I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 13 The Ultimate Immortal Dao, the Peak of Martial Dao, and the Big World [New book please su

Chapter 13 The Ultimate Immortal Dao, the Peak of Martial Dao, and the Big Thousand World [New book please support! 】

Wannian Dapai!

This historical background is so rich that it is terrifying.

"The Taoist sect has a long history, and there are so many masters. Among the top ten immortal sects, they are all very terrifying."

Jiang Hong spoke slowly.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, he looked at him, and said, "Uncle Hong, I heard that there is a supreme being in the Taoist sect who exists in the same way as martial arts immortals, is it true?"


Jiang Hong nodded and said: "It's true, and there are more than one of them, who are the Supreme Beings who have stepped into the "Thunder Tribulation Realm"."

"Thunder Tribulation Realm?"

"Is this the realm of cultivating immortals?"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he looked at Jiang Hong.

"Yes, stepping into the Thunder Tribulation, an existence that endures the baptism of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth and is indestructible, has extraordinary supernatural powers." Jiang Hong nodded.

"Among the ten great immortal sects in the Eastern Wasteland, apart from Dao Sect, the other immortal sects also have a Supreme Being of the Thunder Tribulation Realm, whose strength is as high as the sky."

Jiang Hong spoke slowly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart also stirred up waves.

Thunder Tribulation!

This realm sounds amazing!
"Uncle Hong, can you tell me about the cultivation realm of the Immortal Gate?" Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Hong and asked.

Jiang Hong nodded and said: "The realm of the Immortal Gate is based on qi. First practice Qi, and then cultivate the spirit. The first realm is Qi gathering, the second realm is Shenhai, the third realm is Zhenyi, the fourth realm is Jindan, the fifth realm is Yuanshen, and the sixth realm is Thunder Tribulation! This is probably the sixth realm of the immortal way."

"Gathering Qi, Shenhai, True Intent, Golden Elixir, Primordial Spirit, Thunder Tribulation, the Six Realms of Immortal Dao."

Jiang Che listened carefully and remembered it in his heart.

Before that, he had been vague about the realm of immortality.

But now that he heard what Jiang Hong said, he understood.

This is the system of Immortal Dao.

"The Thunder Tribulation Realm is the pinnacle, right?"

After recovering, Jiang Che asked.


Jiang Hong shook his head.

Jiang Che: "?"

Not the pinnacle?

Isn't it the Six Realms of Immortal Dao?
Isn't the Thunder Tribulation Realm the pinnacle?
What else is there on top of the thunder calamity?
Jiang Che looked at Jiang Hong with astonishment on his face.

"Above the thunder calamity, there is another realm."

Jiang Hong spoke.

"There is another realm?"

"What realm?" Jiang Che asked curiously.

"Yangshen!" Jiang Hong spat out two words.

"Sun God!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

This name sounds awesome!
"Extreme immortality, immortal sun god, beyond reincarnation, immortal!"

"This is the ultimate pinnacle of immortality!"

Jiang Hong said slowly.

The ultimate in immortality, the immortal sun god, beyond reincarnation, immortal!

Those words instantly made Jiang Che gasp.

"Hey, it's so scary!"

Jiang Che's heart couldn't help beating.

"Thunder Tribulation Realm is comparable to Martial Daoist Immortals, this Yang God... how much must he surpass?"

Jiang Che's heart was turbulent and passionate.

"In this case, compared with the way of martial arts and immortality, I am afraid that it is much worse."

After recovering, Jiang Che smacked his lips and said.

"No." Jiang Hong shook his head.


"Could it be that there is a higher realm of martial arts above human immortals?" Jiang Che was stunned.

"There must be." Jiang Hong smiled and continued: "The ultimate in immortality, the immortal sun god, the ultimate in martial arts, and smashing the vacuum. Compared with the ultimate in immortality, the smashing vacuum in martial arts is also not bad. The existence of immortality, transcending the physical body, and stepping on the other side, this is the ultimate in martial arts, smashing the vacuum!"

"The physical body is detached, the feet are on the other side, the martial arts are extreme, and the vacuum is smashed..."

Jiang Che's mood that had just calmed down stirred up waves again.

It seems that he knows too little about this world.

Peeping is the tip of the iceberg!

Originally thought that the human immortal of martial arts was the ultimate in martial arts.

But Jiang Che hadn't imagined that there were even more terrifying things above martial arts and immortals.

Smash the vacuum!

What kind of state is this?
The physical body is detached, and the feet are on the other side!
Absolutely domineering!
"These two realms, the peak, and the rumors, the Dagan Emperor Taizu failed to crush the vacuum and abdicated later. Otherwise, if he succeeded, he might directly unify the entire Eastern Desolation Continent. Even the Ten Great Immortal Sects would have to bow their heads, and even marching into other super continents would not be a problem."

Jiang Hong said slowly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che involuntarily sketched a picture in his mind.

A great emperor dressed in imperial robes, commanding thousands of troops to conquer the world.

Dagan Emperor Taizu, he knew.

It can be said that he is a great man.

Most of the Eastern Desolate Continent without a great unity, I am afraid that now the people are in dire straits, the countries are fighting, corpses are strewn across the fields, and blood flows into rivers.

Set your heart for the world, set your life for the people!
It can be called a generation of outstanding emperors.

"Other super continents..."

"How far is that!"

Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

An Eastern Desolation Continent is vast and boundless.

Even if you break your leg while driving the Blood Qima, it will be very difficult to step out.

Although I don't know much about other super continents, I do know a little bit.

Every super continent is separated by endless seas.

For example, the East China Sea in the Eastern Desolation Continent!
Not only do you have to cross the continent, you have to cross the East China Sea.

The scope of the East China Sea is also equivalent to the territory ruled by Dagan.

Jiang Hong looked at him and said, "If you are successful in cultivating immortals, young master, when you can reach the high level of immortality in the future, you can fly to the sky and escape from the ground, and then you can go to other continents to see."

"In the center of the world, there is a continent of Central Continent. There, martial arts and immortals are not uncommon. There is even the legendary Shattered Vacuum, the Immortal Sun God."

"...Central Continent, Uncle Hong, have you been there?"

Jiang Che blinked, looked at Jiang Hong and asked.

"The slave has never been there, but the master seems to have been there once." Jiang Hong said.

"My father has been to Central Continent?"

Jiang Che looked at Jiang Hong in astonishment.

"Well, I have been there, and that was more than ten years ago." Jiang Hong nodded.

"At that time, son, you were not born yet." Jiang Hong said with a smile.

"Ten years ago, that was indeed far away." Jiang Che nodded.

"The Central Continent has a vast land and resources, comparable to the size of two or even three Eastern Desolation Continents," Jiang Hong said.

"Is it that big?"

Jiang Che looked at Jiang Hong suspiciously.

You are not lying to me, are you?
Two or three are as big as the Eastern Wilderness, it's an exaggeration!
"The old slave is absolutely not exaggerating. The young master will succeed in cultivation in the future. You will know when you go there. It may be bigger than what the old slave described."

Jiang Hong said seriously.

Jiang Che: "..."

I'm such a frog in a well!
A thought came to mind, and Jiang Che's heart twitched.

The world is so big, beyond imagination!
This is the real world!
There are Immortal Yang Gods and existences that can shatter the vacuum. It is hard for Jiang Che to imagine how terrifying this Central Continent will be.

The kind where masters bloom everywhere!

"The Central Continent is not any other super continent. There are many masters, immortal sects, and martial arts masters, but it is also the most stable place."

Jiang Hong said.

"The most stable?"

"What do you mean by that?" Jiang Che looked at Jiang Hong with a hint of surprise on his face.

Jiang Hong smiled and said: "Because the Central Continent is a completely unified place, there is only one human dynasty."

"There is only one human dynasty?!?!"

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

The Eastern Wilderness is so big, apart from the Dagan, there are many small countries.

However, even with the current national strength, it has not been able to achieve the complete unification of the Eastern Wasteland.

But the Central Continent is several times larger than the Eastern Wilderness.

It is also a place where the supreme beings of martial arts and immortal sects run rampant. Under such circumstances, Jiang Che can hardly imagine how terrifying this human dynasty is.

This is simply outrageous!
"Uncle Hong, you must have heard some rumors, right?"

Jiang Che recovered, looked at Jiang Hong and asked.

"This is what the master said himself, not a rumor. Although it has been so long, this old slave still remembers it very clearly." Jiang Hong said seriously.


 There is another update at [-] pm!
(End of this chapter)

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