I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 127 Strong Killing in the Land of the Dead

Chapter 127 Strong Killing in the Land of the Dead
The continuous earth vitality was absorbed by the earth essence stone, and the spiritual veins were gradually growing.

Jiang Che withdrew his mind, his eyes brightened.

The first harvest was very fruitful, which made him feel that the harvest of this trip should be indispensable.

With a steady mind, Jiang Che continued to move forward.

The white cloud moved towards the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.


A day later, Jiang Che returned to the Wu Dynasty Kingdom again.

Eight hundred miles away, on Longhu Mountain in Wujing City, Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky.

Last time, the thrilling hunt and kill of the nine-tailed demon fox in Wujing City might not have been possible if it hadn't been for the Shen Gongbao from Central Continent.

Although more than a year has passed, the deep pit left by the summoned meteorite is still there.

In the map of mountains and rivers, he still has the huge meteorite.

Just this extraterrestrial meteorite is of extraordinary value.

Standing in the dilapidated Dragon and Tiger Temple, Jiang Che looked at the Wujing City [-] miles away.

After watching for a while, Jiang Che disappeared in place without staying too long.

Night above.

Dark night, cloud sky.

Outside a secluded small village, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

It was late at night, and this small mountain village was exceptionally quiet, only the sound of insects chirping.

On the hillside, Jiang Che looked at this small mountain village with piercing eyes.

Taoyuan Village!
This is also the village he woke up after falling into the crack of time and space last time.

"I don't know what happened to this little girl..."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and in the next breath, he stepped into this quiet small mountain village like a ghost in the night.

Jiang Che still had a deep impression of that little girl.

During the last silent inspection, the little girl's bones were strong.

Although not as good as him, he is also a genius in practice.

It's just that Jiang Che didn't know whether the old man had passed on the secret book to the little girl.


In Taoyuan Village, outside a courtyard, Jiang Che's figure appeared.


"no one?"

After searching with his spiritual sense, Jiang Che quickly understood the situation inside.

Neither the old man nor the little girl was there, and there was no one in the house.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che quietly entered the room.

In the dark night, under the yin and yang eyes, Jiang Che could clearly see everything in the house.

The furnishing in the room is still so simple, nothing.

There is a layer of dust on the ground.

There are still some cobwebs in the corner, it looks like no one has lived here for months.

The spiritual sense searched around, but found nothing. The search was fruitless, and Jiang Che also gave up the search.

No one is no one.

Although I regret not meeting the little girl, it is not very important.

He showed a dust removal talisman to clean the dust and cobwebs in the room, and then Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the only bed in the room to rest.

It was getting dark, so I happened to rest here for the night.

Under the moonlight, Taoyuan Village is extraordinarily quiet.


The sky is white, and the red light is dawning.

Jiang Che woke up from his practice, stepped out of the room, flew into the sky, and left Taoyuan Village again quietly.


A month passed quickly.

Jiang Che traveled tens of thousands of miles, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally entered the territory of Yue Country.


It's a mountainous place.

A Tianyuan River runs through the territory of Yue.

The river diverges into countless rivers, and the water network is very well developed throughout the territory of Yue.

Like a spider's web, it spreads all over the mountains and rivers of the Yue Kingdom.


This is a city in the territory of Yue.

It is also the closest city to Jiang Che's destination.

On the outskirts, Jiang Che appeared in a brocade suit.

After running around for over a month, he finally arrived in the territory of Yue.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Che looked in the direction of the Land of the Dead.

Qingcheng is more than 1000 miles away from the land of the dead.

It is also the only city that is close to the land of the dead.

Looking at the setting sun in the sky, Jiang Che's eyes turned to Qingcheng again.

Under the eyes of Yin and Yang, the fire of the world of mortals is blazing.

Judging from the situation of Hongchen Zhihuo, Qingcheng is also a very prosperous city.

"Well, take a day off in Qingcheng today, and head to the land of the dead tomorrow morning!"

With the thought settled, Jiang Che's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

After entering Qingcheng, Jiang Che wandered around the city and experienced the local culture and customs. When night fell, he came to an inn to stay.

Three-story guest room, you can see the scenery of the street not far from the window.

The architecture of Yue State is not much different from that of Dagan.

In the city, there are many pagodas and tall buildings.

After standing in front of the window and watching for a while, Jiang Che looked away.

Tomorrow will step into the land of the dead.

His mood was more or less full of some tension.

The land of the undead, if you inquire casually in Qingcheng, you will know that it is very dangerous.

This is also a place that makes a local talk about it.

In Vietnam, it is also known as the most dangerous forbidden zone.

The undead family is terrifying.

But fortunately, they will not leave the area of ​​the Necromancer, as long as they don't break into it, basically there will be no great danger.

Also because of the influence of the land of the dead, many practitioners came to explore.

Legend has it that countless wealth and treasures are gathered in the land of the dead, and as long as you get a part of it, you can make people rich.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Has anyone obtained the treasure and wealth? Jiang Che estimated that there should be some, but the amount is very rare.

after all……

The history of the existence of the Land of the Dead is much longer than the history of the founding of the Yue Kingdom.

After checking the information in his mind, Jiang Che stabilized his mind, his soul came out of his body, and manifested in the map of mountains and rivers.

In a month's time, with the growth of the earth essence stone, the original ninth-rank spiritual vein has reached the eighth-rank spiritual vein, and it is almost approaching the level of the seventh-rank spiritual vein.

It has become more than 20 feet in size, and the aura is permeating, making the mountains and rivers map filled with the aura of heaven and earth.

"In another month, I can intercept part of it and feed the World Tree..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and in the next breath, he came to the World Tree.

The color of the 32 Chunyang fruits is still green and red.

Without the feeding of spiritual veins and a large number of spiritual stones, the speed of growth on its own is very slow.

Jiang Che also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry.

If the harvest is not small, then he will be able to succeed very quickly.

If there is no spiritual wealth in the depths of the land of the dead, it may have to be infinitely delayed.

The land of the dead will be an important factor for whether the pure yang fruit can ripen in advance.

Across tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che did not want to miss out.

He is also very well prepared now.

A few Dao artifacts, except for the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, which has not yet been completely sacrificially refined, Jiang Che has almost mastered the other Dao artifacts.

With his own strength, coupled with the increase of the Taoist weapon, he believes that he still has enough strength to survive in the land of the dead.

Soul returns.

Jiang Che checked again.

Then he lay down on the bed and rested.

Relaxation before the war.

Entering the land of the dead, a big battle is absolutely inevitable.


The next day, it was just dawn.

Jiang Che woke up.

After a night of relaxation and breath adjustment, his state reached its peak.

After leaving the room and walking out of the inn, Jiang Che headed straight out of the city.

After leaving Qingcheng, Jiang Che exploded directly by shrinking the ground into inches, and headed for the land of the dead thousands of miles away.

In a few quarters of an hour or so, Jiang Che traveled thousands of miles and came to the entrance of the Land of the Dead.

An area completely covered in poisonous fog.

The entire land of the dead is thousands of miles wide.

The white poisonous mist covers here, and the poisonous mist also has the effect of blocking the consciousness.

Even with his powerful spiritual sense, he couldn't detect the situation inside.

Looking at the vast expanse of poisonous fog that was almost endless in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes burst into black and white light.

Yin Yang Tianyan opened silently.

"That's death..."

In the yin and yang eyes, apart from the white poisonous mist, there is also a dark dead air.

However, the dead air on the periphery is not obvious.

Toxic mist cover.

And what really hinders the exploration of the divine sense is this dark death energy.

In the eyes, the deeper you go, the dead air that blocks the sky and the sun makes people feel terrified.

The overwhelming dead air, even if you haven't stepped in, still makes people feel a strong discomfort in the soul.

Dead air, only the special existence of the undead family can adapt.

Or the ghosts of the undead.

Death Qi is actually more powerful Yin Qi.

to a degree of qualitative change.

The surrounding area was very quiet. When Jiang Che closed his Yin-Yang Sky Eye and was about to step into the Land of the Undead, his ears moved suddenly.

In the distance, a long rainbow came through the sky.

"call out--!"

The sound of breaking through the sky galloped, causing invisible waves in the void.

Jiang Che looked back, and a man and a woman appeared in his eyes.

Both of them are Jindan cultivators.

A golden core peak, a golden core late stage.

Soon, it landed not far from him.

The appearance of both of them is not bad, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, with a unified logo embroidered on the chest.

It looks like a symbol of a certain fairy gate force.

"Spirit Sword Sect..."

All of a sudden, Jiang Che seemed to think of something.

The number one fairy gate in the Yue Kingdom.

Although it is not comparable to the top immortal giants like Daozong, it is the number one in the Yue Kingdom.

There are also many fairy gates in Yue Kingdom.

But Spirit Sword Sect is number one.

There were quite a few giants of primordial spirits in the sect. Jiang Che remembered that there should be representatives of the Spirit Sword Sect watching the battle at the Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference.

However, he didn't know the specific situation very well.

This man and woman should be disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Falling from the sky, the young man among them looked at the female disciple beside him and said, "Junior Sister Qiu, the land of the undead is very dangerous, you and I must not be separated later, otherwise, encountering undead will be very troublesome."

"I know, Senior Brother Wang." Junior Sister Qiu nodded.

Senior Brother Wang showed a smile on his face, and then looked at Jiang Che who was not far away, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Golden Core Peak..."

"What a strong breath!"

"It feels like this person is almost the same as the elder Yuanshen in the door."

Sensing Jiang Che's invisible aura, Senior Brother Wang's heart shuddered.

Junior Sister Qiu at the side also looked over.

Looking at each other, a gleam of color flashed in their eyes.

Immediately, Senior Brother Wang stepped forward: "This brother, in Wang Feng of the Lower Spirit Sword Sect, your brother looks unfamiliar, he doesn't look like a monk from the Yue Kingdom, could it be that he came from another country?"

"Yeah." Jiang Che nodded slightly.

The strength of the two is good, but it is not enough in his eyes.

The Land of the Dead has a great reputation and a special location. Although it is within the territory of Yue, it also borders three countries.

It is normal that many monks from other countries come to explore.

"Brother is alone, do you want to form a team with my brother and sister? Let's explore the land of the dead together, how about?"

Wang Feng looked at him, opened his mouth and extended an invitation.

"No need, I'm used to being alone." Jiang Che shook his head.

Hearing this, Wang Feng was not discouraged, and said, "The land of the dead..."

"call out!!"

Before the words were finished, there was another sound of breaking through the sky.

A gray light swept over and landed not far from the few people.

It was a gray-haired old woman.

A gray robe, gloomy eyes.

But the breath is very strong, and it is also the peak of Jindan.

The gray-haired old woman descended, just glanced at them, and then her figure flashed, turning into a gray light and submerging into the white poisonous mist, and soon disappeared.


Jiang Che also left immediately, and disappeared in place with a few words and a stride.

Submerged in the poisonous mist, it disappeared.

"This man is so arrogant."

Junior Sister Qiu frowned, looking at Jiang Che's unwillingness to form a team, her face showed a trace of displeasure.

"It's okay, if you don't want to, then you don't want to, maybe I have full confidence in myself."

Wang Feng said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Wang, let's go in too." Junior Sister Qiu said.

"En." Wang Feng nodded, and then the two also stepped into the land of the dead.


It was cold and quiet.

The ground is very wet.

The white poisonous fog shrouded it, and it was completely impossible to see anything in front of it.

However, Jiang Che is quite experienced in this aspect. With his powerful perception, he can clearly perceive any disturbance within a radius of [-] meters.

The initial range rarely encounters the presence of undead.

Basically, undead are active in the depths of the land of the dead.

And the gray-haired old woman who entered before has disappeared.

Jiang Che's speed is not fast, and it is better to be cautious in an unknown environment.

Continuously deepening, Jiang Che soon traveled about a hundred miles.

The white poisonous mist gradually decreased, and then the black lifeless air visible to the naked eye filled the air.

Stepping here, there is a feeling of entering the underworld.


"There is movement!"

Suddenly, Jiang Che's footsteps stopped, and he looked at the dead air that was like black mist in front of him.

The dead air rolled, as if a life was about to step out.


Death energy surged like a black mist, and in the next breath, a monster that met reality appeared.

It looks like a human being, but it is extremely tall.

The body is in the form of soul primordial spirit, a pair of red eyes exude bloodthirsty light, rushing out of death, and rushing towards him with teeth and claws.

The martial sage's energy and blood have great restraint on ordinary ghosts and monsters, but for the undead, the effect is not so obvious, but it is full of great attraction.


The moment he got close to Jiang Che, the next breath, a yin and yang divine light burst out, instantly piercing the undead in front of him.


The demon book vibrated, and a golden ball of light emerged.

Desolate character nine grades!

The extraction reward is a Qi Gathering Pill.

Just the lowest level of undead, it is equivalent to the realm of Shenhai.

A dead spirit was instantly wiped out by the Yin-Yang Sky Eye.

The body collapsed and turned into pure necromancy.

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly burst into a gloomy light, and the gloomy light instantly swallowed up the dissipated dead spirits.

His soul grew slightly.

"Sure enough."

Confirming the guess in his heart, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Soul Eater can also devour undead.

Killing the undead will not be wiped out immediately, and he can also use the soul devouring technique to absorb the remaining yin energy of the undead to increase his own soul.

But at this moment, death energy surged, and in the next breath, more than a dozen dead spirits sprang out, as if they had sensed Jiang Che's strength.

These undead roared, and then under Jiang Che's gaze, a scene of surprise appeared.

These undead fused together like water and turned into a more terrifying undead.

The shape is also gradually tending to the real body.

Opening his mouth to roar, he exhaled a stream of dead air, which turned into an arrow of dead air and rushed towards Jiang Che.

However, the attack hadn't come close, and it disappeared in an instant.

The degree of fusion of more than a dozen ordinary undead spirits can't cause any harm to him.

Raising his hand lightly, lightning wrapped around his body.


A strike of lightning instantly hit the undead body, killing it directly.

The demon book vibrated, and dark characters appeared in his eyes.

The first-grade reward of Huangzi is presented.

The fused undead can only be rewarded once when it is destroyed, but the evaluation is higher.

Jiang Che liked it very much.

The higher the rating, the greater the chance of a grand prize.

Extract the reward, this time it is a pill to restore the primordial spirit.

Concentrate Dan!
The gloomy light in both eyes bloomed, and Jiang Che once again used the Soul Eater to devour the Yin Qi of the dead, strengthening his soul.

There was a burst of relief, and in the next breath, Jiang Che's figure flashed, and he fell straight into the dark dead air.

And just as Jiang Che was sinking into death, two figures appeared in the original place.

It was the two brothers and sisters of the Spirit Sword Sect!
"There is a breath of true energy fluctuations, it seems that it should be that person who shot and killed the undead."

Brother Wang said solemnly.

"Massacre killing spirits, he is really courageous, if he attracts a large number of undead spirits, he will not know how they died."

Junior Sister Qiu curled her lips.

"A man of high art is bold, maybe he has enough skills." Senior Brother Wang said.

"Okay, let's go deeper." After finishing speaking, Senior Brother Wang jumped into the dead spirit, followed by Junior Sister Qiu, and entered the thick death energy.


Covered in black dead air, here is more dangerous than in the poisonous mist.

In a short while, Jiang Che encountered many undead spirits, but he easily dealt with them all.


"There are combat fluctuations!"

Suddenly, Jiang Che's eyes turned to a direction shrouded in death, and a light flashed in his eyes.


Shrunk to an inch and exploded, and in the next breath, Jiang Che came to another place.


The light collided and bloomed in the dark dead air, which was extremely obvious.

Jiang Che looked around.

The former gray-haired old woman and the two brothers and sisters, the three of them, joined forces to fight against a spirit king-level undead.

Each shows his talents.

With a magic weapon in his hand, he suppressed this spirit king at the peak of Jindan.

But it seems very difficult to kill them.

The land of the dead, this is the home of the dead.

Necromancers can continuously absorb dead energy, and even serious injuries can be healed instantly.

Only by killing with one blow can it be truly eliminated.

It seems to be at a disadvantage, but in fact, it did not cause any fatal damage to this spirit king level undead.

The three of them are all holding top-grade spirit treasures, but no Taoist weapons.


"not good!"

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly focused, and he looked in another direction.

And the three people who were fighting seemed to have noticed something, and their expressions changed instantly.

In the dark dead air, several huge monsters appeared.


And there are still a lot of undead.

The aura of the three spirit king-level necromancers are all around the peak level of Jindan.

The remaining hundreds of undead, although not spirit kings, are also undead at the peak of the true spirit.


A spirit king let out a roar, followed by the three-headed spirit king and other dead spirits roaring together.

Gathering quickly, one by one the undead are said to be in harmony.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three changed drastically.

Four peak-level spirit kings, plus more than a hundred undead spirits blending together, it is very likely to become a soul king at the primordial spirit level.

Thinking of this, the three attacked without hesitation.

But the four spirit kings were not vegetarians, so they easily blocked the joint attack of the three of them.

"My friend, hurry up, or you will be in danger!"

Wang Feng roared when he saw Jiang Che.

But Jiang Che didn't move at all, just stood there quietly, watching the undead spirits continue to merge.


How is it possible, it is best to merge into a spirit emperor level existence.

If it is killed like this, it will definitely explode.

"Son of a bitch!!"

Seeing that Jiang Che was motionless, Junior Sister Qiu scolded him angrily.

Jiang Che remained indifferent.

Quietly watching the fusion of dead spirits.

The fused undead barely reached the soul emperor level at most.

However, if you cross this step, the rewards will be different.

At least it can rush to the word evaluation of the universe.

As for what the three of them thought and saw, Jiang Che didn't care at all.

"Ling Yuan Slash!"

Wang Feng let out an angry roar, his true energy exploded, and a terrifying aura pervaded the air, turning into a shocking sword, and slashed at one of the spirit kings.


Sensing the crisis, a spirit king roared, surging with dead energy, forming a shield to block the front of him.


Waves spread out, death energy surged, and the light was dazzling.

Wang Feng's eyes changed, and his heart sank instantly as he failed to break through the Spirit King's defense with one blow.

And at this moment, a large number of undead have completed the fusion, and the dim light blooms in an instant, and the four spirit kings also fuse in an instant.

A terrifying aura instantly spread out.

A three-foot-tall terrifying undead appeared.

Emperor Ling!

A powerful coercion spread out.

The terrifying aura instantly changed the faces of the three of them.

But the moment the fusion was completed, Jiang Che made a move.

The golden Buddha's light pierced through the dark dead air, and a terrifying Buddha manifested.

Great day Tathagata printed!
Tathagata destroys the world!

This moment has been waiting for a long time.

The ultimate destructive breath descended, and the expression of the undead that had just fused instantly changed drastically.

Death energy surged, and the black shield reappeared.

Kacha-! !

When a blow came, it instantly blew up the Linghuang's defense, the Necromancer Shield instantly collapsed, and Tathagata Mieshi directly penetrated.

The body vibrated, as if it was about to be broken up.

The Linghuang was severely injured, but there was no instant kill with one blow.


A dragon chant tore through the dark and dead energy, and a terrifying sky dragon manifested.

With a roar, he galloped away.

Before the undead could react, a terrifying blow came in an instant.


A shock wave of destruction swayed away, and under this blow, this spirit emperor-level undead was completely wiped out by Jiang Che.

The dark font manifests in the eyes.

The Monster Book gave an evaluation reward: the ninth grade of Zhou Zi!
(End of this chapter)

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