I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 112 The World Tree Meets Again

Chapter 112 The World Tree Meets Again
The East is too white.

The light of the rising sun is reflected on the land of Wujing.

In Longhu Mountain, inside the dilapidated Taoist temple, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

After adjusting his breath for several hours, part of his injury has recovered.

Half of the true qi in the body was restored, and the panacea in the picture of mountains and rivers was completely exhausted.

This night was thrilling and exciting.

It was the first time for Jiang Che to see this kind of causal law physique.

Seeing Shen Gongbao who was still unconscious beside him, Jiang Che slowly got up.

Standing in the courtyard, overlooking the direction of Wujing.

What happened last night must have spread throughout the city.

But this is not important to him, just pat his ass and leave.

With the yin and yang jade pendant shielding the sky, he believed that he would not be able to catch up with himself.

Unless someone witnessed it.


He is not from Wu Zhou Kingdom, so there is no need to have too much fear.

"Let's see what the reward is."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che took a deep breath, calmed down, and immediately took the reward as soon as he thought about it.

The reward of the fifth grade of Zhou Zi, this is the highest reward he has received so far.

Killing the Yuanshen giant, the rewards and evaluations obtained are also quite amazing.

Jiang Che was looking forward to it.

The light flickered, and in the next breath, a small sapling appeared in front of him.

About a foot tall.

Every leaf is full of crystal clear feeling.

Overall, it looks like jade carving.

A special breath permeated the air.

Looking at the small green sapling in front of him, Jiang Che froze for a moment.

Zhou Zi Wupin, just...opened a small sapling? !
Jiang Che was slightly stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked astonished.

And at this moment, the dark font appeared in his eyes.

Seedlings of the World Tree: innate fetishes, special trees born in the depths of chaos, which can bear pure yang fruits that contain heaven, earth, and dao charms, which contain pure yang immortal energy that surpasses aura, and can continuously improve their own aptitude. Taking pure yang fruits can break through realm barriers and break through without obstacles. However, it needs to be fed with spiritual veins to grow rapidly, otherwise, it will take a long time to bloom and bear fruit...


Looking at the characters presented in his eyes, Jiang Che's pupils shrank instantly.

world Tree!
Hey, is this tree so powerful? !

The gloomy characters gradually dissipated, Jiang Che looked at the seedlings of the World Tree in front of him, and his heart was overwhelmed.

A fruit that can produce pure yang fruit that contains the charm of heaven, earth and dao, is also a fruit that contains pure yang immortal energy.

This is incredible.

Pure Yang Immortal Qi, that is the high-level energy that can only be released by Pure Yang Immortal Veins.

It is also the energy of Thunder Tribulation Supreme's cultivation and breakthrough.

Ordinary Thunder Tribulation Supremes can extract pure Yang immortal energy from the endless void, but this speed is very slow.

And for most of them, what they extract can only be used for their own use, and a little more can be stored.

Most of them are still maintained by the aura of heaven and earth.

And if you want to break through, you must absorb the pure yang immortal energy to break through the thunder tribulation barrier.

There are nine realms of thunder tribulation, one realm and one heaven!

Finally achieve the Immortal Yang God!
That is, the real immortal existence!

It is unbelievable that the seedlings of this world tree can bear pure yang fruits that contain pure yang immortal energy.

And it not only contains pure yang immortal energy, but also contains heaven and earth dao rhyme.

A pure yang fruit is definitely at the level of a fetish.

Pure Yang Immortal Qi, except for the one extracted from the endless void by the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, only the Pure Yang Immortal Vein can release the Pure Yang Immortal Qi.

It is still unknown whether there is a pure Yang immortal vein that surpasses the first rank.

Even if there are, there are definitely not many, and they must be in the hands of the top supreme.

With this world tree seedling, Jiang Che has the means to obtain pure Yang immortal energy.

And it's not pure pure yang celestial energy, but a pure yang fruit that contains the charm of heaven and earth.

It is more terrifying than pure pure Yang immortal energy!
Jiang Che was overjoyed, the reward this time was absolutely shocking!
But soon, Jiang Che calmed down again.

This thing needs to be fed with spiritual veins to grow rapidly.

In other words, without a large number of spiritual veins, if the self-growth of the world tree absorbs the spiritual energy of the world, it will at least start in the millennium.

Millennium started...

The day lily was cold.

The Thunder Tribulation Realm and Martial Daoist Immortals only have a thousand-year lifespan.

500 years of Jindan, 800 years of Yuanshen!
When the World Tree bears fruit, it will be really cool.

Currently, he only has one ninth-grade spiritual vein in his hand.

How far can this feed?
It turned out to be impossible.

This is just a small sapling...

"Only by getting more spiritual veins can the World Tree grow and blossom and bear fruit..."

Jiang Che recovered, and the joy in his heart also calmed down.

It is enough to defy the sky, but the price of this cultivation is also very huge.

Only by absorbing spiritual veins can rapid growth be achieved.

This is worth the price, so it can't afford to make it like this!
A ninth-grade spiritual vein would definitely not be able to satisfy its appetite.

"We must get more spiritual veins..."

Jiang Che lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Engage in spirit veins...

Simple to say.

The fastest way, without a doubt, is to grab!
In addition to the Ten Great Immortal Sects, Donghuang also has many sects, and among these sects, there are also spiritual veins.

But if he did this, he would definitely be hunted down all over the world by the monks of Donghuang.

A spiritual vein is basically the foundation of a sect. If you dig someone's foundation, it's no wonder they don't work hard with you.

Go to Dazong sect to rob?
The thought was fleeting, and this absurd idea was quickly thrown out of his mind.

I'm afraid that if it hasn't reached the place yet, it will probably be wiped out by someone.

But Jiang Che will definitely not give up.

The seedling of this world tree is equal to an undeveloped pure Yang fairy vein, even more terrifying than the pure Yang fairy vein.

As long as there are enough spiritual veins, he will be able to obtain a steady stream of pure yang fruits.

But that's where the problem lies.

The key is……

It's not easy for him to deal with this spirit vein!

"Let's see how much my ninth-grade spiritual vein can improve the world tree."

Calming his mind, Jiang Che immediately opened the map of mountains and rivers, and put the world tree into the space of the map of mountains and rivers.


As soon as you enter the map of mountains and rivers, the world tree will take root and stand on the hillside, looking inconspicuous.

Swaying in the wind, emitting a jade-colored light.


The spiritual will pulled out the spiritual vein that penetrated into the ground veins, and Jiang Che instantly sent this ninth-grade spiritual vein to the seedlings of the World Tree.


The branches trembled, and even the leaves of the World Tree emitted a powerful jade-colored light, which seemed very exciting.

The branches danced as if they were alive, and they were inserted into the spiritual vein at once, absorbing this ninth-grade spiritual vein.

Jiang Che watched carefully.

In less than three breaths, this ninth-grade spiritual vein was completely absorbed.

The world tree bloomed with a powerful jade-colored light, and quickly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From one foot tall to... two feet!
Jiang Che: "..."

Just... just gone? !
A ninth-grade spiritual vein only grew by one foot? ! !
Looking at the World Tree in the map of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Good guy, your appetite is gluttonous!
A ninth-grade spiritual vein has only grown a little bit, and it is one foot taller.

Jiang Che never expected it.

This appetite made him feel jittery.

According to the information, the world tree blooms at ten feet, and it will only bear fruit when it grows to about one hundred feet.

And a ninth-grade spiritual vein has only grown by such a foot!
This is a spiritual vein of riding a horse, not a spiritual stone!

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

"By the way, is Lingshi also available?"

Suddenly, Jiang Che came back to his senses, and a thought emerged.

Since spirit veins can make the world tree grow, then spirit stones should also be able to.

After all, they are all the essence of the crystallization of heaven and earth aura.

It's just that the spirit veins are stronger and more refined!

Jiang Che took out a thousand low-grade spirit stones from Yuan Ling's body, and placed them in front of the World Tree.

The branches of the World Tree trembled for a while, but soon returned to calm.

Jiang Che: "..."

This... What does this mean?

Jiang Che used the spirit stone to test again, and the branches of the World Tree trembled again, but once again calmed down.

"It shouldn't be disgusting, could it be that the spirit stone must be crushed to be absorbed by the World Tree?"

A thought emerged, and Jiang Che's common sense smashed a spirit stone. The spirit stone turned into spirit energy powder and fell on the World Tree. Soon, the World Tree burst into jade-colored light, absorbing the shattered spirit stone.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he smashed all the remaining 900 spirit stones in one go.

In a flash, a spirit stone turned into powder and fell on the world tree.


The jade-colored light bloomed, and soon, the World Tree absorbed the spirit stone powder completely.

Jiang Che carefully watched the changes in the World Tree.

After absorbing a thousand low-grade spirit stones, the World Tree has indeed grown a little.

Not even an inch, maybe half an inch is enough.

Jiang Che: "..."

Paralysis, if this thing is cultivated, I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain it even if it goes bankrupt!

Looking at the World Tree that was bursting with jade-colored light, Jiang Che felt a pain in the ass at this moment.


It takes a year of the monkey to get a pure yang fruit!

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Now, his spirit stones are running out, and the tens of thousands of spirit stones handed over to Yuan Ling are now only a few thousand left.

Yuan Ling's cultivation has reached the realm of Shenhai.


He's about to go bankrupt too!

The largest wealth, the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein, was swallowed by the World Tree, and only grew one foot.

Thousands of low-grade spirit stones are less than half an inch.

When will you be able to reach a hundred feet tall? ! ?

Jiang Che felt that this was a bottomless pit.

But now, he has jumped into the hole.

Give up training?

The further you go, the more difficult it is to break through, and the cultivation of Thunder Tribulation requires the help of pure Yang Immortal Qi to get one step closer.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth can only be maintained and consumed. If you want to break through the realm and soar into the sky, you can only rely on pure Yang immortal energy.

Spiritually retreated from the map of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che looked at the sky.

At this moment, he has only one wish.

Make money!

Only a large amount of wealth can make him improve quickly.

World Tree can't give up. Although the appetite is great, the rewards are also shocking.

If you want to do Lingshi, you need to do Lingmai!

Not only do it, but a lot of it!

Plan ahead!

It is necessary to pave the way for the future.

Otherwise, even with top-level qualifications, it is impossible to soar into the sky and go straight to the top.


At this moment, a weak snort sounded, Jiang Che turned around and looked at Shen Gongbao.

His eyelids moved a few times, and then he slowly opened them.

Weak, it seems that all strength has been drained.

woke up……

Jiang Che came back to his senses, stepped forward, squatted down, and looked at Shen Gongbao.

"Brother Dao, how are you doing?"

"Cough cough..."

Shen Gongbao coughed, turned his head vigorously, and looked at the dilapidated buildings around him, with curiosity in his eyes.

"This...what is this place?"

"An abandoned Taoist temple in the mountains." Jiang Che said.

Shen Gongbao nodded lightly. Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Brother Dao, then... where is that evildoer?"

"The evildoer has been eradicated, so you can rest assured."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Jiang Che, his eyes were weak, and he said, "Thank you, Brother Dao, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive."

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Jiang Che's face.

To say thank you, it should be him thanking Shen Gongbao.

Without Shen Gongbao, he would definitely not be able to kill the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox by himself.

"Tianxia Daomen is a family, and they should help each other." Jiang Che coughed.

"Brother Dao, what is your ability? Why can you summon meteorites from the sky?"

Looking at Shen Gongbao, Jiang Che asked curiously.

Shen Gongbao shook his head and said: "I don't know why I have been like this since I was a child. Later, I was accepted by my master and engraved divine lines on my body to suppress it. Once released, it will trigger natural disasters."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded, and did not continue to delve into this question.

After all, he would definitely not tell him all of his secrets.

Just like the secret of his demon book, no one can tell it, otherwise, it will be a catastrophe.

"Cough cough..."

Shen Gongbao coughed, and then struggled to sit up, with a very painful expression on his face. Seeing this, Jiang Che supported him with one hand, and at the same time poured a wisp of true energy into him, allowing him to recover a bit.

His pale face also turned a little rosy.

"Thank you buddy."

Shen Gongbao said with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome."

Jiang Che smiled brilliantly.

Immediately, Shen Gongbao took out a golden elixir, swallowed it in one go, closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath.

Jiang Che could feel the aura on his body growing at an extremely fast speed, and his recovery was very rapid.

The golden elixir swallowed must not be an ordinary elixir.

But considering that he came from a large sect in Central Continent and had high-level alchemy, it was only natural.

Jiang Che didn't disturb his recovery either, and then sat cross-legged to the side, meditating and adjusting his breath.

An hour later, Shen Gongbao changed from dying to full of vigor again.

The breath has also stabilized. Although it has not recovered to a good state, it can be regarded as a little bit of self-protection.

"Brother Dao, the commotion last night should not be small, I'm afraid someone will chase after you?"

Shen Gongbao looked in the direction of Wujing City, and said solemnly.

Jiang Che opened his eyes, glanced at him, and said, "Brother Dao, don't worry, I have practiced a technique of shielding heaven's secrets, which can avoid being tracked, and this place is [-] miles away from Wujing. We can recover here for a day, and then it's not too late to leave."

"That's it, then I'm relieved, Brother Dao is thoughtful." Shen Gongbao smiled.

Jiang Che also smiled, and immediately after, Shen Gongbao took out a large amount of magic pills and shared some with Jiang Che, and the two began to recover quickly.


The day passed quickly.

The next day, early in the morning.

In the Dragon and Tiger Temple, Jiang Che and Shen Gongbao stepped out of the dilapidated Taoist temple.

With the help of Shen Gongbao's magic pill, Jiang Che has recovered to [-]% of his strength.

Shen Gongbao also recovered to [-]-[-]%.

The two did not continue to stay, and left Longhu Mountain.


three days later.

On a certain mountaintop in the Wu Dynasty Kingdom, the figures of Jiang Che and Shen Gongbao appeared.

In the past few days, Jiang Che has not encountered any disasters from heaven.

Safe journey.

He and Shen Gongbao had also completely recovered to their peak in these three days.

"Brother Dao, I really can't bear to part with this."

Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Gongbao let out a long sigh.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "We will get together if we are destined."

"Haha, that's exactly what Brother Dao said." Shen Gongbao laughed.

Immediately, he spread his hand, and a purple token appeared in his hand.

After handing it over to Jiang Che, he said, "Brother Dao, this is my personal token. If you come to Central Continent in the future, you must come to the Tianshizong to sit down. I must have a good drink with Brother Dao!"


Jiang Che nodded, then took out a token of his own and handed it to Shen Gongbao in exchange.

"Brother Dao, let's take a step ahead, and there will be a period later!"

Shen Gongbao made a bow with a serious expression.

"Brother Dao, go slowly, there will be a period later!"

Jiang Che also returned the gift.

Immediately, Shen Gongbao's figure flashed, and quickly disappeared in the direction of the mountain top.

Watching Shen Gongbao disappear, Jiang Che turned his eyes to the distance, shrunk to an inch and exploded, and disappeared on the top of the mountain.


Five days later, Jiang Che stepped out of the Wu Dynasty Kingdom and entered the territory of the Yu Kingdom.

Yu State, this is a country similar to Wu Dynasty State.

Among the hundreds of countries in the Eastern Desolation, it is not considered a powerful country.

As long as he crosses the country of Yu, Jiang Che can reach the border of Dagan country.

Jiang Che still chose the road of mountains and rivers, and he would choose to stay overnight in the city unless necessary.


In Yu State, in the nameless mountain, in front of an abandoned mountain temple, Jiang Che's figure came from afar.

Arriving at the mountain temple, looking at the completely dark sky, Jiang Che immediately stepped into the mountain temple.

The temple was dilapidated, most of the statues were broken, cobwebs were scattered all over the corners, and dead branches and leaves were piled up on the ground. It seemed that no one had come here for a long time.

The mountain temple is dilapidated, but it can also shelter from wind and rain.


With a wave of his sleeves, a gust of breeze swept across, and in an instant, Jiang Che cleared out a clean space.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Che got some dry firewood and lit a bonfire in the temple.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the bonfire, Jiang Che had a thought, and the Chaos Tengu appeared in front of him in an instant.


Looking at Jiang Che, Chaos Tengu called out excitedly.

Jiang Che smiled, touched the little guy's head, and then consciously entered the map of mountains and rivers.

Now, Yuan Ling's cultivation base has reached the fifth level of Shenhai, and the improvement is very fast, and the feedback has also increased.

Glancing at Yuan Ling who was cultivating, Jiang Che's eyes fell on the World Tree again.

In a few days, the world tree did not change much, but the light emitted by the tree became deeper.

Relying on self-growth alone, the world tree grows very slowly.

But there is no rush, there is no speeding up of the spiritual pulse, it can only grow slowly.


Suddenly, the barking of Chaos Tengu resounded, pulling back Jiang Che's thoughts, and with a flick of his mind, he returned to his body in an instant.

The Chaos Tengu came to the gate of the mountain temple and kept barking, as if it had discovered something.

Jiang Che's eyes also became serious, his true energy circulated quietly, and he walked to the entrance of the mountain temple.

In the dark night, in the barren mountains and wild mountains, no one will pass by.

Suddenly there is movement at such a time, it must be weird!

With the release of his consciousness, a trace of astonishment appeared on Jiang Che's face.

A figure walks along the rugged mountain road.

Dressed in a white cassock and holding a golden Zen staff in his hand, he is a monk.

What surprised Jiang Che was that this monk was actually Fa Hai!
Jiang Che never expected that he would meet Fa Hai in the wild mountains and mountains like Yu Country.

This is incredible.

"Why is he here?"

"Could it be..."

"Are you following the demon here again?"

Thoughts surfaced in Jiang Che's mind, and the Chaos Tengu beside him barked louder.

"Xiao Hei, shut up."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and stopped the Chaos Tengu from barking.

Hearing Jiang Che speak, Chaos Tengu turned his head and looked at him with aggrieved expression.

"This is my acquaintance."

Looking at the aggrieved Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che said.

Understanding what Jiang Che meant, Chaos Tengu changed his expression instantly, turned his head, and lay down beside the bonfire in the temple.

Jiang Che: "..."

Ignoring this little guy, Jiang Che stepped out of the mountain temple and came to the mountain road with a movement of his figure.

At this moment, Fa Hai also appeared in his eyes.

"Master, we meet again."

Jiang Che smiled brilliantly.

Fa Hai also noticed Jiang Che, quickened his pace, and came to him in one stride.

"Amitabha, Layman Jiang, the poor monk never thought that he would meet a layman in another country, what a fate."

Fa Hai held the Buddha ceremony and said with a smile.

"I never wanted to meet Grandmaster here." Jiang Che said.

"This is also a kind of fate, which shows that the layman and the Buddha are destined."

Fahai smiled.

"...Master must be tired after traveling a long distance. It's already getting late. Why don't you stay here with me tonight? I wonder what Master thinks?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"So good!"

Fahai nodded.

Jiang Che smiled and stretched out his hand to signal: "Master, please!"


The two stepped into the mountain temple one after another. When they saw the Chaos Tengu beside the campfire, Fahai's eyes flashed strangely, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"This dog is extraordinary!"

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Fa Hai said.

"This is a spirit beast that I got by chance. I saw it was pitiful, so I adopted it. It should be my spiritual pet."

Jiang Che spoke nonsense.

"The layman's chance is really extraordinary. If the poor monk reads it correctly, this dog is probably similar to the legendary Pan Mastiff family. With the blood of the Pan Mastiff family, in the future, it must also be a peerless demon king."

Fa Hai said.

"Haha, Master, I'm honored, please sit down first." Jiang Che laughed loudly.

Fa Hai nodded, looked at Chaos Tengu, and sat down slowly.

Chaos Tengu opened his eyes and glanced at Fa Hai, then closed his eyes to rest.

Jiang Che looked at Fa Hai and sensed his aura. Although Fa Hai hadn't reached the realm of the primordial spirit, he had reached the peak, approaching the realm of the half-primordial spirit. It would probably not be long before he could become a primordial spirit and become the new giant of Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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