I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 130 The Fruit Ripe of Peak Spirit Emperor's Desperate Escape

Chapter 130 The Fruit Ripe of Peak Spirit Emperor's Desperate Escape
Dark dead energy surged.

Two figures broke into his field of vision.

One male and one female.


"It's them!"

Looking at the man and woman fleeing in a hurry, Jiang Che was slightly surprised.

These are the two brothers and sisters I met at first.

If he remembered correctly, these two should be disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

More than ten days have passed, and Jiang Che has only met him on the first day. In the following days, Jiang Che has basically never met him.

I never thought about it, but I met here.

It looked like he was being hunted down.


A thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

He didn't sense Xiongbo's aura, which meant that the demon monk didn't chase and kill these two people.

But the strange thing is that Jiang Che didn't sense the breath of the undead.

Then what are these two people doing in such a panic?
Just when he was surprised, two senior brothers and sisters rushed over in the dark dead air.


With one hand, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared silently in the dark and dead air.


The two senior brothers and sisters ran to the hillside where Jiang Che was hiding and stopped, panting heavily.

"Master...brother, it's good to run fast, otherwise, you will be overtaken."

Junior Sister Qiu covered her waist with one hand, and said.

"Yeah, it's almost over." Senior Brother Wang nodded and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Why are there so many dead spirits there?" Junior Sister Qiu asked with a wink.

"It should be a gathering place for the undead." Senior Brother Wang said.

"Brother, are you sure you sensed the breath of the spirit vein just now?"

Junior Sister Qiu looked at him.

"Well, for sure." Senior Brother Wang nodded, and then said: "Unfortunately, the strength of the two of us is not enough. If it weren't for the monk to make a move, I'm afraid you and I wouldn't be able to escape."

"Brother, why don't you join hands, join hands with that monk, maybe we can get a piece of the pie too." Junior Sister Qiu blinked her eyes.

Senior Brother Wang looked at her and said: "You are thinking simply, that monk is not a serious monk, maybe someone from the evil sect pretends to be one, if we join hands to eliminate the undead, then I may not be able to escape."

"Look at the monk's tattoo, he must not be a serious monk."

Junior Sister Qiu lowered her head, thought for a while, and said, "Senior brother said that the monk does have tattoos, and the tattoos look weird."

"So, life-saving is the most important thing." Senior Brother Wang nodded.

"Senior brother, what shall we do next?" Junior Sister Qiu looked at him and said.

"Let's go back, our harvest is not small, we can't be too greedy." Senior Brother Wang said.

"That's fine, listen to senior brother." Junior sister Qiu nodded.

Immediately, the two adjusted their breath for a while, and then disappeared on the hillside.

After the two left, Jiang Che's figure gradually appeared. Looking at the direction where the two disappeared, Jiang Che looked in another direction.


"It must be the demon monk!"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

"According to what the two of you said, this demon monk must be fighting with the undead. Well, go and see, if you have the chance, kill this demon monk!"

With a certain thought, Jiang Che immediately disappeared in place.

Follow up in the direction in which the two escaped.

Jiang Che felt a wave of fluctuation in the dark death energy.

It is the fluctuation of the battle.

"Still fighting!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly, and his speed instantly increased, rushing towards the place where the battle wave came from at top speed.

Soon, Jiang Che saw it.


It was the demon monk who was fighting a mid-level spirit emperor-level undead.

Although Xiongbo is only in the early stage of Yuanshen, his combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying.

Completely crushing the middle-level Linghuang confrontation.

The evil dragon roars, and the Buddha's light blooms.

The demon monk's combat power was so terrifying that even Jiang Che felt terrified.

But after just taking a look, Jiang Che's eyes shifted to the black palace not far away.

The breath of the spirit vein came from the hall.

The spiritual veins in this stronghold have not been taken away by the demon monk.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly.

The snipe and clam compete, and the fisherman wins!
The demon monk and this middle-level spirit emperor are fighting fiercely, and now is an excellent opportunity to make a move.


Without hesitation, Jiang Che burst into an inch, and with one lunge, he rushed directly into the black hall.

And this time, he was also noticed by Linghuang and Xiongbo.


Linghuang let out an angry roar, surging with death energy, turned into a terrifying giant claw and grabbed Xiongbo.

Xiongbo didn't have time to get angry, the Buddha's light bloomed, he raised his hand and punched, the golden Buddha's light burst out, and instantly collided with the giant claw.


The wave of destruction hit the surroundings, and Xiongbo's figure was shaken back a step.

Looking at the Linghuang who continued to kill and wound up, Xiongbo's pupils burst into golden light, and immediately behind him, a Buddha like a fairy god appeared.


A palm blasted out quickly, exploding the void, and terrifying fluctuations swept in like a frenzy.

The Linghuang let out an angry roar, and immediately went to meet him.

The two figures collided again.

But at this moment, Jiang Che has come to the depths of the palace.

The trace of the spirit vein was found.

It is located in a secret room at the deepest part of the palace.

Blowing open the door of the secret room, dozens of gleaming spirit veins appeared in the eyes.

Among them, five thick eighth-rank spiritual veins and more than a dozen ninth-rank spiritual veins instantly attracted Jiang Che's attention.

The aura shone, trembling like a giant python.


Infuriatingly erupting, Jiang Che directly captured all the spiritual veins in one go.

In the next breath, he dodged and left the secret room directly.

Just after rushing out of the hall, a terrifying wave swept over.

Protecting the body with true qi, blocking the shock wave, but the palace behind him was completely destroyed and turned into ruins.

The dust is flying, and the violent breath is raging.

Jiang Che fixed his eyes and saw that the Linghuang had been killed, leaving only the demon monk Xiongbo.

His breath was unstable, and he was injured to a certain extent.

Looking at the injured Xiongbo, Jiang Che's murderous heart suddenly exploded.

The Heavenly Demon Life Blade in his hand burst into powerful light, and he slashed at the demon monk Xiongbo without hesitation.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
It was him last time, but this time, the target was Xiongbo.


Looking at the attacking knife, the tattoos on Xiongbo's body glowed with terror, and the dragon appeared again, rushing towards the terrifying knife.


The shock wave swayed away, Jiang Che remained motionless, Xiong Bo took two steps back, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Benefactor, do you dare to murder the poor monk, not afraid of the Buddha's wrath, so that you will never be reborn?"

Xiong Bo looked at Jiang Che, his voice was like thunder, and he sternly reprimanded him.

Holding the Heavenly Demon Life Blade, Jiang Che looked at the demon monk Xiongbo, his murderous look was undisguised, his breath was released, and the Sky Demon Life Blade burst into light: "Sorry, I believe in faith, but I don't believe in Buddhism!"


As soon as the words were finished, Jiang Che made a second attack.

Killed the demon monk Xiongbo without giving him the slightest respite.


Xiongbo's face was furious, and he no longer looked like Maitreya Buddha before. His ferocious aura bloomed, and the golden Buddha's light burst out again. A huge Buddha's hand rushed out, colliding with Jiang Che's blow.

The dark and dead energy around was swept away.

The ground cracked and shook.


Xiongbo spat out a mouthful of blood, and the divine light in his eyes dimmed by three points instantly.

"Master, the world is suffering, let me send you to meet the Buddha of Ultimate Bliss!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

In the next second, lights of five colors shone, and five divine thunders blasted towards Xiongbo in an instant.


The light in Xiongbo's hand bloomed, and a middle-grade Taoist Zen staff appeared in his hand, and he waved it super long, bursting out a bright beam of light, and instantly met the five divine thunders.

The shock wave swept again.

"If you want to kill the poor monk, benefactor, you are not qualified!"

Xiongbo's voice sounded.

Jiang Che's gaze was cold, but just when the two were about to strike at the same time, suddenly, their movements stopped for an instant.

All eyes looked at the darkness and death in the distance.


The gloomy light bloomed, and three terrifying undead figures appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

"Peak Spirit Emperor!!!"

The pupils of the two shrank instantly.

Without hesitation, he ran away on the spot.

But in the next breath, the two were knocked back.

In the dark and dead air, an invisible barrier was arranged at some point.

They were trapped in the enchantment.

The three peak spirit emperors stepped out of a dark and dead air, looking at Jiang Che and Xiong Bo, their eyes filled with murderous aura.

"Killing the three emperors of our family is so courageous. Today, no one will try to run away, and all of them will be buried with the emperors who died in our family!"

An angry voice exploded, like thunder rolling.

In an instant, the three peak spirit emperors came not far from them.

At this moment, the faces of the two changed wildly.

Three peak spirit emperors, even if the two are added together, they can't stop them.

A peak spirit emperor is enough to kill them.

Let alone three.

No one can stop them!

The void descended, and the eyes of the three peak spirit emperors seemed to be able to penetrate them, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to freezing point.

The breath of death is enveloped!

At this moment, how could the two of them care about fighting.

Without hesitation, Jiang Che revealed Master's mana clone talisman.

At the same time, at some point in Xiongbo's hand, there was an extra golden Buddha mantra.


At the same time, it was dispatched, and at the next breath, a graceful phantom stepped out.

The terrifying coercion came, just like Tianwei.

At the same time, a terrifying Buddha stepped out of the mantra, with an aura comparable to the mysterious sound.

Two people used their ultimate ace at the same time!

The expressions of the three peak spirit emperors changed drastically.

With a roar, and with the next breath, the three spirit emperors merged instantly, and an aura surpassing the spirit emperor permeated the air.

It seems that he has reached the level of the real Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

But it is not.

At the same time, Xuan Miaoyin's mana avatar and the terrifying Buddha avatar fought.

The two ultimate lights simultaneously killed the fused Super Spirit Emperor.

Seeing the attack, the fused Super Spirit Emperor didn't have the slightest fear, and the vast death energy surged and turned into a giant hand that held up to the sky.


In an instant, the attacks collided together.

The enchanted barrier instantly shattered.



The confrontation of the three supreme beings instantly made Jiang Che and Xiongbo vomit blood.

The bodies of the two were rushed hundreds of feet away by the breath of the confrontation.

And the aura of the supreme confrontation also caused violent vibrations in the entire land of the dead.

Although the fused Super Spirit Emperor did not reach the level of the real Thunder Tribulation Supreme, it also far surpassed the strength of the Yuanshen realm.

The two Lightning Tribulation Supremes are both mana clones, and the confrontation with one blow did not obliterate the Super Spirit Emperor.

The fluctuation has not yet subsided, and the three figures fought together again.

Jiang Che and Xiong Bo were shocked.

"No, other dead spirits are coming!"

Jiang Che's face changed, and Xiong Bo's face was also very ugly.

At this moment, the two of them didn't care about fighting, Xiongbo's body flashed with golden Buddha light, and in the next breath, he disappeared instantly at a speed that surpassed everything.

If you don't run fast, when a large number of other dead spirits surround them, they will definitely be killed, or doomed.

Jiang Che didn't dare to be careless, took out the Tianpeng Yuhua Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

In the next breath, purple light flashed, and Jiang Che's Taoist robe was bursting, and his body instantly turned into a huge purple skypeng bird more than ten meters high.


With a flutter of wings, Jiang Che's speed was not slow at all, tearing apart the dark and dead energy, and disappeared without a trace.

Three peak spirit emperors appeared at once, which Jiang Che did not expect.

But now, he can only run away.

If you don't run, if there are other peak spirit emperors chasing you, you will definitely die.

High-level spirit emperors can only run away, let alone peak spirit emperors.


At this moment, outside the land of the dead.

Seven or eight figures stopped at the entrance of Necromancer, looking far into the depths of Necropolis. Although they couldn't see what happened, there was a breath from the depths of Necropolis that made their souls tremble.

What happened?

Several people didn't know why, but at this moment, one of them suddenly exclaimed.

"what is that!!"

The others came back to their senses and looked towards the same place.

A purple light appeared in the white poisonous mist.

At the same time, there was a terrifying coercion coming.


Before a few people could react, the purple light rushed out of the poisonous mist in the land of the dead in an instant, and the airflow produced exploded directly, and the powerful force of the wind directly sent seven or eight people flying out.


Seven or eight people fell to the ground heavily, all of them smashed to the ground, dizzy.

But when a few people opened their eyes again, they could no longer see the purple light.

"I thought I saw a bird just now?"

One person muttered to himself.

"What kind of bird? That's a roc!"

Another person spoke.

"The roc is also a bird."

One person interjected.


Several people cursed in their hearts and stood up.

But in the next second, a golden light bloomed in the white poisonous mist.


A few people were a little confused, but in the next second, the scene just now repeated the same mistakes.

Seven or eight people had just stood up when they were blown down by the terrifying wind again and flew away.

Three or four of them spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Several people stood up staggeringly, the golden light just now had disappeared.

Seven or eight people looked at the vast white land of the undead, and their faces changed wildly.

"Brother... shall we go in?"

At this time, a weak voice sounded.

"Go to hell, go back!"

A strong man came back to his senses and ran away.

Before entering, he was severely injured one after another. If he went here, he would not die!
Three or five people disappeared in an instant.

The rest of the people looked at each other and disappeared in place with a whoosh.

Originally, he planned to enter the Land of the Dead to see if there were any treasures, but judging from the current situation, something serious must have happened in the Land of the Dead.

If you don't run, you'll be waiting to die!

East Wilderness.

In the void of nameless mountains and rivers, a ray of purple light came through the sky. Suddenly, the galloping purple light stopped, and a purple roc appeared.

Arriving on the top of a high mountain, the purple roc flickered and appeared as a figure.


Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Plans can't keep up with changes!
Halfway through, three peak spirit emperors were killed, and all of his strongest hole cards were sacrificed at once.

Fortunately, there is the avatar of Xuan Miaoyin, otherwise, in the form of the god king, he may not be able to guarantee that he can escape from birth.

Taking out a piece of clothing to put on, Jiang Che wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"This bald donkey also has the mana avatar of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, if I knew it, I wouldn't need it..."

Looking at the void, Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

But it was over, and he didn't regret it.

Compared with one's own life, one's own life is more important.

The hole cards are gone, and they can reunite in the future.

If life is gone, then there is nothing.

"The Land of the Dead can only end early..."

Sighing in his heart, Jiang Che looked in the direction of the Land of the Dead and shook his head helplessly.

Originally, he had collected enough spiritual veins to let the pure yang fruit fully ripen before leaving, but now, he had to leave early.

Even if the three peak spirit emperors survived, they would have to be seriously injured.

But Jiang Che felt that the possibility of surviving was greater.

After all, the strength of the fused Super Spirit Emperor is really quite terrifying.

Even if his master's mana avatar and the Buddha avatar work together, they may not be able to solve it.

After all...it's just a clone of mana, not the real Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

It is not as good as an incarnation outside the body.

But even so, it was strong enough for Jiang Che.

"Look at the harvest..."

Jiang Che came back to his senses and calmed down.

Consciousness penetrated into the map of mountains and rivers.

After checking it, in the last harvest, a total of 22 spiritual veins were obtained.

Among them, there are five eighth-rank spiritual veins and seventeen ninth-rank spiritual veins.

"I don't know if it can be matured..."

Jiang Che felt uneasy.

This harvest can be said to be the biggest.

But whether he can fully ripen the pure yang fruit, he is not sure.

"Try it first..."

Taking a deep breath to calm down the unrest in his heart, Jiang Che immediately started feeding.

One after another, the spiritual veins were absorbed by the World Tree one after another, and the fruits on the World Tree also began to glow.

The seventeen ninth-grade spiritual veins were completely absorbed, and under Jiang Che's gaze, a little bit of golden color also began to appear.

Gold occupies one-tenth of the fruit.

But that's all.

Jiang Che took out five eighth-grade spiritual veins, and continued to feed them one by one.


The five eighth-rank spiritual veins were also completely absorbed by the World Tree.

There is more gold, taking up half of it.

But the distance from maturity is still a little bit short.

Jiang Che: "..."

Looking at the pure yang fruit that was almost ripe, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

His gaze turned to the last spiritual vein again.

The spiritual vein derived from the earth essence stone.

The distance to the seventh-rank spiritual vein is also fast.

"No, I can't intercept it now. I will intercept it after it grows to the seventh-rank spiritual vein."

Resisting the impulse in his heart, Jiang Che took a deep breath to calm down.

Now, in a few more days, when this spiritual vein reaches the seventh-grade spiritual vein, about one-third of it will be enough to fully ripen the pure yang fruit.

"Find a place first, wait a few days..."

After swallowing a elixir, Jiang Che cast his eyes into the distance.

For a few days, he could afford to wait.

With a flash of his figure, Jiang Che disappeared in place.

When night fell, his figure appeared outside Qingcheng.

Choose an inn.

Jiang Che checked in for five days in one go.

"Have you heard that something big happened in the land of the dead, and many people died today..."

Just when Jiang Che was about to go upstairs, Jiang Che heard the conversation of two practitioners. His footsteps stopped slightly, and the sound of the conversation between the two came to his ears again.

"It seems that some riot happened in the land of the undead, and all the undead gathered together."

"Then the people who entered before will be miserable. Out of the ten, I'm afraid it would be good if one or two come out alive..."

"Isn't that right, I still plan to go, now, I can only give up, and go when it subsides..."

"Could it be that some baby was born? That's why the undead riot was caused?"

"Don't talk about it, what kind of baby will be born in that ghost place?"

"Hey, you can't say that, what if there is? Don't forget, there were treasures in the land of the dead before. Maybe the treasure left by some supreme being was born, so the undead rioted..."

"There seems to be some truth in what you say. Shall we go and have a look tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow...is it too dangerous?"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. If you get the Supreme Treasure, you and I will be in the future, so you don't have to worry about it."

"That's right, let's go and see tomorrow..."


Listening to the conversation in the inn, Jiang Che shook his head, and then went upstairs.

A few cultivation bases in the middle stage of the true state of mind went to explore the land of the dead, which was no different from courting death.

Any undead, it may have to kill them.

Even a golden core cultivation base is enough.

The natural characteristics of the Necromancer family can be fused together to become stronger.

The strength is not enough, and if you go to some places, it is equivalent to death.

But greed is not so easy to restrain.

After all, there is also a possibility of skyrocketing.


After returning to the room, Jiang Che began to recover from his injuries.

A single impact caused him to be severely injured.

But fortunately, it has not reached a fatal level.

One night is enough to recover.


A few days passed in a flash.

Jiang Che also took a stroll in Qingcheng, a rare experience of relaxation.

On the fifth day, Jiang Che woke up early in the morning.

The soul came out of the body and instantly came to the picture of mountains and rivers.

"Seventh Grade..."

Jiang Che's face was filled with joy, he looked at the spiritual veins deep in the ground, and turned his gaze to the World Tree not far away.

As long as a part of the spiritual vein is intercepted, the pure yang fruit of the world tree can fully mature.


With a flash of light, the power of the soul exploded, and Jiang Che instantly grabbed the seventh-rank spiritual veins deep in the earth.

The Heavenly Demon Spiritual Blade appeared, and the huge spiritual vein of Baizhang was severed by him, splitting into two.

A mournful cry sounded, and the spiritual pulse sent out a kind of pain.

Just in case, Jiang Che intercepted half of the spiritual veins.

The remaining half of the spiritual veins penetrated into the depths of the earth, and began to recover using the earth essence stones.

More than a month is enough to restore a complete seventh-rank spiritual vein.


With a dodge, Jiang Che grabbed half of the intercepted spiritual vein and came to the World Tree, and instantly entered the World Tree.


The world tree erupted with bright green light, and the colors of the 32 pure yang fruits changed instantly.

In an instant, a seductive smell emanated from the pure yang fruit on the world tree.

32 pure yang fruits, fully ripe!
(End of this chapter)

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