I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 123 Unexpectedly Not Talking about "Shu De"

Chapter 123 Unexpectedly Not Talking about "Shu De"

Back to the mansion, the time is just right.

After boarding the sky boat, there was a sound of piercing through the sky, and it roared into the sky in an instant.

Standing on the sky boat, Jiang Che once again overlooked the Immortal God Island.

Such a Fairy Gate Conference...

He wants to do more.

This way you earn more.

Of course, you can only think about it.


A day later, Yuhua Tianzhou returned to Daozong.

Tongtian Peak, on the square outside the main hall, a huge sky boat descended from the sky.

On the square, many figures gathered.

They are in Daozong, but they already know the situation on Xianshen Island.

This time, Daozong regained the first place again.

And No.1 is Xuan Miaoyin's disciple, Jiang Che.

The masters of Zhufeng looked at the master of Lingxiu Peak. The bet made a few days ago, this time, should be fulfilled.

The master of Lingxiu Peak had a sullen face, happy in his heart, but also full of a trace of disappointment.

Washed away the stains of Daozong's century, but...

Why would it be Jiang Che who won the championship?

In the early stage of a Jindan, he won the championship of the Xianmen Conference.

This year's Xianmen Conference, there is no one else, right?

The moment Jiang Che and his party stepped out of the Yuhua Tianzhou, there was thunderous applause.

The applause roared, and everyone's eyes turned to them.

Everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

Only the master of Lingxiu Peak was panicked.

But in this case, he can only cater to it.

no way……

He should be happy to win the championship, but he really can't be happy.


Tongtian Peak, the central hall.

72 Peak Lord, a group of elders, and Jiang Che's ten disciples all appeared in the hall.

Their ten disciples all stood in the center of the hall, while the other peak masters and elders stood on the sides.


The air trembled, streamers bloomed, and a majestic heavenly power came.

A figure appeared in everyone's eyes, it was the head teacher of the Taoist sect, and it was mysterious.

"See the supreme teacher!"

The sound of Qi Shushu resounded and echoed in the hall.

Feng Xuanji sat down slowly, his eyes fell on the ten disciples of Jiang Che, and a smile appeared: "Very good, this time, you have won glory for the Taoist sect, especially Jiang Che, won the No.1 of this conference, and the contribution cannot be missed."

"Now, I announce that from now on, Jiang Che will be the chief disciple of my Taoist sect."

Feng Xuanji's voice sounded, and the master of Zhufeng looked at him.

Chief disciple, both expected and unexpected!

It's just that the chief disciples of any immortal sect are basically under the head teacher's sect.

Jiang Che's situation, not to mention in Dao Sect, even in other immortal sects, is very rare and almost impossible.

But now, the head teacher spoke in person, and Jiang Che became the first chief disciple who was not under the head teacher.

"Disciple, thank you Supreme Master!"

Jiang Che made a bow.

"I have seen Big Brother."

Behind them, Qin Ya and the others spoke together, and their voices resounded in the hall.

"This time, Jiang Che contributed a lot, and the reward promised by me will naturally be fulfilled. Jiang Che, come forward!"

The mysterious wind sounded.

Jiang Che took a deep breath and stepped forward.


With a light wave of Feng Xuanji's taoist robe, the next breath, the light bloomed, and a storage bag and a pagoda appeared in front of him.

The pagoda exudes a powerful coercion, containing the energy of Dao Yun, it is indeed a magic weapon of Dao.

A medium-grade Taoist artifact!
And in the storage bag, there was the eighth-grade spiritual vein that Jiang Che was looking forward to.

There was a trace of envy in the eyes of the other disciples.


Some Yuanshen elders may not have such a powerful magic weapon.

They still use the best spirit treasure.

Middle-grade Taoist artifacts are more powerful than low-grade Taoist artifacts, and the promised rewards for Taoist artifacts are also unexpected.

Don't look at it as just a small difference, but the power is earth-shaking.

"Thank you Master Headmaster!"

Jiang Che collected the storage bag and the pagoda, and bowed in salute.

Dao artifacts are powerful, and he also has them, but he naturally doesn't mind more.

It will be easier to subdue demons and eliminate demons in the future.

As a middle-grade Taoist tool, he only has one Heavenly Demon Life Blade. Now, adding another pagoda has strengthened his strength even more.

Feng Xuanji nodded slightly, and immediately, a golden light flashed in the Taoist robe, and a golden token appeared out of thin air, and slowly fell into his hand.

"This is the pure yang token. If you activate the token, you can enter the pure yang void realm to practice for a month. You can enter any place in the sect if you activate the token."

Feng Xuanji's voice sounded.

"Thank you Master Headmaster!"

Jiang Che made a salute.

Pure Yang Void Realm!
That is a void world containing pure Yang immortal energy.

Although the one-month practice time is a little short, he believes that this kind of improvement must be huge.

Looking at the Pure Yang Token in Jiang Che's hand, even the eyes of all the peak masters and elders flashed a ray of light.

It is a great opportunity to enter and practice in it.

But Jiang Che won the No.1 in this year's Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference, so this reward should also be given.

Feng Xuanji nodded slightly, and then his voice sounded again.

"Qin Ya is the No.3 of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Sect this time, and also to win glory for the sect, so come forward."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Ya also stepped forward.


The Taoist robe vibrated, the light flickered, and a Taoist artifact appeared again.

It's a blue Excalibur!
But Dao Yun is not as terrifying as Jiang Che's pagoda, it is just a low-grade Taoist artifact.

But to Qin Ya, it was already very good.

After all, only by stepping into the Yuanshen Realm can the full power of a Taoist artifact be fully activated.

With the current state of cultivation, it is also very suitable.

Just right.

"Thank you, Master!"

Qin Ya took down the Taoist vessel and bowed to salute.

Feng Xuanji nodded slightly, and then looked at the other eight disciples.

"Although you are not as good as the two of them, you have done your best for the sect. Each of you has [-] low-grade spirit stones. I hope you will continue to work hard."

As soon as the words fell, storage bags appeared out of thin air in the hands of the eight disciples.

"Thank you Master Headmaster!"

The eight true disciples spoke in unison.

It would be nice to have a consolation prize.

"You have to learn from the chief disciples. You are also the future of Daozong. I hope you can carry it forward even more!"

"Follow the teachings of the supreme teacher, we will definitely keep in mind."

Qi Qi's voice sounded.

"Okay, let's go." Feng Xuanji nodded slightly, and immediately, his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

The coercion that enveloped the hall disappeared in an instant.

"Huh? Master Chen, the dust has settled now, should we fulfill our promise?"

Just when Jiang Che and the others were about to leave, Xuan Miaoyin's voice suddenly sounded.

? ?

Jiang Che was stunned, and looked curiously at Peak Master Yifeng, whom the others were staring at.

The peak owner of Lingxiu Peak.

It was the top soul giant who had been eyeing him before he set off.

"What promise does Master have with this Peak Lord Chen?"

Jiang Che blinked his eyes with a curious look on his face.

Under the eyes of everyone, Fengzhu Chen's expression was ugly, but he didn't say anything. With a wave of his Taoist robe, a red light bloomed.


Amidst the red light, a cry of gold and stone like a phoenix came out, and a fiery breath permeated the central hall.

Jiang Che looked at the red light, which was an object the size of a fist.

It looks like stone, but also has a liquid feeling.

And in this object, a delicate red phoenix can be vaguely seen flying high, vividly, as if it is about to rush out at any time.

"What kind of baby is this?!"

Jiang Che and the others stared wide-eyed.

A bright smile appeared on Xuan Miaoyin's face, and as soon as he raised his hand, he put the object in his bag, and the hot breath disappeared.

After collecting the things, Xuan Miaoyin looked at the master of Lingxiu Peak, and said, "Master Chen, thank you, you can come again next time, I'll be waiting for you at any time."


With a cold snort, Master Chen flicked his sleeves and disappeared into the hall in an instant.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che pondered for a while, and guessed that the master of Lingxiu Peak must have made some agreement with his master, and he should have lost.

As for the agreement, he didn't know.

Xuan Miaoyin smiled like a flower, her figure flashed, and disappeared into the central hall at the same time.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, and immediately stepped out of the hall.

Leaving Tongtian Peak, the ground shrank into an inch and exploded, rushing towards Xiaoqiong Peak.


After returning to Little Qiongfeng, Jiang Che reached the top of Qiongfeng.

Xuan Miaoyin's figure appeared in his eyes.


Jiang Che made a bow.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and threw out a storage bag casually.

"This is your share and betting rewards, a total of 350 million low-grade spirit stones."

The mysterious voice sounded.

Jiang Che's eyes were burning.

Looking at the storage bag in his hand, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Master."

"You deserve it yourself." Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said.

"Master, what did you get just now?"

Jiang Che blinked, looked at her curiously and said.

"Fire Phoenix Essence!"

Xuan Miao said lightly.

"Fire Phoenix Essence?"

Jiang Che blinked his eyes with a look of astonishment.

After thinking for a while, he remembered what kind of treasure it was.

A legendary phoenix essence with incredible abilities.

But he doesn't know the details.

But those who can be related to Phoenix are definitely not ordinary things.

You can tell by Xuan Miaoyin's happy face.

"Pure Yang Void Realm contains pure Yang Immortal Qi, which is also an opportunity for you to improve, at least you can improve a small realm, go down and practice well, don't delay too long."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said.

"The disciple understands."

"Master, then I will take my leave first."


Xuan Miaoyin nodded slightly, and Jiang Che immediately left the hall.

Watching Jiang Che leave, Xuan Miaoyin's figure also disappeared into the hall.



When returning to the room, Jiang Che took out the storage bag.

With a thought, his whole body entered the picture of mountains and rivers.

Appearing from the void, the Chaos Tengu found his trail and stepped forward excitedly.

Jiang Che touched its head, and took out a hundred spirit stones for it.

Chaos Tengu's eyes flooded instantly, and he swallowed it in one gulp.


After swallowing the Lingshi, Chaos Tengu burped, then turned around again, rushed to Yuan Ling's side, and lay down to rest.

Jiang Che took a look, and then came to the World Tree in a flash.

Taking out the storage bag, he couldn't wait to take out the eighth-rank spiritual vein that the sect rewarded.

The spirit vein, which is more than ten feet in size, is twisting like a giant divine light python.

Although not as thick as the seventh-rank spiritual veins, it is far stronger than the ninth-rank spiritual veins.

An eighth-rank spiritual vein is even more valuable.


The branches and leaves of the world tree glowed.

There seems to be a sense of excitement.

"I don't know how much I can improve..."

Jiang Che took a deep breath, and with the next breath, he directly sent this eighth-grade spiritual vein to the World Tree.


The World Tree burst out with crystal green light in an instant, and the eighth-rank spiritual vein was swallowed by the World Tree little by little.

Jiang Che stood aside, without blinking, staring at the changes in the World Tree.

Boom~! !
The ground trembled and there was a sound like thunder.

The world tree is rapidly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, it has reached the height of a person.

Jiang Che's eyes were filled with joy, seeing the great changes in the World Tree, he was very happy in his heart.

As it continued to grow, the branches and leaves of the World Tree became more luxuriant, with a few more thin branches.

But soon, when the eighth-rank spiritual veins were exhausted, there was no movement in the world tree.

An eighth-rank spiritual vein finally raised the World Tree to over ten feet.

It is bigger than before, but it is too far away from blossoming and bearing fruit.

Hundred feet high, the world tree will bloom and bear fruit.

Now, it has only reached one percent.

Jiang Che: "..."


This appetite is bigger than I imagined!

An eighth-rank spiritual vein just disappeared.

Jiang Che felt some inexplicable pain in his heart.

However, if he has already been fed, then he will definitely not stop, otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.


With a thought, Jiang Che took out 100 million low-grade spirit stones in one go.


As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, millions of spirit stones instantly turned into powder under his control.

In order not to waste a little bit, Jiang Che used his true energy to perfectly control the powdered spirit stones to fall on the World Tree.

Like a cloud of dust falling from the sky, the crashing powder covered the World Tree.

In an instant, the world tree's aura bloomed, constantly absorbing the powder of millions of spirit stones.

Continue to grow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The trunk of the world tree is also getting thicker.

From the thickness of a baby's arm, it has become as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Grow quickly.

The shining spiritual light made every leaf of the World Tree shine brightly.

The leaves of the world tree contain natural texture.

These leaves look completely different from other leaves, as delicate as jade carvings.

With the growth of the world tree, the texture of the leaves has become more complex, and it also contains a certain amount of dao rhyme.

The million spirit stone powder was absorbed by the world tree at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, it is absorbed completely.

From a little over ten feet, it has also become a little over two feet.

Raised another ten feet.

In a short while, an eighth-grade spirit vein and a million spirit stones disappeared.

Jiang Che's heart ached somewhat.

It's too much money!
This appetite is more terrifying than gluttony.

Jiang Che's heart twitched. Looking at the shining World Tree, he took out 100 million spirit stones again.


After a moment, the World Tree became over forty feet.

There are more branches and more leaves.

Looking at the four-foot-high World Tree in front of him, Jiang Che stared at it for a long time without moving.

With 300 million low-grade spirit stones and an eighth-grade spirit vein, it... only increased by four feet.

Only 50 of his spirit stones are left.

There is also a seventh-rank spiritual vein.

"It seems..."

"The seventh-rank spiritual veins can't be kept anymore."

Jiang Che let out a long sigh, and took out the seventh-grade spiritual vein that was several tens of feet in size.

He doesn't plan to feed the 50 spirit stones.

Not much improvement.

Seventh grade spirit veins feed.

Although it is far from flowering and bearing fruit, it has already been done, so it can only go forward.

50 spirit stones are left for cultivation and contingencies.

Looking at the seventh-grade spiritual veins shining in front of him, Jiang Che took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and finally started feeding.


The feeding of the seventh-rank spiritual veins has greatly improved the World Tree in an instant.

In an instant, his kung fu improved by a foot.

The aura was so bright that Jiang Che didn't even blink his eyes.

Not long after, the world tree that was a few feet in size has become a dozen feet in size.

The trunk of the world tree has also become as thick as a thigh.

In the end, when the seventh-rank spiritual veins were completely swallowed up, the world tree also stopped growing.

Just over twenty feet.

The feeding gap between a seventh-rank spiritual vein and an eighth-rank spiritual vein is very obvious.

But it is still eighty feet away from the flowering of Baizhang.

"My spiritual veins..."

Jiang Che felt a pain in his heart.

Looking at the World Tree in his early twenty feet, his heart was overwhelmed.

The seventh-rank spiritual veins were also fed.

Well said flowering and bearing fruit...

Not even half of the growth has been achieved.

Still blooming and bearing fruit...

It takes the year of the monkey and the month of horses to bear fruit!

Jiang Che had mixed feelings.

He was still too young.

This world tree...doesn't talk about "tree virtue".

World Tree's appetite is even more terrifying than he imagined.

Even if there is another seventh-rank spiritual vein and eighth-rank spiritual vein, it is impossible for the world tree to blossom and bear fruit.

This result made him very painful.

But I have to accept it.

"Where can I find so many spiritual veins..."

Jiang Che looked sad.

I thought it was enough this time, but the reality hit my face directly.

The world tree has grown to a little over twenty feet.

Baizhang can bear fruit.

And flowering and fruiting also requires a lot more energy.

Jiang Che made a rough estimate, and the more he calculated, the more terrified he became.

With this feeding method, even ten times the wealth would not be enough for the World Tree to swallow.

"I hope the Pure Yang Fruit won't disappoint me..."

With a long sigh, Jiang Che immediately stepped out of the map of mountains and rivers.

take it easy.

Now it seems that it is basically impossible for him to make the Mountain and River Map blossom and bear fruit in a short period of time.



"There is a play!"

Beside the bed, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

He thought of a way.

Pure Yang Void Realm!
There is a small half of the Pure Yang Immortal Meridian there.

The pure yang immortal energy that emanates is not comparable to spiritual energy.

If the World Tree absorbs the pure Yang immortal energy, it shouldn't be a problem to bloom and bear fruit, right?
The World Tree can absorb spiritual stones and spiritual veins. It is not that ordinary spiritual energy cannot be absorbed, but it is absorbed. This growth rate is almost imperceptible.

But pure Yang immortal energy is different.

The supreme and only energy.

No matter how strong the spiritual energy is, it cannot compare with the pure Yang immortal energy.

This kind of energy is the only energy that even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation can improve.

"There's something wrong!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up with flames, and then he took out the Pure Yang Token.

Looking at the Pure Yang Token in his hand, Jiang Che's eyes burned.

"No, wait a few more days. I will sacrifice and refine that middle-grade Taoist artifact before entering the Pure Yang Void Realm. I can't waste the time inside."

With a thought, Jiang Che quickly made this decision.

The World Tree turned out to be promising, and he was in a very good mood.

After taking out the pagoda, he began to sacrifice.


The pagoda is suspended in the air, exuding a powerful Daowei.

After sacrificing the pagoda, Jiang Che also learned more about the situation of this magic weapon.

Sky Tower!
It is a special Taoist instrument.

It can be used as an offensive magic weapon or as a defensive weapon.

At the same time, Qingtian Tower also has the ability to suppress demons.

This involuntarily made Jiang Che think of the only immortal weapon of the Taoist sect.

Town Demon Tower!
The function of the Qingtian Tower is somewhat similar to that of the Immortal Artifact Suppressing Demon Tower.

More like knockoffs.

But even if it is an imitation, it is first-class.

Even with his current cultivation, he cannot fully arouse the power of a middle-grade Taoist artifact.

Thoroughly stimulated, it is also very terrifying to use.

After calming his mind, the golden core in Jiang Che's body trembled.

After being promoted to the Golden Core Realm, the speed of his sacrificial refining has also increased a lot.

However, it will take at least a month to complete the sacrifice.

Jiang Che didn't plan to complete the sacrifice, it was enough to complete the first sacrifice.

The body is full of anger, and it will be slowly refined in the future.

Like a yin and yang jade pendant.

However, the difficulty of refining the best Taoist artifact is too great.

Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, now he has not succeeded in refining even one-tenth of it.

It takes a lot of time.

The more powerful the magic weapon, the higher the level of cultivation required for sacrifice.

If it was an immortal weapon, he might not even be able to sacrifice it in front of him.

Because there is no strength that can be refined.

The huffing and puffing absorption of the fairy artifact easily squeezed him dry, leaving nothing behind.


A few days passed quickly.

Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

The wind is sunny and the sky is clear.

Jiang Che hasn't left since he came back. For the past few days, he has been painstakingly refining this middle-grade Taoist artifact in his room.

After a few days, he finally succeeded in the alchemy.

Inside the room, Jiang Che breathed out a mouthful of turbid air, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as he raised his hand, a divine light pagoda appeared out of thin air, emitting a powerful Daowei.

After the sacrifice of the Sky Tower, Jiang Che can also display a part of its power.

Looking at the Sky Tower hanging in front of him, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the thought moved, the Qingtian Tower sank into his body.

"Almost, you can go to the Pure Yang Void Realm!"

Standing up, Jiang Che looked at the clear sky.

He only has a month.

If the time is exceeded, it will be automatically logged out.

Xuan Miaoyin said that practicing in the Pure Yang Void Realm for a month can at least improve his cultivation by a small realm.

Reached the golden core middle stage!

This alone is enough to prove the horror of the Pure Yang Void Realm.

But it's also taken for granted, if you can't improve, then it's hell.

This is the highest energy that even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation can break through.

In a month's time, breaking through a small realm is only the lowest.

Possibly stronger.

With his own talent, he believed that nothing would change.

The top-level aptitude also gave Jiang Che a deep understanding.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be promoted to the current state in a short period of time.

After practicing for more than two years, he has surpassed others who have been practicing for ten years or even longer.

Among the group of people who entered the Dao Sect at the same time as Jiang Che, the most outstanding ones reached the realm of the Divine Sea.

And more of them are the first realm.

This is also the reality of most practitioners.

It is absolutely rare for Jiang Che to improve so quickly.

Break the Taoist record.


With a flash of his figure, Jiang Che disappeared into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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