I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 125 The Weird Combination of the Land of the Dead 【Subscription】

Chapter 125 The Weird Combination of the Land of the Dead 【Subscription】

"How many?"

Xuan Miaoyin looked at Jiang Che, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

"About one... one hundred million." Jiang Che whispered.

"One hundred million..."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him directly without blinking.

After a while, she came back to her senses.

"[-] million low-grade spirit stones, what kind of business do you need so many?"

"For a small business, [-] million may be just enough. I can make up the rest, and it will be enough." Jiang Che said.

Mysterious voice: "..."

small business……

Good guy.

This apprentice's tone is louder than hers.

A low-grade spirit stone of [-] million is just a small business.

Are you afraid that you have no idea about a [-] million low-grade spirit stone?

This is also called a small business?

So what is a big business?

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin choked speechlessly.

Jiang Che blinked, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Master, look..."

"One hundred million, how much do you think a teacher is worth? Why don't you sell your teacher?" Xuan Miaoyin stared at him and said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che subconsciously glanced at her.

"It seems to be a way..."

"What did you say?" Xuan Miaoyin's eyes were shattered, and one hand grabbed one of his ears in an instant, "You really plan to sell your teacher."

"Ah... it hurts, Master, I didn't... didn't mean that."

Jiang Che hastily defended himself.

"Hmph, if you have this thought again, don't blame the teacher for being rude."

Xuan Miaoyin snorted and put down her hand.

Jiang Che rubbed his ears, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Well, it doesn't matter if there are 5000 million, [-] million is fine, and I can make do with it if I get some more."

Mysterious sound: "(ー_ー)!!"

5000 million spirit stones...

Make do.

This apprentice...

"Master, don't worry, if the disciple has it in the future, he will definitely repay it twice."

Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Not even 5000 million." Xuan Miaoyin said.


Jiang Che lowered his head slowly, then raised his head again, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Then Master, can you tell me which ruins may have spiritual veins, I want to try it."


"Those places are very dangerous. In some places, even a teacher is not sure to break into them."

Xuan Miaoyin let out a long sigh.

"Then try to find a place with a lower risk factor. I'll give it a try. By the way, I can also experience myself."

Jiang Che still did not give up.

Xuan Miaoyin lowered her head, thought for a moment, and said: "There is a place where there may be spiritual veins, but as a teacher, I can't be sure."


Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xuan Miao Yin and said.

"The land of the dead."

Xuan Miaoyin said a name.

"Land of the dead?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback, and quickly searched for memories in his mind, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't think of which place it was.

"Master, where is this?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Che looked at Xuan Miaoyin and asked.

Xuan Miaoyin: "This is a forbidden zone in the Eastern Desolation and Yue Kingdom. It is a very hidden place, and it is also very dangerous."


Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

He does know a little about this country.

A country that is far away from Daqian is farther away than the country of Yu in the Wu Dynasty.

Even if you fly day and night, it will take at least a month to arrive.

The Yue Kingdom is located in a relatively remote area of ​​the Eastern Desolation.

Among the hundreds of countries in the Eastern Desolation, the national strength is relatively weak.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him seriously, and said: "The land of the dead is very dangerous. There is a natural barrier, the outer area is covered with poisonous mist, and the depths are filled with dead air. This dead air will corrode the body of the primordial spirit. If you step into it, you need to be on guard all the time."

"Besides, there is a family of undead running rampant inside, and there are many undead. If a monk steps in, the undead will immediately notice, follow up, and swarm up."

"These undead are not comparable to lonely ghosts. The more undead gather, the more terrifying the combined strength will be."

"Besides, there are a lot of undead souls at the soul level inside, which is even more dangerous."

The mysterious sound came to Jiang Che's ears word by word.

Hearing this, Jiang Che's face became serious.

To be able to make Xuan Miao Yin so serious, then this land of the dead is definitely not easy.

This is the first time Jiang Che has heard of the Necromancer family.

However, Jiang Che felt a little eager to try.

It's been a long time since he slayed demons and demons. The undead belonged to the category of demons. If he broke into them, it might not be a bad thing for him.

In case of any big rewards.

Then his strength may grow by leaps and bounds.

"There may be some spiritual veins deep in the land of the dead, but it's not certain."

The mysterious voice sounded again.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses and looked at her: "Master, this disciple wants to try this land of the dead."

Mysterious voice: "..."

"Although this place is dangerous, I still have some confidence. I hope Master will tell you the details of the Land of the Dead, so that I can go there." Jiang Che continued.

Mysterious voice: "..."

"You bastard, don't you know how the word death is written?" Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin asked.

"This disciple has experienced some dangers in his practice so far, so it shouldn't be a big problem," Jiang Che said.

"In this place, disciples can also have a good experience, and it will also be of great help to cultivation." Jiang Che added again.

Mysterious voice: "..."

"Give you!"

With a wave of her Taoist robe, with a breath, a jade slip flew out and landed in his hand.

Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Che came back to his senses.

"Since you want to go, then you don't have to stop me as a teacher. This is a clone talisman of my teacher, which can release a clone of my magic power. It is best not to use it lightly before the necessary time."

Xuan Miaoyin took out a golden talisman and handed it to Jiang Che.

Looking at the avatar talisman in his hand, Jiang Che took a deep breath, and followed this avatar talisman.

"Thank you, Master, my disciples must remember."

Jiang Che smiled brilliantly.

"There are still 1000 million low-grade spirit stones here, which are temporarily lent to you as a teacher."

Xuan Miaoyin threw him a storage bag again, and the growth sounded.

"... Master, aren't you there?"

"There are still 1000 million low-grade spirit stones. Why, in your eyes, being a teacher is so poor?"

Xuanmiaoyin said with a phoenix eye.

"Uh, that's not what I meant." Jiang Che said with an embarrassed smile.

"Hmph, you still don't understand your little mind as a teacher?" Xuan Miaoyin snorted.

Jiang Che: "..."

"It's not for nothing. You have to pay back the principal with interest. One year, the interest of 500 million low-grade spirit stones is not high, right?"

Xuan Miao said with a smile.

Jiang Che: "???"

How many?

An annual interest of 500 million low-grade spirit stones?

Fuck, your interest is too dark...

Jiang Che's heart twitched, and he looked at Xuan Miaoyin as if struck by lightning.

Seeing Jiang Che's petrified expression, Xuan Miaoyin smiled.

"Aren't you a small business with 500 million low-grade spirit stones? Why, you can't afford the interest of this mere [-] million low-grade spirit stones?"

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him playfully and said.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Then what, Master, the disciple doesn't seem to be short of spirit stones, the 1000 million is just..."

"No, right? That's fine, immediately increase the interest of 100 million and return it to me." Xuan Miaoyin stretched out his hand.

Jiang Che: "..."

I seem to be cheated...

"Don't worry, I won't urge you to pay it back as a teacher. You can pay it back in ten or eight years."

Xuan Miaoyin stepped forward, blinked a pair of bright eyes, looked at him, and said with a smile.

Ten years and eight years...

Good guy.

After ten or eight years, the 1000 million low-grade spirit stones will be tens of millions of interest.

Black heart is not enough to describe it!

But if the pure yang fruit is ripe, he won't have much problem with the tens of millions of interest.

The value of a pure yang fruit is absolutely extraordinary.

However, if you take it out, the shock it will cause will definitely not be small.

"Okay, you can decide whether you want to go or not. You have to go out as a teacher. You shouldn't be in the sect in a short time."

Xuan Miaoyin's voice sounded, Jiang Che pulled his mind back, looked at her, and said, "Where is Master planning to go?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Just take care of yourself and go."

Xuan Miaoyin glanced at him, and as soon as she finished speaking, her figure disappeared in front of Jiang Che's eyes in an instant.

Seeing Xuan Miaoyin disappear, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Looking at the storage bag in his hand, he sighed and put it away.

Although the interest rate was higher, Master still supported him after all.

Immediately, Jiang Che turned around, entered the courtyard, and returned to the room.

"Let's take a look at the situation in the land of the dead..."

Staring at the jade slip in his hand, Jiang Che had a thought, and then stuck it on his forehead. In an instant, a lot of information flooded into his mind.

Sitting by the bed, Jiang Che remained motionless, carefully watching the introduction about the Land of the Dead in his mind.


For a moment, his eyes opened.

Through Yu Jian's information, he has a clear understanding of the situation in the Land of the Dead.

This is a very dangerous place.

The undead family is not as simple as he imagined.

Ordinary undead are "spiritual form"!
That is to say, a form that is more solid than the general soul form.

And this is just the lowest level of undead.

A powerful necromancer, reaching an existence comparable to a golden core, can change from a spirit form to a physical form just like a human body.

And the undead at this stage are also called spirit kings!

And the stronger undead are those of the spirit emperor level.

That is, a primordial spirit-level existence comparable to a monk.

The attack of the undead family is very difficult to deal with.

The unique dead air attack makes people hard to guard against.

The invasion of death energy will continuously corrode the blood of the body, including the soul.

The most terrifying thing about the Necromancers is that they can blend together for a short time.

A large number of undead can be fused in an instant, turning into a more terrifying undead.

Although it didn't last long, it was scary enough.

The fused undead can directly break the realm. For example, the undead under the golden core, a hundred undead can be fused together, and can be instantly transformed into a golden core-level undead, forming a new whole.

After the enemy was dealt with, the fusion body separated again and turned into a hundred undead.

Undead spirits at the spirit king level can also blend together, reaching the level of a peak spirit king, or even a spirit emperor level.

Break through a big boundary leap.

This is also the scariest thing about the Necromancers.

Death Qi has a certain weakening effect on magical powers, and it is in the base camp of the land of the dead.The existing dead energy can increase the strength of the undead and weaken the strength of all outsiders.

One increase and one decrease widen the gap.

But Jiang Che still has no intention of giving up.

One is for the spirit veins.

Second, he also wanted to slay demons and eliminate demons!

It has been more than a year, since Jiang Che came back from the ancient ruins last time, he has never slain demons.

The demon book has also been silent for a long time.

The land of the dead is a dangerous and lore place, but it is also a "chance"!
Very strong, very scary!
But it hasn't reached the point where he can't compete.

Now that his cultivation has broken through the peak of Jindan, his strength has increased by more than ten times compared to the increase at the Donghuang Xianmen Conference.

In the land of the dead, there is no existence comparable to Lei Jie, and the soul emperor at the soul level is the strongest.

It is too difficult for the Necromancers to break through the Thunder Tribulation.

As stated in the information given to him by Xuan Miaoyin, perhaps due to some special reasons, the necromancers in the Thunder Tribulation Realm cannot appear.

Although the soul emperor at the primordial spirit level is terrifying, but...if he really reaches the realm of lore, he still has the strength to contend.

Not to mention the life-saving avatar that Xuan Miaoyin gave him, even his own strength is enough to compete with the soul emperor of Yuanshen level.

After visualizing the eight great god kings and drawing them into the body, with the current cultivation base, the improvement is also very large.

However, he will not easily use this trick unless he is in a desperate situation.

The land of the dead is not the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Gate Conference. In addition to its own magical powers, magic weapons can also be used.

In this way, his chances of success are even greater.

As for whether there is a spiritual vein, it is not clearly stated in the information, but it is possible, not absolute.

Whether it really exists or not can only be known by going there in person.

"Steady for another month, and then set off!"

With a firm mind, Jiang Che let out a sigh of relief, and immediately began to practice.

The pure Yang Void Realm has been greatly improved, and the continuous breakthroughs from the early stage of Jindan to the peak of Jindan, although his background is profound, but it will take a period of time to consolidate.


A month passed quickly.

Jiang Che also completely completed the consolidation.

In the dantian, the golden elixir is shining brightly, and eight radiant divine patterns are engraved on it.

He has also completely completed the consolidation of the Eight Great Divine Kings.

become stronger.

The soul came out of his body and entered the map of mountains and rivers. Jiang Che came to the towering tree.

Looking at the 32 fruits on the world tree in front of me, fed with 1000 million low-grade spirit stones, the blue fruits began to gradually turn red, but it was very light, which belonged to the meeting of green and red, and had not really turned red yet.

Cyan is the initial stage of Chunyang fruit, red is at the true developmental stage, and gold represents the true ripening stage.

"It's still a lot worse..."

The soul returned, and Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

The growth of the world tree is very slow.

Without the birth of the spirit stone and the spirit vein, the time required, even the end of the thousand-year lifespan, will not wait until it matures.

The spiritual stones and veins needed are also far beyond imagination.

If it weren't for the absorption of pure Yang immortal energy, it would probably still be painted on kraft paper now.

After investing so much, Jiang Che is also full of expectations.

How effective it is, you have to try it out to know.

"Go to the land of the dead first!"

After calming down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che came back to his senses, stepped out of the room in a flash.


When he came to the courtyard, a black shadow came to him very quickly not far away.

It is the Chaos Tengu.

It was already the size of an adult dog, its hair was shiny, and its aura had become very powerful.

"Wang Wang~"

Looking at Jiang Che, Chaos Tengu looked excited.

"Small, come up, ready to go."

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che said.

After understanding Jiang Che's meaning, Chaos Tengu's body quickly burst into a dim light, and in the next breath, it became the same size as when it was born.

This is also its ability, it can be made bigger or smaller.

The largest, it can become hundreds of feet huge.

The smallest and can become the same size as it was born.

The reduced Chaos Tengu leapt forward and jumped onto his shoulder in an instant.

Shrinking the ground into inches and bursting out, Jiang Che left Little Qiong Peak in an instant.

He hasn't slayed a demon for more than a year, and now he is very eager to try.


After leaving Dao Sect, Jiang Che stepped on the white clouds and flew into the sky.

The real ride through the clouds.

Chaos Tengu lay on the side, resting quietly beside him.

Sitting cross-legged on top of the white clouds, Jiang Che walked all the way, and soon disappeared into the vast sky.

The Land of the Dead is located within the territory of the Yue Kingdom. This time, Jiang Che had to travel across multiple countries to reach it.

It will take at least two months to add up the round-trip time.


The night is shrouded, and the bright moon is in the sky.

Between the mountains and rivers, a white cloud floated in the distant sky.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on top of the white clouds, without stopping for a whole day.

Starting from Qingzhou, he has now reached the border of Dagan.

The area below him is located at the border between Yu State and Dagan.

As the night deepened, Jiang Che completely stepped into the territory of Yu Country.

Came to an abandoned temple in the mountains and rivers.

When the white cloud fell to the ground, Jiang Che used his spiritual sense to investigate the situation of the entire temple, but found no mountain spirits or ghosts. Following that, he stepped into the temple with the Chaos Tengu.

The monastery has been abandoned for a long time, with cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Most of the buildings have collapsed, and under the bright moon, the whole temple is filled with a gloomy feeling.

Arriving at the Buddhist hall of the temple, Jiang Che cleaned the dust and cobwebs in the Buddhist hall. Immediately, a paper figurine appeared in front of him and directed him to pick up some dry firewood. Jiang Che planned to spend the night here today.

After a while, a pile of bonfires lit up in the Buddhist hall.

The firelight reflected the broken Buddha statue, Jiang Che sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire, and Chaos Tengu lay quietly beside him.

This scene is also full of warmth.

During the break, Jiang Che did not forget to check the situation about the Land of the Dead again.

But at this moment, Chaos Tengu barked suddenly.

Jiang Che also opened his eyes instantly.

Turning his gaze to the outside of the Buddhist hall, he narrowed his eyes.


Jiang Che released his consciousness, but what he saw surprised him.

Four people were coming from the rugged mountain road outside the monastery.

One woman, three men!

Two men were carrying a sedan chair, and one man was wearing all kinds of cooking utensils and carrying a large pot.

And the only woman was sitting in the sedan chair.

In the barren mountains, and in the middle of the night, Jiang Che felt a little bewildered when he encountered such a situation.

But in the investigation of spiritual consciousness, these four people are all living people, not transformed by some spirits and monsters.

This scene surprised him even more.

The Chaos Tengu beside him stood up and kept barking.


Jiang Che touched its head.

After understanding what he meant, Chaos Tengu immediately shut up.

At this moment, this strange combination also came to the gate of the abandoned temple.

"Miss Boss, it's getting late at night. I guess there is no place to live near here, so let's stay here."

Beside the sedan chair, the strong man carrying a large pot spoke.


A lazy voice came from inside the sedan chair.

Immediately, the two people carrying the sedan chair came towards the Buddhist hall.

The light of the bonfire in the dark night is obvious, coupled with the barking of the Chaos Tengu, they naturally know that someone has arrived here in advance.

But there is no feeling of mind at all.

Came directly towards the Buddhist hall.

"Boss lady?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback when he heard their conversation.

And when he approached the Buddhist hall, Jiang Che's expression changed instantly.

The three men are all martial saints.

The two bearers of the sedan chair are junior martial saints, while the strong man carrying a cauldron is an intermediate martial saint.

Qi and blood are hidden, but they still cannot escape Jiang Che's perception.

What's weird is that he couldn't detect the proprietress in the sedan chair at all.

Not even his soul could perceive it.

This instantly made Jiang Che's vigilance burst!
Either they are ordinary people, or they are very terrifying powerhouses.

Wu Sheng lifts the sedan chair, is this proprietress an ordinary person?

Even if you think about it with your butt, you can figure it out. This lady boss is definitely not an ordinary person.

The sedan chair is an ordinary sedan chair, and the kitchen utensils and cauldrons on it are also ordinary, but the only thing that is not ordinary is the person.

These few people seem to only practice martial arts, without any cultivation of immortality.

But even so, the lineup of this combination is also very abnormal.

It is not clear what strength the proprietress is, but these three martial saints alone are enough for him to treat them with caution.

And at this moment, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Buddhist hall.

Jiang Che's eyes focused.

The brawny man who carried the blame was tall and brave, with powerful Kong Wu.

Muscles all over his body are knotted, even if his blood is hidden, he can still feel the terrifying essence in his body.

As for the other two people carrying the sedan chair, one looked very fair, while the other was a big man with a beard.

After the sedan chair was lowered, the strong man in the lead looked at Jiang Che beside the bonfire in the Buddhist hall, his eyes lit up: "Little brother, we are all businessmen from afar, passing by here and staying overnight together, don't you mind?"

The strong man's voice was very bold, Jiang Che frowned slightly, but still nodded.

The Buddhist hall is still very large, and a few more people will have no effect.

"Haha, thank you little brother." The strong man laughed, then turned around, and said to the proprietress in the sedan chair, "Madam proprietress, you can come down now."


The lazy voice sounded again, the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted, and a plump woman appeared in his eyes.

Charming and full of style.

The body proportions are exaggerated, comparable to Mikami Yuya's figure.

There is only a light blue gauze dress on her body, a simple bun, her hair is shawl, her appearance is also called stunning, and her every move is full of a mature flavor.

There is a strong smell of wind and dust.

His expression was lazy, as if he had just woken up from sleep.

Although Jiang Che couldn't clearly see the strength of this proprietress, his intuition told him that this proprietress was very scary.

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, Jiang Che felt a little unbelievable when he met such a strange combination in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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