I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 12 Leaving for the Ten Thousand Years Great Sect

Chapter 12 Leaving for the Ten Thousand Years Great Sect
Although the Youth Residing Yan Pill is tasteless, but it can guarantee eternal youth, which is not bad.

Now, he is more concerned about these two magical powers.

Walking to the bed, Jiang Che sat down.

Close your eyes, and read carefully the cultivation methods of "Shrink the ground into an inch" and "Tianlong town magic seal".

Learn from the past.

He should be proficient in his chest first, and when he has the method of cultivating immortals and embarks on the road of cultivation, he can practice directly.


The day passed quickly.

The East is too white.

The light of the morning sun shines on the land of Yujing.

Jiang Che also woke up from his sleep.

He didn't go to bed until midnight yesterday. Although he only slept for an hour or two, his energy was surprisingly good.

The hundred-fold soul improvement shortened his sleep time, but the quality improved a lot.

After washing up, under the service of Qing Luo, Jiang Che changed into new clothes.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Che was full of energy.

"Master, why don't the servants go with you? I can take care of the young master along the way."

On the side, Qingluo looked at Jiang Che with a reluctant face.

"No, there's no problem with the chief manager here." Jiang Che smiled.

"Young master, I don't know how long it will take to come back."

Qing Luo lowered her head, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

"Haha, wait for me to succeed in cultivating immortals, and I will come back naturally." Jiang Che laughed loudly.

"My lord will definitely succeed." Qing Luo raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes.

"I hope so." Jiang Che smiled.


At this moment, outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Young master, you can go."

Jiang Hong's voice came.

Jiang Che also stood up immediately, striding towards the door.

Opening the door, Jiang Hong was standing at the door waiting for him.

Qingluo followed Jiang Che with a bundle.

Inside were Jiang Che's changed clothes.

"Young master, go see the master first, and after saying goodbye to the master, you can go."

Jiang Hong looked at Jiang Che and said.

"Well, let's go."

Jiang Che nodded, then turned to look at Qingluo, and said, "Wait for me at the door."

"Yes." Qingluo nodded.

Jiang Che didn't say much, and followed Jiang Hong and left the room.


A while later, Jiang Che and Jiang Hong arrived at the door of Jiang Zhen's study.

Without stopping, Jiang Che walked directly into the study, followed by Jiang Hong, who followed into the study.

In the spacious study room, after writing the desk, Jiang Zhen looked at the notebook in his hand.

When Jiang Che and Jiang Hong came in, Jiang Zhen put down the notebook in his hand.


Before coming to the desk, Jiang Che saluted.

"Today's complexion is better, not bad." Looking at Jiang Che, a smile appeared on Jiang Zhen's majestic face.

"My child's body is slowly recovering, and she's much better now." Jiang Che replied.

Jiang Zhen nodded, got up slowly, looked at him, and said, "It's a long way to go to Daozong, you have to obey Jiang Hong's arrangement, don't cause trouble, and reach Daozong safely."

"My child understands, and must obey Uncle Hong's arrangements." Jiang Che nodded.


Jiang Zhen nodded slightly, looked at Jiang Hong again, and said, "Take care of him, Che'er will leave this trip to you."

Jiang Hong clasped his hands together, with a serious expression on his face: "Master, don't worry, this old servant will let you arrive at Daozong safely."

"Go, it's getting late, and arrive at Daozong as soon as possible."

Jiang Zhen said.

"Father, take my leave." Jiang Che saluted again.

Although he has met this father twice, he can feel Jiang Zhen's care for him.

Jiang Che also made up his mind that if he had a successful future, he would definitely not let any accidents happen to his family.

From now on, he is the real Jiang Che.


When this thought surfaced, Jiang Che only felt an inexplicable feeling flow through his whole body, and suddenly, it seemed to become more transparent.

"Go, I hope you can pass the test of Xianmen." Jiang Zhen waved his hand.

Jiang Che nodded silently, then turned around and stepped out of the study.

"Master, don't worry, this old slave will not let your son have any accidents." Jiang Hong said.

Jiang Zhen also nodded silently.

Immediately, Jiang Hong followed Jiang Che out of the study.

"If he can have the talent to cultivate immortals, he will be able to be more stable in the future. Everything depends on his good fortune. I hope he can have it..."

Watching the back of the two leaving, Jiang Zhen muttered to himself, then sat down slowly, and continued to look at the booklet in his hand.


Hongwuhou Mansion.

main entrance.

A carriage stopped outside the gate of Hou Mansion.

On the carriage, there is also a dedicated coachman, who is also pulling the carriage is a divine horse, a Blood Qima.

Stepping out of the gate of the Marquis Mansion, Jiang Che looked up at the sky.

Xianmen, he didn't know what kind of environment it would be.

But in the future, if you want to kill demons and demons, you have to rely entirely on yourself.

But Jiang Che also had a certain amount of confidence in his heart.

He has obtained several rewards from the demon book, and he wants to practice, so that is definitely not a problem.

It is not a big deal to practice for a period of time and kill demons.

After getting into the carriage, Jiang Che sat by the window of the carriage, and Jiang Hong sat opposite him.

Apart from the carriage, it looks ordinary except for the extraordinary blood unicorn horse, but the interior of the carriage is very spacious.

Sitting at the window, looking at the reluctant Qingluo in front of the carriage, Jiang Che waved his hand, "Go back, I will come back when I am successful in my cultivation."

"Young master, be careful all the way!"

Qingluo looked at Jiang Che, and spoke with a look of reluctance.

"Well, let's go back." Jiang Che nodded.

Qingluo turned her head three times, and finally stepped into the Hou's mansion.

"set off!"

Jiang Hong gave the order from inside the car.


The coachman swung his whip, and the bloody horse moved instantly, and the carriage left the gate of Hongwuhou's mansion very quickly.

The carriage moved forward smoothly, and sitting in the carriage, I couldn't feel any shaking at all, it was even and stable!

Looking at the rapidly passing scenery of the streets on both sides, Jiang Che looked at it for a while, then looked away again.

"Does your son drink water?"

Jiang Hong looked at Jiang Che and took out a water bag.

"Not for now." Jiang Che shook his head.

Jiang Hong heard the words and put the water bag aside.

"My lord, we will rest in Lin'an City at the first stop. If you want to taste the delicacies of other cities on the way, you can also take a break in the middle."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hong opened his mouth and said.

"You can arrange it, I can do whatever I want," Jiang Che said.

Jiang Hong nodded.

Jiang Che turned his gaze, looked at Jiang Hong, and said, "By the way, Uncle Hong, I have a question for you."

"Young master, it doesn't matter if you say it. I will tell you what I know." Jiang Hong smiled.

"How much do you know about Daozong?"

Looking at Jiang Hong, Jiang Che said.


Jiang Hong pondered slightly, looked up at Jiang Che, and said, "I don't know much about Daozong's situation, I only know a little."

"Then let's listen to it." Jiang Che said.

Jiang Hong nodded, opened his mouth, and said, "There are many fairy gates in the Eastern Desolation Continent. There are only ten outstanding immortal gates in total, and these ten immortal gates have a long history. Each of them is a great sect of immortal sects that have been passed down for thousands of years. It can be said that the history of the top ten immortal gates is much longer than that of Daqian."

"Thousands of years..."

"These immortal cultivators really live long!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

But there was no big surprise.

Xian and Wu!
Among them, cultivating immortals and living longer!
The ultimate in immortality, and the legendary immortality!
Of course, the ultimate in martial arts can also be immortal!
However, the odds are too small.

It has only been more than a thousand years since the founding of the country.

Starting in the northwest, it swept across the countries, and then unified most of the Eastern Wasteland.

Emperor Taizu of Dagan is rumored to be a supreme martial artist, so Dagan has been able to stand up to this day.

Although the Eastern Desolation Continent has not yet been unified, it is a well-deserved heyday dynasty if it is in the Eastern Desolation.

All other small countries have to bow their heads to the big cadres and pay tribute every year!

"Among them, the most powerful immortal sect is Dao Sect!"

"The history of Taoism also spans ten thousand years. It can be said that it is one of the oldest immortal sects in the entire Eastern Desolation Continent."

"Beyond ten thousand years!!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

It seems that this Donghuang Daozong is more terrifying than he imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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