Chapter 135

Dragon Inn!

Room on the third floor.

Jiang Che stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Looking back, he followed to the bed and sat down.

"There are still ten pure yang fruits left..."

After checking his own pure yang fruit, Jiang Che immediately turned his attention to the World Tree.

In the next breath, the primordial spirit came out of his body, and Jiang Che brought the storage ring to the side of the World Tree of Mountains and Rivers.

The hundred-foot-tall World Tree swayed in the wind.

The trunk is crystal clear, as if cast from jade.

The first round of pure yang fairy fruit is mature, and the second round needs to be cultivated, which requires more investment.

But he won't stop, he needs a lot of resources if he wants to advance to Martial Dao Immortal and Immortal Dao cultivation base.

Pure Yang fairy fruit not only contains huge energy, but also greatly improves the breakthrough of realm comprehension.


Open the storage ring, and with one breath, spirit snakes fly out.

The majestic aura permeates the entire mountain and river map.

The leaves of the World Tree clattered, as if feeling very excited.

Jiang Che took a deep breath, and instantly manipulated the nine-rank spiritual veins to pour into the World Tree.

Taotie's appetite is like a black hole.

All comers are welcome!
The spiritual veins were devoured one after another, and bright green light bloomed from the top and bottom of the world tree.

One by one, the spiritual veins are invested.

In a few quarters of an hour, the 150 ninth-rank spiritual veins were completely swallowed by the world tree.

The trunk is thicker.

More branches branched out, and the emerald-like leaves became more luxuriant.

Flower buds appear one by one.

Looking at the flower bones on the World Tree, Jiang Che took a deep breath, and took out fifty eighth-rank spiritual veins again.


Under the control of the primordial spirit, spirit veins like giant pythons poured into the world tree.

A brighter green light blooms.

Jiang Che carefully watched the changes of the flower buds on the World Tree.

The ten eighth-rank spiritual veins were swallowed, and there was basically no obvious change.

However, he also knew this gluttonous appetite, and he was mentally prepared.

In half an hour, the World Tree swallowed up fifty eighth-rank spiritual veins.

The flower bud still hasn't opened, it just doubled in size.

The golden flower buds are very conspicuous among the green world trees.

"There are still ten seventh-rank spiritual veins, plus the seventh-rank spiritual vein derived from the earth primordial stone... It is estimated that flowering will not be a big problem, but it will be enough to bear fruit..."

Looking at the golden flower bud, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Gritting his teeth, he took out ten seventh-rank spiritual veins again.

A majestic spiritual energy emerged, and each spiritual vein was like a dragon, the size of a hundred feet.

The energy aura contained in a seventh-grade spiritual vein is almost ten times that of an eighth-grade spiritual vein.

It is not a problem to fully bloom, but judging from the situation in front of me, it is a bit difficult to bear fruit.


The spiritual veins circled, and under the power of the powerful primordial spirit, they poured into the World Tree in an instant.

The energy of the seventh-grade spiritual veins is more pure, and the more powerful the spiritual veins, the more World Tree likes them.

Under Jiang Che's gaze, this seventh-grade spiritual vein was devoured bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, this seventh-rank spiritual vein was swallowed up by the world tree.

The golden flower buds have a tendency to bloom.

Jiang Che didn't stop.

Continue to manipulate the remaining seventh-rank spiritual veins to be devoured by the world tree.

The world tree as a whole is constantly changing, and while it is brewing fruit, it is also growing.

Under continuous devouring, it also reached a height of more than 120 feet.

Giant trees!

Taller than a hill.

The taller the world tree, the more fruit it can bear.

After swallowing three seventh-rank spiritual veins in a row, the world tree bloomed completely.

64 golden flowers bloom.

It is as beautiful as a gold carving.

Looking at the original flowers, Jiang Che once again put the seventh-rank spiritual veins into the World Tree.

All ten seventh-rank spiritual veins were swallowed up.

Jiang Che looked at the changes in the flowers. In the center of the golden flowers, there was already a cyan fruit shape.

It has just taken the shape of a fruit.

However, to fully produce the fruit, more spirit stones and veins are needed.

"Five hundred million..."

"It is estimated that it can only barely produce fruit."

Jiang Che let out a long sigh, but he still had to be fed.

The second round of pure yang fairy fruit is more powerful than the first round of pure yang fairy fruit.

And the number has doubled.

A total of 64 pure yang fairy fruits.

Mountain-like spirit stones were taken out one after another.

The primordial spirit moved with a thought, and instantly turned into powder.

The World Tree greedily absorbed the spirit stone powder, and among the 64 open flowers, the fruits were also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


All the 64 million low-grade spirit stones were fed, and finally [-] pure Yang fairy fruits were produced.

Small in stature.

Only as big as a loquat.

The second round of Chunyang Xianguo will only be considered a formal Chunyang Xianguo if it grows to the size of a pineapple.

Then from blue to red, from red to mature gold.

If you invest twice as much, you probably won't be able to mature, and if you can turn red, it's probably not enough.

With the return of Yuanshen, Jiang Che opened his eyes, looked at the night outside the window, and looked into the distance.

"The next step is to rely on the Panhuang Secret Realm..."

Muttering to himself, Jiang Che immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.


The next day.

The East is too white.

Jiang Che left Longmen Inn early.

Coming to the endless coastline, looking at the huge ships docked on the coast, his figure moved, and then he rushed towards the vast South China Sea.


The blue waters are rolling with waves.

Soon, Luojia City completely disappeared from his eyes.

The vast ocean, with no end in sight.

Flying in the sea makes people feel lonely from the bottom of their hearts.

Can't see any figure.

Jiang Che stopped, stood in the void, and waved his hand.


The spiritual light shone, and a white spirit boat with a size of ten feet appeared out of thin air.

Exuding a powerful spiritual power, it is a top-quality spiritual treasure.

This is also the reward from the previous hunting explosion.

The South China Sea is vast!

Traveling on a boat can also save some real energy.

Although his zhenqi is strong, but in case of any unexpected situation, it is not necessarily so.

It is the safest thing to ensure that you are always at your peak.

The white spirit boat landed on the surface of the sea, and Jiang Che's figure also descended from the sky and landed on the spirit boat.


With a single thought, this top-quality spirit boat sailed to the vast sea in an instant, riding the wind and waves.

Sitting cross-legged on the spirit boat, Jiang Che moved with a thought, and the Chaos Tengu also appeared in front of him.

One person and one dog, stepping on a boat to move forward.

It still belongs to the offshore area.

Basically there is no danger.

But when it comes to the inner sea area, that is the real dangerous moment.

In the outer sea, there are very few powerful sea tribes, but in the inner sea, it is not necessarily the case.

Jiang Che's sailing route is not random, but the sea route that the trading company often sails.

Yigao is bold, but he is not invincible. In the inner sea, if he encounters some terrifying sea people, it will be very troublesome.

But when he met, he was not afraid.

The sea clan of Yuanshen level is not blooming everywhere, and the sea clan of Lei Jie supreme level is even more rare.

Every sea area in the four directions is controlled by the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Clan of the South China Sea governs the South China Sea.

This is also the Quartet superpower.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to make a move.

In case any existence that cannot be offended is offended, it will be a catastrophe.

The South China Sea Dragon Clan is basically in the Dragon Palace deep under the sea.

Jiang Che didn't know the location of the Dragon Palace.

But even if it is clear, he will not go there rashly.

Breaking into the Dragon Clan base camp alone is tantamount to courting death.

In the vast world, the home of the human race is still on land.

The ocean is the domain of the Dragon Clan.

And there are many branches of the Dragon Clan.

For example, the Jiaolong clan.

The Sea Clan in one sea area is basically controlled by the Dragon Clan in each sea area.

After all, the dragon family has strong genes and is born extraordinary.

The starting point is not comparable to that of ordinary sea people.

Even the ancient aliens have to bow down.


Half a month passed by.

On the surface of the endless sea in the South China Sea, a huge boat with a shining aura sailed from afar.

After sailing on the sea for half a month, Jiang Che finally sailed into the inland area of ​​the South China Sea.

Also officially stepped into the most dangerous area.

During half a month's voyage, Jiang Che rarely met other ships.

Mostly he was alone.

But Jiang Che is basically used to it.

With Chaos Tengu accompanying him, he is not too lonely, he is really bored, he can tease this guy.

For half a month, he was basically practicing.

There is also a seventh-rank spiritual vein in the map of mountains and rivers, which is enough for him to practice.

Jiang Che didn't plan to use this spiritual vein either. Under the birth of the earth essence stone, this spiritual vein was about to become a sixth grade.

Leave a capital.

In case of excessive consumption, he can draw spiritual veins to recover quickly.

In half a month, he also completely consolidated the second soul!
Jiang Che reckoned that in another month or so, he would be able to continue absorbing the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

However, if the third soul is to be cultivated, the pure Yang fairy fruit is obviously not enough.

The nine gods, Wang Yuanshen, are more terrifying than the last.

The first soul and the second soul are just the simplest god king souls.

After cultivating the third god Wang Yuanshen, the degree of difficulty will gradually increase.

Ten pure yang fruits are not enough for him to cultivate all the god kings and primordial spirits.

However, thorough absorption can also greatly improve his strength.

Entering the Panhuang Secret Realm is also more sure.


Suddenly, Chaos Tengu seemed to have sensed something, roared, stood up all of a sudden, and looked at the sea water in front of him vigilantly.

Jiang Che also opened his eyes, looked at the sea water in front of him, and narrowed his eyes.


At this moment, not far ahead, the calm sea water suddenly exploded, and two sea monsters with shrimp heads and steel forks appeared.


One of the Sea Clan with the head of a shrimp uttered words, and waved the steel fork in his hand, shining with aura.

Jiang Che frowned slightly, and the spirit boat that was moving forward came to a stop on the sea.

But at this moment, the two Sea Clan with the body of a shrimp head came forward and stared at him with steel forks in their hands, pointing at him with the steel forks in their hands, uttering menacing words, "Where are you, kid? Don't you know that this is the territory of the Black Dragon King?"

"Black Dragon King?"

Jiang Che frowned slightly, shook his head lightly, "I don't know."

He didn't make a direct move, since there are so many Sea Clans in the Inner Sea, if any big troubles are caused, it will be difficult to deal with.

These two shrimp soldiers are just around the corner. If they want to kill them, he can kill them in seconds.

But the ghost knows if there are any powerful sea people nearby.

Although the black dragon king these two shrimp soldiers were talking about was not known how strong it was, he shouldn't be a little guy if he had anything to do with dragons.

After practicing for so long, he is not the fledgling kid back then. When he arrives in someone else's territory, he should keep a low profile, or keep a low profile.

"What? You don't even know the name of my Black Dragon King?"

A shrimp soldier was furious.

"I'm passing through here, so I don't know, please get out of the way, I have to continue on my way."

Jiang Che said calmly.

"Passing here, no wonder I don't know. If that's the case, then I forgive you. However, if you want to pass through the territory of our Black Dragon King, you have to pay a toll."

Another shrimp soldier said.


A stern look flashed across Jiang Che's eyes, but he remained calm on the surface.

"How many?"

"With 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, you can travel unimpeded."

The two shrimp soldiers looked at each other and said in unison.

"100 yuan low-grade spirit stone?"

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

A ray of murderous intent rose in his heart.

The 100 yuan toll fee for low-grade spirit stones is simply extortion.

"What? You don't want to give it?"

Seeing the questioning on Jiang Che's face, a shrimp soldier said angrily.


As soon as the words fell, a black and white divine light was activated instantly, obliterating the shrimp soldier, and a huge shrimp head was turned into powder, turning into a huge headless prawn, which was so dead that it couldn't die anymore.

The demon book vibrated, and a reward emerged.

Huangzi Jiupin.


The other shrimp soldier turned pale with shock, his demonic power surged, and just as he was about to make a move, Jiang Che's eyes once again shone with a yin and yang divine light, obliterating the shrimp soldier.

He didn't waste the two headless prawns either. With a wave of his hand, he directly put them away and threw them in front of Chaos Tengu.

Looking at the headless prawn in front of him, Chaos Tengu yelled excitedly, and swallowed it in one gulp.


The spirit boat sailed again and quickly disappeared on the sea.

He didn't want to cause trouble, but it didn't mean he was afraid of trouble.

The two-word shrimp soldier and crab general also want to blackmail him, so naturally he will not be rude, just kill him.

Although there are risks, he is still not worried.

Not to mention crossing the South China Sea, but those who have the strength to kill him are definitely a minority.

Two wild characters were rewarded for extraction, and Jiang Che got two pills.

And at this moment, during the voyage, the sea water exploded again, and a burst of black air rushed out from the sea water.

At the same time, a wave of demon power surged, forming an enchantment that enveloped the nearby sea water, trapping Jiang Che's spirit boat within it.

The black air circled, and in the black air, a strong man in black robe stepped out.

He looked at Jiang Che angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You are so brave, you dare to kill even this king's subordinates. Today, you will either pay me 100 million low-grade spirit stones, or you will leave your life to this king."

"It seems that this is the Black Dragon King that those two shrimp soldiers were talking about..."

"A mutated loach, I thought it was a dragon."

Looking at this big man in black robe, Jiang Che saw his real body at a glance.

This black dragon king is just a loach spirit.

The cultivation base of Jindan in the early stage is not considered a small one.

But in the vast inner sea, it is definitely not ranked.


Stepping on the spirit boat, Jiang Che didn't speak, and the yin and yang light in his pupils was instantly aroused.

The covering enchantment was directly shattered, and the Yin-Yang divine light rushed towards the black dragon king in an instant.


Aware of this terrible blow, the face of the Black Dragon King changed drastically, a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and a black shield appeared instantly.


But in front of Jiang Che's yin and yang divine light, this magical shield was directly penetrated, directly piercing the head of the Black Dragon King.

Kill with one blow!

Even the soul of the Black Dragon King did not escape, and was completely wiped out.


When his body hit the sea water, the waves stirred up in an instant, and a huge black loach of four or five feet appeared in his eyes.

The demon book vibrates, a golden reward light group appears, and the character Huang is first-grade.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the light picked up the body of the black loach, without any treatment, it was directly handed over to the Chaos Tengu to devour.

The blood essence of a demon at the early stage of golden core is not enough for him.

Moreover, the pure yang fairy fruit can greatly improve his physical martial arts, so he naturally doesn't need this inferior blood essence to improve.

However, Jiang Che put away the storage bag that the Black Dragon King carried with him.

"This guy is quite rich..."

After checking it, the black dragon king had more than 20 low-grade spirit stones in his storage bag. As for the other magic weapons, Jiang Che didn't care at all, the quality was too poor to catch his eyes.

However, he didn't discard it either, and when he got to a place, he could make a move.

After cleaning up, Jiang Che urged the spirit boat to set sail again!

A month has passed.

On the way, Jiang Che killed four or five sea clan monsters without eyes.

The powerful Sea Clan didn't follow him either.

Along the way, there were not too many twists and turns.

Sitting cross-legged on the spirit boat, Jiang Che glanced at the Chaos Tengu lying beside him, then took out the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

Halfway through, he improved his strength again, and when he arrived in Nanhuang, he also had more confidence.

With Chaos Tengu protecting him, he wasn't too worried about any troubles. In general, Chaos Tengu could handle it easily.

A layer of golden light enveloped the whole body, and Jiang Che fell into a frenzied refinement.

This time, in just one day, he refined the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

The realm of martial arts is still a high-level martial saint, and he has not reached the peak martial saint.

The third soul has not yet been cultivated.

However, some strength has also been improved, the qi and blood have become more vigorous, and the artistic conception of Wu Sheng has also become stronger.

Although the primordial spirit has not cultivated into the third primordial spirit, it has improved a lot.

Jiang Che didn't stop, and continued to take out a Chunyang Fairy Fruit for refining.

Two days passed.

On the spirit boat, a majestic aura rushed out of Jiang Che's body, causing even the air in the void to vibrate.


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

After continuously refining two pure yang fairy fruits, he finally cultivated the third soul.

In the dantian, the aura of the golden core is even more terrifying than before.

The thick true energy flowed.

The energy in the body is rolling!

But the only regret is that the two Pure Yang Fairy Fruits still didn't allow him to reach the peak Martial Saint, and he was still at a high-level Martial Saint.

But his artistic conception of power is more terrifying than that of ordinary peak martial saints.

The strength of a full 150 dragons.

The power that broke the limit of Wu Sheng.

Jiang Che reckoned that it should be because his realm had risen too fast and hadn't been completely stabilized, so he hadn't reached the level of a peak Martial Saint.

"Wait for a few months of calm, complete stability, and should reach the peak Martial Saint..."

A thought flashed in his mind, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

A high-level martial saint, his power and artistic conception are stronger than that of a peak martial saint.

Most of this is due to the Chunyang Fairy Fruit.

Without the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit, he would not be able to improve so quickly.

It also strengthened the idea of ​​letting him cultivate Chunyang Xianguo.

To improve the martial arts immortal, he needs more Pure Yang Immortal Fruits.

Whether the second round can be achieved, he is not sure.

After all, the gap between martial arts immortals and peak martial saints is too great.

More than a hundred times!

And with his promotion, half of the energy of the pure yang effect will also increase the cultivation base of immortality.

Yuanshen is his advantage, and he can learn more.

Once one enters the Primordial Spirit Realm, the resources needed for promotion are even more unimaginable.

The exercises are powerful, but the price paid is also the same.


Jiang Che stood up suddenly and cast his gaze into the distance.

Under the perception of his powerful primordial spirit, hundreds of miles overseas, a giant island appeared in his perception.

There are also cities built on the island, and the flow of people is huge.

It is a very prosperous island.

Along the way, Jiang Che did not miss the island.

There are also islands with cities, but he didn't stop there.

But that was all in the outer sea, and when he entered the inner sea, he rarely saw islands with human cities.

Most of the islands are the same size as small towns.

"This island... should be Ten Thousand Immortals Island?"

Looking in the direction of the void island, Jiang Che thought for a while.

Judging from the position on the chart, the island hundreds of miles away looks a lot like Wanxian Island.

But in the inner sea, there are not many such large-scale city islands, or even a handful of them.

Without certain strength, it is impossible to build such a large-scale island.

Unlike other islands, Wanxian Island is an island ruled by multiple forces.

The island stretches across thousands of miles.

Basically, it was divided up by the ruling forces.

From what he knows, Wanxian Island is mainly divided among the three parties.

As for which tripartite forces it was, he didn't have a deep understanding of it.

Generally speaking, in the dangerous inland sea, Wanxian Island is a relatively safe island.

"Then rest here for a day, and then continue to go..."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Jiang Che quickly settled down.

The spirit boat under his feet was heading towards Wanxian Island hundreds of miles away at a fast speed.

Soon, a huge island that could not be seen at a glance appeared in his eyes.

The scale is very large, and countless buildings are listed on the island.

At the coast of the island, there are also many figures, and some large ships of commercial companies are docked.

Wanxian Island is also a midway supply point for many commercial firms.

In addition to the large-scale merchant ships, there are also merchant ships from other countries in the Eastern Wasteland.

Multinational commercial firms also created the prosperity of Wanxian Island.

Wanxian Island has a total of more than a dozen port areas.

Jiang Che came to one of the port areas, disembarked from the spirit boat, and immediately included it in the map of mountains and rivers.

"My friend, please pay ten low-grade spirit stones."

Just as Jiang Che put away the spirit boat, a group of uniformly dressed people came in front of him immediately.

A young man in the lead looked at him, holding a magic weapon like a mirror in his hand.

Jiang Che glanced at him, and the young man said, "My friend, this is the rule of Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Individuals, including personal spirit boats, are all given ten low-grade spirit stones, and merchant ships of commercial firms are charged one hundred low-grade spirit stones, and then issued a certificate. With the issued certificate, they can live in Ten Thousand Immortals City for one day."


Hearing this, Jiang Che nodded, and took out ten low-grade spirit stones and handed them to the person in front of him.

The young man clicked twice on the magic weapon of the mirror, and immediately handed him a bronze leaf, which was the proof.

There is a special pattern on the front, and a font engraved with the word "star".

On the reverse side is a special stamp.

"Welcome to Wanxian Island!"

(End of this chapter)

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