I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 113 The Demon Tribulation Chapter Sect

Chapter 113
"Grandmaster is here, could it be... have you met some kind of monster again?"

Looking at Fa Hai, Jiang Che blinked.

He remembered very clearly that he had met Fa Hai several times, basically encountering demons.

Back then, he was lucky to make up the knife and exploded several times in a row, and he still remembers it vividly.

It is simply his "lucky star"!
Fa Hai shook his head, and said: "No, the poor monk is planning to go back this time, and his travels are similar, and he is about to achieve a positive result."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded lightly, but he still felt a little disappointed in his heart.

"Why is the layman here?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Fa Hai asked.

Jiang Che smiled: "I'm also traveling, and I'll kill demons by the way."

"So that's how it is." Fa Hai nodded, then looked at Jiang Che, and said, "The layman's talent is extraordinary, and now he is about to achieve a positive result, so the poor monk congratulated the layman in advance."

"Master, I have won the prize, but I am still far away from achieving a true result."

Jiang Che smiled.

"The eyes of the poor monk can't be wrong, and it's only a matter of time before the layman cultivates the right fruit."

Fahai looked serious.



In the middle of the night, the bonfire was raging in the mountain temple, and it was not known when it started to rain lightly.

Beside the bonfire, Jiang Che and Fa Hai were still talking.

From Fa Hai's mouth, Jiang Che learned a piece of news.

Devilish news!
When he fought against the real demon in the ancient ruins, he remembered it very clearly. In the end, in order to kill him, the real demon was also pulled into the crack of time and space.

However, it failed.

Jiang Che did not expect to get news about the real demon from Fa Hai.

"Master, is that monster really so powerful?"

Jiang Che blinked, looked at Fa Hai and asked.


Fa Hai nodded, with a serious expression, and said: "The strength of this monster is really terrifying, and the poor monk also met by chance, and in the end he was defeated, severely injured and fled."

Jiang Che looked at him, it didn't seem like he was lying.

I also believe Fa Hai's words.

That real demon is indeed terrifying.

In the real form of the demons, with three heads and six arms, the combat power can be said to increase geometrically in an instant.

Even scarier than the nine-tailed demon fox that was killed.

"The demons from outside the territory unexpectedly appeared, and the poor monk did not expect it. This is also the first time I have met the demons from outside the territory."

Fahai let out a long sigh.

"This is also the first time the master has met?"

Jiang Che blinked and looked at him.

"En." Fa Hai nodded, and said: "Before the competition, the poor monk had never met any demons, but this is the first time he has met this demon."

"And according to the poor monk's investigation, this demon appeared in an ancient relic time and space of the demon clan. It should have broken through some kind of seal and stepped out of the ancient relic time and space."

There was a glint in Jiang Che's eyes, but he didn't speak.

How this true demon was born, he could see clearly.

"The demon clan was born, and the world is in chaos. I'm afraid the real catastrophe is about to come."

Looking at the night outside the temple, Fa Hai said solemnly.

Jiang Che: "..."

A true demon...

I'm afraid it won't happen, right?

The Supreme Being of the Great Thousand Worlds can't even take care of a demon?

Jiang Che definitely didn't believe it.

"The layman thinks the poor monk is scaremongering?"

Fa Hai looked at him with a solemn expression.

Jiang Che: "...No, I find it a bit unbelievable."

Jiang Che smiled awkwardly.

Fa Hai looked at him and said: "The master of the poor monk once calculated that the demons from outside the territory may have made a comeback. This demons are just a signal that the demon will reappear. I don't know if there will be darkness and turmoil again. The common people in the world are afraid that they will suffer again."

"...Master is compassionate, but I believe that you and I should not worry. There are still many supreme beings in the world. I believe they must have a way to deal with it."

Jiang Che said slowly.

"Layman sees it very openly." Fa Hai smiled.

"One has to be careful, unfounded worries will only increase troubles." Jiang Che smiled.

Fa Hai bowed his head and remained silent.

After a while, he looked up at Jiang Che and said, "Layman, the poor monk has been taught."



The night passed quickly.

As the sun rose, the light rain in the mountains also stopped, but because of the light rain in the middle of the night, the mountains were shrouded in a layer of mist.

A wet piece.

In the mountain temple, Jiang Che opened his eyes, and Fa Hai also opened his eyes.

"It's almost time."

Standing up, Jiang Che spoke.

Fa Hai also stood up slowly, holding the golden Zen stick in his hand, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "We had a great conversation all night, and look forward to meeting the layman next time."

"There will be fate in the future, and we will definitely meet."

Jiang Che laughed out loud.

A smile appeared on Fahai's face.


Fa Hai held a Buddha salute, and Jiang Che returned the salute.

Immediately, he watched as Fahai stepped out of the mountain temple and disappeared into the misty forest.

"Let's go, we should go back too."

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze, and glanced at Chaos Tengu beside him.


Understanding Jiang Che's meaning, the Chaos Tengu barked, and immediately rushed to his shoulder.


Shrinking the ground into an inch, Jiang Che disappeared in the mountain temple in an instant, and disappeared into the misty mountain forest.


Five days later.

Dagan, the land of Bashu.

Outside Baling City, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Standing on the hillside, overlooking Baling City.

Jiang Che let out a breath of foul air.

In five days, he finally arrived in Dagan from Yu State.

Looking at Baling City, in the eyes of yin and yang, above Baling City, the fire of the red dust is burning.

"This is also the second time I have come to Baling City..."

"It's been a long time since I ate hot pot. Today, let's have a full meal."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, the hotpot in the land of Bashu is famous.

After running around for so long, today, I can also satisfy my appetite.

With a flash of his figure, and the next breath, he stepped into Baling City with Chaos Tengu.

Stepping into Baling City, Jiang Che chose a hot pot restaurant, and opened a separate box for himself, enjoying the scenery outside the shop while eating hot pot.

This trip is tortuous and bizarre!
Jiang Che did not expect that he would go to the ancient ruins in Jingzhou once, and finally he would appear in the Wu Dynasty Kingdom thousands of miles away.

It's so big, it's the first time to "go abroad"!
Also on the way, he met a special talent in Zhongzhou, Shen Gongbao.

They also teamed up to kill a soul-level nine-tailed demon fox.

It's ridiculous to say...

But it happened.

This trip back to the sect, Jiang Che will never step out of the sect without becoming a golden core.

After these days of experience, his accumulation is also very strong.

The troubled times of monsters also made him more aware of the danger.

Only by stepping into the golden core, can he have the strength to reverse the primordial spirit.

Immortal first pass!
Jindan catastrophe!

His current cultivation base has reached the peak of the True Mind Realm, although there is still some gap from the Golden Core, but he believes that after a period of hard work, it should be almost the same.

The monsters he met became more and more perverted one by one, Jiang Che did not want the situation of the ancient ruins to repeat the same mistakes.

He teamed up with Shen Gongbao to kill the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox of Yuanshen level, most of which was because of Shen Gongbao's catastrophic physique.

The meteorite fell from the sky, killing the soul-level nine-tailed demon fox to his last breath, otherwise, he might not have been able to kill him.

The fishing method also requires a certain "fisherman" strength.

Otherwise, if the "fish" is not caught, you may be swallowed by the "fish".

To sum up, fishing is risky, so be cautious!

There is no shortage of giants in troubled times.

Only by stepping into the golden core can one step more steadily.

The nine-tailed demon fox is only at the early stage of Yuanshen, but if it is at the middle stage of Yuanshen, the gap in strength will be even greater.

Even if he breaks into the Golden Core, there is probably nothing he can do.

Cultivating a golden core is the first step right now.

His supernatural powers are all supernatural, but without a certain level of immortal cultivation, he can't exert the power of supernatural powers.

Until now, Jiang Che was unable to fully activate the full power of the Taoist robe.

It's only one-tenth of the degree.

When all the power is activated, the nine-tailed demon fox, a monster in the early stage of Yuanshen, can be severely injured in one blow, no more than three times, which is enough to kill it!


After eating a hot pot meal for an hour, Jiang Che also left full of wine and food.

Stayed overnight in Baling City, and the next day, early in the morning, Jiang Che headed towards Qingzhou Daozong.


Within a day, Jiang Che arrived.

Qingzhou, in front of the Daozong Mountain gate, Jiang Che's figure came from a distance.

It fell from the sky and landed on the road outside the Daozong Mountain Gate.

Follow the steps and step up.

After returning to Daozong, his heart was at ease.

Within Dao Sect, he can practice with peace of mind.

Among the Ten Great Immortal Gates of the Eastern Wasteland, no monster dared to break into them without eyes.

Tensioned nerves can also be relaxed a bit.

Chaos Tengu stood on his shoulders, looking at the magnificent Daozong Mountain Gate with a pair of smart eyes, his expression was full of excitement.


Seeing a giant crane flying in the sky, the Chaos Tengu couldn't help barking, almost spitting out his mouth.

"Be quiet, otherwise, you will stay in the map of mountains and rivers."

Jiang Che said as he walked.

Hearing these words, Chaos Tengu looked away with difficulty, his head drooping, with a feeling of dejection.

Jiang Che: "..."

Made, do you need to be so good at acting?

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

He was speechless for Chaos Tengu's "exquisite performance".

Eat, eat, eat! ! !
This guy eats and sleeps.

But the strength is also growing rapidly.

Even Jiang Che felt envious of the divine beast's unique talent.

"Hey, Brother Jiang!"

Just as Jiang Che stepped into the mountain gate, a voice suddenly came from not far from the mountain gate.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his head, on the bluestone steps, a graceful figure was walking towards him.

Spirit Sword Peak, Bai Jie!

Now, it is also the cultivation level of the middle stage of the true mood.

Come quickly.Soon, she came in front of Jiang Che.

"Junior Sister Bai."

Jiang Che nodded and greeted with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, long time no see!"

Bai Jie smiled brightly.

"Junior Sister has cultivated her true meaning, gratifying and congratulations!"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Bai Jie rolled her eyes and said, "Brother, don't make fun of me, you are at the peak of your mood."

"It's just luck." Jiang Che smiled.

"Ah, brother, what a good dog, is this your pet?"

Bai Jie noticed the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, and blinked curiously.

"Well, I met it outside. I saw it was pitiful, so I brought it back."

Jiang Che nodded and said.

Chaos Tengu: "..."

Looking at Jiang Che with big agile eyes, it seems to be saying, you have said this several times, can you change it?Who is so pitiful...

"Ah, so cute!"

Looking at Chaos Tengu's humanized expression, Bai Jie's eyes flickered instantly, and she couldn't help but move forward with one hand.


As soon as he was about to touch it, suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from the Chaos Tengu's body. Looking at Bai Jie, he bared his teeth, as if strangers should not get close to him.

Bai Jie's hand froze instantly, hovering in mid-air.

This momentum...

Why is it more terrifying than Jindan!
God, this is a spirit beast!
Bai Jie's heart was turbulent.

She didn't notice it just now, she thought it was just an ordinary little black dog, but she didn't expect that this dog is so scary!
The imposing manner made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and she froze in place.

"Is it itchy?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Chaos Tengu let out a pitiful whine, and the terrifying aura on his body subsided instantly.

"I'm sorry, Junior Sister, my dog ​​is a bit shy."

Looking at Bai Jie with a dazed expression, Jiang Che apologized.

"No...it's fine."

Bai Jie came back to her senses slowly, and stammered a sentence.

"Junior sister, come to Little Qiongfeng when you have time, I can make talismans, if you need it, remember to come to me, I will definitely satisfy you."

Looking at Bai Jie, Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Okay... okay."

Bai Jie nodded.

Jiang Che didn't say much, and then he strode up the steps, and quickly disappeared from Bai Jie's eyes.

Seeing Jiang Che leave, Bai Jie looked away.

"This is a spiritual pet...it doesn't look good!"

Bai Jie's heart skipped a beat.

This Senior Brother Jiang is very unpredictable!

After going out this time, he brought back such a terrifying spirit beast.

He is more terrifying than the average Jindan elder.

He was at the peak of his true artistic conception, but he took in a spirit beast that was even more terrifying than ordinary golden cores.

"The evildoer is really extraordinary, the gap is probably getting bigger and bigger..."

Bai Jie let out a long sigh, came back to her senses, then turned around and walked out of the mountain gate.


"Hello Senior Brother Jiang!"

"Ah hello!"

"Hello Senior Brother Jiang!"



Stepping into the Taoist Mountain Gate, along the way, Jiang Che met many other disciples.

They all greeted him.

Jiang Che also responded one by one.

Brothers from the same school!
It should be.

Moreover, his talisman business also needs to be expanded. With a super big appetite like World Tree, if you don't get more spiritual stones, then the year of the monkey will be able to bear the pure yang fruit!
Practice and make money!
No mistake!
He is now making talismans, which is easy to grasp.

Advanced talismans earn more.

There are so many disciples in the sect, every disciple is his "potential client"!
If you're too cold, you won't be able to make money with peace of mind!

Traveling all the way, Jiang Che finally arrived at Little Qiong Peak.

The figure descended from the sky and landed beside the lake of Xiaoqiong Peak.

Jiang Che also let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at Qiongfeng Hall not far away, Jiang Che blinked.

"I don't know if Master is here..."

When Jiang Che was about to go to Qiongfeng Hall, suddenly, a voice came to his ears.

"I'm back, come here as a teacher, I have something to tell you."

The sound entered the ears and went straight into the soul, it was the mysterious sound!

Jiang Che also reacted quickly.

With a flash of his figure, he soon arrived at the gate of Qiongfeng Hall.


Standing at the entrance of Qiongfeng Hall, Jiang Che cupped his hands and saluted.

"come in."

The mysterious sound came.

Jiang Che then stepped into Qiongfeng Hall.

In the hall, a figure in a sky blue dress appeared in his eyes.

With her back to him, her hair draped around her shoulders.

When Jiang Che stepped into Qiongfeng Hall, Xuan Miaoyin also turned around slowly.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly.

It was the first time he saw Master dressed like this, he was somewhat surprised.

In the sky blue dress, the chest is still magnificent, with a touch of snow white.

"Does it look good?"

Suddenly, the mysterious voice sounded.


Jiang Che replied subconsciously, but he reacted instantly.

A gust of fragrant wind hit, and his ears hurt when he breathed out.

"Stinky boy, you are good at fighting, right? Who let you fight against the demons in the ancient ruins alone? You don't know how to run? How did the teacher teach you? If you can't beat it, run away. You have ignored the words of the teacher, right?"

The mysterious voice sounded again.

"It hurts, master, I was wrong."

Jiang Che begged for mercy instantly.

Xuan Miaoyin let go of her hand slowly, but her face was still calm.

Jiang Che rubbed his ears, looked at the downcast Xuan Miaoyin, and squeezed out a smile: "Master, I want to run too, but the demon clan is chasing me, and I can't run away from it, so I can only stop and fight."

"Really? That's not what I heard as a teacher. You let your senior sisters and a few female disciples from Tianyue Palace leave first, and fight against the demons by yourself. Why, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty, win the heart, and embrace the beauty? And then have a bunch of children?"

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said lightly.

Jiang Che: "..."

Heroes save beauty?

Win the heart, embrace the beauty...

A bunch of offspring were born...

You are going too far.

Jiang Che was speechless, looking at Xuan Miaoyin, he said, "Master, this disciple didn't think so, but the situation was urgent at that time, and they wouldn't be able to help if they stayed, and there would be trouble instead, this disciple can only do so."

"Don't you know how to use them to resist? Then run away by yourself?"

Xuan Miao said lightly.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Master, this... is not good, how can we say that we are also a decent sect, if it spreads, it will damage the prestige of the sect!"

Jiang Che said cautiously.

"Bullshit, you're almost dead and you still have prestige?" Xuan Miaoyin curled her lips.

Jiang Che: "..."

The words are like this...


Jiang Che could not refute.

"Remember, the next time something like this happens, save your life first, be less of a hero to save the beauty, and if you have enough strength, all the women in the world can snatch and be your woman, and you don't even need to do anything. Many people are willing to throw themselves into your arms."

Xuan Miao said lightly.

Jiang Che was dumbfounded for a moment.

Is this... so straightforward? ! ? !

"All...all okay?"

Jiang Che blinked and looked at Xuan Miaoyin.


No, no, no, I can't "deceive my master and destroy my ancestors"...

Jiang Che was shocked for an instant, and shook off the absurd thoughts that flashed in his mind.

"Do you think it's unreasonable to be a teacher?"

Xuan Miao said lightly.

"What the master said is that the disciples should keep it in mind and must remember that next time this happens, they will be the first to run away."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Ruzi can be taught!"

A smile finally appeared on Xuan Miaoyin's face.

"You dog..."


Xuan Miaoyin's eyes fell on the Chaos Tengu on his shoulder, and she stretched out her slender hand, and easily grabbed the Chaos Tengu.

Caught by Xuan Miaoyin, the Chaos Tengu trembled, not daring to move, and looked at Jiang Che pitifully with a pair of nimble eyes.

Xuan Miaoyin rubbed and touched it carefully, and a light burst out of her bright eyes.

"What a dog!"

She let out an admiration.


"This is what my disciple met in the ancient ruins. It was pitiful at the time, so I accepted it as a spiritual pet."

Jiang Che spoke.

Xuan Miaoyin's bright eyes were shining brightly, and he played with the Chaos Tengu carefully: "This dog has the bloodline of a divine beast. If I read it correctly, it should be the top bloodline of the Panmastiff family. Chaos Tengu, disciple, you have a good chance!"

"Really? The disciple thought it was just an ordinary spirit beast."

Jiang Che pretended to be surprised.

Chaos Tengu: "..."

What do you say, do people say it? !

Chaos Tengu looked at Jiang Che, his nimble eyes were full of grievances.

It seems to say that you didn't say that at the beginning.

"Well, it is indeed a Chaos Tengu, with unlimited potential, apprentice, your luck is simply incredible."

Xuan Miaoyin came back to his senses and said.

"The honored master has won the prize."

Jiang Che smiled.

"What is your name?"

While playing around, Xuan Miaoyin looked at Jiang Che and said.

"Xiao Hei, with a humble name, is easy to support."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Chaos Tengu: "..."

Mysterious voice: "..."

"It fits."

After a while, Xuan Miaoyin nodded.

Immediately, Xuan Miaoyin let go of his hand, and the Chaos Tengu scrambled to his shoulder, looking at Xuan Miaoyin, trembling.

Xuan Miaoyin didn't mind, she looked at Jiang Che, her bright eyes flashed: "The true spirit is at the peak, the soul is strong enough, and the martial arts cultivation level has improved quite quickly, you are already a martial saint!"

"The disciple got the help of his father and broke into the Martial Saint."

Jiang Che spoke nonsense.

"The background is strong, yes, in this way, the practice will be more stable."

Xuan Miaoyin nodded.

"This disciple returns to the sect this time, intending to concentrate on cultivation for a period of time, and then prepare to attack the golden core."

Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Well, it's about the same. The Golden Core Heavenly Tribulation shouldn't be a big problem for you."

Xuan Miaoyin nodded.

"Well, it's time for you to break through and become a golden core."

Xuan Miaoyin suddenly said something.

Jiang Che: "?"

it's time to?
When is it
Jiang Che looked at Xuan Miaoyin in bewilderment, his expression full of puzzlement.

"Master, what do you mean by that?"

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, and suddenly smiled, but Jiang Che felt that this smile was not good.

"It's time to make money."


"Disciple doesn't understand." Jiang Che said with a twitch in his heart as he came back to his senses.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to sell your body."

Xuan Miao said lightly.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Master, can you explain it a little bit more clearly?"

Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"I'll tell you when you cultivate the Golden Core."

Xuan Miaoyin smiled mysteriously.

Jiang Che: "..."

"What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?"

"Could it be... Master is going to sell him?"

"I can't, but what is it?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind, but he still didn't understand what she meant.

it's time to……

How can I guess this is riding a horse!

There is no hint at all. Hey!

"Okay, let's go down and practice. You can cultivate well. With your foundation, it is not a problem to break through the golden core. Don't be too anxious to avoid going crazy."

Xuan Miaoyin's voice sounded, pulling back Jiang Che's thoughts.

Full of doubts, Jiang Che nodded and left Qiongfeng Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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