Chapter 133

The purple thunder dragon descended, and at the critical moment, Jiang Zhen's body burst out with a dazzling light that surpassed the sun.

The terrifying artistic conception shook the heavens and the earth, stepped on the void, raised his hand and punched, and rushed out quickly.


An unremarkable punch, but it contained a terrifying power that surpassed supernatural powers.

A huge mushroom cloud rises, and the surrounding void instantly collapses.

The surrounding mountain peaks were directly destroyed under the impact of a punch, and a mountain and river was forcibly razed to the ground.

Under Jiang Che's gaze, the terrifying Thunder Dragon was instantly annihilated by Jiang Zhen's punch, turning into lightning and wreaking havoc in the sky.

The violent shock wave power swept over, and the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart, just like destroying the world!


With one punch, Jiang Zhen seemed to have exhausted all his strength, spat out a mouthful of blood, and the light in his eyes dimmed by three points.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, Jiang Zhen appeared in his eyes soaked in blood.

The life essence is greatly lost.

Seemingly dying!

The clouds in the sky dissipated, and a bright glow shone on him.

Jiang Zhen's body absorbed the rays of light from heaven and earth, and his vitality quickly recovered.

The golden light is shining like a fairy!
The vast and majestic power of the sky also disappeared invisible, and the heaven and earth returned to a state of silence.

Only the ruined mountains and rivers remained, proving the terrible scene that happened just now.


Jiang Che's figure flashed, and in the next breath, he came in front of Jiang Zhen.

"Father, are you alright?"

Looking at the miserable Jiang Zhen, Jiang Che showed worry on his face.

"No problem."

Jiang Zhen shook his head.

Standing in front of Jiang Che at close range, he felt as if he was standing under a sun, and his vitality was as majestic as the sea.

"Congratulations to father for stepping into martial arts and immortality!"

Jiang Che showed joy.

"Haha, Immortal, it's finally here, brat, it's all thanks to you."

Jiang Zhen laughed aloud, and he was in a good mood at the moment.

"Father's background is enough to leave behind, and the boy just assisted."

Jiang Che smiled.

"Go back to the villa first!" Jiang Zhen said, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

Jiang Che nodded, and then followed into the villa.


Imperial City, Zijin Mountain.

In the middle of the mountain, a room in a small farmyard suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man with white hair stepped out of the room.

Standing in the courtyard, he looked far into the void with an extremely dignified expression.

"Human Immortal Tribulation!"

"A new immortal has appeared!"

The eyes of the middle-aged man seemed to be able to penetrate thousands of time and space, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

And at this moment, at the gate of the courtyard, a figure dressed in a golden dragon robe appeared.

Black hair shawl, a dragon robe, showing domineering!

Invisibly, the imperial aura exuded seems to be able to make everything surrender before him.

Contemptuous of the momentum of the world!
And this middle-aged man in the dragon robe is the current Emperor Daqian, Emperor Qian!
Stepping into the courtyard, Emperor Qian came to this white-haired middle-aged man with a solemn expression: "Father, a new immortal has appeared!"

The white-haired middle-aged man turned out to be Emperor Qian's father, Emperor Yuan!
The last great emperor!
Emperor Yuan nodded calmly, and said, "I already know."

"A new celestial being appeared, and the fortune of the country has been strengthened a lot. This person should be from the government and the opposition."

"I think I know who it is!" Emperor Qian's face was serious.

Emperor Yuan looked at him and said, "Oh? It seems that you understand."

"Grand Master Jiang Zhen!"

Emperor Qian said a name.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Emperor Yuan looked at him and said.

"The book will be rewarded and announced to the whole country. He can be regarded as the first immortal in my career."

Emperor Qian looked at the void and said.

"Well, let's do this. This person is loyal, so he can be regarded as a loyal minister. Don't choose to be isolated. You should know how terrifying the power of a human immortal is. If you use it well, you can do it in your hands. You can even grow stronger, and you may even hope to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the late emperor." Emperor Yuan nodded and said.


Emperor Qian nodded.

"Okay, you go back, take care of the big work, and after a while, I will go meet this person in person."

Emperor Yuan opened his mouth and said.


Emperor Qian nodded, and then left this seemingly ordinary farmyard, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Human Immortal..."

"I hope there will be no accidents, otherwise, the name will be removed!"

Emperor Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and in the next breath, he turned and stepped into the room.



Jiang Zhen put on clean clothes, and the dirt on his body was thoroughly washed.


In the lobby, Jiang Che was sitting aside, looking at him, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Zhen's brows were tightly furrowed, and he seemed to have something on his mind. Jiang Che felt very surprised.

Isn't it very happy to have just broken through to the Immortal?
"Someone has noticed. If there is no accident, it should be Emperor Yuan who hides Zijin Mountain!"

Jiang Zhen said slowly.

what! !

Hearing this, Jiang Che's pupils shrank and his face became serious.

"Father, will Emperor Yuan know?"

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. As a father, you have already stepped into a human immortal, so you won't fall so easily. The reason why Emperor Yuan paid attention is only because of the catastrophe."

Jiang Zhen laughed loudly.

Hearing this, Jiang Che felt a little more at ease.

"However, I think that Emperor Yuan will meet me in a short time. First, it is to win over, and second... it also means to deter."

Jiang Zhen tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly.


Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

"Then how does father plan to deal with it?" Looking at Jiang Zhen, he asked.

Jiang Zhen smiled and said, "You can deal with it as you want. You don't have to worry about this problem. You can't do anything for your father."

Seeing the relaxed and content look on Jiang Zhen's face, Jiang Che's tense heartstrings relaxed a bit.

Father should have a way, and it's not so easy for a human being to fall.

"Recover here for a few days, and then return home." Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Zhen said.


Jiang Che nodded.

Jiang Zhen immediately got up and left the lobby.

Jiang Che sat on the chair and thought for a while, then left the lobby and returned to his room.


Three days passed quickly.

Jiang Zhen had also completely returned to his peak. His human spirit was reserved, but standing in front of him, Jiang Che could still feel the boundless vitality of his body.

The gap between martial saints and human immortals is too great.

More than a hundred times!

Even a breath of breath is enough to make him palpitate.

But Jiang Che was also happy.

Ten pure yang fruits made my father step into immortality, this is worth coming!
Even if he paid twice as much, he felt it was worth it.

At the same time, it also proved the power of Chunyang Fairy Fruit.

It was not in vain that he spent a huge amount of wealth to cultivate it.


On the [-]th, Jiang Che left the villa with Jiang Zhen early in the morning and returned to the mansion.

In more than half a month, there were extraordinary changes.

Human fairy!

His father will be the first Human Immortal Supreme!
It will also be completely unable to shake its current position.

Even if the emperor is afraid, he will not do it easily, because the consequences are very serious, and even Emperor Qian can't afford it.

The gap between human immortals and martial saints is almost incalculable.


Time passed slowly.

About half a month later, Jiang Che comprehended the ninth God King and visualized the last God King.

God King Mira.

So far, the nine god kings have thoroughly visualized and reached the first step of consummation.

The Ninth Divine King successfully visualized, and his realm became deeper.

"It should be possible to swallow the pure yang fruit... After absorbing a pure yang fruit and improving some strength, you can leave."

With a flash of thought, Jiang Che glanced at the blue sky beyond, and immediately took out a pure yang fruit.

Without further ado, I ate a few mouthfuls.

The majestic energy exploded in an instant, and there was a refreshing feeling from the soul to the body.

With the first experience, this time, Jiang Che is familiar with the road.

The whole body is shimmering with golden light, constantly absorbing the energy of the pure yang fruit.

And just when Jiang Che absorbed the pure yang fruit.

In Yujing City, a shocking news swept across the ruling and opposition parties.

Hong Wuhou Jiang Zhen, broke through the ultimate level of martial sage, cultivated into a martial arts immortal, and became the first immortal in Daqian.

The court shook.

The court ministers were all shocked!

And this is not a legend, but real.

Because all the ministers have seen Hong Wuhou Jiang Zhen, and now he has become a real immortal!

Emperor Qian congratulated him, and conferred the title of Marquis of Hongwu, Jiang Zhen, on behalf of Lord Hong!

There are so many rewards that even the ministers of the government and the opposition are jealous.

And Jiang Zhen did not refuse the canonization, and accepted Emperor Qian's canonization reward.

The first prince of Daqian is also officially listed as the first prince of the dynasty, not only the first prince of the dynasty, but also the first prince of Daqian history.

Emperor Qian also specially granted amnesty, and Hong Guogong didn't need to salute when he met.

This is also the only one in the dynasty.

The city of Yujing was shaking endlessly!

And this news is sweeping across the border of Dagan in the form of a super storm.

Countless forces shook!

Martial arts immortal!

From a certain point of view, I am afraid that it is more terrifying than a supreme being in the realm of thunder and tribulation!
The name of Hong Guogong swept across Daqian!

The first in the dynasty!


And the ministers of the court also congratulated one after another, sending out gifts from all parties!

Martial saints and human immortals, everyone knows what kind of changes there are.

A hundred martial saints are no match for a human immortal.

In the position of Duke Hong, no one in the government and the opposition can control him!


Three days passed.

Jiang Che absorbed the pure yang fruit and successfully cultivated the second soul.

The two primordial spirits have been cultivated!

His strength has grown again!
Although the realm has not changed, compared with when he just broke through the peak of Jindan, it is earth-shaking.

As for the physical martial arts, he has also reached a high-level martial arts saint, reaching the power of a hundred dragons!

Strength, reaching the pinnacle of martial saints!
The strength of martial arts is enough to compete with the peak martial arts!

Exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Jiang Che's eyes shone brightly.

Looking at the sky outside the window, he slowly got up.


"It's time to go!"

A gleam flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

Stepped out of the room.

The improvement has reached the peak, and it is difficult for him to improve in a short period of time.

After completing the cultivation of the second soul and becoming a high-level Martial Saint, Jiang Che has more confidence to travel to other continents.

Even the Central Divine Continent, which is known as the center of the Great Thousand World, is not a must-see.

Looking at the blue sky, Jiang Che was in a great mood.

Stroll to the Vientiane Garden.

But suddenly, a black-clothed and white-haired figure appeared in his eyes.

The figure is not tall, but the temperament is extraordinary.

Standing in front of a rockery in Vientiane Garden, with one hand behind his back.

Just looking at the back view, Jiang Che felt palpitations.

The life spirit of this person seems to be more terrifying than his father.

In the mansion, did someone break into it? !
Thinking of this, Jiang Che's muscles tensed up.

And at this moment, the black-robed and white-haired figure turned around, revealing his true face.

His hair is snow-white, but his face looks like a middle-aged man's. There is a hint of a king's air in his facial features. Just standing there, he feels an invincible thought.

Human fairy!

This is definitely a human fairy!
Jiang Che's pupils trembled.

Judging from the invisible aura, this white-haired middle-aged man is definitely a human immortal supreme.

And better than his father!
Who is he?
The legendary Emperor Yuan who has passed away?

Or other immortals?
Or, is it some of my father's enemies? !
Countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

And at this moment, this white-haired middle-aged man stepped forward and came to him like a ghost.

"Senior Martial Saint, hey, how did you become a Primordial Spirit before you reached the realm of Primordial Spirit?"

The middle-aged man with snow-white hair looked at him in amazement.

Jiang Che's muscles were stiff and he remained motionless.

At close range, the aura pressure he felt was even more terrifying!
"Young man, don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions!"

The white-haired middle-aged man had a smile on his face.

But Jiang Che still didn't dare to move an inch.

no offence……

Tangtang, a stranger came to his home and told you that there was no malice, can you believe it?

"Dare to ask senior who is so sacred. I don't know how rude senior is here again. I ask senior to forgive me."

Jiang Che tried his best to calm down, bowed and saluted.

"Haha, young man, you are not bad, you are quite polite, you are indeed Jiang Zhen's son!"

The white-haired middle-aged man laughed loudly with a hearty voice.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

He said his father's name in one gulp, is this his father's friend?

But why hasn't he heard that his father has a friend at the level of an immortal?
And at this moment, Jiang Zhen's figure suddenly appeared at the gate of Vientiane Garden.

When looking at the middle-aged man with white hair, his pupils shrank slightly.

"I don't know that the Emperor Yuan is here, but I am far away from welcoming you, and I ask the Emperor Yuan to forgive me!"

Jiang Zhen's voice sounded.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jiang Che's heart exploded instantly.

Emperor Yuan!

This is the last emperor of Daqian, Emperor Yuan? !
The only surviving human immortal supreme in the imperial family? !

Shocking waves surged in Jiang Che's heart, and he looked at the white-haired middle-aged man in front of him in disbelief.

"Haha, Jiang Aiqing, Emperor Yuan is dead, and now only Yang Yuan is alive, so you can just call him by his first name."

The white-haired middle-aged man laughed.

"Don't dare."

Jiang Zhen spoke.

Emperor Yuan smiled and said: "There is no need for so many red tapes. Today there is no Emperor Yuan, only Yang Yuan. Since you have become a fairy, you can call him brother Yang. There is no need for secular red tape."

"Brother Yang!"

Jiang Zhen spoke again.

Emperor Yuan also showed a bright smile on his face, looked at him, and said: "Brother Jiang, your son is not bad. He is a high-level martial artist at such a young age. In the future, he must also be a martial artist. Looking at the world, he is also an absolute arrogance."

"Brother Yang has won the award. The dog's qualifications are not bad. It is a blessing for the dog to be praised by Brother Yang."

Jiang Zhen also showed a smile on his face.

Emperor Yuan looked at him and said, "Brother Jiang won't mind if you take the liberty of coming here today to ask for a cup of tea?"

Jiang Zhen: "Where is it? Brother Yang is able to come. It is an honor for the whole house. The tea is ready. Please move brother Yang and drink tea with my brother."

"Haha, brother Jiang, then I will be disrespectful!" Emperor Yuan laughed, and then strode out of the Vientiane Garden.

Jiang Zhen glanced at Jiang Che, and then followed him out of the Vientiane Garden.


Watching Emperor Yuan leave, Jiang Che breathed out a foul breath.

Good guy.

It's really Emperor Yuan!
The only living immortal in the royal family of Daqian is truly extraordinary!
Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

It seems to be talking and laughing, but in fact it is turbulent.

The old man's words were right, the Emperor Yuan really came to the door.

It's just that Jiang Che didn't expect it to be so sudden.

All of a sudden, this is the door-to-door visit!

"These emperors are indeed old and cunning."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and then he turned around and left the Vientiane Garden.

He had planned to take a walk to relax, but suddenly, he tensed up again.

Emperor Yuan came to visit in person, the meaning of which is self-evident.


The mansion is an elegant pavilion. Jiang Zhen and Emperor Yuan are sitting in front of the stone table in the pavilion, talking and laughing happily, and drinking tea leisurely.

"Brother Jiang, you broke through to Immortal quite suddenly, which surprised me even."

After taking a sip of tea, Emperor Yuan smiled and looked at him.

"Breakthrough happened by chance, and I didn't expect it. This is good luck." Jiang Zhen smiled.

Hearing these words, an imperceptible look flashed in Emperor Yuan's eyes.

"Your son is not bad. If I remember correctly, this should be your third son?"

Emperor Yuan said lightly.


Jiang Zhen nodded.

"Youth is in its prime, I wonder if he can get married?" Emperor Yuan said with a smile.

Jiang Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said immediately: "The dog is dedicated to Taoism, loves to practice, and is not yet married."

"Oh? Is it?"

A gleam of light flashed in Emperor Yuan's eyes.

Looking at Jiang Zhen, Emperor Yuan said, "Since that's the case, I feel that your son and Jianning are a good match. Why don't you let Jianning marry your son? What do you think my brother would like?"

Jiang Zhen's face froze slightly, but he soon came back to his senses and said, "I'm afraid I can't make the decision!"


Emperor Yuan narrowed his eyes, looked at him, and said, "Under the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, brother Jiang can't be the master of his own son?"

" you think Jianning is not good enough?"

"No, Princess Jianning is well-behaved and sensible, with an exquisite heart. It's just that the dog has entered the Taoist sect of the Immortal Sect and is studying under Xuan Miaoyin. If you want to agree, I'm afraid his master will agree to your wish. If I forcefully agree, I'm afraid I won't see you again in the future!" Jiang Zhen said with a long sigh.

"Mysterious sound!"

Emperor Yuan shrank his pupils slightly, looked at Jiang Zhen, and said, "Is your son Xuanmiaoyin's apprentice?"

"Exactly. Brother Yang will know as soon as he checks." Jiang Zhen nodded.

Hearing this, Emperor Yuan lowered his head, and after a while, he raised his head, looked at Jiang Zhen, and said, "If that's the case, then don't rush for a while, it will take a long time, and we will talk about it later."

"Brother Yang's lesson!"

Jiang Zhen smiled.

Emperor Yuan also smiled, but there was a glint of color in the depths of his pupils.


Night falls.

Jiang Che was enjoying Qingluo's "craft" in the room, when suddenly, his closed eyes opened suddenly, and he sat up straight.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Jiang Che's expression, Qing Luo was puzzled.

"It's nothing, I'll go out for a while, you go back and rest first."

Jiang Che stood up and spoke.

Qing Luo looked at him, blinked her eyes, and said: "Master, Qing'er can warm the bed today..."

Jiang Che: "..."

"No need for now, you can go back and rest." Jiang Che said, and left the room after speaking.

Seeing Jiang Che leave without looking back, Qing Luo's face showed a burst of disappointment.


A moment later, Jiang Che's figure appeared in front of Jiang Zhen's study.

"come in."

As soon as he reached the door, Jiang Zhen's voice came from the study.

Jiang Che pushed the door open and entered the study.

He saw Jiang Che who was sitting in front of the desk.

Stepping forward, Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Father, Emperor Yuan is gone?"

"Leave early."

Jiang Zhen opened his mouth, then pointed to the chair beside him, and Jiang Che sat down immediately.

"Emperor Yuan's sudden visit is to frighten father, right?"

"You guessed right."

Jiang Zhen nodded, and said, "It is indeed for deterrence, but there is another meaning."

Jiang Che: "??"

Another meaning?
What do you mean?
Jiang Che looked at him in astonishment.

Jiang Zhen also looked at him and said, "It's about you."

"about me?"

Jiang Che was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, a thought flashed in his mind, looked at him, and said, "Father, does Emperor Yuan want to blackmail you with me?"

"It's not a threat." Jiang Zhen shook his head.

Jiang Che: "?"

"What's that for?" He looked at Jiang Zhen in confusion and asked.

"What do you think of Princess Jianning?"

Jiang Zhen asked.

ha? !

How do I feel about Princess Jianning?
As soon as Jiang Zhen opened his mouth, he was instantly confused.

Could it be that Emperor Yuan came here not only to shock, but also to let Princess Jianning and me...

A bold thought flashed through his mind, and Jiang Che came back to his senses, and said, "Father, I don't even know what Princess Jianning looks like, so I can't understand it."

"It looks... pretty pretty too." Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Father, does Emperor Yuan want me and Princess Jianning..."

Jiang Che got straight to the point without saying anything, but the meaning behind it was already obvious.

"That's right, I want you to be the son-in-law."

Jiang Zhen nodded directly.

Jiang Che: "..."

Good guy, really...

"Then father, do you agree?"

After recovering, Jiang Che asked.

"No, I refuse for the time being." Jiang Zhen shook his head, and then said: "But if you want to, I can go down and talk to your Majesty tomorrow, and it can be done."

"Don't... baby, I don't have such a plan right now." Jiang Che said hastily.

"It seems that I was right to refuse." Jiang Zhen smiled.

"No, it's just that the child feels that if he becomes a son-in-law, it will be difficult to explain if there is any romance in the future. After all, if he becomes a son-in-law, he can only marry Princess Jianning." Jiang Che said.

Jiang Zhen: "???"

"Father, I was joking." Jiang Che blinked.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"Stinky boy, are you out of shape?" Jiang Zhen turned over the white smoke.

"Ahem, father, I plan to leave tomorrow. Before I leave, the child wants my father to contribute some money."

After coughing, Jiang Che spoke.

"Tell me, how much?" Jiang Zhen said lightly.

Jiang Che: "One billion low-grade spirit stones."

Jiang Zhen: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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