Chapter 132
That night.

The lights are on.

Hongwuhou Mansion was brightly lit.


At the table, Jiang Che was drinking with his father.

"How long will you stay when you come back this time?"

After drinking the wine in the glass, Jiang Zhen looked at Jiang Che.

Jiang Che took a bite of the food, and said, "I probably won't be able to stay for long. My son has something to do when I come back this time, but specifically, I will tell my father after the meal."

Jiang Zhen: "?"

"Could you have caused some trouble, kid?" Jiang Zhen frowned slightly, looking at him and said.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Father is worrying too much, which is a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Jiang Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

"Father, I've heard a little about the cult. The three religions merged into one and became a whole, called the Vacuum Sect, but why is the Virgin Mary in charge?" Jiang Che asked, changing the subject.

"Then the real demon was killed?"

"No." Jiang Zhen shook his head, and said, "The real devil still exists, and this Void Virgin is just a pawn supported by the real devil."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded lightly. This answer actually matched his guess.

With the strength of the demon clan, I am afraid that no one in the cult can contend.

The key is that the growth is too fast, as long as enough life essence is devoured, it can be rapidly improved.

This is very perverted.

And this is also the practice of the demons.

To feed on everything in the world, any life is the ration of the demons.

In the era of the Dark Era, the demons are all the enemies of the entire Great Thousand World.

"Does the imperial court have any countermeasures against this?"

Jiang Che took a bite of the dish and asked.

"The method of siege is still used to curb the expansion of the cult, but the fused cult is so powerful that it cannot be swallowed in one bite, but can only be eaten away step by step." Jiang Zhen said slowly.

"You just came back from Xianmen?" Jiang Zhen looked at him and asked.

"No, the boy went to the Yue country, it can be regarded as a bit of experience." Jiang Che said.

"Have you been to Yue country?" Jiang Zhen was slightly taken aback, and looked at him in astonishment.

Jiang Che nodded, "Baby just came back from Yue."

"It's a long journey, so I'm afraid the journey will be extremely dangerous, right?" Jiang Zhen frowned slightly.

Jiang Che smiled: "Father, there is no need to worry. Although the child has encountered some dangers, the problem is not serious."

"Your current strength is enough to run rampant in the Eastern Wasteland." Looking at him, Jiang Zhen stretched his brows.

"Father has won the award, and there is still a long way to go. If you don't become a thunder catastrophe, you will end up like an ant!" Jiang Che heaved a long sigh.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"Stinky boy, you are quite high-spirited, Lei Jie, do you know how many thunders there are in the entire Eastern Wilderness?" Jiang Zhen twitched in his heart.

Looking at Jiang Che, he continued: "Don't be too ambitious, take every step with peace of mind, the more stable your foundation, the more you can go straight to the sky. There is no rush in cultivation. Those who try to soar into the sky and become immortals in the daytime are all fake."

"My son understands. Don't worry, father. I can walk steadily." Jiang Che said with a smile.


Jiang Zhen sighed and drank a glass of wine.

"Come, father, eat fish." Jiang Che picked up a piece of fish and put it in Jiang Zhen's bowl.

"By the way, what's the situation of father, eldest brother and second brother now?"

"It's okay, with the help of your secret method, they have now reached the intermediate level of martial arts."

"One became the deputy commander of the Blackwater Army, and the other became the commander of the Shenji Battalion. It's not a small progress." Jiang Zhen said slowly.

"That's good." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Zhen again, and said, "Father, are sure are you that you will become an immortal?"

There is a huge gap between martial saints and human immortals.

Martial arts and immortals also need to cross the catastrophe to take this step.

However, the Martial Dao Heavenly Tribulation is also very easy, the difficult thing is not the Heavenly Tribulation, with this strength to overcome the Tribulation, it is basically guaranteed.

The most difficult thing is to comprehend and accumulate.

This gap is even bigger than the gap between Primordial Spirit and Thunder Tribulation!
Although he has the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique, it is definitely not easy to cross this realm.

The degree of difficulty to become a martial artist is too great.

Although it is impossible to specifically guess how big the gap is, Jiang Che feels that there should be a distance.

"It's still early, it's not that easy." Jiang Zhen shook his head.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "Father, I guess it should be almost here."

Jiang Zhen glanced at him and said, "When you reach the peak martial arts, you will know how big the gap is."

"The child believes in his father, and he will soon become a martial artist!"

Jiang Che smiled.

"Let's eat." Jiang Zhen rolled his eyes at him and said.


It took a full hour for the father and son to disperse after eating a meal.

The night sky is bright and the stars are high.

After dinner, Jiang Che followed his father to his study.

Jiang Zhen sat in front of the desk, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "Tell me, why did you come back this time?"

"My son has a surprise for father." Jiang Che smiled mysteriously.

"Surprise?" Jiang Zhen raised his head slightly and looked at him.

Jiang Che stepped forward and said, "Father, this surprise should be enough for Father to step through the Martial Saint's Profound Gate and step into the Martial Daoist Immortal!"

"Huh?" Jiang Zhen's pupils shrank slightly, but his expression was not too moved. He looked at Jiang Che and said, "Are you sure?"

"Father, please look!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, a jade box appeared in his hand.

Jiang Zhen's eyes also fell on the jade box, looking at the jade box in front of him, his face showed a hint of emotion.

Judging from his perception, the contents of the jade box seemed to shock him.

Under Jiang Zhen's gaze, Jiang Che slowly opened the jade box.

A golden fruit with dao patterns all over it, exuding a powerful pure yang aura appeared in the eyes.

As big as a fist, the Dao pattern on it seems to be engraved on it, containing the truth of heaven and earth.

Looking at this golden fruit, Jiang Zhen's pupils trembled violently, his face was obviously moved, and he stood up all of a sudden.

Although he doesn't know what this fruit is, he can perceive this vast and endless energy.

Just the smell of the fruit caused his blood to vibrate.

But at this moment, Jiang Che's voice sounded again: "Father, this fruit is called Chunyang Fairy Fruit, and it is an innate fairy product. My child has already eaten one, and it has greatly improved. I believe that with the help of this fairy fruit, my father will definitely be able to step into martial arts and immortals!"

Jiang Che's voice fell into Jiang Zhen's ears word by word.

Hearing Jiang Che's introduction, Jiang Zhen's mood couldn't help but set off turbulent waves.

Pure Yang Fairy Fruit!

Innate fairy product!

Looking at the golden fruit in the jade box, Jiang Zhen did not suspect that he was bragging.

The energy contained in this fruit really shocked him.

After a while, Jiang Zhen came back to his senses.Looking at him, he said: "This Chunyang fairy fruit is indeed extraordinary, but I'm afraid that one fruit is not enough for me to break through the immortal, you..."

"Father, please look!"

With a wave of Jiang Che's hand, he took a breath, and on the desk, nine jade boxes appeared out of thin air.

When the jade box was opened, the aura from the Chunyang fairy fruit gathered together, almost reaching the level that could be seen by the naked eye.

Jiang Zhen: "!!!"

Looking at the same pure yang fairy fruit in each jade box, his heart was overwhelmed instantly.

Looking at Jiang Che, he couldn't believe it. Where did he come from such a fetish? !
And just when Jiang Zhen was thinking about this question, Jiang Che said: "Father, there are ten Pure Yang Fairy Fruits here. Father has stayed at the pinnacle of Martial Saints for a long time, and now he has gone one step further. My child believes that with the help of ten Pure Yang Fairy Fruits, Father will definitely be able to step straight into the Immortal!"

Jiang Zhen: "..."

The study was silent and silent.

After a while, Jiang Zhen looked at him and said, "Is this why you came back this time?"

"Exactly, if father steps into human immortality, his status will definitely be more extraordinary. Moreover, if he steps into human immortality, father can also enjoy a thousand years of life. This is also part of the child's heart."

Jiang Che smiled all over his face.

"Your boy... gave it to me, what do you do?"

Jiang Zhen looked at him and said.

Jiang Che smiled: "Father, don't worry, the child still has some, enough for his own use."

"That's it, that's good." Jiang Zhen nodded slightly.

"After the father breaks through the Immortal and stabilizes for a few days, the child can leave with peace of mind and travel to other continents."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"To other continents?" Jiang Zhen frowned and looked at him.

"The world is vast and boundless. My child has reached the bottleneck stage and needs to travel a lot before he can improve." Jiang Che said.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Father, the sooner you break through to immortality, the child will feel more at ease."

Looking at Jiang Zhen, he opened his mouth and said.

"With this Pure Yang Fairy Fruit, it won't take long before we can break through, but as a father, you need to ask His Majesty for leave before you can break through with confidence."

Jiang Zhen said.

"Father survives the tribulation, and the child can protect him." Jiang Che nodded with a smile.

"Yes." Jiang Zhen nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the father and son chatted for a while in the study room. Jiang Che left the study room late at night and returned to his yard.

"Pure Yang Fairy Fruit..."

"This kid, the fortune is really amazing..."

Looking at the ten jade boxes on the desk, Jiang Zhen's eyes flickered: "This stinky boy, it's so troublesome, it doesn't matter, after stepping into the immortal, I will give him that opportunity. With his strength, there should be no big problem..."

Jiang Zhen muttered to himself, then put away the jade box.


The night passed, and in the morning, Jiang Che continued to practice in the mansion after having breakfast.

Jiang Zhen went out early in the morning, and did not return to the mansion until almost afternoon.

In the study, Jiang Che came to the study after being summoned by Jiang Zhen.

"Father, how is it?"

As soon as he entered the study, Jiang Che asked.

"Well, it's already safe. I've asked for a month. You prepare. In the evening, you go to a place with me. After absorbing these pure Yang fairy fruits, you can almost pass the tribulation."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Zhen opened his mouth and said.


"Leave at night?" Jiang Che looked at Jiang Zhen in astonishment.


Jiang Zhen nodded, looked at him, and said, "Go out with me at night, so that you can avoid eyes and ears."

"Understood." Jiang Che nodded.

"Go down and get ready." Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded, and then exited the study.

And not long after Jiang Che left, Jiang Hong's figure appeared at the door of the study.


Stepping into the study, Jiang Hong saluted.

"How's the arrangement going?"

Looking at Jiang Hong, Jiang Zhen said calmly.

"According to the master's instructions, the arrangements have been made." Jiang Hong nodded.

"Okay, well done." Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Master won the prize."

"When I leave the mansion, no one should tell except you. If someone comes to visit, you should know what to do." Looking at Jiang Hong, he said slowly.

Jiang Hong nodded and said, "Master, don't worry, this old slave knows what to do."

"Well, let's go." Jiang Zhen nodded in satisfaction.



Night fell quickly.

In the starry night, Hongwuhou Mansion was only illuminated by a few lights.

In the backyard of Hou Mansion, the figures of Jiang Che and Jiang Zhen appeared.


Jiang Zhen opened his mouth, took a stride, flew into the sky in an instant, and disappeared into the backyard.

Jiang Che followed closely behind, turned into green smoke, and disappeared into the backyard.

The night was dark, and the outside of the mansion was quiet, only the sound of insects chirping from time to time.

Following Jiang Zhen all the way away from the Hou's Mansion, the speed of both of them was very fast.

Although Jiang Zhen majored in martial arts, his cultivation of immortality has also reached the stage of primordial spirit.

Just relying on his immortal cultivation, he is also a giant!
The two walked quietly in the dark.

Jiang Che followed behind.

Soon, the two of them completely left the central area of ​​Yujing City and went deep into the vast mountains and rivers.


Half an hour later, the two had arrived at a place eight hundred miles away from Yujing City.

A quiet mountain villa.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is very quiet.

Under the darkness of night, there was no light in the villa.

Under Yin Yang Tian's eyes, he didn't see any figure.

"Here, it's here." Jiang Zhen said when he came to the gate of the villa.

"Father, when was this villa built?"

Following behind Jiang Zhen, Jiang Che said in surprise.

"It's been a while, maybe three years ago." Jiang Zhen said slowly.

"The servants here have arranged to leave in advance. Now, there are only you and my father and son in the villa. For the next time, we will live here temporarily, and we will return to the mansion after we break through." Jiang Zhen said.

"Understood." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, the two stepped into the villa.

"This place to cross the catastrophe is not bad. Father chose it well!" Jiang Che said after inspecting the surrounding environment with his spiritual sense.

"It's also a secret base."

Jiang Zhen said.

"What a powerful aura!" Jiang Che stepped into the villa, his gaze flashed.

"Father, could it be that you have planted a spiritual vein here?"


Jiang Zhen nodded slightly.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

"No wonder it's so strong..."

He sighed.

"Just find a place to rest by yourself, and refine the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit first for your father."

When he came to the hall of the villa, Jiang Zhen said.

"Fine, father don't have to worry about me." Jiang Che nodded.

Jiang Zhen didn't say much, and disappeared into the hall with a step.

Seeing Jiang Zhen leave, Jiang Che also wandered around the villa immediately.

He chose a room at random and began to practice.


Dawn breaks.

The light of the red sun is reflected in the villa.

Jiang Che opened his eyes, pushed open the door, and a beautiful scenery appeared in his eyes.

Pieces of clouds and mists shrouded the top of the mountain, and strange peaks lined up, just like a peach garden in the Book of Songs.

Jiang Che couldn't help admiring the beauty of the scenery.

The beauty of heaven and earth is really a miracle!

After stepping out of the room, Jiang Che sensed that Jiang Zhen was in the secret room. He didn't bother him, and left the villa on his own. After wandering around the villa, he basically figured out the whole situation here.

The environment here is beautiful and the scenery is pleasant, and there are no villages or towns within a hundred miles.

Relatively quiet.

The location of this villa was obviously chosen by my father carefully.

Plan ahead!

The construction of the villa began three years ago.

After wandering around the area, making sure there was nothing tricky, Jiang Che came to a mountain top.

Looking down from above, Jiang Che found that the mist of several big mountains almost completely covered the villa. It is difficult to find this villa without getting close.

And there are traces of formation coverage.

Those who rush in will feel like stepping into a maze, and it is difficult to enter the villa.

With the help of the invisible formation arranged by the natural geographical environment, this method is also quite clever.

"As expected of my father, he is more cautious than me..."

Seeing this beautiful scene, Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, swallowing the natural aura of the world.

Helping his father step into martial arts and immortality, his own cultivation cannot be neglected.

After becoming the number one soul, Jiang Che's strength increased rapidly.

However, it is obviously far from being the second soul. Jiang Che reckoned that in a few more days, he would be able to continue to swallow the pure yang fruit, and then make another big improvement.

However, Jiang Che, the last Ninth God King, seems to have encountered a bottleneck.

Yuan Ling is comprehending all the time, but he still hasn't comprehended it.

Jiang Che also knew that there was no need to rush, so he had to take his time.

But speaking of it, his practice is probably rare in Donghuang.

After all, the time of practice is short, and the foundation is extremely strong, which is probably rare in the world.

But Jiang Che wasn't proud either.

Because he knew that he was rare in the Eastern Wilderness, but the vast world, and the land of Central Continent, was a place where monsters frequently appeared. There might be someone more monster than him there.


Ten days passed leisurely.

Jiang Che basically spent every day in cultivation.

During the ten days, Jiang Zhen never left the secret room, and was basically in the secret room.

Jiang Che didn't bother him in any way.

He can also observe and learn from his father's human immortality and heavenly tribulation.

It is also helpful to a certain extent in improving oneself in the future.


On the twelfth, early in the morning.

Just as Jiang Che stepped out of the room, he still glanced at the secret room that his father had closed up. Suddenly, a terrifying energy rushed out.

The blood-colored spirit rushed straight into the sky, and the vast coercion enveloped the entire villa.

This majestic life energy is more than a hundred times stronger than his life energy.

The terrifying life essence directly changed the sky, and the clouds covering the villa were directly dissipated by the life essence.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly turned to the mansion.

Bright eyes.


Looking at the secret room in the villa, Jiang Che felt the vast and infinite energy of life, and his eyes became much brighter.


In the next breath, the door of the secret room opened, and a burly and tall figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It was Jiang Zhen who had been in seclusion for [-] consecutive days!
The terrifying life essence and the light of blood radiating from it are even more dazzling than the sun.

The vitality of life went straight into the sky, and the sound of thunder came from the sky.

"This is the life energy and blood of the immortal!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

In more than ten days, Jiang Zhen's changes were simply earth-shaking.

Even if they were far away, he could still feel a terrifying coercion.

Jiang Zhen stepped into the martial arts immortal, and now, he only needs to cross the tribulation to truly become a martial arts immortal.

A martial arts immortal, comparable to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation!

The horror of the immortal is still beyond his imagination.


Flying into the sky in one step, Jiang Zhen didn't use the slightest bit of true energy, and he was able to fly into the sky with only physical strength.

Martial Dao Ren Xian, the body flies to the sky!
To open up the acupoints of heaven and earth, control the vitality of heaven and earth, and control the power of one side of heaven and earth, this is a martial arts immortal.


One step away, Jiang Che came to the top of a mountain in one breath.

And Jiang Zhen was on the top of a thousand-foot mountain.

Stepping into the void, the majestic life energy rolled in, and the thunder of the sky kept ringing.

Jiang Che looked up at the sky, and in the depths of the void, countless dark clouds began to gather, forming a terrifying super maelstrom.

And the area continued to spread, reaching a range of hundreds of miles.

In the vortex of dark clouds, purple lightning flashes.

A wave of destructive heavenly power descends!

Jiang Che retreated more than a dozen miles and stopped on another hill, only then did he feel much better.

At this moment, he is dozens of miles away from the super whirlpool.

But even so, he could still feel the might of the heavens that destroyed the world.


Let his soul feel the record.

Purple lightning flashed vertically and horizontally, and a ray of lightning made him feel a deadly aura.


Stepping into the void and standing in the center of Heavenly Tribulation, Jiang Zhen exuded a powerful golden light.

The Golden Body of Ten Thousand Monsters is activated!
Looking up at the terrifying vortex above his head, Jiang Zhen didn't have the slightest fear in his eyes.


And in the constant brewing, the first catastrophe fell outrageously.

Red thunder.

Contains the power to destroy everything.

Sweeping with a crushing force.

Jiang Zhen's figure was enveloped in an instant, the top of Qianzhang Mountain was shrouded in red lightning, and the mountain rocks instantly turned into powder.

And in the red lightning, Jiang Zhen's figure was intact!
In the form of the golden body, it is almost indestructible.

The destructive red lightning could not shake him at all.

The first thunderstorm, easily passed.

Jiang Che watched from a distance.

Under this thunderstorm, he reckoned that he couldn't bear it.

To achieve human immortality, the Golden Body of Ten Thousand Monsters will be fully developed, and the improvement will be earth-shaking.

With the help of the Dao Artifact, he might be able to resist the first thunder.

And right now.

The second sky thunder blatantly fell from the super maelstrom, quickly enveloping Jiang Zhen's figure.

There is hardly any breathing room.

Before the second thunderstorm stopped, the third thunderstorm came quickly.

Thunder came one after another, like a violent storm.

The thousand-foot-high mountain was half destroyed by the thunder in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the mountain was completely crystallized.

The vitality of heaven and earth is extremely violent.

The center of Tianjie was completely covered by lightning.

Jiang Che stared at it without blinking.

The high-intensity sky thunder is more terrifying than the other.

There seemed to be no respite at all.

In a short time, dozens of thunders descended.

The void is distorted by the bombing.

The terrifying lightning made Jiang Che's eyes sore even looking at it.

"There have been eighty thunderstorms, and the Great Tribulation of Human Immortals has ninety-nine and eighty-one thunderstorms, and the last one is left!"

Jiang Che counted the number of thunderstorms.

But the last thunderbolt fell in no hurry.

In the super maelstrom, it is constantly brewing.

When the lightning disappeared, Jiang Zhen's figure also appeared in his eyes.

Under the berserk catastrophe, his golden body became much darker, and his vitality was severely damaged.

Standing in the void, the infinite vitality of heaven and earth poured into his body, and the golden body was also shining.

And at this moment, in the vortex of the void, an earth-shattering dragon chant resounded.


Dragon Yin roared to heaven and earth, and in the next breath, a huge purple thunder dragon with hundreds of feet appeared from the void vortex.

Carry Shishi Tianwei!

Outrageously rushed out!

Smash everything!
(End of this chapter)

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