I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 129 Chapter 129 Demon Monk Xiongbo 6 Wheel Chapter 【Subscription】

Chapter 129 Chapter 129 The Demon Monk Xiongbo Six Paths of Reincarnation 【Subscription】

"These two... are also from Central Continent?"

In the dark death atmosphere, Jiang Che's figure quietly appeared, looked at the direction where a man and a woman disappeared, and blinked.

From the conversation, he could basically conclude that these two people, nine out of ten, came from Central Continent.

This land of the Divine Continent, which is known as the center of the Great Thousand World, is also the place where the arrogant and evildoers come forth in large numbers.

"Look at the reward first..."

Came back to his senses, Jiang Che had a thought, and took out the reward again.

With a flash of light, a gleaming object appeared in his hand.

A purple pill.

In the pill, a vivid roc could be faintly seen appearing, and above the pill, there were also mysterious dao patterns appearing, and the purple light flowed.

Jiang Che: "???"

"What is this?"

Jiang Che was very surprised, looking at the purple pill in his hand.

Tianpeng Feathering Pill: Swallowing this pill, you can instantly transform into a sky-winged roc bird, and at the same time obtain the Tianpeng secret technique, greatly improve your own strength, soar nine days, and last for a quarter of an hour...

"Transform into a sky-winged roc..."

The characters appeared in his eyes, and Jiang Che looked at the Tianpeng Yuhua Pill in his hand.

The sky-winged roc bird, an ancient strange beast.

And the most famous is the speed.

As for the Tianpeng secret technique of the Tianyi Mipeng, Jiang Che was very curious.

"Not bad."

Withdrawing his mind, Jiang Che temporarily put away the Tianpeng Yuhua Pill.

When used at a critical moment, there may be unexpected effects.

Putting away the Tianpeng Feathering Pill, Jiang Che turned his eyes to the depths again, and with a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place.


In the dark dead air, a ghostly ghost walked forward.

It was Jiang Che.

Encountering a Spirit Emperor temporarily made Jiang Che give up his plan to release his aura.

If seven or eight spirit emperor-level undead were attracted, then he would not be able to handle it.

It is not very difficult to kill the junior Linghuang.

But if it is an intermediate spirit emperor, then the difficulty factor will be increased by more than ten times.

As mentioned in the situation, in the land of the dead, there may be a peak spirit emperor, comparable to the existence of the peak of the soul.

For a Linghuang of this level, he can only run away.

The high-level Linghuang is not an opponent.

If there is a small grade difference, the gap is huge.


"There is a breath of spirit veins!"

Walking forward amidst the darkness of death, Jiang Che suddenly stopped.

His eyes turned to the front.

Under Yin Yang Tian's eyes, he clearly saw a tall building.

A ten-foot-tall palace built of huge stones.

The spiritual breath is stronger than the first one I met.

This also means that there are more spiritual veins here.

The yin-yang jade pendant blocked all the breath, and Jiang Che looked at this tall palace.

From the hall, one can also feel the existence of more dead spirits.

"There is also a Spirit Emperor..."

Relying on his powerful soul power, Jiang Che sensed the aura of spirit emperor-level undead.

In addition to a spirit emperor, there are at least a dozen spirit king-level existences.

The number of other dead spirits has reached at least 1000.

Obviously, this is another stronghold of the dead.

And stronger than the previous undead stronghold.

"Still using the Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang Formation..."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che thought about it again.

Still use the previous method.

Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation is terrifyingly powerful, it can instantly kill a low-level spirit emperor, and even a middle-level spirit emperor can inflict fatal injuries.

Once the idea was settled, Jiang Che didn't hesitate at all, and directly used the Yin-Yang jade pendant to quietly cast the Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang formation.

Moving slowly, Jiang Che was very careful not to disturb the Linghuang inside.

And just when Jiang Che used the Yin-Yang jade pendant to cast the Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang formation, in the black palace.

In the depths of the hall, a tall and mighty man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes.

His aura is frightening, and he is clearly a spirit emperor-level necromancer.


The necromantic light of the dense fog bloomed, and the air in front of him twisted in the next breath, but nothing unusual appeared.


"Could it be that the Emperor's sense is wrong?"

The Linghuang muttered to himself.

He frowned, got up slowly, stepped out, and came directly to the hall.

More than a dozen spirit king-level undead also appeared in the hall.

Looking at this Linghuang, more than a dozen spirit king-level necromancers performed the highest courtesy to him.

"Great Emperor, what happened?"

A spirit king asked respectfully.

The eyes of more than a dozen spirit kings were all focused on this spirit king.

Linghuang frowned, looked out of the dark hall, and said in a deep voice: "This emperor just had a sudden whim, something should be about to happen."

Hearing this, the dozen or so spirit kings were startled instantly.

"The great emperor, could there be a human practitioner approaching?"

A spirit king spoke.

"should be."

The Linghuang nodded.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura swept over from outside the hall, and in an instant, the dead spirits in the hall were startled instantly.

"Damn human practitioners, come again, kill them!"

A spirit king roared.

Immediately, a group of undead rushed out directly.

Including that spirit emperor level existence.

Stepping out of the hall, a group of undead spirits stopped directly, looking in horror at a divine light figure not far away that looked like a fairy god.

The powerful aura made the Linghuang shudder.


Without hesitation, the Linghuang let out a long howl, and in the next breath, more than a dozen spirit kings poured into the Linghuang's body in an instant.

The remaining 1000 dead spirits also frantically poured into the Linghuang's body.

With the fusion of more than a dozen spirit kings and more than 1000 dead spirits, the spirit emperor's aura instantly broke to the limit and reached a new level, the intermediate spirit emperor!
The breath became very scary.

It was slightly inferior at first, but now, the aura directly crushed this fairy-like figure.

The restlessness in my heart has also stabilized.

"Damn human cultivators who dare to break into the emperor's territory, then leave it to me forever!"

Linghuang's voice sounded, and in the next breath, the huge figure moved, directly killing this fairy-like figure.

"Intermediate Spirit Emperor!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

There was also excitement.

it is good!
very good!

This time, it exploded again.

Xiaotiandi's yin-yang formation was completely sealed off by the yin-yang jade pendant, even the undead who stepped into the middle-level Linghuang couldn't detect it.

Stepping into it, the Spirit Emperor charged at the figure of true energy that Jiang Che had transformed with one hand carrying the power of infinite death energy.

Once touched, it was directly shattered, and the terrifying breath disappeared.

Linghuang: "???"

The breath is so terrible, why does it shatter when touched?

Are human practitioners so weak?
And just when the Linghuang felt extremely unbelievable, Jiang Che directly activated the Yin-Yang jade pendant, directly arousing the Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang formation instantly.

"not good!"

A deadly crisis burst from my heart.

Linghuang's scalp went numb, and a terrifying death aura instantly enveloped his whole body.


The soaring yin and yang divine light was released, instantly covering the intermediate spirit emperor.

Waves of destruction swept all around, and part of the thick darkness and death energy was instantly cleared away.

Earth shakes.

And at this moment, the figure of Linghuang appeared in the yin and yang divine light.

The breath is sluggish.

Obviously hit hard.

However, this blow was obviously not enough to kill an intermediate spirit emperor.


Jiang Che had expected that a ray of five-color light would bloom instantly.

Wuling Banner!
The majestic qi poured into this Taoist weapon, and with the next breath, the five-element divine thunder descended instantly.

Five thunders hit the top!

Under Jiang Che's full strength, in an instant, the terrifying five-color divine thunder directly landed on the spirit emperor.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Five-colored lightning flashed, and the Linghuang, who had been hit hard, suffered another devastating blow.

But before Linghuang could take a breath, a tower of divine light reappeared.

The terrifying coercion permeated the air, Jiang Che released it with one finger, and with the next breath, the Qingtian Pagoda slammed down on the Linghuang like an ancient sacred mountain.


The ground trembled.

The body of the Linghuang burst out a gloomy light of death, and his aura became more sluggish.


Pulling out the Heavenly Demon Life Blade, the heaven-shattering saber aura gathered into one body, and Jiang Che slashed down brazenly.


A sound that shook for hundreds of miles resounded, and the dead energy within the hundred miles vibrated, and the dead energy in the center was annihilated, completely destroyed.


In my mind, the demon book vibrated, and a bright purple light cluster bloomed.

The gloomy font appeared in the eyes, and the demon book gave an evaluation reward: the fourth grade of Zhouzi!
Reached the new pinnacle of rewards that he exploded.

It is also the highest reward so far.

Jiang Che also heaved a sigh of relief.

The Five Spirits Banner, the Sky Tower, the Sky Demon Life Blade, plus the previous Xiaotiandi Yin-Yang Formation.

With the combination, he was able to beat and kill a middle-level spirit emperor.

This degree of difficulty is also beyond imagination.

More than half of the zhenqi in the body was consumed in an instant.

Continuously activating several middle-grade Taoism tools consumes a lot of money for him.

Holding the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand, Jiang Che knelt down on one knee, the tip of the knife pierced into the ground, panting heavily.

Although the consumption is huge, the harvest is quite astonishing.

The rewards for the fourth rank of Cosmic Characters are quite good.

Using the soul devouring technique again, Jiang Che forcibly devoured the remaining yin energy of the undead.

This time, his soul vibrated and had a significant improvement.

Letting out a breath, swallowing a recovery-type elixir, Jiang Che rushed towards the black hall with a stride.

There is a lot of movement and it must be resolved quickly.

After rushing into the black hall, Jiang Che went straight to the deepest part of the hall.

Came in front of a thick wall, condensed the artistic conception of a martial sage, concentrated his energy and blood, and blatantly dropped his Fudo Wangquan.

He punched the wall, and more than a dozen spirit snake veins appeared in his eyes.

Among them, there is also an eighth-rank spiritual vein of more than ten feet!
Jiang Che did not hesitate to capture all of them, and put all of them into the map of mountains and rivers.

Before he had time to clean up how many spiritual veins he had harvested, Jiang Che turned around, shrunk to an inch and exploded, leaving the black hall.


As soon as the front foot stepped out, the black temple on the back foot collapsed instantly.

The dust was flying, shaking the surrounding dead air.

The second stronghold had another bumper harvest.

"The benefactor has great strength!"

Just when Jiang Che was about to leave, amidst the dark dead air, there was a sound of applause.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and he looked at the figure coming from the dark and dead air.

A bald head with big ears appeared in his eyes.

Wearing a loose Buddhist robe, with a kind face, he looks like a Maitreya Buddha.

However, on his chest, he saw a hideous and terrifying tattoo, like a dragon. On his arm, he also saw the same terrifying tattoo pattern, which was so lifelike, as if he was going to be resurrected.

Looking at this bald monk who looked like Maitreya Buddha, Jiang Che was full of vigilance.

The cultivation of this monk has reached the early stage of Yuanshen, but the feeling of breath makes him feel more terrifying than the killed intermediate Linghuang.

"A Jindan peak can kill a middle-level spirit emperor. The donor's strength is really powerful! Even in the so-called Holy Land of Central Continent, it is enough to be ranked well."

The bald monk opened his mouth with a smile, and the smile on his face was always the same.

Jiang Che looked at this bald monk who looked like Maitreya Buddha, full of vigilance: "Master, it's just a fluke."

"Haha, the poor monk will not be mistaken. Although the benefactor has not yet become a primordial spirit, he has the same strength as a primordial spirit."

This "Maitreya Buddha" laughed loudly.

"Where is the master?"

Jiang Che looked at this "Maitreya Buddha" and asked.

"Don't dare to be holy. The poor monk is just a wandering monk. He happened to come to the land of the dead, and happened to meet the benefactor."

"Maitreya Buddha" smiled.

"Wandering monk... Do you think I believe it or not?"

Jiang Che cursed in his heart.

"Almsgiver, you have a predestined relationship with Buddhism, how about joining my Buddhism and becoming a member of Buddhism?"

"Maitreya Buddha" said with a smile.

Jiang Che: "..."

"My heart is too heavy in the world of mortals, and I still want to marry a wife and have children in the future. I'm afraid I won't be able to enter Buddhism."

Jiang Che politely refused.

"Entering Buddhism does not hinder the love between men and women. My Buddhism can also marry wives and have children. For example, the ancient Happy Buddha can also marry wives and have children."

"Maitreya Buddha" laughed and said.

Jiang Che: "!!!!"

He looked at this "Maitreya Buddha" in shock, boy, is this even okay?

"Sorry, I have entered the Taoist sect and cannot enter the Buddhist sect." Jiang Che refused again.

"Benefactor, as the saying goes, if you don't eat a toast and eat fine wine, does the benefactor want to let the poor monk use his strength?"

"Maitreya Buddha" looked at him with a smile, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Lao Tzu forced you into Buddhism the moment I saw you?What kind of monk is this?
Monk, right? !
Jiang Che's eyes were alert, and the breath in his body was quietly brewing.

"I have a bad appetite, so I can't toast."

Looking at this "Maitreya Buddha", Jiang Che also turned cold.

"Hmph, you met me, Xiongbo, today, if you enter, you have to enter, why don't you also have to enter!"

The smile on the face of "Maitreya Buddha" disappeared, and with the next breath, a terrifying breath was released.

The golden Buddha's light dispelled the dark and dead energy, and a ferocious dragon bloomed in the Buddha's light.

The breath became very strange.

"I'll give you another chance, can I get in?"

"Maitreya Buddha" stared at him fiercely with cold eyes.

"Into you!"

Jiang Che's heart burst into flames, and with the next breath, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade blatantly launched, slashing at the demon monk.


The evil dragon in the Buddha's light let out a roar, and in the next breath, a terrifying dragon claw instantly grabbed Jiang Che.



The berserk blade energy collided with the dragon's claws, and a shock wave of destruction swayed instantly.

"Cum clap clap!!!"

Jiang Che retreated again and again, and with a collision, the demon monk Xiong Bo's figure remained motionless, he retreated a few steps, and the verdict was determined!

However, because he had consumed a lot just now, his strength was also partially discounted.

"Since you don't want to enter the Buddhist school of the poor monk, then the poor monk will send you to see the Buddha!"

The voice of the demon monk Xiongbo sounded again, and the tattoos on his body glowed with a faint light. The evil dragon in the Buddha's light became even more terrifying. With a roar, he sprang out instantly and rushed up.

Jiang Che's face changed, and the Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand erupted with aura, killing him again with a terrifying blow.

Surprised by a knife!
Kill the dragon directly!
However, his true energy was also consumed enormously.

After swallowing a large amount of recovery pills, Jiang Che dodged and disappeared in an instant.

He hasn't recovered yet, so he can't confront this demon monk head-on, and the fluctuation will also attract undead, and it will be dangerous at that time.

"Want to run!"

"Where to go!"

With a roar from Xiongbo, the Buddha's light entered his body and disappeared in an instant.

Followed in the direction of Jiang Che's escape.


Run and chase!
I don't know what kind of supernatural power this monk used, the speed is not slower than his shrinking to an inch, but faster.

As the distance drew closer, Jiang Che's heart was filled with murderous aura.

This damned demon monk, when he returns to his peak, he must be killed!
At this moment, Jiang Che's murderous heart rushed.

But the current consumption is huge, and the land of the dead is also very dangerous. If you really force yourself to die, it will be very dangerous.

"A short distance away!"

At a critical moment, Jiang Che used this new supernatural power.

Yuan Ling comprehended it for more than ten days, and it was considered a part of his cultivation.


True Qi was consumed crazily, but his speed skyrocketed instantly.

In an instant, it poured directly into the dark and dead energy, and disappeared without a trace.


Xiong Bo's face was ugly, and his speed broke out with all his strength, but he still couldn't keep up with Jiang Che.

The gap widened and widened, and his footsteps stopped.

Seeing the direction in which Jiang Che was escaping, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"It's hard to find a seedling, but it's a pity..."

Xiongbo let out a long sigh in his heart.

After stopping for a moment, his figure disappeared without a trace.



In the land of the dead, on a hillside, Jiang Che's figure stopped.

So close to Tianya's speed is indeed extraordinary, although he only comprehended a small part of it, but the speed is far faster than shrinking into an inch, allowing him to successfully get rid of that demon monk Xiongbo.

"This demon monk, next time we meet, we must kill him!"

Jiang Che's heart was full of murderous intent.

Being chased and killed for no reason is an individual's anger.

He also forced himself to join some kind of Buddhism.

Jiang Che had already made a death list in his heart.

When meeting Xiongbo, he must kill this guy, otherwise, he will not be reconciled.

This breath must be drawn.


Standing on the hillside, it took about two hours for Jiang Che to recover to his peak.

Now, he's calmed down again.

Although he wanted to kill Monk Xiongbo, the strength of this demon monk made him afraid.

Although it is only the cultivation base of Yuanshen's early stage, it feels more terrifying than the middle-level Linghuang.

Whether it should be said or not, the strength of this demon monk really made him afraid.

Jiang Che was not [-]% sure of killing the demon monk.

"It's not easy to go to war in the land of the dead. If you meet outside, you can do it."

With a flash of thought in his mind, Jiang Che instantly made up his mind.

The demon monk must be killed.

But now, for his own plan, he temporarily endured it.

If you can bend and stretch, you can be your husband!
To calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che penetrated into the map of mountains and rivers with a ray of consciousness.

More than a dozen spiritual veins appeared in the eyes.

Jiang Che checked it clearly. There is a total of one eighth-rank spiritual vein and fifteen ninth-rank spiritual veins!
A total of sixteen spiritual veins!
Compared with the harvest of the first stronghold, it is even greater!
Turning his eyes to the World Tree, Jiang Che glanced at the sixteen spiritual veins, his heart twitched, but he still let the World Tree swallow and absorb the sixteen spiritual veins.

Yingying's light was shining, and the spiritual veins were constantly devouring.

The sixteen spiritual veins were completely absorbed by the World Tree in just a moment.

The 32 pure yang fruits also turned red completely.

It also made Jiang Che calm down a bit.

turned red!
That is only one step away from the final maturity.

Having invested so much in the early stage, Jiang Che felt distressed.

But at this point, he can't give up his investment.

If the pure yang fruit is ripe, then he must have great hope to step into the primordial spirit realm!
Because of the idea of ​​cultivating the gods and kings of the heavens, the gap between Jiang Che's Jindan and Yuanshen stage is too great.

He needs to condense nine primordial spirits before he can overcome the catastrophe, and finally return to one.

Stepping in, that is a qualitative change.

Even letting him sweep the Yuanshen Realm is not a problem.

But if you can't make it through, you're stuck here.

The pure yang fruit is his bargaining chip to break through the primordial spirit!
Although the effect of the first round of pure yang fruit is not particularly shocking, it still has this ability.

As for the second round of investment, Jiang Che didn't think about it for the time being.

He couldn't bear it even if he threw it like this.

It took so much pure Yang immortal energy to make the world tree grow and bear fruit.

How much investment is required for the second round?

Jiang Che didn't dare to think about it.

If it doesn't work, then use part of it for yourself, and then sell part of the pure yang fruit.

Otherwise, the investment cost, he really can't imagine how big it is.


Withdrawing his mind, Jiang Che let out a breath.

After staying in the land of the dead for more than ten days, there were only two strongholds to harvest.

Although this wealth is already earth-shattering to ordinary people, he is still far behind.

"Look at the reward first..."

With a steady mind, Jiang Che took the reward instantly with a thought.

It was the first time for the reward of the fourth grade of Zhou Zi.

Jiang Che was also full of anticipation.


His soul shook, and in the next breath, a formula appeared in his mind.

Jiang Che closed his eyes and remained motionless.

After a while, his eyes slowly opened.

supernatural powers.

Magical again!

This is an extremely powerful supernatural power. According to the description of the formula, when this technique is used, all life under the six reincarnations will be wiped out.

At the same time, there is also a powerful guardian, the Light of the Six Paths.

It can withstand destructive attacks, and can rebound part of it. As long as it does not reach the limit that it can bear, the true energy is not extinguished, and the supernatural power is running, it can be invincible.

But it is also very difficult to comprehend.

The power is strong, but it also takes a long time to comprehend and practice.

"Not bad, leave it to Yuan Ling..."

Jiang Che had a certain idea.

This method is handed over to Yuan Ling to practice, and he can still hunt and kill spirits with peace of mind, looking for spiritual veins.

With his mind settled, Jiang Che let out a breath.

Just when he was about to get up, suddenly, his ears moved, and his eyes turned to the dark and dead air in the distance.

In the yin and yang sky eyes, he could feel life coming towards him at a very fast speed.

"Could it be that the demon monk chased after him?"

Jiang Che's expression froze, his true energy circulated silently, and the Heavenly Demon Life Blade appeared in his hand, ready for everything.

The strength of the demon monk Xiongbo is difficult to kill, but in the case of a sneak attack, there may be hope.

The yin-yang jade pendant blocked all his breath in an instant, and hid behind the hillside, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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