I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 134 Panhuang Secret Realm

Chapter 134 Panhuang Secret Realm
"One billion low-grade spirit stones..."

Jiang Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

This brat, the lion opened his mouth wide!

Open your mouth and want a low-grade spirit stone worth [-] million?
Do you think your father opened the Spirit Mine?
"What do you want so much money for?"

Jiang Zhen came back to his senses, looked at him and said.

"Well... my child wants to... do business."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"Speak humanly! This is not a small amount. What kind of business do you need so many spirit stones?"

Jiang Zhen came back to his senses and said.

Jiang Che took a deep breath and said, "Father, to tell you the truth, my child needs these spirit stones to cultivate the pure Yang fairy fruit. A hundred million spirit stones may not be enough."

"Is this Chunyang Fairy Fruit cultivated by you?"

Jiang Zhen looked at him in shock.

Having personally experienced it, he is very aware of how terrifying the energy contained in the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit is.

If there is no Chunyang fairy fruit, then it is impossible for him to break through the human immortal so quickly.

But Jiang Zhen did not expect that this pure Yang fairy fruit was cultivated by Jiang Che alone.


Jiang Che nodded, and said: "Cultivating a pure Yang fairy fruit requires a lot of spiritual stones, preferably spiritual veins. The child has exhausted his worth and entered the small world of the sect to obtain a large amount of pure Yang fairy energy to barely cultivate it. To cultivate the second round of pure Yang fairy fruit, it requires greater investment, but the cultivated pure Yang fairy fruit will also be more powerful."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Zhen understood, he lowered his head, lost in thought.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "So, I want my father to subsidize some, and the rest, I will figure out a solution. Although there is a lot of difference, once the pure Yang fairy fruit is cultivated, it will not be a problem for the eldest brother and the second brother to become martial arts and immortals in the future."

"Can you estimate how much you need to add up to the previous cultivation?"

Jiang Zhen raised his head, looked at Jiang Che and said.

"This... I reckon... it should be hundreds of millions, and it doesn't count the large amount of pure Yang immortal energy absorbed. The success of the first round of cultivation is mainly due to the absorption of a large amount of immortal energy. If it is only cultivated with spiritual stones, it will be more than a few billion."

Jiang Che said slowly.

"Such a big investment!!"

Jiang Zhen looked at him in disbelief.

"The investment is really big. The second round requires more. It depends on the actual situation. However, Haier estimates that if the second round of cultivation is successful, it will cost tens of billions of spiritual stones. It may not be enough."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Jiang Zhen frowned, this number, even if he heard it as the grand master of the court, he was terrified.

Ten billion spiritual stones...

"Let me think about..."

"Well, before you leave tomorrow morning, come to the study to find me, and I will try my best to prepare more for you."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Zhen opened his mouth and said.

"Thank you father!"

Jiang Che immediately beamed with joy.

"This pure Yang fairy fruit has a huge improvement and vast energy. Although the cost is high, it is quite amazing and worth cultivating." Jiang Zhen looked at him and said seriously.

"Baby thinks so too." Jiang Che nodded.

"You take this thing."

Jiang Zhen suddenly opened his hand, and a bronze key appeared in his hand.

Jiang Che: "?"

Looking at the bronze key in Jiang Zhen's hand, he was a little puzzled.

Although it looks several times larger than a normal key, and there are some mysterious lines on the material, Jiang Che still doesn't understand what the function of this bronze key is.

"Father, what is this key for?"

Looking at the two-foot-sized bronze key, Jiang Che asked curiously.

"This is a key that allows you to access the treasure house of an ancient relic, called Panhuang Secret Key!"

Jiang Zhen looked at him and said seriously.

"The Emperor's Treasure House of the Ancient Ruins!!"

Catching the key words, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly brightened.

"The Emperor's Secret Key!"

Looking at the bronze key in his hand, Jiang Che's hands trembled.

The royal treasure house of ancient ruins!
It sounds like a place where wealth gathers!
Jiang Zhen looked at him and said: "This is a treasure house of time and space secret realm established by Panhuang, the supreme being of ancient times. There are many treasures buried in it, which will only be opened once every 500 years, and only the holder who has obtained the secret key of Panhuang can enter the secret realm of Panhuang through induction. There are a total of [-] such keys handed down."

"The opening time of the Panhuang Secret Realm lasts for three months. Once the three months are up, you will be sent out of the Panhuang Secret Realm. At the same time, the Panhuang Secret Key in your hand will be completely invalid. When you leave the Panhuang Secret Realm, it will be taken back, and then it will be sent around the world, waiting for someone who is destined to find it."

"This Panhuang secret key was accidentally obtained by my father when he was away more than ten years ago. He originally planned to enter it, but it is no longer needed now. I will leave it to you."

Hearing this, Jiang Che shook the Panhuang secret key in his hand, looked at Jiang Zhen, and said, "Father, I'd better give this to you. With Father's current strength, he should have greater confidence in obtaining a lot of treasures in the Panhuang secret realm."

Jiang Zhen shook his head and said, "Father, I can't go even if I want to go now, and your strength is not bad, enough to cross one side, you can go."

Jiang Che: "???"

Want to go but can't go?

"Father, why is this?"

Jiang Che said in astonishment.

"Human Immortals and Thunder Tribulations cannot enter the Panhuang Secret Realm. Only Human Immortals or those under the Thunder Tribulation can enter. This is probably a protective measure left by the Supreme."

Jiang Zhen said.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded, and his heart became clear.

"When you go there, don't be careless. Although there are treasures, there are also organ formations left by Pan Huang in the secret realm, as well as various terrifying wild beasts."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Zhen said seriously.

Desolate beast?

"What is a wild beast? A demon?"

Jiang Che blinked, looked at Jiang Zhen and asked.

Jiang Zhen nodded and said: "It belongs to the category of monsters. This is a ferocious beast from outside the territory. Although it cannot transform into form, its strength is very terrifying. If you encounter it, it is best not to confront it head-on. The vitality of wild beasts is very terrible. It can't be killed by one blow. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered quickly in a short time. When you meet in it, running away is the best choice."

"Such a wild beast..."

Jiang Che nodded, but his eyes brightened.

As such...

Kill the desolate beast, and he will also be able to explode the rewards.

But soon, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

He thought of a question.

Panhuang Secret Realm is only opened once in 500 years, so how long is it until the next opening?
Jiang Che raised his head and looked at Jiang Zhen. As soon as he spoke, Jiang Zhen seemed to understand what he was thinking, and said, "This Panhuang Secret Realm will be opened in two years, and the location is located in the Southern Desolation Territory. Go there at your speed and arrive before it opens. There is no problem."

"In the Southern Wasteland..."

"Then I have to cross the South China Sea to step in."

A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

The four seas separate the continents, and if you want to go to other continents, you must step into the corresponding seas before you can truly enter the territory of other continents.

The area bordering the South China Sea also belongs to the border of Dagan. He had to look at the map to know exactly where it was.

Arriving at the coastline of the South China Sea leading to the South China Sea, stepping into the South China Sea, and crossing the South China Sea, can truly enter the South China Sea.

Regarding the situation in other continents, Jiang Che's eyes were completely darkened.

He has only now basically understood the situation in the Eastern Wilderness, and he has never been to most of the places, let alone the Southern Wilderness Continent.

I originally planned to travel to other continents, but also to increase my knowledge and cultivate my state of mind.

Now, with the Panhuang Secret Realm, he must not miss it.

two years.

Enough for him to arrive.

Even on the way, you can raise your own strength to another level.

Immediately, Jiang Zhen took out a jade slip and handed it to him, saying: "This is the approximate location where the Panhuang Secret Realm will appear. When the Panhuang Secret Realm opened, there was a huge movement that could be felt for thousands of miles. You go back to refine the Panhuang Secret Key and enter the approximate location. When the time comes, the Secret Realm will open, and the Panhuang Secret Key will guide you there."

"Yes, the child understands."

Accepting the jade slip, Jiang Che nodded and said.

"Go down and rest, come early tomorrow morning." Jiang Zhen waved his hand.

"Father is safe and healthy, and my son will leave first." Jiang Che saluted, and left the study with the jade slip and Panhuang's secret key.

Jiang Che was quite surprised to receive the news that Panhuang's Secret Realm could still enter it.

Among them, if there is a big harvest, then he will get rich!

Cultivating the wealth of World Tree is not a problem.

After all, a treasure house of an ancient supreme is definitely a place of wealth.

Even after exploring a few times, as long as he can get a part of it, Jiang Che will be satisfied.


After returning to the room, Jiang Che immediately refined the Panhuang Secret Key.

It was easily refined, entered his body instantly, and submerged into the dantian.

Immediately, Jiang Che picked up the jade slip, and immediately, a large amount of information flooded into his mind.

Jiang Che sat motionless on the bed, absorbing the information in his mind.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and a ray of bright light flashed through the black and white pupils.

The general location of the Panhuang Secret Realm is the territory of a Suzaku Dynasty in the Southern Wilderness.

Moreover, in the information provided by Jiang Zhen, there is a more precise location, which is located in the Suzaku Dynasty, an area called Longyang County.

No matter how accurate it is, there is no way to be accurate.

It has been accurate to the county government.

He must be able to clearly understand the movement of thousands of miles.

If you can't even perceive this, then don't go to the Panhuang's treasure house, just find a place to play with mud...

"Suzaku Dynasty..."

"Longyang County..."

Looking at the night sky outside, Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

He was full of anticipation in this Panhuang secret realm.

Getting a part of the wealth is also a shocking number.

Immediately, Jiang Che calmed down and searched the map information in his mind.

They found a city closest to the coastline of the South China Sea.

Luo Jia City!
It is a coastal city with a thriving economy.

Mainly port trade.

It is also a well-known big city in Dagan Kingdom.

"After packing up tomorrow, we will go to Luojia City..."

Feeling certain in his heart, Jiang Che breathed out a foul breath, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Get another good night's sleep.

After tonight, he will start his own transcontinental operation.

It will take a long time to cross the South China Sea.

And if there is no accident, it will be difficult if there is an accident.


The night passed quickly.

The next day.

The East is too white.

Jiang Che got up early.

Putting on a brocade attire, after breakfast, he came to Jiang Zhen's study.

Pushing open the door and entering, Jiang Che saw Jiang Zhen sitting in front of the desk.


Jiang Che stepped forward to salute.

Jiang Zhen got up slowly, took out a ring, and threw it to Jiang Che: "These are some spiritual stones that can be raised so far, and they are all in it."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he opened the storage ring in an instant. In an instant, a large number of spiritual veins and a mountain of spiritual stones appeared in his eyes.

The spirit stones piled up like five hills.

Jiang Che scanned with his divine sense and quickly learned the number of spirit stones.

A total of [-] million low-grade spirit stones.

In addition, there are 150 ninth-grade spiritual veins!

Fifty eighth-rank spiritual veins!
And ten seventh-rank spiritual veins!
This amount shocked his heart.

Good guy, isn't this father too powerful?

So much in one night? ! !

Jiang Che couldn't believe it.

This number far exceeded his expectations.

This is at least over one billion.

"Father, have you looted the treasury?"

Jiang Che's face was shocked, unbelievable.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"This is my personal savings, the national treasury with a hammer, is this the treasury?"

Jiang Zhen said unhappily.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Although you can't let you succeed in cultivating the second round, but so far, you can only take out so much."

Jiang Zhen said.

"Father, don't worry, the second round of pure yang fairy fruit children will be successful."

After recovering, Jiang Che said firmly.

"It depends on whether you have gained a lot in Panhuang's secret realm. If you get a part of Panhuang's wealth, it will make you successful."

Jiang Zhen said.

"Baby's luck has never been bad, so there should be no problem." Jiang Che smiled.

"Don't be careless, there are many dangers in the Panhuang Secret Realm." Jiang Zhen said seriously.

"My child understands." Jiang Che nodded, and then, with a wave of his hand, ten jade boxes appeared on the desk.

"Father, these ten pure yang fairy fruits should be able to increase father's strength. After the cultivation is successful, the child will give some to father."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Do you still have yourself?" Jiang Zhen frowned slightly, looking at him and asking.

Jiang Che: "Father, don't worry, there is still a part of the baby, enough."

"That's fine, I won't be polite to you." Jiang Zhen nodded, then waved his hand and put away the ten Chunyang fairy fruits.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "Don't be careless, it's a long way to go, go out, remember to be careful, don't trust anyone easily, understand?"

"Understood, don't worry, father." Jiang Che nodded.

"Then you can leave. When you arrive, you can rest for a while. It should be almost there."

Jiang Zhen said.


Jiang Che nodded, and then saluted Jiang Zhen with a serious face: "Father, my son will leave!"

After saying that, Jiang Che turned around, strode out of the study room, and finally disappeared from Jiang Che's eyes.

Seeing Jiang Che's disappearing figure, Jiang Zhen let out a sigh of relief: "This brat has really grown up..."


"Qingluo, go back."

At the door, Jiang Che looked at Qing Luo who had a reluctant face and said.

Qing Luo bit her red lips, looked at him with big watery eyes: "Young Master, when are you coming back?"

"Maybe in a few years, I will go farther this time." Jiang Che said.

"My lord, then you should be more careful." Qingluo said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, my son is not a rookie back then, haha, let's go back."

Jiang Che touched Qingluo's head, then smiled, turned around and disappeared in place.

Qingluo stood where she was, watching Jiang Che disappear from sight, and it took her a long time to recover.

Youyou turned around and stepped into the mansion.


In a short while, Jiang Che stepped out of Yujing City and came to the hillside in the outskirts of the city. Looking back at the majestic Yujing City, Jiang Che's figure turned into a ray of spiritual light, disappeared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace.


Within two days, outside Luojia City, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Looking at the endless coastline and the huge ships docked on the shore, Jiang Che's heart was surging.

When traveling to other countries, he also saw the sea.

The one that impressed me the most, of course, was the last Donghuang Xianmen Conference.

But this time, he didn't go to the East China Sea, but to the South China Sea!

On the way, Jiang Che had already purchased a map leading to Nanhuang in advance.

Includes a map of the South China Sea.

All in mind.

It would take him more than half a year to cross the entire South China Sea.

Fly over the sea.

It is easy to be targeted by sea monsters.

Moreover, the ocean weather is changing rapidly. Flying in the sky consumes a lot of energy and is very risky.

Of course, this is faster.

However, Jiang Che was looking for stability, and he had plenty of time.

Don't rush.

On the way, he marched and practiced.

It can also kill monsters in the sea.

"Let's rest in Luojia City for a day today, and set off early tomorrow morning."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che immediately stepped into this seaside city.

The streets are wide and full of people.

Luojia City is a large coastal city with a population of tens of millions.

The resident population has more than ten million, and the floating population has reached tens of millions.

The port trade economy is developed.

The ships that go to sea are not ordinary ships, but magic treasure ships of the Lingbao class.

When sailing in sea areas, ordinary ships cannot withstand strong winds and waves.

If you meet a sea monster and hit it casually, the ordinary boat will collapse on the spot.

Only Lingbao-class ships can sail one side of the sea.

Of course, this is mainly due to the capital of rich commercial firms.

For most ordinary people, they are still ordinary ships, and those with a little strength can have magical vessels.

But even a basic magic weapon requires a certain level of immortal cultivation.

The super ships that docked on the coastline were all ships of major commercial firms.

Going out to sea regularly and making deals in one trip may be wealth that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.


After wandering around in Luojia City, Jiang Che was just about to go to live in an inn, when suddenly there was a commotion in front of him.

Jiang Che stopped, and four or five figures were hurriedly running towards him.

The leader is a thin and small child, who looks only about thirteen or fourteen years old, and behind the child are four burly men.

The child stumbled and ran towards him.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che frowned slightly, turned his body sideways, and got out of the way.

But the kid seemed to have spotted him. A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes, and he remained calm and did not dodge.


All of a sudden, the child bumped into him.

"Ouch, sorry sorry."

The child hurriedly got up, said in a hurry, and then ran away.

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, followed by several big men who followed the direction in which the child was running away.

"It's pretty good at acting, but my things are not so easy to steal..."

Jiang Che flashed sternly, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared into the alley out of thin air.

And in another dark alley.

The fleeing child suddenly stopped and spread his hands, holding a beautiful jade pendant.

"Get rich!"

The child's eyes were shining brightly, and at this moment, the four strong men also surrounded him.

Seeing this, the child didn't have the previous expression of fear on his face, but proudly raised the exquisite jade pendant in his hand.

Several strong men looked at the exquisite jade pendant in his hands, their eyes were shining.

But suddenly, the smile on the child's face froze instantly, revealing a look of horror, looking behind the strong men.

The change in the child's expression also caught the attention of the strong men, and they all turned around in an instant.

A handsome young man in rich clothes was looking at them playfully.

The complexions of the strong men changed, and then they revealed fierce expressions. They looked at Jiang Che fiercely, "Boy, we belong to the Black Tiger Gang. If you leave now, you can act as if nothing happened, otherwise..."


"How about otherwise?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, a terrifying breath erupted from his body instantly.


Several strong men were instantly crushed by his momentum and knelt on the ground, unable to move.

"It's over, kicked on the iron board!"

The faces of the strong men turned ashen in an instant.

"Big brother, please spare me, I... I don't know Taishan with eyes, I am a first-time offender, please spare my life!"

The child was frightened, and hurriedly knelt down, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Jiang Che stepped forward and took the jade pendant back from the child's hand.

The terrifying aura disappeared instantly.

But the strong men still didn't dare to move. The young man in front of him definitely had the strength to kill them instantly. His aura was far inferior to that of the leader of the Black Tiger Gang.

"My lord, don't kill us. We don't know how powerful your lord is. Please forgive us once. We won't dare again."

A strong man mustered up the courage to speak, but his face was still extremely pale.

Jiang Che put away the jade pendant, looked at a few strong men kneeling in front of him, and said in a voice, "Brother the law, anyone who steals will have his hand cut off!"


"My lord, please forgive me, I don't want to break my hand."

The faces of the strong men turned even paler from fright, and the children were shaking like chaff, daring not to speak.

Jiang Che said indifferently: "If you don't want to cut off your hands, that's okay, but capital punishment is inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable. Today, I will punish you and the others and deprive you of ten years of life, so that you can grow your memory."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a gray light burst out from his palm, instantly covering the four strong men.

A red aura visible to the naked eye poured into Jiang Che's hands.

But the four strong men are aging at an alarming rate, their faces are haggard, and their hair has turned white.

This ghostly method instantly stunned the child.

This... this is a fairy!
"This is what happens when you steal, remember?"

Jiang Che looked at the child, who nodded in horror.

"get out!"

The four strong men whose lives had been extracted struggled to get up, grabbed the child, and scrambled away from the alley.

Seeing the flustered looks of these people, Jiang Che didn't change his expression, then turned around and left.

These people are skilled, not a first-time offender, but just stealing, he is not going to kill someone, it is enough for the four strong men to draw ten years of life each.

As for the child, this living lesson is in front of him. He believes that if he steals again in the future, he will never forget this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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