I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 122 Senior Brother Jiang Che Strengthens My Dao Sect

Chapter 122 Senior Brother Jiang Che Strengthens My Dao Sect
Jiang Che stepped on Yi Qingfeng's body and looked down at him with unusually cold eyes.


Yi Qingfeng groaned, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out completely.

Seeing this, Jiang Che withdrew his foot.

The battle is over, the champion has been determined!
The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

And this scene greatly stimulated everyone's attention.


It's not a dream, is it? ! ? !
It was clear that Jiang Che was at a disadvantage, but he turned around in an instant.

And the gap opened is not even a little bit.

It directly crushed Yi Qingfeng completely.

Up and down the Taixu Palace, a pair of eyes did not blink, shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

This is fake!

This is not true!
How could Yi Qingfeng lose? !
Do not……




Pairs of eyes were also full of shock, unbelievable.

Who would believe it was real if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes? !

Jiang Che kept a hand all the way to the final.

Simply incredible.

Moreover, this move directly crushed Yi Qingfeng decisively.

The Great Elder felt incredible.

"Haha, good, good!"

Xuan Miaoyin laughed, breaking the silence.

Everyone in the Taixu Palace came back to their senses.

Although I don't want to believe it, it is the truth right now.

I don't know what kind of secret method Jiang Che has practiced, even Yi Qingfeng can't match it.

How terrifying is Yi Qingfeng in the form of a dragon?
In the early stage of Yuanshen, he couldn't stop it.

It can even compete with Yuanshen Zhongqi.

But no one would have thought that Jiang Che was hiding deeper.

It's just horrible.

The divine light swept over, and Jiang Che and Yi Qingfeng disappeared into the square mirror.

Stepping out of the square mirror, Yi Qingfeng, who had passed out, also woke up.

He looked at Jiang Che at the side, his eyes were silent.

Struggling to get up, a ray of light burst out from the dim eyes.

"In the future, this battle, I will definitely get it back."

Yi Qingfeng spoke weakly, his voice was not loud, but his tone was full of firmness.

Jiang Che glanced at him and said, "An enemy defeated by me will never be regarded as an opponent by me. I will give you time to catch up until it is out of sight!"

The voice was very flat, but the words in the tone were full of invincibility.

What kind of state of mind is it to be able to say such words? !
In one word, the audience was shocked!
The enemy defeated by me will never be regarded as an opponent by me...

This word...

Domineering and invincible!

Yi Qingfeng froze on the spot, standing in place like petrified.

The audience was also silent.

Pairs of eyes stared straight at Jiang Che.

This remark...

Speak of invincibility!

Good guy!
This is a young man in his twenties!

It is true that talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years!


With a movement of Jiang Che's figure, he returned to the seat in an instant.

But all eyes still fell on him, and they never moved away.

A few words, let everyone excited!
Jiang Che returned to his seat, and the God-King fusion also dissipated.

The breath instantly fell from the peak, and his face became extremely pale.

The power of the soul is consumed enormously.

Almost shook his foundations.

Only by cultivating the golden elixir can the horror of the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens be fully revealed.

But the sequelae are also huge.

Jiang Che had almost lost the strength to move, and just half-lyed on the chair.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he has no strength.

The blood consumption is also very huge.

When the seven great god kings enter the body, they will absorb his own energy and blood in exchange for short-term strength.

This is the price!


At this time, the applause was instantly thunderous, and almost 90.00% of the people in the seats stood up in unison, looking at Jiang Che who was seated in Daozong's seat.

The Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference, this time the situation broke everyone's imagination.

Chen Dongfeng, Yi Qingfeng.

These two peerless evildoers were defeated by this Jiang Che.

With the initial cultivation base of Jindan, aspire to the championship throne of the Immortal Gate Conference!

And Jiang Che's words were even more unforgettable for them.

This Jiang Che is more terrifying than the two peerless monsters.

Really invincible in the Fairy Gate Conference!

Even in the previous Immortal Gate Conferences, no one could defeat him.

Yi Qingfeng in the form of a dragon alone is enough to sweep away everything.

Not to mention, Jiang Che who is more terrifying than Yi Qingfeng.

This is definitely the strongest champion of the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Gate Conference.

Moreover, the cultivation base is still in the early stage of Jindan, and it has never been seen in the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Gate Conference.

The practice is short, but the strength sweeps everything!
Even a peerless evildoer must be beaten to the ground.

Sweeping completely with his own strength, if there is a Dao weapon, I am afraid...

That strength is unknown.

Thunderous applause continued to resound, and the white clouds above the nine-day sky were all shattered.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the applause stopped.

"Senior brother Jiang Che, strengthen my Dao sect!"

A disciple spoke passionately and looked at Jiang Che with excitement in his eyes.

"Senior brother Jiang Che, strengthen my Dao sect!"

Another disciple spoke.

"Senior brother Jiang Che, strengthen my Dao sect!"

The nine disciples spoke in unison, and their gazes fell on Jiang Che, their expressions filled with boundless excitement.

He was a junior before, but at this moment, Jiang Che is the chief senior brother of Dao Sect!

He is also the most terrifying chief senior brother in the history of Taoism!
To set a new record, this new record may last for hundreds of years, and it may not necessarily be broken.


The Great Elder laughed loudly, and the laughter swept out.

The eyes of the Nine Great Immortals looked over, their eyes were full of complexity, especially Taixu Palace.

This is no ordinary slap in the face!

How crazy she was before, how slapped her face is now.

And it was still an irrefutable face!

Strength is everything!
Even Yi Qingfeng, who had transformed into a divine dragon, was completely rubbed against the ground by Jiang Che.

If this is cultivated into a primordial spirit, then I am afraid that under the thunder calamity, they will be invincible.

Although the gap between Yuanshen is huge, Jiang Che's potential is too terrifying.

Golden core early stage!
Where did this Nima Daozong dig out such a pervert? ! !

Pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Che, even the Supreme Headmasters of other immortal sects also watched.

From this disciple, they seem to have seen a rising supernova!
Perhaps in the future, Daozong will add another Thunder Tribulation Supreme!
The position of the first fairy gate will be completely unshakable!
After today, everyone knows that there is a disciple named Jiang Che in the Taoist sect.

His name will also sweep through all the forces in the Eastern Wilderness in a very short time.

It was not only the Dagan Dynasty that spread, but the entire Eastern Wilderness!

After all, the influence of the Xianmen Conference is too great!

There are tens of thousands of forces from all sides who came here.

Once it spreads, Jiang Che will definitely be remembered by all the Eastern Wilderness forces.

This is the influence of the Xianmen Conference!
Jiang Che was half lying on the chair, feeling hot all over.

It's not embarrassment, but the sequelae of the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens exploded.


You are so happy, come someone to restore it for me, hello? !

"Senior brother Jiang's state of mind is extraordinary, as stable as an ancient sacred mountain!"

A disciple looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

Jiang Che: "..."

Don't worry about your sister's ancient holy mountain, I'm so hypocritical that I've even struggled to speak, can't you see it? !

"Well, I must follow the example of Senior Brother Jiang Che and strive to become a genius like Senior Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Che: "..."

"I can catch up with Brother Jiang's footsteps, and I have no regrets in this life!"

Jiang Che: "..."



At this moment, a golden light poured into Jiang Che's body, and his aura instantly recovered.

Infuriatingly strong, the dull golden core began to shine.

The deficient qi and blood also gradually recovered, but this time, it did not recover as quickly as before.

The sequelae of the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens are beyond imagination!
But the problem is not too big, it just takes a while to recover.

Jiang Che looked at Xuan Miaoyin, his eyes flickering.

"It's still Master who knows that he loves me. This group of guys don't know how to take practical actions just by talking..."

"Senior brother Jiang, you seem to be consuming a lot!"

On the side, Qin Ya looked at him and said.

"Well, it's okay, it's finally a victory."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Senior brother Jiang, you are beyond my imagination!"

Qin Ya smiled and said.

"...Senior sister, you should call me junior brother, I feel a little awkward."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"No, if you go back, you must be the chief senior brother of my Taoist sect. I can no longer call you junior brother."

Qin Ya said seriously.

Jiang Che: "..."

Hearing this, Jiang Che didn't say much.


After a while, above the central square, the crowd began to recede.

There will be an awards ceremony tomorrow.

The end of the awards ceremony also marks the official conclusion of this session of the Fairy Gate Conference.

Jiang Che also returned to Daozong's mansion.

"Jiang Che, this is a Jade God Pill, which consumes a lot of your soul. This Jade God Pill should be able to restore your soul."

When he returned to the mansion, the First Elder called out to stop him. Jiang Che looked at the pill that the First Elder took out with bright eyes: "Thank you, First Elder!"

"Haha, it should be the old man thanking you. This time winning the championship has washed away the centuries-old stains of my Taoism. Jiang Che, you have contributed a lot!"

The great elder laughed.

"This is what disciples should do." Jiang Che smiled.

"Well, very good, then you go to adjust your breath first, and recover well." The Great Elder nodded and said.

"Yes, the disciple retire."

Jiang Che bowed, then turned and left.

His consumption is indeed too serious, and he has a huge deficit.

It has to be recovered properly.

If he had visualized the Nine Great God Kings, with his current state, he might have won, and people would probably be gone.

Entering the body of the god king is equivalent to using his energy and spirit as nourishment. The spirit, spirit, flesh and blood need to be consumed in exchange for a huge increase in combat power.

But Jiang Che still has no regrets.

If he wins the championship, his pure yang fruit will fall.

When the World Tree blooms and bears fruit, it is not just a pure Yang fruit.

Jiang Che had no intention of selling such a rare fetish.

Completely for your own use.

After all, if this thing is top-notch, then it might not be some primordial spirit giant who is eyeing him, but the Supreme Thunder Tribulation!

As long as the benefits are large enough, the Supreme Thunder Tribulation will also attack brazenly.

after all.

this thing.

Not your average stuff.

The pure yang fruit is not comparable to the pure yang immortal energy.

If World Tree's secret leaked out accidentally, it would be difficult for Daozong to keep him.

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!


At night, Xianshen Island is brightly lit.

The champion of the Xianmen Conference has twists and turns.

The genius that Daozong killed was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one could have imagined that this disciple at the early stage of Jindan would directly aspire to the championship.

Jiang Che's name was engraved in everyone's hearts overnight.

In the room of Daozong's mansion, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the bed, motionless.

The Great Elder's Jade God Pill has extraordinary effects, and the large amount of soul power consumed has gradually recovered.

His qi and blood also recovered partly, and Xuan Miaoyin gave him a pill to help him recover.

The whole body glowed brightly, and Jiang Che remained motionless like an old monk in meditation.

The east is too white, the red sun is rising!
When the first ray of sunlight shone through the window into the room, Jiang Che slowly opened his eyes.


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, a ray of light flashed in Jiang Che's black and white pupils.

After a night of recovery, he finally recovered.

Full of energy.

In the dantian, the golden core is shining brightly, and it seems to have grown a little bit stronger.

Breathing out the aura of heaven and earth, wandering around the body, a crackling sound came out of the body instantly.

"Finally recovered." Jiang Che stretched his muscles and bones, his whole body was transparent.


A big battle also allowed him to improve slightly.

The most important thing is that the money-making plan was successful.

Separated his consciousness and penetrated into the map of mountains and rivers, looking at the seedlings of the World Tree, Jiang Che could already imagine the appearance of the World Tree blossoming and bearing fruit.

This trip to the Fairy Gate Conference is worth it!

After stepping out of the room, Jiang Che came to the lobby of Daozong's mansion, other disciples came, and ten Yuanshen elders also appeared.

"Senior Brother Jiang!"

"Senior Brother Jiang!"

"Senior Brother Jiang!"

Qin Ya and the eight disciples looked at him and greeted him one after another. Jiang Che responded with a smile and nodded one by one.

The ten Yuanshen elders looked at him with cordial expressions.

Wash away the stains of Daozong a hundred years ago!
This time, the champion of the Immortal Gate Conference has returned to Daozong.

This honor came from Jiang Che.

It also makes them clear.

In a good mood.

And just as Jiang Che was chatting with Qin Ya, the figures of Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin appeared.

Looking at Jiang Che, the First Elder smiled brightly.

"Let's go, the award ceremony is about to begin, go and receive the award first!"

When the Great Elder spoke, Jiang Che and the others nodded, and a group of people stepped out of the mansion in a mighty manner, heading towards the central square of Immortal God Island.

At three quarters of the hour, the central square was already crowded with people.

When Jiang Che and the others arrived at the seat of Daozong, thousands of eyes looked over.

This time, Dao Zong won the championship, which made most people beyond their imagination.

And it was a crushing championship.

Jiang Che sat on the seat with a calm expression.

But the heart is still excited.

The champion of the Immortal Gate Conference, that is a seventh-rank spiritual vein!
Seventh Grade Spirit Vein!

What is that concept?
It is worth more than a hundred ninth-grade spiritual veins.

The value easily exceeds ten million spirit stones.

Moreover, the aura of the seventh-grade spiritual vein is more pure.

Jiang Che doesn't plan to feed the World Tree for the time being, the master's spirit stone, plus an eighth-grade spirit vein rewarded by the sect after returning to the sect.

He estimated that it should be about the same, and if it is not enough, he will decide whether to use the seventh-grade spiritual veins for feeding.

A seventh-grade spiritual vein is enough to make him rich.

But the consumption is huge.

Subsequent bigger.

The more the world tree absorbs, the stronger the pure yang fruit it will produce.

After the first round of flowering and fruit ripening, there is a second round, but the feeding is bigger, of course, the pure yang fruit of the second round is also stronger.

Spirit veins can join the growth of the world tree.

The bigger the growth, the bigger the harvest!
However, in the early stage of cultivation and feeding, ordinary people, even small fairy gates, cannot afford to feed them.

A seventh-rank spiritual vein, although it made him rich in a short period of time, but if he really wanted to feed the World Tree with all his strength, it would be too far away.

Jiang Che first planned to feed the first round of success.

Then look again.

See if you can find a chance to get more spirit veins.

"Senior brother Jiang, this Yi Qingfeng has remembered you."

At this moment, Qin Ya's voice came from beside his ears, Jiang Che's mind returned, and he turned his head to look at the seats in Taixu Palace. Yi Qingfeng stared at him with a pair of eyes, and there was still a trace of blood in his eyes.

His eyes were sharp, and when Jiang Che looked over, Yi Qingfeng turned his head away again.

"It's okay, just remember it, it's no big deal."

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze and said calmly.

Qin Ya glanced at him, and said: "Brother, you still have to be careful, this guy has a crazy personality, he may come to you at any time."

"Then come on, it's a big deal, beat it again."

Jiang Che said lightly.

Qin Ya: "..."

Well, it seems that her reminder was unnecessary.

But thinking of what Jiang Che said yesterday, Qin Ya couldn't help but feel rippling in her heart.

The enemy defeated by me will never be regarded as an opponent by me, I will give you time to catch up until you can't see it...

These words were also deeply engraved in her heart.

Qin Ya's cheeks also blushed silently.

"Master... Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Qin Ya's face turn crimson, Jiang Che stared at her curiously and asked.

"Brother, you are so domineering..."

Qin Ya subconsciously blurted out, but she blushed even more after speaking.

Jiang Che: "???"

"Is she all right?"

Jiang Che was confused when he heard it, and looked at Qin Ya with a blushing face, completely unable to understand what she was saying.


I am very domineering now?


That wouldn't be a bastard...



The resonant bell rang through the central square, and when the bell rang, the central square fell silent instantly.

On the high platform, the voice of a middle-aged man in a gray robe sounded: "Everyone, below, please give us a round of applause for the champion of this year's Eastern Wilderness Immortal Gate Conference, Jiang Che!"


Thunderous applause rang out, and countless pairs of eyes turned to Jiang Che who was sitting on the Daozong seat.

Jiang Che also got up slowly, took a step forward, and arrived on the high platform in an instant.

The middle-aged man looked at him with a smile on his face, and then turned his gaze to Taixu Palace: "Next, let's give another round of applause to this year's Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference No.2, Yi Qingfeng!"

The applause was thunderous again, but Yi Qingfeng didn't have any joy on his face, and stepped onto the high platform with an expression on his face.

Came to Jiang Che's side, and took a deep look at him.

Jiang Che just ignored it.

It's over, there's no need for him to cause trouble again.

Of course, if this guy really set his sights on him, he wouldn't be polite.

After returning to the sect this time, there will inevitably be a breakthrough in his cultivation, and Jiang Che is not afraid.

Strength is confidence.


Ten disciples took the stage, and immediately, the awards began.

The first was Jiang Che's reward, a space storage bag was handed to him, inside was a seventh-grade spiritual vein several tens of feet long.

Compared with the ninth-rank spiritual vein, it is thicker, stronger, and bigger!

With the spiritual pulse in hand, Jiang Che's heart became more stable.

Once back, he was almost ready to move.


The rewards were given out quickly, and amidst thousands of applause, Jiang Che and the others returned to their seats.

Without staying too long, the Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin led them out of the central square.

Others also left one after another.

The Donghuang Centennial Fairy Gate Conference has come to an end!

"Great Elder, Master, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

When he came to the gate of the mansion, Jiang Che stopped, looked at the First Elder and Xuan Miaoyin and said.

"Leave in an hour, and I'll let you know when the time comes, so go." The Great Elder said kindly.

Xuan Miaoyin nodded, didn't say anything, but told him not to waste time.

Jiang Che nodded, and then left.

After a while, he came to another mansion.

"My lord, the master is waiting for you in the mansion."

As soon as Jiang Che arrived, Jiang Hong approached the mansion with a smile on his face.

Jiang Che nodded, and then stepped into the mansion.

After a while, he was led by Jiang Hong to a room in the mansion.

Jiang Zhen was sitting at the table in the room.


"Well, come in."

Jiang Zhen opened his mouth, and Jiang Che immediately stepped into the room and came to Jiang Zhen.

"Sit down." Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Che sat down, looked at Jiang Zhen, and said, "Father, I'm going back right away, and I'll leave in an hour."

"Well, when you go back, Daozong should give you a separate reward, practice hard." Jiang Zhen looked at him and said.

"Yes, my child understands." Jiang Che nodded.

"Your strength is not bad, but you also need to be careful. If you are in the limelight, your chances of being targeted will be much higher. The three major cults will probably attack you."

Jiang Zhen looked at him with a serious face.

"After I go back, I should still practice for a while. I will leave the sect when my strength rises to another level. I should be fine," Jiang Che said.

"Don't be careless. The three major cults are now connected with each other. According to the information I have, there is a demon clan among the three cults. Three months ago, this demon clan already controlled one of the cults. It is estimated that the three cults will be merged into one and completely controlled soon."

Jiang Zhen said.

"The devil..."

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed, and he quickly thought of the true demon in time and space in the ancient ruins of Taixuan City in Jingzhou.

"This demon race came out of an ancient ruins. I don't know why, but the current strength of this demon is already very strong." Jiang Zhen said.

"That demon child has seen it before, and even fought against it," Jiang Che said.


Jiang Zhen had just taken a sip of tea, and when he heard this, he spit out instantly, staring at Jiang Che, "Have you seen it before? Have you ever fought?"


Jiang Che nodded, and then told about the Jingzhou ruins.

"Then you have to be more careful, the demons will take revenge, and will spare no effort to find opportunities to take revenge on you."

Jiang Zhen said solemnly.

"Understood, I will be careful."

Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately after talking in the room for a while, Jiang Che estimated the time and left.

"He fought against the demons..."

"It seems that this situation is not good..."

"However, with the protection of Daozong, it shouldn't be a big problem. After returning, we will act again and speed up the eradication of some cult strongholds."

Jiang Zhen's eyes flashed, he drank the tea in his cup, then got up and stepped out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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