Chapter 111
Well, it's okay if you don't reveal your identity, this time...

Horse riding is even worse!


A shocking aura burst out from the body of the nine-tailed demon fox, and with the next breath, the situation changed.

Nine tails appeared behind him, full of a strange feeling.

Jiang Che also felt a deep pressure.

However, the nine-tailed demon fox in front of him is not yet at the level of a real demon, and Jiang Che is not too afraid.

"Boy, did you feel comfortable flirting with me just now? Wait a moment, I will play with you and let you enjoy it."

Looking at Jiang Che, the nine-tailed demon fox's pupils were filled with murderous aura, and his voice sounded like ice.


"Brother Dao, are you so powerful?"

Shen Gongbao stared at Jiang Che in disbelief.

"Primitive spirits and monsters can easily molested, brother Dao, you are really a role model for my generation!"

Shen Gongbao gave a thumbs up with a look of admiration.

Jiang Che: "..."

Ma De, is this guy having a convulsion?
Is this the point of the question?

Jiang Che's heart twitched, but before he could say anything to him, the sealed energy and blood were instantly released.


Wu Sheng's breath permeated in an instant.


Sensing the martial sage aura from Jiang Che, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was startled for an instant.

How could he be a martial saint?
"Fortunately, it's just a junior Martial Saint..."

In an instant, the nine-tailed demon fox calmed down again, its demonic aura surged, and a powerful hand grabbed Jiang Che in an instant.

If it was a high-level martial saint or a peak martial saint, then she would definitely run away immediately, but she is only a junior martial saint, so there is no big problem.

If she captures the Taoist priest in front of her, absorbing the yang energy of a martial saint will definitely make her strength skyrocket!
"Wu Sheng?!"

Shen Gongbao was also shocked, and looked at Jiang Che in surprise.


Looking at the attacking hands with great vitality, Jiang Che unhesitatingly launched the Immovable King Fist, all his qi and blood erupted, like a sun in the dark night, the artistic conception merged, the vigor crushed the surrounding air, and he punched like a dragon, rushing out directly.


The big hand of vitality collided with the fist of artistic conception, and the surrounding woods were instantly destroyed by a powerful wave of air.

The devastating shock wave shook the air, creating a crack in space.

Shen Gongbao didn't know what kind of technique he used, but he disappeared in place the moment the attack collided, avoiding the destructive wave.


A dragon chant exploded in the darkness, with a golden light, a sky dragon instantly turned into a huge seal, and smashed towards the nine-tailed fox.


Seeing the attacking giant seal, one of the tails of the nine-tailed demon fox moved, and a cyan light burst out, colliding with the Tianlong Town magic seal instantly.

The figures of the two stepped back a few steps at the same time.


Jiang Che's eyes suddenly burst into a yin and yang light, and he rushed towards the nine-tailed demon fox in an instant.

Although his cultivation base is low, his combat experience is definitely no less than this primordial spirit-level nine-tailed demon fox.

The air pierced through, and the terrifying yin and yang divine light instantly hit the bloodstain on one tail of the nine-tailed demon fox.

"Can eyes kill?"

The nine-tailed demon fox was shocked.

But at this moment, a violent vitality surged, and in the next breath, the infinite spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered, and a ferocious white lion appeared in the void, with a terrifying aura.


The white lion roared, let out a roar, and a terrifying white divine light rushed towards the nine-tailed demon fox.

Shen Gongbao made a move!

I don't know what kind of supernatural power this is, but Jiang Che feels that this guy's blow is stronger than his own Tianlongzhen magic seal.

After all, he is a disciple from the Great Sect of Central Continent, and his strength is by no means as simple as his cultivation.

Although not as perverted as Jiang Che, he still has the strength to fight against the giant of the soul.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion resounded in the outskirts of Wujing City. Fortunately, it is more than [-] miles away from Wujing City, and the shock could not be transmitted to Wujing City for a while.

"Monster, take another blow from my Tianshi!"

Shen Gongbao's voice sounded, and the empty white lion spit out divine light again, and rushed towards the nine-tailed demon fox.

"damn it!"

The eyes of the nine-tailed demon fox flickered, and the cold air filled the air. With a breath, the nine tails moved, and the nine rays of light rushed out, fused into one, and instantly met the blow of his Tianshi.


This time, the nine-tailed demon fox had the absolute upper hand and directly destroyed Tianshi Shenguang with terrifying strength.

In the next second, blue light swept across the Tianshi, instantly shattering the Void Tianshi.


Shen Gongbao spit out a mouthful of blood instantly when his magical powers were shattered, and the divine light in his eyes dimmed by three points.

But at this moment, Jiang Che made another attack, and Wan Dao's sword energy condensed and turned into a heaven-shaking divine sword, piercing through the void and killing the nine-tailed demon fox.


Seeing this blow, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox snorted coldly, moved its white palm, and struck quickly, countless blue lights bloomed.

"Heavenly Demon Killer!"

A cold voice sounded, and the blue light turned into a hand of divine light, instantly shattering Jiang Che's Heavenly Sword lore.

This terrifying blow made Baili Void tremble.

After shattering the Heavenly Sword, the terrifying hand rushed towards his figure with the remaining power.


At the critical moment, Jiang Che instantly disappeared on the spot.


In the next breath, a huge handprint of several feet appeared on the ground, and the earth was blasted to a depth of several tens of feet.

Fortunately, Jiang Che reacted quickly enough and escaped unharmed.


With a lion's roar, Shen Gongbao once again rallied the Tianshi to kill the nine-tailed demon fox.

This time, he condensed five heavenly lions in one breath.

It seems to have formed some kind of special formation, the breath is connected together, and the power instantly soars several times, even the face of the nine-tailed demon fox changes drastically in an instant.

Jiang Che also took advantage of the opportunity, shrinking the ground to an inch and bursting out, the Fudo King Fist was activated again, combining all the power and the artistic conception of the martial sage, blasting towards the nine-tailed demon fox.

The physical body is his most powerful strength, even the nine-tailed demon fox is not as powerful as his martial arts cultivation base.

Only by making use of one's own advantages and giving full play to one's strength can one have greater lethality.

With such a powerful assistant as Shen Gongbao, he did not use the Sky Demon Life Blade for the time being.

If you don't move, you're done, and if you move, you must kill with one blow.

A middle-grade Taoist weapon consumes too much of his energy.

If he hit with all his strength, he couldn't swing it a few times.

Light bloomed in the dark night, and powerful shock waves swept through the void.

With five heavenly lions on his feet, Shen Gongbao's aura is enough to touch the nine-tailed demon fox.

Two against one, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was at a disadvantage in an instant.

One is supernatural, and the other is terrifying in martial arts.

The nine-tailed demon fox felt that he didn't read the almanac when he went out. These two guys who didn't look strong, but when they fought, they couldn't even catch up with themselves.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound of the explosion trembled, and the shock wave shattered the surrounding air, bursting the vitality of the world.

Powerful air waves continuously hit the surroundings like tides.

Under the extreme confrontation, the firepower of the two was basically fully fired.

The combination of five heavenly lions caused the nine-tailed demon fox a headache.

In addition, whether Jiang Che came for a while made her want to vomit blood.


Shocked with one blow, the nine-tailed demon fox let out a long howl, and with the next breath, it directly transformed into its main body, and a huge terrifying fox with a head measuring one foot in length appeared.


The nine tails trembled, the blue light flashed, and rushed out with the power to destroy everything. In an instant, the five heavenly lions shattered.

Shen Gongbao vomited blood again.

Jiang Che was also shaken back, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The nine-tailed demon fox, which manifested itself in its original form, turned around in an instant, and the strength it showed directly crushed the two of them.


As a last resort, Jiang Che directly revealed the Heavenly Demon Life Blade, the blade shattered the void, and the berserk blade energy swept in, pouring all the true energy into it, fully arousing the power of the middle-grade Taoist weapon.

Even the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, which had manifested itself, felt the pressure from this blow.

The nine tails trembled, and the blue light bloomed, forming a huge blue enchantment, protecting the body.


The Heavenly Demon Spiritual Blade fell, and cracks appeared in the cyan enchantment instantly, and it shattered in one breath.


The powerful air wave submerged the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, and the saber energy criss-crossed the void.

In the light, the body of the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly rushed out.

There are also many scars on the huge body.

A blow from the Sky Demon Life Blade injured the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in its main form.

But this result made Jiang Che feel very unsatisfactory.

After all, he still underestimated the strength of the primordial spirit monster.

Even with a single blow from a middle-grade Taoist weapon, it can only do damage, and the possibility of killing it is too slim.

If it weren't for Shen Gongbao's help, I'm afraid I would have to run away.

"Monster, retreat immediately, otherwise, you will be in great trouble!"

Shen Gongbao suddenly spoke angrily.

But at this moment, the nine-tailed demon fox has red eyes.

Jiang Che was also speechless. At this time, these words are meaningless.

It is already at the critical moment of life and death, how could it be possible to retreat.


The nine-tailed demon fox swears, and with a breath, the nine-tails moved, and the terrifying attack rushed towards the two of them in an instant.

The void trembles!

"You forced it, Brother Dao, retreat quickly!"

Shen Gongbao spoke again, and with the next breath, the Taoist robes all over his body burst.

On his body, a black divine pattern bloomed from his body, and a burst of black energy rushed into the sky in an instant, straight into the sky.


In the next second, in the dark sky, a pillar of thunder the thickness of a bucket descended from the sky.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Che was startled for an instant, and retreated instantly.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox froze for a moment, but Lei Zhu seemed to have locked on to her, before he had time to think about it, blue light flashed all over his body, forming a powerful barrier.


A terrifying pillar of thunder instantly enveloped the nine-tailed demon fox.

The enchantment lasted for a few breaths and instantly shattered, and the huge body of the nine-tailed demon fox was shrouded in thunder.

A painful voice came.

And at this moment, a dazzling ray of light bloomed in the sky, rushing towards the earth.

And the direction is exactly where the nine-tailed demon fox is.

"That is……"


Jiang Che's scalp felt numb for an instant, and without hesitation, he came back to his senses in an instant, and ran away like a jerk.

This shit is too terrifying, even meteorites can fall, this Shen Gongbao is simply the chosen one!

A huge meteorite fell from the sky.

At this moment, in Wujing City, countless pairs of eyes cast their eyes on the sky.

Meteorite? !
How could this happen all of a sudden? !

At this moment, the entire city of Wujing exploded.

At this moment, the nine-tailed demon fox had just broken through the lightning damage, but this time, the meteorite had already landed less than a thousand meters above his head.

A terrifying aura swept over, before the meteorite hit the ground, an irresistible divine power swept over.

The breath of death surged into my heart instantly.

At the very moment, a golden object suddenly appeared in the hands of the nine-tailed demon fox, which radiated bright golden light and enveloped the entire body.


The meteorite landed, and a devastating shock wave swept across the entire Wujing City.

Jiang Che immediately vomited blood, and even if he ran for a certain distance, he was still shocked by the aftermath of the impact of the meteorite.

The ground cracked, and a powerful shock wave swept across Wujing City.

In an instant, in Wujing City, high-rise buildings shook, as if there was an earthquake.

Everyone woke up from the dream.

Some houses were directly destroyed under the powerful shock wave.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the luck dragon broke out, and a powerful golden light wave enveloped the whole city, blocking the destructive wave brought by the meteorite.

But even so, there were heavy casualties in Wujing City.

The ground outside the city was directly cracked, and the rivers were broken.

A scene like annihilation.

Wave after wave of impact, the grass and trees disappeared in an instant.

This devastating scene shocked the soul.


Jiang Che spat out blood again, and stood up unsteadily.

The meteorite locked on the nine-tailed demon fox. He can be sure that even the giant Yuanshen will definitely not be able to withstand the bombardment force of the heaven and earth meteorite.

But when the fluctuation subsided a little, an illusory blue light rushed out from the center of destruction, it was the remnant soul of the nine-tailed demon fox!

"This is not dead?!"

Jiang Che's pupils trembled violently, but he didn't have time to think about it. Even with the injuries in his body, he still wanted to kill the remnant soul.


The sky demon life blade exploded with a peerless blow, locking the remnant soul of the nine-tailed demon fox.

The true qi in the body was completely drained, and the strongest blow burst out.

"Do not!!"

The remnant soul roared unwillingly, but now the nine-tailed demon fox had no strength, and was completely killed by the blow of the sky demon life blade.

Yuanshen giant monster, fall!

Jiang Che's soul trembled, the demon book trembled violently, and a shining purple light cluster bloomed in his mind.

Gloomy characters appeared in his eyes.

The fifth grade of Zhou Zi!


Jiang Che knelt down on one knee, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand pierced into the cracked ground, panting like a cow.

Taking out the only elixir left in the Mountain and River Map, Jiang Che swallowed it in one go.

With a trace of true energy recovered, he staggered to his feet.

Looking at the devastated land in front of him, the impact of the meteorite directly smashed hundreds of miles away and was riddled with holes.

If it weren't for Wujing City being guarded by the Luck Dragon, it might not only be riddled with holes, but it would be completely destroyed.

This blow was like the power of a god!

Jiang Che was the first to look towards the center of destruction, where a huge meteorite ten feet in size came into view.

The center was smashed to a depth of more than ten feet, and the black meteorite still showed some signs of redness.

"By the way, Shen Gongbao!"

Suddenly, Jiang Che came back to his senses, and suddenly came to the pit of the center of destruction.

Looking at the deep pit, the corpse of the nine-tailed demon fox has completely disappeared, and there is not a single scum left by the meteorite.

He glanced around, but he didn't see Shen Gongbao.

"Did you also die under the meteorite?"

A thought popped into his mind, and suddenly, Jiang Che saw a fainted figure on the cracked ground not far away.

It was Shen Gongbao.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che instantly came in front of Shen Gongbao.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao's breath of life has dropped to freezing point.

It seems that there is a possibility of dying at any time.

"Fortunately, there is still a breath!"

Sensing Shen Gongbao's aura, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he came back to his senses and turned his gaze to the meteorite.

A meteorite from an extraterrestrial starry sky, this is an extremely valuable refining treasure.

Can't be wasted.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che directly manifested the map of mountains and rivers, opened the time and space of the map of mountains and rivers, the light shrouded the meteorite, and moved into the time and space little by little.


After consuming nearly [-]% of his soul power, Jiang Che managed to move the meteorite into the space of Mountains and Rivers.


The meteorite fell into the space of Shanhetu, instantly making Shanhetu tremble.

Jiang Che was sweating profusely. Looking in the direction of Wujing City, he sensed a powerful aura chasing him. Without hesitation, he shrunk to an inch and burst out, leading the fainted Shen Gongbao to run away.

Killing the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, if it weren't for Shen Gongbao's catastrophic physique, I'm afraid it would be just an extravagant wish.

Naturally, Jiang Che would not refuse to save him.

And not long after Jiang Che disappeared with Shen Gongbao, several figures appeared in front of the huge crater.

There are men and women.

Everyone's breath is very scary.

Looking at the huge crater in front of them, everyone was a little dazed.

"The meteorite has clearly arrived, how could it disappear?"

A burly man looked puzzled and said.

"It should have been taken away by someone."

At this time, an old man with a stooped figure spoke.

"There is a demon spirit, and there are two people who are popular. There must have been a big battle here just now!"

A refined young man spoke with a dignified expression.

"The big battle is not important, but why did meteorites suddenly fall from the sky?"

Another figure spoke, eyes full of puzzlement.

"It's absolutely not a coincidence. Could it be a signal?"

Another giant frowned and said.

But at this moment, a golden light hit from a distance, and in the next breath, a middle-aged man in a dragon robe appeared.

There was a royal aura between his brows, and his aura was three points more terrifying than all the giants present.

The Great King of Wu Dynasty, King Wu!
"See Your Majesty!"

When King Wu appeared, everyone saluted instantly.

King Wu looked at the deep meteorite crater in front of him, and then at the direction of the sky, frowning.

"Do you know why the meteorite fell suddenly?"

King Wu looked at the crowd and said in a voice.

"My lord, this meteorite came very strangely, and I don't know why."

One of them spoke up.

"However, before the meteorite fell, I sensed the aura of a great battle here. Among them was a demon, and the other two auras should be my human monks. Perhaps, it should have something to do with the great battle between two people and a demon."

A strong man spoke.

King Wu frowned, looked at the meteor crater, and glanced at the crowd again, "Can it be traced?"

"Your Majesty, I have just calculated it. The secret of the sky is obscure. There should be some treasure covering the secret of the sky. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the footsteps."

A refined young man said.

"You are in charge of the Si Tianjian, and you have the ability to observe the phenomena of the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon, but you can't figure it out?"

King Wu looked at this elegant young man, frowning tightly.

"It's my minister's weak strength that cannot be calculated. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

The refined youth bowed his head and said.

"Immediately order a thorough investigation across the country. Even if you can't find it, you must find traces. If you don't believe it, there is not even a trace!"

King Wu said solemnly.

"According to the order!"

Everyone responded in unison.

King Wu nodded, then looked at one of the burly men, and said: "General Wang, seal this place, no one is allowed to approach."

"The commander's decree!"

The burly man nodded immediately.

King Wu nodded, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing King Wu leave, the giants also breathed a sigh of relief.

But looking at the empty crater, they felt very headache.

"Master Yuan, can you really not figure it out?"

A stooped old man asked.

"No, I've tried it. There are treasures to cover up the secrets of the sky. My ability is not yet able to break through the cover of the treasures, so I can't track them."

The elegant young man shook his head and said.

"What's the matter? How do you check?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"We can only check slowly, first check the area of ​​Wujing City, maybe we can find a trace of clues."

The elegant young man spoke.

"That's the only way to go. I'll look around first. If it's within the Wujing City, I might be able to find it."

A young man spoke, and while speaking, the figure disappeared in place.

The rest of the people looked at each other and then dispersed.


Wujing City.

This night is destined to be unforgettable for all the people in the capital.

He slept well in the middle of the night, but suddenly disaster struck.

Although the city of Wujing was generally not in complete turmoil, some parts of the city suffered heavy losses.

But no one knew why it was fine, and suddenly a meteorite fell from the sky.

This night was also destined to make everyone inside and outside Wujing lose sleep.


Dragon Tiger Mountain.

This is a big mountain eight hundred miles away from Wujing City.

It used to be the famous Taoist temple in Wujing City, the place of Dragon and Tiger Temple, but now, it has been abandoned.

There are only remaining buildings in the Dragon and Tiger Temple in the mountains.

Dragon and Tiger View, in a dilapidated courtyard, two figures appeared here.

After running for more than 800 miles, Jiang Che really couldn't run away, so he could only bring Shen Gongbao to this abandoned Taoist temple.

Before entering Wujing, he also rested for a day in this Taoist temple.Jiang Che is also familiar with the environment here, it is deserted, so no one should come here.

The meteorite falling from the sky will definitely shake the inside and outside of Wujing. Fortunately, I ran in time, and the yin and yang jade pendant covered all the breath. Otherwise, the later Wujing giants would definitely be able to follow the breath.

"This divine pattern...what the hell is it?"

Jiang Che's eyes fell on the black divine pattern on Shen Gongbao's body.

If he remembers correctly, it should be Shen Gongbao who activated the divine pattern on his own initiative, and then triggered the thunder of heaven and earth, and finally the meteorite fell.

From meeting Shen Gongbao until now, Jiang Che feels that there are many secrets hidden in this person.

What kind of unlucky physique is that?
Being able to attract celestial phenomena, this physique is also awesome!
"Recover some more first."

After getting rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at the dying Shen Gongbao, Jiang Che took out a magic pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

At the same time, he also took out the magic pill and spirit stone, and began to recover.

He was seriously injured by the meteorite falling from the sky, but it didn't shake his foundation. Unlike the damage caused by the force of time and space, it was not that serious.

As long as the breath adjustment resumes for a while, it will basically be able to return to the peak.

Shen Gongbao, on the other hand, was seriously injured.

But after feeding a recovery pill, he guessed that the problem is not big, it's just a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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