, there are ghosts!"

Seeing the bright light, Jiang Che tightened his grip on the Sky Demon Life Blade.

Proceed cautiously towards the light.

Soon, he came to the place of light.

A layer of enchantment covers this place.

And the radiance is exactly the enchantment radiating.

After the enchantment, there is a bigger cave.

Standing at the entrance of the barrier, Jiang Che still couldn't get a full view of the situation in the cave.

Reaching out to touch it, his hand easily passed through the barrier.

With a movement of the body, the whole person passed through the barrier and entered the cave.

The cave is very dry and has a stench. It seems that this is the old nest of the black water snake.

The enchantment blocked the water flow, and there was no water intrusion in the cave.

It's not dark here, there is a huge bead inlaid on the top.

It is a huge fluorite bead.

Radiates a light that illuminates the entire cave.

Looking around the cave, Jiang Che's eyes instantly fell on the corner of the cave.

A crystal-clear jade skeleton remained motionless in a corner of the cave while sitting cross-legged.

The bones are like glazed jade, exuding jade-colored light.

On the chest of the skeleton, there is also a yin and yang jade pendant.

Although it seemed that it had been dead for a long time, only the skeleton was left, but this skeleton still exuded a powerful coercion.

During his lifetime, he must have been a remarkable existence.

Looking at this strange skeleton, Jiang Che could be sure that the invisible aura emanated from this skeleton.

"The bones are glazed like jade, could this be..."

"Human skeleton!"

Jiang Che's pupils were severely damaged, and his heart exploded instantly.

Immortal bones!

He took a closer look and was sure that this was definitely the skeleton of a human immortal.

When a human immortal falls, the body can remain immortal for a hundred years, and the skeleton can even last for a thousand years.

Only by cultivating into a martial arts immortal can one's own bones transform into glazed bones.

It is also the so-called golden body of glass!

Disasters and catastrophes!

Under a small Jing'an Temple, there is actually a skeleton of a human immortal.

Jiang Che didn't expect to kill him.

Immortals are already on top of the world.

Martial arts adult immortals can have a thousand-year lifespan!

Which human immortal skeleton is this?
Jiang Che's heart was turbulent. Looking at this human skeleton, he was inconceivable.

Is it the end of life, natural death, or being killed by people?

Thoughts came to his mind.

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed on the human skeleton.

If the body is destroyed and only bones remain, it means that this human immortal has been dead for more than a hundred years, which is the least.

The flesh of a human immortal can last at least a hundred years without decay.

The time of death is definitely more than a hundred years.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the yin-yang jade pendant on the skeleton's chest.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che stepped forward.

Look at the yin and yang jade pendant on the chest of this immortal skeleton.

Black and white, with two yin and yang fish depicted on it.

As he approached, he could feel that this jade pendant... seemed to be stronger than his Sky Demon Life Blade.

"Extreme Taoist Artifact?!"

Jiang Che blinked and felt the invisible power on the yin-yang jade pendant. He could be sure that it was a powerful Taoist weapon.

It's just that he doesn't know the purpose of this Taoist weapon.

"This is my chance. If I take it, this senior shouldn't mind."

A thought popped up in Jiang Che's mind, and he blinked his eyes as he looked at the human fairy skeleton in front of him.

"Senior, don't you mind?"

Jiang Che subconsciously blurted out.

Human Immortal Skeleton: "..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Che felt that his brain was out of control, could he still communicate with the bones?

This one has been dead for more than a hundred years.


But as soon as the words fell, the yin and yang jade pendant on the chest of the immortal skeleton suddenly burst into black and white light.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom emerged from the black and white divine light.

Jiang Che instantly looked at the phantom in the black and white divine light.

It looks like a middle-aged man.

Majestic, with a kingly air!
Jiang Che: "???"

Can you really respond?
Jiang Che looked stunned and confused.

But at this moment, the phantom in the black and white divine light spoke, with a cold and heartless voice: "My junior, I don't know who you are, but since you can come here and stimulate the phantom of my mind as before, it means that you are also a destined person of this seat. This seat has nothing to give, only the yin and yang jade pendant on your body, you can take it, I believe it is also a chance."

"However, if you get the opportunity of this seat, you should remember that when the human race faces the catastrophe of the demon race in the future, you must stand up for the human race and kill the demon race. I don't ask you to repel the demon race by yourself. However, you also need to contribute your own strength to protect our human race and prosper forever!"

"Protect my human race, Wannian Yongchang!"

The last voice entered Jiang Che's mind as if it had magical power.

As soon as the words fell, the black and white divine light disappeared, and the yin-yang jade pendant on the immortal skeleton flew up automatically and landed in his hand.

A warm feeling came, and his soul instantly felt very comfortable, as if the damage had recovered a little.

And at the moment when the yin-yang jade pendant fell off, the bones of the human immortal turned black instantly, and a wave of devilish energy diffused from the bones, and the glazed jade bones instantly turned black. In the next breath, the bones collapsed, scattered on the ground, and turned into a pile of broken bones.

The color of the glazed jade faded away, leaving only black, in which was permeated with devilish energy, Jiang Che was no stranger to this devilish energy, it was the same devilish energy as when fighting with real devils in the time and space of the ancient ruins.

Jiang Che looked at the bones of the immortals eroded by the devilish energy, and then at the yin-yang jade pendant in his hand. He fell into deep thought.

He just came to Jing'an Temple to kill a demon, but he didn't expect to meet the skeleton of a human fairy, let alone get a top-grade Taoist weapon.

And inexplicably shouldered the responsibility of protecting the human race...

Please, I just want to kill a demon.

Is it so outrageous?

Jiang Che's heart was turbulent.

Good guy, TV dramas dare not act like this!

It's off the charts!
"Senior, if there is such a day... Well, I will do my best."

Looking at the blackened skeleton of a human fairy, Jiang Che murmured.

Immediately, he came back to his senses, his true energy surged, he quickly dug a hole on the ground with the Sky Demon Life Blade, and immediately buried the blackened bones.

At the same time, he did not forget to expel and shatter the demonic energy above.

If you are dead, you can't be eroded by the breath of the demons like this.

Jiang Che didn't have any righteousness for the human race, but he also knew that this human immortal should be one of the most powerful people of the human race.

In order to fight against the demons, he died in the end.

He died, and died on the way to protect the human race.

There is no time to be quiet, but someone is secretly blocking the disaster.

Immortals are not immortal.

At this moment, Jiang Che's Dao heart was even more aroused.

It must be strong enough to protect what it wants to protect.

If he hadn't had a substitute doll at the beginning, he might have to use Yuan Ling to resurrect him in the end.

Speaking of which, there are some similarities.

It was because of fighting against the demons that it became so miserable.

Jiang Che also has a deep understanding of the horror of the demons.

The same is the end of the world!

After burying the bones of the immortal, Jiang Che put away the yin-yang jade pendant, checked the cave again, found nothing else, and then left.

However, Jiang Che still has some doubts.

Why didn't the black water snake take the jade pendant?
Is it possible that there are protective measures?Only the human race can win?
Although he was curious in his heart, he didn't pursue anything.

Just get it yourself, so why bother with so much right and wrong...


Leaving the ancient well, Jiang Che looked at the pitch-black night sky, removed the enchantment talisman, and left Jing'an Temple without a sound.

It was a pure accident to get a top-grade Taoist artifact.

But if there is a baby, he naturally doesn't mind accepting it.

As for the catastrophe of the human race in the future, that is too far away, and it is not his consideration.

There are so many supreme beings.

The sky is falling, and there are stronger giants to support it.

Although his strength is good, it is not his turn to worry about such matters.


After returning to the inn, Jiang Che took a thought and directly claimed the reward.

With a flash of light, a ray of black and white air appeared in his hands.

Jiang Che: "???"

Black and white again...

Jiang Che was taken aback for a moment, looking at the black and white in front of him.

It seems that it is similar to Xuanhuang Sword Qi.

At this moment, the font also appeared in his eyes.

Yin and Yang two qi: transformed by the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth, this qi can be refined and cultivated into yin and yang sky eyes. When facing the enemy, it can emit yin and yang divine light to severely injure the enemy. At the same time, it also has the ability to see through the changes of all monsters. This qi increases its power with the increase in cultivation level...

The gloomy characters gradually dissipated, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

A flash of color flashed in his eyes.

The reward this time also greatly exceeded his expectations!

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che was determined, and quickly began to refine this qi.

Yin-Yang Tianyan, his eyes can explode with Yin-Yang divine light, although he doesn't know how powerful it is, but he feels that it shouldn't be bad.

And the ability to see through the changes of demons is also quite practical.

If a powerful demon transforms into a human being, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it even standing in front of you.

With this ability, it is quite good.


The yin and yang energy submerged into Jiang Che's eyes for an instant, and there was a sharp pain, and tears flowed from Jiang Che's eyes.

Enduring the pain, Jiang Che continued refining.

It doesn't matter if it hurts a little bit, just endure it and pass it.


No sleep for one night.

It was early in the morning that Jiang Che opened his eyes from refining.

A ray of black and white air can be seen swimming in the double pupils.

Jiang Che looked out the window, and in the next breath, black and white lights burst out of his eyes.


In the sky, a crow flew by by chance, but in the next breath, it was directly hit by the yin and yang divine light, and instantly disappeared.

The black and white light in Jiang Che's pupils dissipated and returned to normal.

Really * looks kill!
One look, there is a terrifying power.

Whoever stares at him will die!

Jiang Che was in a great mood.

With a big smile on his face.

After the initial refinement, judging from the blow just now, the power of Yin-Yang Divine Light is probably no less than Xuanhuang Sword Qi.

There are gaps, but not by much.

As long as you continue to practice, the power of the Yin-Yang Sky Eye will increase, and the burst of Yin-Yang Divine Light will also become stronger.


Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che got up immediately.

Coming to the window, looking at the figures in twos and threes on the street, Jiang Che was in a good mood.

"Let's leave after refining the Yin-Yang jade pendant."

Jiang Che had a flash of thought, and then he went out to renew the rent for a few days, wandered around the small town, and experienced the exotic customs, and then Jiang Che returned to the inn.


Five days passed in a flash.

In five days, Jiang Che finally refined the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant and completed the sacrificial refining, but it was only a preliminary sacrificial refining, a top-grade Taoist artifact, and he was still unable to exert its powerful power.

Refining the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant instantly healed Jiang Che's soul wounds.

Infuriatingly restored, completely restored to peak state.

The yin and yang jade pendant is an auxiliary magic weapon.

It has healing effect, especially for the soul of the primordial spirit, it is more powerful, and it also has a certain effect on the recovery of the physical body.

Jiang Che also felt incredible.

After refining the yin-yang jade pendant, Jiang Che could feel that his cultivation was much smoother.

"It won't be long before we can reach the peak of the true state of mind."

Jiang Che was in a good mood.

This opportunity is great for him!
Moreover, the yin-yang jade pendant does not only have auxiliary effects.

At the same time, there is also a powerful attack, with extraordinary power.

Among the yin and yang jade pendants, there are nine thousand nine hundred and nineteen yin and yang formations.

If all nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Yin-Yang formations can be activated, then the Yin-Yang formation of heaven and earth can be evolved!
Mobilize the yin and yang energy of the world, carry out a steady stream of attacks, and bombard the enemy vigorously.

If you fall into the yin and yang formation, it will be difficult to escape.

The continuous attacks are not only endless, but also infinitely powerful.

When all the power erupts, it is also at the destruction level.

The best Taoist weapon!

I am afraid that it is rare in Daozong.

However, to activate the 99 Yin-Yang formations, it was impossible for Jiang Che to drain his true energy.

Even if one cultivates the Golden Core, it is impossible to fully stimulate the full power of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant.

Only by achieving the primordial spirit can one have enough strength to stimulate.

However, if all the nine god kings of the god kings of the heavens are successfully cultivated, it is not impossible to activate them in the golden core state.

Of course, this is only when he reaches the peak of Jindan, he will have enough true energy to support him.

But even if it can stimulate Xiaotiandi's yin and yang formation, the power is very terrifying.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine yin-yang formations can form a small world yin-yang formation.

However, the current true energy also cannot support Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation.

The gap is too big, and the cultivation level is too low.

A powerful magic weapon also needs enough time to be able to arouse all its power.

If it was an immortal weapon, he might not even be able to move it right in front of him.

The stronger the magic weapon, the stronger the cultivation base is needed to support the power of the magic weapon.

"It's time to leave and go to Wujing..."

Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che immediately left the room.

Check out and leave.

After Jiang Che stepped out of the city, he headed towards Wujing City.

Returning to Dagan, he also had to pass through Wujing City.

Since he came to Wu Chao Kingdom, Jiang Che had to see the capital of Wu Chao Kingdom no matter what.

It's not in vain to come here.


A few days passed quickly.

After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che also came to the capital of the Wu Dynasty Kingdom.

Wujing City!
In the suburbs, on the hillside, Jiang Che stood on the hillside overlooking the capital of the Wu Dynasty Kingdom.

At the entrance of the towering city gate, there is a constant flow of people coming in and out,

The fire of the world of mortals was burning fiercely, almost showing a red light in the sky.

Reflect the universe and the earth!

Although it is not as powerful as the fire of the world compared with the capital of Daqian, he feels that it is stronger than Yuan, the capital of Youzhou.

In the depths of the majestic red dust fire, there is also a golden dragon entrenched.

This is the true spirit of the national destiny of the Wu Dynasty.

Golden Flood Dragon!

And Daqian's true spirit of national destiny is the real dragon of luck.

Among the hundreds of countries in the Eastern Desolation, no country can match the national fortune of the Dagan Kingdom.

Although it is not as powerful as Dagan Guoyun, it is still considered powerful.

Jiang Che glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

The capital of the Wu Dynasty Kingdom is a city with a large population.

There are millions of resident population.

Coupled with the floating population, it basically reached tens of millions.

Good luck.

Under normal circumstances, no monsters could sneak into the capital.

Because it will be discovered by the true spirit of luck.

Unless you can have the ability to completely cover up the breath.

However, monsters of that level are all existences of the peerless demon king level.

At least it is also a demon who has cultivated into a giant of the primordial spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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