I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 126 Purple Zombie Earth Essence Stone

Chapter 126 Purple Zombie Earth Essence Stone
four people.

Three martial saints, one intermediate martial saint, and two junior martial saints.

There is also a proprietress whose strength is unknown.

It was also the first time in Jiang Che's life that he met such a weird combination.

"Madam Boss please first!"

The brawny man laughed, the proprietress nodded lightly, and then stepped into the Buddhist hall with leisurely steps, and looked at Jiang Che, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Butcher, go gather wood and prepare a fire."

Watching the proprietress step into the Buddhist hall, the brawny man who blamed him said to the bearded man.


The bearded man named Butcher nodded, and then turned around to collect firewood.

"Scholar, take out the proprietress' blanket."

The brawny man who took the blame looked at another fair-skinned young man and said.


The scholar nodded, then took out a delicate blanket from the sedan chair, walked quickly into the Buddhist hall, and placed the blanket on the ground.

"Miss Boss, please sit down!"

The scholar smiled.

The proprietress nodded slightly, and then sat down on the blanket.

The brawny man who took the blame immediately stepped into the Buddhist hall and came to the proprietress.

"Cook, why don't you have supper on the whole hour, the proprietress must be hungry, so I can rest after supper."

The scholar looked at the brawny man and said.


The brawny man who took the blame nodded, and then took off the things on his body.

He set up the iron pot, took out a large bucket of water as if by magic, washed the iron pot first, and then poured water into the iron pot.

Then, he held a chopping board and a dark iron kitchen knife in his hand, and took out a piece of fresh-looking meat again.

Then brush a few knives and cut the meat directly.

At this moment, the previous butcher also carried a large pile of dry firewood into the Buddhist hall.

Quickly light the fire, and after a while, the water in the iron pot boils, and put the cut meat into the iron pot.

Blanch the water, then re-cook the meat again, and then took out a small gauze bag and put it in the pot.

Immediately, he took out a few more vegetables and put them aside.

"Is there something wrong with these people...?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

This behavior looks very weird.

But it seems to be very harmonious and normal.

Jiang Che was a little confused.

The meat that the cook took out was not ordinary meat, but monster meat full of powerful energy.

As for what kind of monster it is, Jiang Che doesn't know for the time being.

After a while, the aroma filled the Buddhist hall.

The cook didn't know what kind of secret ingredient was added, but Jiang Che's greed was aroused by the smell.

This is really fucking fragrant!

Jiang Che sat cross-legged beside the campfire, trying to stay calm.

On the other hand, Chaos Tengu was already staring at the food in the iron pot with eyes shining brightly, and his mouth was dripping.

The cook's special secret ingredient moved Jiang Che's heart.

But Jiang Che didn't give an order, and Chaos Tengu could only bear with it.

"Miss Boss, drink some soup first."

The cook chuckled, took out a delicate small bowl, scooped a bowl of fragrant broth in the pot, and handed it to the proprietress.

The proprietress took the broth, took a sip, and showed a smile on her face.

"That's right, the craftsmanship has improved."

The proprietress looked at the cook and gave a comment.

"Hey, as long as the proprietress likes to drink." The cook smiled.

"Is it ready? I'm hungry too." The butcher looked at the pot, his eyes lit up.

"Well, it's alright, let's all have a bowl." The cook laughed, and then took out several large bowls, filling a large bowl for each person.

"Do you want to drink, little brother?"

The proprietress suddenly spoke, and looked at Jiang Che who was not far away by the campfire.

"Thank you, no need." Jiang Che shook his head.

He was very greedy, but he could still bear it.

He still has this concentration.

Not knowing the origins of these people, he was still full of vigilance.

"Little brother, let's have a bowl. The chef's craftsmanship is unrivaled in the world."

The butcher said while drinking the soup.

"Even the emperor can't drink this soup, little brother, don't miss it."

The scholar also spoke, with a kind face.

"Come, come, little brother also make a bowl, try my craft."

The cook smiled, then took out another big bowl, scooped up a big bowl, and brought it directly in front of him.

The scent was so strong that Jiang Che's heart moved, but he still held back.

"It's not good to get paid for nothing."

"You little brother, why are you being so gentle? It's just a bowl of soup, it's nothing, come here, drink, you're welcome." The cook said, and directly handed the bowl to Jiang Che.

Under the hospitality, Jiang Che finally drank it.

Of course, he also checked carefully before drinking.

There is no special substance, and he still has a constitution that is invulnerable to all poisons, so he is not too worried.

After taking a sip, the umami taste hits the sky.

His eyes lit up.

A sip of the soup seemed to calm the Qi and blood in his body a lot.

"Little brother, how are you doing?"

The cook smiled and looked at him.

"A must!"

Jiang Che gave a thumbs up.

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart.

It smells delicious and tastes even better when you drink it.

This craft, nothing to say.

"Haha, as long as you like to drink, there is still plenty here, if you don't have enough, come again."

The cook laughed.

"Wang Wang~"

Beside Jiang Che, Chaos Tengu stared straight at him.

Seeing this, Jiang Che poured a small bowl for it.

Chaos Tengu immediately licked it.

Excited tail wagging constantly.


After drinking a bowl, the cook enthusiastically poured him another bowl of soup.

After a few bowls, the atmosphere in the Buddhist hall became lively.

"Little brother, it seems that you are also a practitioner, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

The scholar asked while drinking the soup.

"After traveling down here, it's getting late, so I'll stay here for another night."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"That's it."

The scholar nodded.

"How many are merchants from Yu State?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"No, I just came to Yu country to do business." The scholar shook his head.

"Those people should have come from far away, right?"

Jiang Che said while drinking the soup.

"It's really far away, from Central Continent." The scholar smiled.

"Central Continent!!"

A strange look flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.


It's Zhongzhou again!

What kind of a prosperous scene is this place known as the Divine Continent of the Great Thousand World?
Wu Sheng lifts the sedan chair, is Zhongzhou so good?

"I'm done drinking. After you finish drinking, clean up." The proprietress suddenly put down the bowl and said.


The three nodded.


A "night snack" is over.

In the Buddha Light, it became quiet.

The proprietress was lying lazily on the blanket, while the cook, the butcher, and the scholar sat aside.

A very harmonious scene.

But Jiang Che always felt a little weird, but he couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

"Little brother, your dog is not simple. If I read correctly, this dog should have extraordinary bloodlines?"

At this moment, the butcher spoke, staring at Chaos Tengu.

"Ordinary, just a bit of spirit beast blood." Jiang Che said with a smile.

"I'm afraid it's not an ordinary spirit beast." The butcher blinked.

"Shut up, the proprietress is going to rest, you talk again, be careful the proprietress beats you."

The cook looked at the butcher and said.

Seeing this, the butcher immediately shut up.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's eyes fell on the graceful proprietress in the blanket.

He was even more curious about the true identity of this group of people.

This proprietress must be a big boss.

Although I don't know the strength of the proprietress, it can be seen from the butcher, scholar and cook that this proprietress is absolutely extraordinary.

And not only is it strong, I am afraid that this identity is also unusual.


The night passed quickly.

The sky had just dawned, and the mountains were still shrouded in mist, so Jiang Che woke up from his rest.

The bonfire goes out.

At this time, the Chaos Tengu beside him also woke up.

Jiang Che glanced at the cloudy and misty scenery outside, and let out a breath slowly.

As soon as they got up, the three of them who were sitting not far away from the bonfire that had been extinguished also woke up at the same time.

On the blanket, the plump proprietress also moved a bit, standing up gracefully.

"How is the proprietress sleeping?" The cook looked at the proprietress and asked with a smile.

"It's okay." The proprietress nodded lightly, and glanced at Jiang Che inadvertently.

"Little brother, are you ready to leave?"

The cook looked at Jiang Che and asked.

"Yes, I will continue to travel." Jiang Che nodded.

"That's it, that's fine, little brother, take care."

The cook nodded.

"Take care, everyone, let's take a step ahead, Shanshui will meet again, see you someday."

Jiang Che made a bow.

"Haha, good!" The cook laughed.

Jiang Che didn't stay too long, and immediately, Chaos Tengu jumped on his shoulder, and Jiang Che followed the Buddhist hall.

Leaving the abandoned monastery, the ground shrank into an inch and exploded, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"This little brother is quite interesting."

In the Buddhist hall, looking at Jiang Che who had disappeared, the cook said.

"It's quite interesting, and it looks pretty good."

The proprietress nodded lightly.

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other.

The cook looked at the proprietress and said: "Then the proprietress, do you want us to catch him and accompany the proprietress?"

"The three of you are no match for him." The proprietress said flatly.

"This person is very powerful."

"It's fine if you can't beat it." The butcher said angrily.

"If the proprietress likes it, you can give it a try." The cook said firmly.

"Who are you as an old lady?" The proprietress squinted at the cook and asked.

"Doesn't the proprietress think he's good?"

The cook blinked his eyes and said.

"Then I still think Emperor Daxia is pretty good, will you snatch it for me too?"

The proprietress was not in a good mood.


"Then...then there may be no way, Emperor Daxia is too powerful." The cook stammered.

Boss lady: "..."

"Okay, pack up and get ready to go." The proprietress said, and stepped out of the Buddhist hall.

The three looked at each other, cleaned up the things on the ground, and then stepped out of the Buddhist hall.


The day passed quickly.

Jiang Che came to another place within Yu State.

Apart from meeting that weird combination from Central Continent yesterday, Jiang Che still hasn't forgotten it.

This magical combination made him unforgettable.

Especially the lady boss.

The unknown strength also made him vigilant.

But one day passed, and nothing unexpected happened, and Jiang Che relaxed a little bit.


"There is a situation!"

In the clouds and sky, Jiang Che suddenly stopped, stood on top of the white clouds, and looked down.

His gaze was set on a barren mountain.

On the surface, this barren mountain looks like nothing different, but in fact, there are scattered coffins and ruined tombs everywhere.

A powerful Yin Qi permeated the air.

The whole barren mountain looked gloomy.

A ray of Yin-Yang divine light bloomed in the pupils, and under the eyes of Yin-Yang Tian, ​​a tomb deep in the barren mountain caught Jiang Che's attention.


Under the eyes of Yin Yang Tian, ​​Jiang Che quickly gained insight.

In the next breath, his figure disappeared above the sky.

The figure fell into the barren mountain, and Jiang Che stood in front of a grave in the mountain.

On the grave, overgrown with weeds.

But Jiang Che's eyes fell on a dark hole beside the grave.

From this hole, a powerful corpse energy permeates out.

On the shoulders, Chaos Tengu's eyes also became serious.

Jiang Che looked at the entrance of the cave, and instantly released a wisp of Qi and blood.


Qi and blood were released, and in the next breath, the hole exploded, and a purple figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It's a purple zombie.

Wearing broken armor, it seemed that this purple zombie was like a general before he was alive.

"Purple Zombie..."

His eyes narrowed.

The purple zombie is already comparable to Wu Sheng.

Zombies, the lowest is walking dead.

That is, the most common zombie.

It moves slowly and is not very threatening.

And in the previous step, that is white stiff.

It is stronger than Xing Zombie, and its defense is very abnormal.

And above the white stiffness, there is the green stiffness.

It is no longer a zombie who only knows how to kill and bloodthirsty.

Have a certain intelligence.

Above the green stiffness is the red stiffness.

This type of zombie already has certain supernatural powers.

And purple stiff, that is even more terrifying.

Spiritual intelligence is strong, and supernatural powers are also extraordinary.

One more step, that is the pinnacle of zombies, Hanba!
The Golden Zombie is comparable to the Immortal Thunder Tribulation.

As soon as the drought came out, the red land was thousands of miles away!

A severe drought in the world, a catastrophe!
But this kind of zombie is almost a legendary existence.

Yes, but that's very rare.

Purple Zombies are hard to come by.

Not to mention the Hanba Jinzhi, which is comparable to the immortal thunder calamity.

The purple stiff head in front of him, Jiang Che reckoned, was at least an intermediate martial saint.

Very powerful.

However, he should be capable of killing it.

The strongest thing about zombies is their physical body.

The purple stiff body is even more perverted.

Zombies of different levels, the changes are also very astonishing.


"Dare to release qi and blood to attract this king, you are quite courageous!"

Zi Zhan looked at him, uttering words.


Jiang Che didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and flashed a flash of light, and a terrifying bolt of lightning instantly blasted at the purple zombie.

Killing this purple zombie must be another cosmic word level reward, so it definitely didn't run away.

The Lightning Ben Lei Fist was launched, and the terrifying electric light instantly enveloped the purple zombie.

But in the next second, the purple zombie actually absorbed the lightning, and then opened its mouth to spit out, returning the absorbed lightning to Jiang Che directly.

With the spear of the child, attack the shield of the child!
Jiang Che's pupils narrowed slightly, and he raised his hand to unleash a Lightning and Thunder Fist.


The lightning collided, and a huge wave hit the surroundings.


With a movement, Zi Zhan's figure came to Jiang Che at a terrifying speed.


A golden light rose from Jiang Che's body, and the golden body of Wan Yao was instantly aroused, and majestic power blasted out directly.


A punch collided, and the terrifying power exploded in an instant, Zi Zhan's figure was shaken back, and Jiang Che retreated a full dozen feet.

But in the next second, the retreating purple zombie instantly killed him.

Purple light bloomed, and the power enough to destroy everything smashed hard at Jiang Che.

Before he had time to think about it, Jiang Che instantly revealed the Sky Demon Life Blade.


The knife fell blatantly, but he still underestimated the defense power of the zombies.

The Heavenly Demon Life Blade didn't sever, but only made a deep wound.

Purple liquid flowed out.

"It really is perverted enough."

Jiang Che's pupils shrank. Although the Heavenly Demon Life Blade was not activated, the fact that the middle-grade Taoist weapon could not be cut off easily was enough to prove the horror of purple stiffness.


Zi Zhan let out a painful roar in an instant.


And at this moment, Chaos Tengu spat out a Chaos Breath, which instantly landed on Zi Zhan's body.


Chaos Tengu's natal supernatural power exploded with astonishing power, and directly blasted the purple zombie into a grave, destroying it instantly.

However, it still did not cause strong damage to the purple zombie.

The physical body is too perverted.

This is also a unique advantage of zombies.


At this moment, Jiang Che also activated the Sky Demon Life Blade.

The majestic true energy poured in, and the Heavenly Demon Life Blade burst out with a dangerous aura.

The sword qi formed a huge sword of more than ten feet like a substance.


Locking on the purple zombie, Jiang Che slashed down without any hesitation.

The huge saber energy of more than ten feet also completely enveloped the purple zombie.


With one slash, the whole barren mountain trembled, and half of the mountain was destroyed by one slash.


The mountain trembled, as if it was about to collapse completely.

"Not dead yet!"

Sensing the aura of purple stiffness, Jiang Che was startled.

With this knife, it is easy to kill the junior martial saint and the early stage of Yuanshen.

After cultivating to the peak of the golden core, Jiang Che's power to activate the Heavenly Demon Life Blade is even more terrifying, far from what it was back then.

But this knife still didn't kill Zi Zhan.


Shrinking the ground into an inch exploded in an instant, and in the next breath, he came in front of Zi Zhan.

Before he could fully respond, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade burst out with a powerful aura again.


A knife fell suddenly, and a purple head was cut off directly.

Purple liquid gushes out.


The purple zombie fell to the ground in an instant, and was killed with a single blow.

And at this moment, the demon book, which hadn't been moved for a long time, shook in his mind.

Crashing and flipping, Purple Zombie appeared on the demon album.

A purple light cluster rose, and dark characters appeared in the eyes.

The demon book gave an evaluation: the eight characters of the universe!
There was also a ray of light in Jiang Che's eyes.

Cosmic character eight rewards!

This evaluation made him very satisfied.

After regaining consciousness, looking at the headless zombie in front of him, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the golden core real fire swept across Zizombie's body, burning blazingly.

When it was completely destroyed, Jiang Che left with the Chaos Tengu.

More than half of the barren hills were destroyed, and the dust and smoke were earth-shattering.

Zi Zong was indeed powerful, but he was still beheaded.

Among the clouds.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on top of the white clouds, his consciousness penetrated deep into his mind.

After more than a year, the first reward has finally exploded.

Looking at the purple light cluster in his mind, Jiang Che was also very excited.

Taking a deep breath to calm the turmoil in his heart, Jiang Che started to extract as soon as the thought moved.


With a flash of light, a stone emitting a faint light appeared in his eyes.

Like gems.

But it is different, there is a special atmosphere, and there is a special pattern on the stone, which looks very mysterious.

"what is this?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

And at this moment, the font appeared in his eyes.

Earth Essence Stones: Essence stones containing the essence of the earth can elevate the small world, gather the energy of the earth from the great world, and gather the energy of the earth to form the spiritual veins of the small world. The longer the time, the stronger the spiritual veins formed...


Upgrade the small world!
Looking at the characters in his eyes, Jiang Che blinked.

Can the small world also generate spiritual veins?

So amazing?

Jiang Che came back to his senses.

According to the message, this earth essence stone can not only improve the small world, but also generate spiritual veins in the small world.

Moreover, the spirit veins formed with the earth essence stones can continuously improve the spirit veins through the earth essence stones, and this kind of improvement is much faster than ordinary spirit veins.

However, it is not infinitely improved. The vitality of the great thousand earth veins gathered by a piece of earth essence stone is limited. The higher you go, the harder it is.

However, it is definitely very fast to advance to the eighth and ninth ranks. After the seventh rank, it will slow down, but you can still continue to improve.

And the most important point is that he can intercept part of the spirit veins derived from the earth essence stones, and the earth essence stones can continuously gather the earth vitality from the world, and restore the remaining spirit veins again.

Equivalent to the ability to regenerate.

As long as the earth essence is not destroyed, it can continue to be intercepted.

However, there is also an upper limit. Restoring once will consume part of the earth essence. The upper limit of the number of times can be restored up to ten times.

After ten times of interception, the earth essence stone will be completely exhausted, and then the derived spirit veins will not be able to continue to recover.

Although it is not unlimited, this ability is quite abnormal.

"small world……"

"The map of mountains and rivers is also a small world, so it should be fine."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, he looked at the primordial earth stone in his hand, and with a thought, the primordial earth stone appeared in the map of mountains and rivers.

"call out--!"

Under the control of zhenqi, the earth essence stone was directly driven into the ground.

Immediately, Jiang Che watched carefully.

Under his expectation, there was a sound of vibration in the earth, as if the earth dragon turned over.

The earth essence stone that entered the earth emitted a khaki-yellow light.

Immediately, Jiang Che could feel a special power coming from the map of mountains and rivers, and this power was continuously extracting the vitality of the earth.

Just can't see it.

And at this moment, in the land of Mountains and Rivers, a long snake of spiritual light appeared.

Ninth Grade Spirit Vein!

Almost in a moment, a ninth-grade spiritual vein was condensed.

This ninth-grade spiritual vein is nestled in front of the earth primordial stone.

The khaki-yellow light emitted by the earth essence stone reflected on this ninth-grade spiritual vein, and this ninth-grade spiritual vein was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Inch grows.

Jiang Che watched this scene in amazement.

"According to this rate of improvement, within ten days, I will be able to get an eighth-rank spiritual vein..."

Thoughts came to his mind.

Jiang Che's heart instantly became hot.

If this continues, within a few months, under the influence of the earth essence stone, you will be able to get a seventh-rank spiritual vein!
Although the improvement of the seventh-rank spiritual veins is very slow, but... when he reaches the level of the seventh-rank spiritual veins, he can intercept part of it to feed the World Tree.

The recovery limit of the earth essence stone is ten times.

Then he can guarantee that the pure yang fruit will be born.

(End of this chapter)

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