Chapter 128
"The Ninth Rank of Cosmic Characters..."

Looking at the font in his eyes, Jiang Che let out a long breath of relief.

A soul emperor level undead did not disappoint him.

There is a slight difference between the Zhou character reward and the Hong character reward, and they are all turned upside down.

The gloomy light in the pupils bloomed, and in the next breath, Jiang Che took advantage of the undead spirit that had not completely dissipated, and directly devoured it.


The soul vibrated for a moment, and Jiang Che's soul instantly improved a bit.


Slowly letting out a mouthful of turbid air, Jiang Che cast his eyes on the dark dead air, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place in an instant.

When Jiang Che left, the three came back to their senses.

Seeing the undead that had completely vanished into thin air, the eyes of the three were full of shock and fear.


A soul emperor level undead, was killed so easily? !

There was a huge wave in the hearts of the three of them.

The strength of this young man is simply incredible.

With a crushing momentum, directly crushed.

It is also the cultivation base of Jindan peak, but the difference in strength is so huge.

"This strength..."

"I'm afraid that the Yuanshen elders in the door are not good enough."

"Which country did this person come from?!"

Seeing the direction in which Jiang Che disappeared, Wang Feng was shocked endlessly.

Thinking of my previous invitation, now it seems that they simply look down on me.

The same realm, but the gap is like a natural moat.

Big beyond imagination.

After a while, the three of them came back to their senses.

The gray-haired old woman glanced at the direction in which Jiang Che disappeared, and disappeared on the spot in a flash.

The two brothers and sisters also disappeared in place at the same time.

Randomly obliterating a spirit emperor-level undead, the strength of this person is no longer at their level.


In the darkness of death, Jiang Che's forward steps stopped.

After confirming the safety of the surroundings, Jiang Che's consciousness moved, and he instantly entered his mind.

Withdraw rewards.

In the next breath, a light flashed in his mind, and a supernatural power appeared in his soul.

Jiang Che stopped in place for a while before he came back to his senses.

The reward this time is a magical power.

The super version shrinks to an inch, so close to the end of the world!

One step across, so close to the end of the world!

In every aspect, he was crushed in all directions.

Speed, distance, faster and longer!
After flipping through it, Jiang Che immediately let Yuan Ling devote himself to comprehend this supernatural power.

It is definitely his life-saving skill if he can cultivate it within a short distance!

Even if the gap is huge, if there is a slight chance, he can escape.

He had to practice this kind of life-saving skill.

There is no need to delay his time with the cultivation of Yuanling incarnation.


Jiang Che's eyes flashed, his figure moved, and quickly disappeared in place.

Finding the spirit pulse is one aspect, and killing the undead can't be left behind.

Although this restricted area is dangerous, it is also an excellent place for him to improve quickly.


Jiang Che had penetrated into the range of hundreds of miles in the restricted area of ​​the dead spirits.

The number of undead encountered is also increasing.

Jiang Che didn't take it too seriously, he used the yin-yang jade pendant to seal off all his aura, and the top-grade Taoist artifact sealed off the life essence, so even the dead couldn't detect it.

It is one thing to have confidence in oneself, but no matter how strong he is, he cannot withstand the attacks of thousands of dead spirits.

Blocking his breath, unless he meets face to face, it will be difficult for him to be tracked by the undead.

The land of the dead was shrouded in darkness, but it didn't have much of an impact on Jiang Che.

Under Yin Yang Tian's eyes, he can penetrate the dead energy and see part of the situation clearly.

Although it is not as obvious as the outside, it also has an advantage over others.

"There is a breath of spirit veins..."

Suddenly, Jiang Che stopped and stood on a small hillside.

Yin Yang Tian looked forward, and in the dark dead air, a tall building appeared in his eyes.

It looks like a palace.

And the aura of the spirit veins just diffused from the palace.

It was very faint, as if some formation had sealed it, but it was still captured by his soul.

The black temple is the same color as the dead air.

It's hard to tell without getting close.

The hall is very tall, as large as more than ten feet.

The area is also wide, hundreds of feet in length and width.

Standing where he was, Jiang Che did not rush forward.

From this hall, he sensed the existence of a large number of dead spirits.

A lot.

At least thousands of undead exist.

Among them, there are still many spirit king-level existences.

"This should be a stronghold of the dead."

A thought flashed across Jiang Che.

The land of the dead stretches across thousands of miles.

The deeper you go, the easier it is to encounter undead, and these undead will have their own strongholds.

The number of undead in a stronghold is definitely not small.

There were thousands of undead, and there were quite a few spirit king-level undead. Although no undead of the spirit emperor level could be sensed, Jiang Che still didn't dare to be careless.

If so many undead are fused into one body, I'm afraid he can't bear it.

Sneaking in quietly is definitely not possible, and it is impossible to achieve it with the yin and yang jade pendant blocking the breath.

Face to face, they will definitely be discovered, and if there is any movement, they will definitely mobilize and attack, and at that time, they will have to be imprisoned.

"I have to think of a way to destroy it with one blow..."

Jiang Che rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

After finally encountering the existence of the breath with spiritual veins, he must not miss it.

There are a large number of undead in this stronghold, but it is not without the strength to contend.

The undead are about to be wiped out, and the spirit veins have to be handed over!

He wants it all!

"Have it!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Che's mind, and a jade pendant appeared in his hand.

Yin Yang Jade Pendant!

Although the sacrifice has not been completed yet, Jiang Che can still unleash the power of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant.

Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang Formation!
With his current cultivation, he can move it.

Although I have never tried the power of Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation, but the power of the best Taoist weapon, would it be worse?
Looking at the yin-yang jade pendant in his hand, Jiang Che quietly aroused his true energy.

In the next breath, a Yin-Yang formation appeared out of thin air.

Demarcating an area will envelop the Xiaotiandi yin-yang formation, and if the undead step into it, he can activate the Xiaotiandi yin-yang formation at any time.

Be careful and move slowly.

It took Jiang Che surreptitiously a quarter of an hour to arrange it thoroughly.

Putting away the yin-yang jade pendant, and feeling the yin-yang formation in front of him, Jiang Che was satisfied.

In the next breath, his true energy was released, and a tall and mighty figure more than ten feet tall appeared.

The real energy is transformed, and the breath is mighty and invincible.

Relying on his own soul that is comparable to a primordial spirit, Jiang Che directly packaged the true energy avatar in front of him into a giant comparable to a primordial spirit in terms of aura.

In terms of breath, compared to the giant of Yuanshen, he did his part.

But in fact, it's just empty air, without any fighting power, it's just used to bluff people.

But that's exactly what he wanted.

The true energy avatar is strong enough to attract all the undead from this undead stronghold.

As long as he enters his Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang Formation, he can activate the Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang Formation to kill the fused undead.


The breath was released, and the terrifying coercion rushed out in an instant, and in an instant, the world and the earth fused together.

The aura of the true energy avatar was immediately full, like a god.

This terrifying breath was released, and in an instant, the undead in the hall rioted.

Heads of undead sprang out, and more than a dozen spirit king-level undead looked at the tall and mighty avatar of true energy.


More than a dozen spirit kings roared, and immediately their spirit bodies began to fuse together.

The remaining thousands of undead also merged into one in an instant.

The aura rushed out in an instant, comparable to Jiang Che's avatar of true energy, and became a true spirit emperor-level existence.

And it is even more terrifying than the spirit emperor that was hunted down before.

He is also a junior spirit emperor, but his aura is even stronger.

With a tough front, Jiang Che will definitely not be able to kill him as easily as before.

All the undead merged, and the aura of this spirit emperor-level undead changed drastically in an instant.

Seeing the true energy avatar in the yin and yang formation of Xiaotiandi, he rushed up without hesitation.

And not far away, Jiang Che watched this scene, and his mood was instantly agitated.

Jiang Che's heart couldn't help beating.

And at this moment, when that spirit emperor-level undead stepped into the yin-yang formation of Xiaotiandi.

With one blow, it rushed out and landed on Jiang Che's true energy avatar in an instant.

The ten-foot-tall and mighty True Qi avatar instantly shattered like paper.

This scene also made the Linghuang stunned.

But at this moment, Jiang Che exploded with true energy, blatantly mobilizing Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation.


The soaring yin-yang divine light erupted from the ground, and it took Jiang Che a full three-tenths of his true energy to activate the Xiaotiandi yin-yang formation.

Under the divine light of yin and yang, Linghuang instantly sensed a fatal crisis.

Dead air enveloped him, but it couldn't stop Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation from charging.

After three breaths, the demon book vibrated, and a purple light group appeared on the bronze book.

Cosmic word eight!

A light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes, and after killing the fused Spirit Emperor, Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation also disappeared.

Kill with one hit!

The power of Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation is beyond his imagination.

If all the yin and yang formations are mobilized to form a real yin and yang formation of heaven and earth, wouldn't it be possible to shatter even thunder tribulations? !
But the thought was only fleeting.

It's enough for him to mobilize a small world of yin and yang, and he can't mobilize all of them or squeeze them dry.

Moreover, with the ability of the Supreme Master Lei Jie, it is almost impossible to invite the king into the urn.

If he has the ability to be tough from the front, he may be able to face Lei Jie head-on on his own.

The soul devouring technique erupted, devouring the remaining yin energy of the undead, and Jiang Che's soul grew by three points again.


Before he had time to check the rewards, Jiang Che stepped out and directly entered the black palace.

In the wide hall, there are strange statues of gods.

Jiang Che glanced around, and with his powerful soul power, he quickly came to the deepest wall of the palace.

It is from this wall that the breath of the spirit vein diffuses.

Raising his hand and clenching his fist, the power of qi and blood exploded, combined with the artistic conception of a martial saint, and the power beyond fifty dragons attacked brazenly.


A punch landed on the wall in front of him, and the entire wall was blown up in an instant.

The whole black palace trembled, faintly showing signs of collapsing.
The spiritual light appeared in front of his eyes, and three spiritual veins like spirit snakes appeared in his eyes.

Three ninth-grade spiritual veins!

"Three spiritual veins!"

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, his true energy burst out, and he captured the three spiritual veins in front of him in an instant, and included them in the map of mountains and rivers.

Obtained three spirit veins at once.

Grabbing the spiritual vein, Jiang Che stepped out of the hall without hesitation.

As soon as the front foot left, there was a loud bang in the black palace, and then it completely collapsed and turned into ruins.


As soon as the figure moved, it shrunk to inches and exploded, and Jiang Che disappeared into the vast darkness and death energy without hesitation.

And not long after he disappeared, two young figures appeared.

It was the two brothers and sisters of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Looking at the scene of ruins in front of them, the two siblings looked at each other in blank dismay.

I just realized that there is a strong battle fluctuation here, but as soon as I arrived here, it became a ruin.

But at this moment, death energy surged, and a head of undead sprang out from the dark death energy, killing the two senior brothers and sisters in an instant.

Seeing the attacking undead, the two brothers and sisters instantly activated the magic weapon in their hands, burst out with aura, and fought against the undead.

And in another place in the land of the dead.

A place shrouded in darkness and death.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

After making sure that no undead appeared around him for the time being, he immediately extracted the reward as soon as his mind moved.

With a flash of light, a formula once again appeared in the mind.

Great Sky Thunder Technique!

It is a piece of thunder and supernatural powers.

Practicing this method can lead the divine thunder of heaven and earth under your control.

Gather the seeds of thunder.

Not only can it control the sky thunder, but it can also be of great help when facing the tribulation.

Swallow the tribulation thunder, control it for yourself, and grow the seed of thunder.

The power is more terrifying than the Lightning and Thunder Fist.

Lightning method to advanced supernatural powers.

And the sky thunder that is pulled is not an ordinary thunder and lightning, but the purple sky god thunder!

Jiang Che simply read it, and then handed over this training task to his Yuanling avatar again.

High-level supernatural powers cannot be cultivated in a short while.

If Yuan Ling succeeds in comprehending it, then he will too.

For the time being, he doesn't need Yuan Ling to help him, as long as he can comprehend supernatural powers with peace of mind.

So close to the end of the world, the great sky thunder technique!
Both are what he needs.

Supernatural powers are fundamental.

The more you know, the stronger you will be, the stronger your strength will be.

Being able to leapfrog to destroy the existence of Yuanshen's early stage, his supernatural powers are also indispensable.

Consciousness penetrated into the map of mountains and rivers again, and Jiang Che directly fed all three spiritual veins to the World Tree.

The three spiritual veins were quickly swallowed and absorbed by the World Tree.

The green light emitted by the leaves is also more brilliant, and the red color of the 32 pure yang fruits is gradually deepening.

"It's still a lot..."

"Keep going!"

Taking a deep breath and regaining consciousness, Jiang Che went to the deepest part of the Land of the Dead again.


Three days passed.

Except for meeting a necromancer stronghold on the first day, Jiang Che did not meet other necromancer strongholds.

On the first day, it was pure luck.

If you can't meet the undead stronghold, then you can't find the existence of spirit veins.

Within three days, Jiang Che killed many undead.

But the undead of the spirit emperor level have not been encountered.

The number of undeads he met was too small, and they couldn't fuse together to become more powerful undeads, so Jiang Che simply gave up.

Although the rewards didn't blow up, they did blow up some things.

Magic treasures, talismans, pills...

If it is not needed, he will store it for the time being.

Things can also be sold for money.

Also an income.


In the land of the dead, perennial darkness and death are shrouded.

Here, it is more like the underworld of the world.

Death Qi permeated the body, without true energy to protect the body, it would be corroded by death Qi, even with the blood of a martial saint, it would not be able to stay here for a long time.

But Jiang Che was fully prepared for this trip.

He exchanged some of his merits for various recovery pills.

Basically no problem.

But maybe because of his unlucky luck, apart from killing two spirit emperor-level undead on the first day, he never encountered any powerful undead in the next few days.

Counting today's time, he has entered the Land of the Dead for ten days.

"How about releasing breath and attracting undead?"

During the march, a thought burst out.

With the yin-yang jade pendant shielding his aura, Jiang Che encountered very little danger.

This is why he seldom encounters undead.

If you were someone else, you might be happy, but if you were yourself, it would be difficult to be happy.

But if it goes too far and attracts too many dead spirits, then he can't resist.

"Look again, if it doesn't work, release your breath..."

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart and calming his mind, Jiang Che continued to move forward amidst the darkness and death.



As he was advancing, Jiang Che suddenly sensed the fluctuation caused by a fight, and his footsteps stopped instantly.

Amidst the dark dead air, streaks of spiritual light shone.

There is the breath of the dead, and there is also the breath of other practitioners.

"There is a situation..."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward with one step, heading towards the place of confrontation in an instant.

Soon, Jiang Che arrived.

A man and a woman are besieging a spirit king.

Both of them are at the peak of Jindan, and their supernatural powers are also extraordinary.

The sword energy howled freely.

Emmanuel shines.


When Jiang Che first arrived, a man and a woman happened to kill the spirit king.

He came a step late.

Jiang Che: "..."

This is luck!
It's not easy to meet a fight, and it's over before I intervene.

A man and a woman stopped their hands, and the magic weapon in their hands was filled with a powerful aura.

Two low-grade Taoist artifacts!

It can be seen that the identities of these two people are by no means simple.

The clothes are luxurious and the temperament is dusty.

And the aura is far stronger than that of the average golden core peak.

Both of them are comparable to Senior Sister Qin.

After finishing the spirit king, the two put away the magic weapon at the same time, and looked at Jiang Che.

Their eyes met, and there was a hint of vigilance on their faces.

"Your Excellency came here alone, aren't you afraid of encountering special circumstances?"

The young man spoke, and the voice sounded.

"Unfortunately, it's not easy to meet undead." Jiang Che replied.

Young man: "??"


It is not easy to meet undead, is this also called luck?

What is your logic?

The two looked at him with puzzled expressions.

this person...

Are you all right?
It sounds like you want to meet the undead?

But at this moment, the dark death energy surged, and a terrifying spirit filled the air.

A huge monster appeared in their eyes.


And it's still a soul emperor-level undead!
The complexion of a man and a woman changed instantly, and the hidden Taoist artifact appeared again.

Subconsciously, both of them glanced at Jiang Che.

Back of luck?
Go to Nima!

He attracted a spirit emperor-level undead just after he arrived, is this still called luck?

A man and a woman almost want to scold their mothers in their hearts.

Jiang Che's expression also changed.

My heart skipped a beat.

Just when I said that I was unlucky and it was not easy to meet undead, a spirit emperor-level undead appeared.

This fucker slapped her in the face too quickly.

But now is not the time for Jiang Che to think about this issue, the thoughts in his mind calmed down instantly, and he looked at the Linghuang who appeared.

Good to come!
In the past few days, he could hardly hold back anymore.

This Linghuang just happened to be used for surgery!


As soon as Void shook hands, spiritual light bloomed, and a blade of darkness appeared in his hand.

"Middle-grade Taoist artifact!"

A man and a woman were shocked.

Good guy, this young man is worth more than all of them?

Just a middle-grade Taoist artifact?

Holding the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand, Jiang Che rushed forward with one stride, and with the next breath, he came directly in front of the Linghuang.


With a single slash, the terrifying saber aura criss-crossed, and the Linghuang roared, and the dark death aura enveloped him, forming a protection to resist this blow.


With a sharp blow, the Sky Demon Life Blade directly shattered the Spirit Emperor's protection.


The blade turned, and with lightning speed, Jiang Che cut Linghuang in half.

At the same time, a divine light pagoda bloomed, smashing down like Mount Tai.


The ground trembled, the ground cracked, and the Qingtian Tower hit the Linghuang severely for the second time.

The spirit emperor's aura instantly became dying.

Before he escaped from birth, the second attack of the Sky Demon Life Blade came.

With one blow, the Linghuang was completely crushed.

The two middle-grade Taoist artifacts turned into divine light and poured into his body.

The battle was over in an instant.

With continuous terrifying attacks, the Linghuang who had just appeared on the stage was directly killed by Jiang Che.

A man and a woman looked dumbfounded.


After finishing the Linghuang, Jiang Che let out a long breath.

After holding back the time for the past few days, it was finally a vent.

If he doesn't come to the big one, he is ready to leave the land of the dead.

After solving the Linghuang, the rewards of the ninth grade of Zhouzi broke out again.

Jiang Che's slightly depressed mood suddenly became clear.

Looking at the dark and dead air, Jiang Che blinked.

It's okay to slap your face again...

"He killed the soul-level undead just like that?!"

A man and a woman looked at this young man in Tsing Yi, and their hearts jumped with fear.

The use of two middle-grade Taoist artifacts just now made the two of them feel unbelievable.

Which super family's young master is this? !
Or, from which holy place? !

Take two middle-grade Taoist artifacts!

This worth is not something ordinary people can have!

But at this moment, Jiang Che turned around and looked at the man and the woman.

Maybe it wasn't because of the slap in the face, maybe it was because these two talents attracted a soul emperor-level undead.

The volatility in the fight just now is not impossible.

And the possibility is very high.

"Brother Tai is so powerful, my eyesight is clumsy now, what do you call your Excellency?"

The young man came to his senses first, looked at Jiang Che, and said.

Jiang Che glanced at him, didn't speak, and disappeared in front of the two of them with a flash.

Young man: "..."

Just asking, it’s okay not to say, is it necessary to run so fast?
Seeing the young man in Tsing Yi run away without a trace, the young man was very depressed.

"Could this person come from a holy place in Central Continent?"

At this time, the woman suddenly asked.

"I don't know. There are so many geniuses in the Holy Land of Central Continent. If he doesn't say it, there is no way to guess."

The young man let out a long sigh.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get to know you."

Seeing the direction in which Jiang Che left, the young man looked regretful.

"He's really a genius in the Holy Land. They are all arrogant. It's normal not to want to know them."

The woman spoke.

"Continue to explore and see if there is any gain." The young man came back to his senses and said.

The woman nodded, and then a man and a woman disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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